Resolution-PC 89-157~'t • ~~ ~ ~?~.9.k.VT ~ 4N?39~_...k~.@9.`~Z A RESOLUTION OF THE bNAHEIM CTTY PT,ANNING CpMMISSION TFIAT P~'CIT30P; FOR CONpTTtONAL USE YERMIT IdO. 3156 H~ GRANT~b WHEREAS, the Anahc~i,a City P1a.,ilning Commissdon did recaive a ver3ffecl Petlkiun for Cpnc~ltional Usa P~rmit fro:n Vl~NDEftBIL1', I,rD„ SuiCo 400, MiSSion Viej~, CA 92691, ownPr, an~i STEVE DCJNDAR, 204 9 YorbaALinda BoulQVard, Yorba Linda, CI# 93G~6, a gent for c a r ta. in rea l property situated in t ho CiLy of. Anahc~im, Coun~y o£ Orange, Statc~ of CaliForr,3a, duecribad ast PARCEI,S 8 AND 9 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN HAOK 222, PAC,ES 37 TQ 41 INCLUSlVE, OF P.\KCEL MAPS, IN THC ~FFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDEEt GF QItANGG COUNTY, CALIPURNIA. '; wi~~REA5, the Citl Planning Commis~ion 9id hald a public hearing at the Civic Ce.nter in the City of. Anaheim on Ju:~e ~, 198g at 1:;0 p.m., notice ~ of said public hearing having heon rlul ~4, ~.ccor~lancQ with the provisions of the An liegmVMunacipal~ Code, Chagt~-r 18.03n tu hear and consider ~v.idence for and aqainst said proposed conditlona.l usc~ i permit and to invost.~.~ete and m;~,.~~ Eindings and recommendations in c~nnection ~ thorewiU~l dnd PTFiEREAS, said C~mmission, after due inspecrion, investigation and stu3y mada by its~lf and in its behalf, and after due consideration of gll c~videnee and reports offerQCi at said hoaring, cioes Flr.t3 and determine the fo?:lowinq facts: 1• That the per,itioner re~quests approval of a conditional use permit unde~ au~hority of Cocle Sections 1i3.03.0~0.U10 and to wit: t~ pormjt an animal hospital withi:i ~ p~oposed cammercial ro*ail conter. 2. That ~he prdpos~d usQ will not ~dvRrsely a~E'ecC the adjoininq Iand uses and t:~~ growth and devel~~ment of the arc~a in which it is propos~8 to bo locrstQd. 3• rr,ar tlne siz~ and shape ot rhQ site proposed for rne usp is adeqaate Lo all~K tha full develop~nent ot the proposod use in a mA.nner not detrim~ntal to ti~e pnrr.icular area z~or to the ~eace, liealth, safety arac~ qeneral wel~are of th~ Citizens of t}~Q City of Ar,ahoim. 4• That the grantiny n~F the CondiCional IIae Permit undor the candSCfons imposed, if any, Nill not Le c.letrlmental to the peace, health, safetx and qeneral welfaro ~f the C.itizens nf the Ciry of Anaheim. ~. Th~t tho traffic ~~onerated by the proposed ~ase w;ll not impo3e an undue bucclan upun the vtr.auta and hiqha~ys desi~n~d ar9 impr~vod to carry the trafiic in the arna. 0891r -1- PC 69-157 r,va~ ~ • :ry,. ~~ 6. That no one indir.aCei1 thoii• presonca at saic5 public hearing in o~posir~.oT~1 and that no corrospondence wa~ rec~ive8 ln opgositlon to thR sub;joct p~tition. ~,A~~Q.$j~}'A ENVIc'2Q1~(~'~iT~[~ OilA.~~f _~~_ 7~.NDxNs: That the An~sheim CiLy P1~.~ining Cnmmi.ssion has revieweQ tho proposal to permit t~n animal hucpital withfn a proposed cornmorcial retai'1 c~ntr~r on an 3rregularly-si~apad parc:ol of land consisting of approximate]y 1.96 acres located at the iior.thwpst corner of Woir Canyon Road and Santa Ana Canyon koad, having approximate frontaqes ot 177 foet on ~he wost side aE Weir Canyon Rot~d nnd 391 Eec+C on the nurth siclc+ of Santa Ana Canyon Road, az-d furL•her describe~ as 82t~5-95 Santa Ana Canyon Road; and doe~ hereby appxove tlio Negative Decl~ration upon finding that 'Y, has r.onsidored the Nogative Declaration togetYior witii any commanta receivad during thQ public rov.iew procsss and £~.