Resolution-PC 89-145`+', ~ ~~ ,~ o~ .~ ,.r~ ~ , , ~. , . ~': t ~ , ~~,_ ~Q~ '~`~ R~,S~,,QL~TTTUN IdOL~,~9-145 A RESOI.,UTYOTf QF TAF ANAF3EIM GITS' PLAN~TxNG C~bRdISSION THAT PETITIO~T FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ?~?0. ~159 BE GRANT~D 'v1H~REAS,, the Anahei.m City Plarining Conurission did r.•acei.ve a verif.ied ?~'erition for Conditional Use Permit from REPUBLIC b'FDERAL SAViNGS & LOAN A5SOCiA'rION, A COkYQRATION, P.O. Box 54089, ~o~ Angela~, CA 90054-0989, own~r, and AR. GEORG~ W. TAUS, M.D., 29000 S. Western Avenue, 5uite 305, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 907~2, agent for certain real pro~erty situated in tY:e City of Ax~aheim, County ot Orange, State of Ca1i£ornia, described bs: E'ARCEL 1.: I~OT 3« OF TRACT NU. 2537, I2J TFIE CIT'Y OF ANAI3EIM, GpUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALSFORNIA, AS PF.R MAP RECARDED IN BOOK 75 PIeGES ~A AND ~9 Cr MISCELLANE~US MI~tPS, R~CQRAS OF ORANGE CAL`N'lX, CALIFORNiA; A1dD PAR(:EL 2: LOT 33 OF TRACT t70. 2537, IN THE CITY OF AN,'#HEZM, COUN'.~Y OF ORA,2~'G~~ ST11TE OF CALIFOItNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDrID :[N HOOK 75 PAGES ~8 AND 39 OP' MISCE~,L~ANEGUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ~RA.NGE COUNTY,, CALIFORrIIA; AND l?ARCEL 9: '.fHAT PORTIAN CF TE~E ATORTIiSVEST QUAR7~R OF THE SdUTHWF:ST QUART~tt ~~F SECTION 17, TOWNSTiIP 4 SOLITFI, RANG~ 1G Y7EST, It7 TfiE P.I~TCHO LAS COYpTES, T.N TFiE CITY OF ANAHEIN,, COUNTX OT' ORANGE, STATE aF CALIFORNI?~, AS PER MAP RFCORD~D IN BOOK 51, PAGE 10 OF' MISCELLAN'~OUS MAPS, IN THE OFI'ICE OI' THE COliNTY KECORDER OF SAID C OUNTY . BEGINNIN'G AT A F'07NT TN THE CENT~R LINE OF BROORHURST STREET, SAID PUTNT BEItIG NORTH 0° 40' 60" EAST 1?4.31 FEET FROM iH~ SOUTHWEST ~ORNER OF SAIA NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QLJAItTER; T1IL•'1.~~E r.r~gg~g gg~ 58' wl" EAST ALONG A LINE PAF(ALLEL CV1lH TH~ ~r1[7TH I,iNE OF SATD SOUTHWEST QUAItTT:R UF THE NORT.4iWi.. ~ QUART~R 300 F„~T; THENCR NQRTFi 0° 40' 06" EAST PARAI,LEL F1ITH SAIU CENTER LZNE AF BROOKHURST STR~CT 200 FEET; THENC~ SOUTH 89° 58' 11" WEST PARALLEL TA SAID SOUTH LINE 300 FEET TO A PO~NT IN 5AID CFNTER LZN~ OF BROOKHURST STREE'P; THENCE SOiTTI~ 0° 40' 06" FFEST ALOk7G SAID CEN't~R LINE 200 FEET TO THE POINT t?F BEGINNING. Ot374r -1- PC89-145 ',~~'"1 j':;~ ;;~I WI~~REAS, the Cit.,y ~] ana~ing Coimnission did hold a public hQaring at the Civ~.c Centor in the ~'ity of Analir~im on May 22, 1989 at 1:30 p.m., ixo~ice bf said public hearirlg having been d~ulyr given as required by law and in accordance wiL•h the provi.si.ons of tka~: Anak~eim Mu:iicipal Code, Chaptor 18.03, to hear and consider e~/idencQ for and against said proposed condztional use pQrmit and t4 invastigr~t~ and make findings and recommendat3ons 9,n connect~i~n L'he~rewith; and ~. ; "" YJHEREAS, said rammission, aCter due nspec~ion, ixivestigat.ion and ~ study rna3e by itse].f ar.d in :lts behalf, and axtQr dua con~I3eratioxi oE a~1 evidence and repnrts oELered at sa.id hearing, daes find an~3 determine the following facts: 1. That t:}.s p~tikiUner r~quests approval af a conditional us,e permit under authorit:y o£ Code Section 18.03.03U.010 to permit a ternporary medical oE£ice trail.er at an exis~ing medical cor~plex writh waiver o£ t.hQ fo2lowing under authority of Code Sac~ion 18.Q6.08a: `i ~~TION~S _18.06. ~' 2]1 - Minimu.