Resolution-PC 89-144' ~~1 ,~ K~;~ t, ~i_ rr rr4,._..~~4 ~. ~ A R~;SOLUTION OF TFiE ANAF.(EIM CI~Y pL~1NNItvG COMMT~SZON TFiAT PF:CITTON F'OR VARIANCE N0. ~951 B~ GRANZ'Ell WHERFAS, tho An~hoim City Planning Conuniasion did roaoivo a veri.fied k~etition Eor Vari ance from RAY:•tOND ASSOCI~TGS, 81x W. 7tYi StreeC, Suite 310, Los AngQlea, CA 9f1017, ownc~r, nnd BOWER PEREZ ASSOCIATES, 811 S~. 7L•h 5~re~C, SuitQ 310, L~~s Angeles, CA 9U07.7, agent fur certai.n real property sitvated in ~he City a.E Ariaheim, County of Orango, Stat.e oP Calif•orn.ia described as: ~'HAT PORTIO-1 OE TNE k'RACTZQNAL NORTFiEAST. QUARTEE2 OF SECTION 3, TOWNSEITP 4 SOUZ'FI, RI~NGE :LO WEST, TN 1'HC R~~NCHO SAN JUA23 GAJON DF SANTA ANX-, IN TAE CITY OF AN~(EIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STAT~ OF CALIFORNXA, AS PER MAP RE~URDED IN IiUOK 57., PAGE lU OF M'ISCELLANEUUS MI~PS, TN THE O~FICG OF THE COUNTY RECORDGR OF SAIb COL'NTY, DESCRIBGA AS FOI~I,pWS; ,~ bEGINNING AT A POIPIT 10 CHAINS ~OUTH OF THE NORTHEAST • CO1tNER OF SAID SECTION 3, 1'I?GNCE SOUTH 10 CHAFNS AI~ONG THF SEC:2IQt~T iINE; THENC~ WEST 20 CHAINS PP.RAI~LC[, TO TEiE N022THERLX LINE OF SATD SCC'PIUN; THENC~ NORTH 10 CHAINS AND TEiENCE GAST 20 CHAINS TO THE PUtNT OF BEGINNING. u0T A AI' TRACT N0. 6383, I~Y THE CITY 03? ANAH~ID1, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHQWN ON A MA:~ FcECORDED IN HOOK 244, PAGE 48 OF MISCELLANEQUS hiAPS, RECORDS OF ORA2IGE COUNTY, CAI.IL'ORNIA, LYINC WITHIN TENTATtVE PARCEL MI~P 64-142. WEiEREAS, the City Planning Commi.~sion did hold a pixblic hearing at tne Civic Canter in the City of Anaheim ou May ?.2, lggg, at 1:30 p.m., noticc o~ said public hgariny }iavznq been duly gzven as required by law ~,nd 3n acc~rdance with the provisicns oE the Anaheim Municipal Codo, Chapter 18.03, to hoar and consider av~dQnce for and against said proposed var.iance and to investi~ate and make findings and recommendations in connection there ..Ll~; a„d WHk:kEAS, said CommiK~ion, aPter due inspecr.ion, invastigt~tion aiid study macle by itsel~ an~l 3n its behalE', and afCer due consideration of all ovidence and r,eports offc~red at said hQaring, doas ~ind and determine the tollowang far,t•s: I. That the petitiorior rP~uesls waivers of the follow3ng to eQrablish a 16~1ot industrial s~abdivisio::: 0073r -1- PC99-144 ~ ~ i ~~A?!cPt.:.. ;.:..r.: /re.^rc - . . ... , _ . . , ~yrn !~. /k'+~~1~ ~ ,, ~ 'I ~; , w^~ (A) ,~~~.~:I~N_ 1.4~4_~~~0 - R iixQ.$~~!'~.~~1.5~€~9Q• (~.1__~Q~.,ry. required t~ abut a public stree~ pr a11~y; I,~~,~1os. 2~~,r~ua 12 not ~butting public stc•eot or a11ay) (~) F:rzi~ 1~§i~o.5~~~:~1 -• Mi~iLn1~_~!_Fr4~~.~~~24L~k• (.'~0 £eot;, roquiro8 along RaSnnond Avenue; ~~fg,Q~ propo~ad) 2. That the above-mentioned waivers axe hereby granted ~n ~he basis tha~ thore arQ spc~ciaJ. circums~ancQS aFpl,icablQ ko the pruper'ty such ns size, shape, t~pography, location and surr.ovndings whzch ao not apply tn other identically zoned property in tho ~ame vicinity; that stric~ application of the Zaning Code deprivbs the pro~erty of pri.vilggos enjoysd by other propertzes in tho identi.cal zonQ and classification in the viai~nit;~, and that private acco3s easements will be provided in ace~z•daiice wi~h City star~dards. 3. That there are exceptional ax extraordiriary circumstancas or conditians applicable to tlir~ property invulved or ~o the ini:ended use o~ t2ie p•-operty that do not apply generally to th~ property or class of use iYi the ~ame vicini.t,y and zone. 4. That the requested variance is necessary f.or the preservatian a:zd enjoyment nP a substanti~,l p:operty right possessed by o~her pro;~erty in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to tY-e propQrty in question. 5. That the requested vaxianco wi'l1 not ba materially detrimental to the public welfare ~r injv.rious to tl:e property or imprnvomen~_s in such vicinity and zone in which the property is locatad. 