Resolution-PC 89-149...~ ,.~... ~~ ':; R~"~Q~3.9~Q~4.2_~~2 ~E~4~TI N S1F TH~~.A~IAHk~I1~.~,~,,Y_ I At dI,t~ C0~(~(~SYON ~PkOV r NG,REV..~~ T~PT~AN,~~~,4.~ ~.~? ..~~.~~ONS ~ONT IN~D ~N I~~,$O~,U.~IO~I,~,tQ~,~¢$~260 DOpTE TN CQ~C~ ON wV~T~ ~.~3:,r ~~I~~~ .~ E P.~M. T N s~~` ~ WH~REAS, on April lU, 19Q9, the Planning Commiosion gran~ad ~~ Conai~ional Us~r ~ermit No. 3059, in connec:tior.~, w.Zr.h Rasolutii~n t3o. PC 88-260, to es"ablish a 27-space mabfle homo park witli walvar of minimum 8epth of requir.e~~ side yard l10 £ocr requirod)t 5 feet pr.oposod) at 150 South Uale Avenue; and WH~.R~AS, th~ petie,s~ner has request~ad nmenc3men~ to reso~u~ion :do. PC 88-260 £or. approval oF r~vised plnns (].~beled revisioz~ No. 1~ for CondttionAl Use Fermi~ N~. 3Q59 under authority o£ Cod~e Ser.tion ~nd ' WHEREAS, the City Plannii~c~ Commis3ion did hold a public hgaring a~ the Civic Center in the City of Anat!eim ori May 22, 1984 at 1 s 30 ~.m. , not.ice of sazd public hearing having be~n 8uly yiver. aa required by law and in acc:ordance with the provisi.ons of tlie Anat:eim Municipal. ~ude, Chapter 18.03, ~ to hear and cons3.~ier avicionce for an.3 aqainst sai~l oroposed amendment use and to investigate and make find~nc~s :3nd reconunendatian3 in r.onr~ection therewith; and WN'EttEA5, sHid Commission, after due in~pection, investigation aud study macie by itself and in iks behalf, and eftei• due consicleration of all evidence and reporr.s offored at said he~rii~y, does find ancl dstermiz~e the followiny ft~cts: l. That tho originally approved plans included ~s 15-foot wide ~ortion oE cho Carbon Creelc Flood Cantrol Channel •~-hich was desfgnated to be used for parallel parking and that said portion is no 1one~er included in this roquesr; and that ~ha overall parlcing ha~ been reducc~d by one space, as shown on klie revised plans, ani! that the d.-iveway has beeri relocaCed to the north of the mobilehome pads instend oC the south. 2. That the rovised pla~is are subst.ant3.a11y in conformAnce with the previously approv~d plan~. 3. That two (2) people in~3c~+tod thoir presence at said public hearing in oi~position; and that r~o corrQSpondence wss r.eceived in opposition to the ~ubjacC petition. S~I,~iF.Q iR i.(A ENVI.~t~J'rSE,'NTAI~Q~~,~Ty._____~~ FIPip,~N~; Th~t the 1-naheim Cit:~ Planning Commission lias reviewed the ~,roposal to approve revised plans and ;nodify eunditiona of appzoval in conjunction with an approved mobilehomo park and does hareby detormine that thQ Neqative neclaration approved in conjuncCion with Che original epprovaY of Conditional Use Permit No. 3059 ia adequate ~o serve as environm~ntal documontati.on in conn~ction w±th this ro~utrst. NOW, T~iEREFOt2E, B~ Y'1 R[:SOLVED th~t the AnaFgim City Plannfng ' ~ommission does hereby approve revisad plans (kevision No. 1} for Conditionai s Use Permir No. 3059 baaea on the foreqoing finctings as-d amend~ Condition No. :, 23 of Resolutton No. '~'COS-~60 Co rvaci As fol2ow~: 0878r -1- PC89-149 ~> ;;..~,,~ ~,. - ,.,... ,. `r,; .~., ~ , ~ ..,,, A'""i~ , i ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ,_'~~ , ;~~ ,r7,r',~nty~ ~ y~ ' <kt , i~ - ~ ~ . . . .,, `G "23. Tha~ subject property shal]. l~e devo.loped substan~i~lly in `~ aacordance with plans and specifi~cahions on Ei1e with tiha City of Ariaheim marko~i Reviszon No. 1 of Exhibit No. 1~rnvicled, k~owevar, that a six (6) fc~ct; high block wa].1 sha11 be constructaQ a1~n7 the ontira south pxoperty line ~~~ oxcep~ whe~re ~uch wall may al.rcady exirtt, Said wall shalt not exaoed ,'~' th3.rty-six (36) inches in the Lront setback." I'~ THE~ FOREGOING RESOLUTTON is nigned anc~ approvod by me this 22n.d day of. May, 1989. ,,; t- "-!f~ " ' ~~ ~ C:~ , - ~;.~1~ G . /~, !J ~%=~~~_~ ,, CHAYFWOMi1N, A AHEIM CITY.' P~,ANN~ING COMMISSION '`:~ :~ s AT7'EST; '.~~___.--~° __..~__ _. SECRE'TAItY, ANAFI~TM CITY PLANNING CGMMISSION S'PATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORI~NGE ) s;,. CITY UF ANI~iEIM } I, Edith I,. FIarris, Secretary of ~he Aneheim City Planning C~mmission, do hereb~ certify that thE foreyo.ing rRyolu~ian was passed and adopted at a mQetinq of tt~E A.iaheim Citx P1an~ziny Cnmmissior. held on May Z2, 1989, by the Pollowing vot~ of the m~ambers thereof: AYES: COt~SISS20lTERS: BOCJIIS, BOYI)SZ'U-.d, CARiJSILL~, FELDHAUS, HEFBST, MC HUR~IEY, MESSE N~ES: COIr4rlIS5iANERS: NONF, ABSEi1T: COMMISSIONBRS: I30NE IN WITN~;SS WIiEREOF, I h~•;~ hereunto sot ml hand this 22nd d3y of May, 19A9. --------~~..~~ __. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNING C42r4dIuSION ,^ ~v, -z- PG89-149