-n number~f ~ar)cinct 5vaces. ~nd :t8.4~§6.Q5.~_ (141 required; ~ pr~pas~d~ ,~s 2. That the parking waiver will not cause an increase .in tra£fic cc~ngest,ion in the immediatQ viczni.ty no.r adversely affcact any adjoining land u5es and granting of L•he parlting waiver under t2ie r.onc~itioxi5 imposod, if any, wi11 not be datr,imenta.l to the pe&Ce~ hea~.th, saEety a~~ gene~al welfare af ~he citi.zens of the City of Anaheim. 3. That the proposed use is taereby ~~ran~ed ~or a period of three (3} rnonths only, to expire on August 22, 1989. 4. That the proposed us ia her.oby granted subjer~ to restricted hours of o~eratio,i as fallows: 7a.m, to 9:30 p.m. - Saturdays 7 p.m. tu 9:30 g.m. - 3 iiigi~ts a vr~ek anii fur.ther that trucks dolivcring equipment sha11 not arrive after g:30 p,m. ,, ar bePore '1 a.m. an any~ iiay. f~. 5. That t::e temporary trailer sriall only ~e ,parked in the inner ~;, courtyard area and that a permanent. power sotirce shall ba provicled, with no ga~olinE or diesc~l powered g~-nerflto~-s bain;g permitted. ~ ti. ~hat the propasecl use rrill not aclversely affect rhe adjoining land uses 3nd the gr~wth and dovelopment of t;hc~ a: ea in which i.t is proposed to be located. 7. That the sizo and shape o£ adequate to al low th ~ f Jl the site pro~osed gor the u3e is ;•.' . c v develop~n~nt oi detriment~a? tc- the purticular area the proposed usP in a manner not aor gener~l welfar~a of the 4itiz~ens of the City to the peace, health, o£ Anahe.im. sufety and ` .;, 8. That the grantin.~ of the Gonditi~nal U~e Perm3t under ~ha ;~i conditions im~~o~ed, iE any, will not be detrimontz~l to the ~eace, heal th .;~ safety and qen~eral weltaro of the Citizens ~f th~ City of Anaheam. , , ,;, ~2- ~C89-14.5 ~~~ ~.;~1.~^1 (r ~;•~ . , . ',~, ~, ' . . . . ~aY~~ . . . . . , _ . °,~ . . . , . ~ - . , .. ~. , ~ . , . ?~. 9. That thc~ traffic yener;~teci by the propos~d use will not impose ar~ unduo burden upon the streots ~nd hi~hways des3gned and impr~ved to carrv ~lie traffic in the aroa. - 10. That thras (31 porsnns indicated their presence nt said nixblic k~earing iiz opposition; and that two 1e~ters wer~ received in ~pposition to the ~ubjec:t petitian. .~IFORNIA_ LNVTRONMENTAL OLTAL?'rY ACT FTNDING: That tb~ Anaheim City P~.anziing CommiS3i~ has revaewQ~~ the ~proposal to perrnit a temporary rnedical office trailor. , an ~xisting med3.c~1 complex with waivQr of min.imum number oE parking spaces on an .i,rregularly-shaped parccl of land con~i;~ting of approacimately 1.91 mcres, locat~d at thP youtheast corner ~E Niobe Street and Brookhursi: 5treet, and furthRr described as 710-718 SouCh 3rookhurst Straet (Sherwoo8 Medical Center); and does hereby spprove the Neg~tive De~'laration upon f.inding that it has cansiderQC3 i;he Negative Declaration together wikh an~~ comments received duri.ng the public review grocess an8 E'urther Einding