6. That no one indic~tad hheir prgsance a~ said public heari.ng in onposition; and that n~ correspondence was zece.ived in opposition to stabject pe~iti~n. ~A~,~~g~IIA EiNIR~tt~N:~,A~„QjLAT,~~X ACT FINDING; That the Anaheim CiCy Pla:ining Commission has review~c~ tho proposal for waiver af requirod lor fxontaqe and minimum front setback to e~tablish a 16•-1at indus~zial subdiuision on a rectangularly-shaped pTrnel of l~nd consis~ing o~ approximaCely 18.6 acres locakad at the northwest corner of R~ymond A~enue and Orangofair Lane an~d further doscribod as 1525-1547 27orth Raymond Avenue ; and does hereby approve the Negative Decl~ration upon tinding that it has c.onsidered khe NQgative Declaratic~n kogather ~,~it1i any commenCs raceived during the publtc roview process and furth~r find.ing on the basis of ~he initial ~tu~y and any commeiit3 received that there is na substant~al evidence that the project will h~ve a signlficant eftoct on the env.ironmctnt;. NOW, THEREFO~E, BE I'!' RESOLVBD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby gi•ant subject Petition for VariancQ, upun the following conditions ~hich arQ hereby found tc be a necessary prorequisite to the pruposed use of the subject propRrty in or..er to preservo the safety an8 genarctl welfare of the Citizens o~ the City of Anahoims ._. -Z- PC89-144 S `>'r. 4,ri ~ ' _ _ .. .. .. . . . ..... o.~~.~r-,•,yur~v.a1 ~ `,' ' „ ! 1 , Ad'~ 1. That. prior to issuanco of a building pormit, ~hN approFrgate traffic sa gnal asse . ssmynt fao shull be p~id to the City of Anah~im in an amoun~t as ostab7.ished bI~ City Council resolution. 2. Tkiat sidewalka~ sha11 be installed along Raymond Avenue ss requiroc~ by ttie City Engineer and i ! ~i ~ n aecoxdanc~ with standord plans t~nd spocifications ~n £i1e in the Off.ice of the Ci~y Engir.oQr, ,, ~ 3. 7'hat all drivoways an Raymon:i AvenuQ shall ba constructed With ton (1p) foot radius a b ur returns as require3 by th~ City Enc~ineer. ;. , 4. ' That any fencing or y~tos installod anywhere on subject pro~erty sha11 be reviowed a.nd approved by the F1 D ~ , YA epartmon~, City Traif.ic Engiueer and Zoning Div.ision. ,'' S. ' That all cirive ai.sles lFaading ho ~ruck do~rs shall be desigaed wiCh m3nimum widthc of thirt~ t2~r c (33 ~ y ; e ~ feg~, ~ss required by the City Tra~fxr. Engineer. 5. That s'treet lighting Fac~litx~s along Raymond Aver~ue shall be .in~tallsd as roquired. by the Urilities General Manager in aacordance wx~h spoci£icar_ions on file in tlie Offico of 'Jtilities General Manager; or that security in the form of ~ bond, certific~te of denosit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form sati;;factiory to the Czty p~ Anaheir~, ~hall be posted with the Cit.y to guarantee the satisfactory com~letion af the above-men~ioned improvements. Said s~curity shall bQ posted with the City of An~heim prior to issu~ncs of a building permi,t. The above-required improvernent;s shall be installed prior to ~ecupancy. 7. Th.at al1 lols within subject subdivision shall hQ served by undergroun~3 utilities. 8. That separate fir` service r.onnac~ions (backflowsj shall be provfded for each building within subject subdi~rision, as requireci by thR City Ff.re DoparL•mont. 9. That orior to commoncement of structur.al framirag, on-sitt~ fire hydrants shall ba installed and charged as required and 3pproved by the City Fire Department. An all-waather roaci must be providec~ to the hydrant and be available a~ a11 times, 10. That fire sprinklers sYiall be insL-alled ~s requirod by the City Ffrc~ Depar tt~ent . .11. That the water main sh~ll be t.ied in from property to the norkh to lnop ; through subj~ct property, as required by Cho Water Enginoerxng Division. j In a3~9fti.on, the exisCing FullertQn fire service shal]. be abandoned. ~ 12. That a recipror,t~1 access agreoment, in a form satisfactory to the City 1 I Attorney, shall be recc,rded with the pffice of the Orange County f F?scorder. A copy oE th~ recorded agreement shall then be submitted to ~"~ the ?.on~ing Divi~ion. -3- F'C89-144 ~ i ~ ' . ~ ~ ' . . . . " . . i . r .:~,t4~~.'I'. f. ~ ~r.;;c...