on 'ths basis of the initial studx and any camments receivod that the.re is no substankial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on L-he envirorunent. NOW, T~EREI'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha~ ~h4 Anaheim City Planning Commission doec liereby granl: subject Yetition £ox Conditir~nal Use Permit, upan the £ollawiiig canditions whic.h are horeby iound to be a necessazy rrercquisite to the proposed use of the subjoct, progerty in ~~rder to preserve the safety 4nd y~ner~l weltaro of t).ie ~itizens of the City oE Anaheim: 1. That in the event a parcel map is not racordecl combining the two (2) t~xisfing lots, tk~e logal property ~k•nec shall furn~ish the Zoning Division with a copy of, a recorded covenant and agrQt~ment in 3 for.m apprAVOd by Lhe City Att~rnay agreeing to hold subject pr~perty as one p~rcel. 2. That th~ trailer shnll be locate~ no closex than twenty (20; feet to the exi3r.ing medical office building; tYlat only one trailer shall be ~aerm.ittect arid it shall bQ locaCer~ in the inner ~;ourtyurd area; and that a permane~iC pnwer source sha.ll be Suppli~d, rritih no gasoline or diesel gen~rators being permitted. 3. ~hzt pz•ior. to issttance of a permit, P~r thE~ Lrailer permit, the apprQpriate traf£ic signa.l assessment fee s2xa11 b~s paid to the City of Anaheim in an amou:zt as establisried by CiI:X Coixncil re~olutian. 4. T:~at all driveways on Brookhurst Str~et sha].l be reconstrucCed tc, accommodate t~sn (10) foot radius curb returns. Existing broken or cracY.ed driveways shalJ. be removed and replacad as raquired by the Ci.ty Engineer. 5. That any utilities necossary to opsraC~ subjQCt trailer shall be locatQd underground. 6. That a fee shall be pa~d to the City of Anaheim for street lxghting along Niobo Street in axi amount as establishec~ by City Counci]. cesolution. 7. That street lighting facilities along ~3rookhurst Stteer ~hall be i.nstalZed as required by the iTtili.ties Gcneral bianager in accordance with ~per,ifications on file in the Office of Utilities General Man~ger. -3- PCC9-I45 ~ ~ 5:1~: ; ~,~: , ;. ,{~ , ~; it am•xrav,s~rtatrry„~n.~r< f ~vu.~n~air,.r.e.;i~:ru :.:,:... .,,~,~,.~.> .,,~.~,;~r .,~:- , .. . . .. , r.,;,,- ..,., ~~.~. . .,.,.,.~. , _..~;., ~ . . . . . ., . ....,,_. , ,..,,~... ,.,,r...,,,r. ., . .,, . . -:.. ~ . i ~• ur .... I n, rrir x ~ ' ' ` ~ /C ~ ~,;' _~ . . ~~ ~ y.;;' '~:~~. 8. Th~,t a Ese shr~11 be paid to the Ci~ty of Anaheim £or tr,eo plantfng along Brookhurst Street and Nio b~ Stre~t in an amount as established by Ci~y Council rasolution. 9~ That the ~ound frorn all mechanical equipment cannected to the trai.ler ~~ '~em~orary, such as air conditi.oners, sh~11 k~e buffera~d frorn n~arby '' ~; ~ residential properties. I 10. T2ial. the proposal shall camply with z~11 yigning requirements of 1c2ie CC, "Commer.cial, Limit.ed" Zoxie, unles~ a variance all~wing szgn waivers is approved by the City Conxicil, P1~.nning Commission nr Zonixig A.dminzstro.tor. ].1, That subject proY~er~y shail be developec] substantially i:z acc~rdance wittz plans and specification,s on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. Z and 2. 