\ , . , ~,r1,ke~ ~ Y;~S' 13, That tha vehicul~x access rights tio Raymond Avenue, except at app.xoved access points, sY,all be dedicated tc~ the City oE Arlaheim. 1~. That drAinage c~f subject property sha11 be appravad in a rnanner satisf3ctory to t:ho City Engineer. 15. That trash storage areas shall bE provided and ma.intained in a locat,ion acce~~table to the Street Maintenance ~nd. San.itAtion Divis3c+n bnd in accordance with approvQd p.lans on Eile wit2~ sai~ Div3~ion. Such inEormaL•ian shall ~ie specifically shown on the plan~ submitted for building permits. 16. That all ~ir. condiCioning facilities a.nd uther roof nnd ground mo~:nkeci equipment shall be properly shi.elded from view. Such xnformation sha11 be specifzcal:ly shown on thQ plans ~ub-nitL•ed for buildin~ p~rmits. 17. That the proposal sha11 ~~mply wi~h all signing requirement;s o~ ~hQ M1L "InBustrial, Limitad" Zone, unless a vari.ance allowing sigr,~ waivers is ap~roved by the Cit,y Counr.il, Planning Commi.ssion ar Zoning Admanistrator. lt~. Tha~ a landsc~pe plan for subject property aha13, be subm,itted ~o the Zaning Division fos rev.iew and apprav~l. Any decision made by the Zoning niUision regarding saiil ~>~ ~n may b~ appaaled to the Planning Commis5cion ancl/or City Cauncil. 19. ThaL subject pruperty sha11 bo dQVelopecl substantia].ly in aCCOrdance wi.th plans and specifications or. fi1~ with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibil: Nqs. 1 throug~ 8. 20. 'Phat priar ta issuar~ce af a bu,ilcling permit or wii:lzin a period of one (1) yoar Prom tlie dnte o[ this resolution, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18, above-m~ntionad, sha11 be compl ied with. Extensioris for fi-rther time tio com~lete said concliCions may be grante~3 in accorciance with Section 1a.03.090 of tlie Anaheim Municipal Coc~e. 21. That prior to final buildir,g and zoning inspections, Cor_dition No:a. 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 1~ and 19, above-mentioned, sha7.1 be compli~d wi~}l. 22. That approval of ~his application constitutos approva.l ~f the pr~posed request on].y to the extent that it cam~lfes with the Anaheim :~unicigal 2oning Code and any other applicablfl City regulations. Approval floes not i.nclude any action or findings as to complianao or ap~.~roval of t'tzo reque~t rgg~r~3iiig any otha~r applicable ordinance, requlation or requirement. BE IT FUF.THER RESOLVED that the Anareim City Pl~anninq Commission does hereby L•ind and cletermine that a8option of this Resolution is expressly precl3cated upon applicant's compliamce~ with each and ~11 of the condit3ons herei.nabove set forth. Should any such condit3~ns, or ariy part ~hereof, be declared invalfd or unnnforceable by the Einal judqmont ot a~ny court of competent juristiiction, then this Resoluhion, ancl any approvals heroin cont~inod, shall be deemed null anci void. '4- PC99-144 y ~1 . ;~ ~~'~ ~ , _ _ ~ ~I~'~~L~.-,..~:.r__ . SECR~:IARY, ANAHEYM CITY PY,bNNING COMhlISSION THF FUREGOTNG RESOLUTTQ:T zs signed and approved by me this 22nd day ~'~ of May, 1989. ~' •~ ~ ~: , ~~'r~l.d' % !J~`=c~.S2._.._ i CHA OMAI~,,-~NAH~IM CITY P~,~NN'!NG COMMISSION `~ ~~ ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUtdTX OF ORA2:G~; ) ss. CTTY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harri;;, Secrocary of tho Ianaheim Cit~y Planning Commis~ion, d~ hereby certzfy that the foregoing resolution wms passed and ~dopted at a moeting of t,:ho Anaheim City Plannixig Commissznn hold on May 22, 1989, by the following vol:e of the members thereois AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, i30YDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELD~iACTS, T.~IEREiST, MC EiURN~Y, I~(ESSE NCL'S: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CON,I~SISSIONERS: NONE IN WI'rNESS WFiEREOF, I tiave hereunr,o sQt my hancl this 22nd day of May, 1909. ~ '`' ~ ~ . .~~ __ ~ SECR~'fAR]f, ANAHEIM CTTY f'LANNING COt~4IISSI02i ~' ~5- PC89-144 ~;,i ~~ ; ~i ;.; "'/: .;~ •,fi, ~ ;.,~~ ;,.~;+v ~Y~ , .. . .. ~,..?~