12. T.hat prior to commancemerit of tha activit;~ autY~orized by this resolution or ~rithin a period of one (I) year. £r.om the date of this resolixtion, whichever occurs first, Conait.ion Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8~nd 11, above--me~ltxoxierl, sh111 be complied ~.ith. EsLensions for Eiarther ~zme to complete saic7 condi~i~ns may be granted in a~rcor.dance with 5~ction 18.03.090 of the Anahe~m Municipal C~de. ].3. Thst~ the hours of operation sYiall be restricted to 7ra.m. to 9:3G p.m. - Saturdays 7 p.m. ko 9:3Q p.m. - 3 nights a week and f~.~rther that trucks dolzvering equipment shall. not ar.rive after 9;30 p.m. or bofor~ 7 a.m, an ~ny drsy. : 19. That this use is approved for a periad of three (3) months, to expire on ,~~~ August 22, I9fI9. 15. That approval oF this xnplication aonsta.kutes app:oval oi: the proposed request only to the extent that it com~lies with the ~naheim Municipal Zoninq Code and any ~ther ,oplicable City regulations. Appxoval does not inalude any actaon or f ndxnqs as t~ compliance or appxov~sZ aE tiie : requ~sL• regardirg any other applicable ordinanco, regulatiun or c, requirement. ~'' k~~: IT FURTHER RESOLVEL Lha~ tho Anaheim Czty Planning Commission '' does hareby fznd and determine tha~ adoption of thi~ RNSOl~uti.on is expressl~- ~. pxedicated upon applicant's comp2iance with each mnd all of the conditions hereinabova set fort•h. Should auy such conditions, a.r any part thereof, be declared invalid o.r unentorceable by the final judc~ment uf any court of: competent jurisdic~ion, then this R~so].ution, ar~d any anprovals herein contained, shall be deemed nul.l and void. '4' QC89-145 :;, ~ :,: ' ~: ,i; iA. ~ A~~ . ~ y ~~ , 1 ia~' . . . ~.., i~i.~ THE FQREGOIN~: R~;wOLUTIl711 is ~igned ~ynd ap~roved by me this ?2nd day ;;F o~ '.~tay. 19a9. ,~ `~ " ;'%';!.:~~ ' ~1"~ ~~~.~..~:~...a __ ! CHAIRWOMAN, ]~.N ~TM'CITY PLI~NN2NG C~tdMISSION c~ _ . ,~. .~.. ~r. ~... ~':~.' ~',.. . A~ ,., r~' f.;= ;:;: ';;~i i,',i~ ATTEST: ~ , . ~..__._.`..~~ ~~J~l.';~n''c"," c I ON CLCR~TAKY, A1tAHEIM CTT`1 PLANNING COMMIS~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COilNT`~ OF ARANGE ) ss. CITY OF At3AIiEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary o.f the Anaheim City Planni~ng :;; ~-. Commission, do hereby certify that ~.he foragaing rosolution was passed and adopted at a meeking of tlza Anaheim Cit~ Planning Commist~ion hE1cl on May 22, ";~ 1989, by the fo].lowing ~rote of the members L-hereaf: AY~;S: c;Ut~tICS70NERS: BOYDSTUN, CARUSII~LO, FELDFiAUS, HERBST, ~~ MC BURNEY, MESSE ;~.-;Y:t NOES: COb4+ITS5I0NERS: BOUAS ;~_~ ABSENT: C~MMJSSIONERS: NUNE '!`"~ 1 IN WITNEaS WH~REOF, T have hereunto se~ my hand this 2.'.nd day o£ t May. 29 8 9 . ;r4 o- ,~;,, A ' ~. ~~ r t 1 1~~. ., y{ ~~ ~ ~. ~ rWJV . . ....~1. S~CRETI~FY, ANAriEJM GITY PY~ANNII~Cy COtM~iISSIQ2T ~~;~ `''; ;i , : ,1~, ;t; ;~ ';''~ ;,. ~;,;. s ~~, :,',M1~ fr{ ~`.1 ~'...,~'..)i. j~ . ~~r~~~~~~ ;v . , _ .:i',1 . .~ ~'~i ~~~~ ~: ~i 'f!~~ '`'~ ~l~l . ~~f -5- -~.1 PCtl9--Y45 „ , ~; :~n ~~~~ ~ ;;,a~ . ~~;'~`~::~.{ ~ ..~ „r'~;:. ~. ~a7~s.?:. rdt~xnl':"J.`AiJlk~~m