~rtha~ fin~'' ng nn the basis of thR ini ~i.al study znd any comments receivaii that there ia na substantial ovidonc~ that the projec.t will hav~o a sfgnificant eFfocL• on tho environment. NOW, TkiEREFORE, .BE I7' RESOLVEll t2iat tihe Anahaim ~;ity Planniag " Commis~ion does .hezeby grant subject Pot3.tion for Condir_.tonal Use Permit, upon the f~'1lowir~g condit3on3 wY~ich ~+ro kieroby fou.nc~ ko be a necest~ary ,'. prerequisite to tho proposed use o~ the subj~ct property in o:d~r to presexve ~ the sa£ety and general wc~lEare: of the C.itlzens of the City of AnahQ3m: 1. Thar the owner uf subject property si~all submit a letter requestiing terminat.ion of Variance No. ~383 to the Zoninq Divisiun. 2. That a tra~sh encloaur~ tor clouble units with gates shall be pr.ovidad and maintained fn a l~cation accvptable to th4 Street Maintenance and Sanit3Cion Divfsioi~ and in accardance with approved plans on ffle wfth 3aid Dfvini~n. 3. Tlsrat pr.tor to iS3U311CA ~~f a building permit, r_,tQ legaJ. or+ner of subjACZ proporty shall dedicate tu tha City of Anahoim a five (5) foot wide public ti~:ility oasement along the east 3ic~e of L•}ie Motropol.itan Water Ai~tri.ct (MWD} easQment adjacenc to the proposod building. Suid easemont ghall bo roco:ded with ~ho OEfice of the Oranqo (:ounty Recordor. proof of said recordati~n shall %hon be submitted to the Zohiisg Uivision. 4. That the propo~al shall comply with al2 signit,g xegufrements Q~ the CL~SC) "Commercial, Limit~d - 5c~nlc Corridor Overloy" Z~ne, unleas a veriance a1low.ing sign waiv~rs is appcoveci by che City Cou::cil, Planning~ Commi~sion or zoning Ad:ninistraL•or. 5. That, as spc-cified in Anahetm MunicipTl Code Sucrion 13.84.~62.032, no roof-mour-~.ed oquipmc~nt ~hall bs perrr~itted. 6. :Y.at the on-eite 1an13cr.pinq aha]1 be m~intainod in compliance a.fth City s!:andards . 'J. xhat subje~t ~roperty shall be developed aubstantial.ly in accorCa»ce with plans aa~G gpec~tficattona ~n fila r+ith tho City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Naa. Y throuqh 3. 's _Z.. PC 09-157 '%~:, , ; ~ ~~ /~,,~ ~:. 8. ~hat prlor to r.ommeii:~ement of tho act.ivit~ s~uthorized by rhis r~solution, or prior to issuance of ~ building permi~, or wlthin a~~r3od of one (1) year from the date oP this rosolut3An, whichever ocnura first. Conc~3~ion Nos. 1 ancl 3, above-ment.i~ned, sha11 be cornpliod with. ~xtension3 For Eurrher t;ime to c^~mpleka st~id c.onditions may be granted in accordance wi~h Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municip~l Codc~. 9. That prior to tha commencement of thc~ activiry authorized by th3s ra~olu~ion, or £inal buildi.nq ~:id zoning inspections whichevor occurs first, Condition ~Ios. 2 and 7, above-mentionod, sliall be comp?.ied wi~h. ].0. ::hat approval af th;.s a}~~li.cation constitutas approval of the proposed request only to the c:xtont that ar comp].ies with rhe Anaheim t4uniaipal Zoning Code and sny nther appl3.cable City requl~tions. Approval doos not include any acCi.on or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any c~thor a~aplicablo ordinance, ra~gulatian or roqv.irement. RE IT FURTHER Rh:SOLVF.D ~hat the Anaheim City Planninq Commission ~aes heroby find ar.d dotermine t}~at adoptinn of this Res~lution is oxpressly predicated upon applicant's compliancd with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set £or•th. Should any such conditions, or any part thRr~oE, be daclared invalid or unenforceuF~;c~ by the final judymant of any court oE competent jurisdictioz~, then tl~is Resolution, ~ind bny appxovals herein containQU, shall be deemod null and void. 7'FiF: FORFGOTNG RESOLUTI027 is siqnQd and approved by me t:~is 5th day of June, 1989. ~~i i~ , ~`,' ~.-':~?:' f ~~ <<r~*!., .~____ .~. ,L-, _ ~~ CtiATFWOMAN, ANhHF.IM CZTY PLANNTNG CONQYSISSI01~ , ATTEST: ~ . _~~ '~----- /.{~`~~ l'`~r~. ---- S.F,CRETAR;C, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C0~4~tISSION S'PATE ~JF rALIFOkNIA ) COUi7•TY Oi ORANGE ) :~s. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Z, Edith L. 1[arris, Secretary of th8 Anaheim City Planning l'omrr.is~.ton, d~ herebvi certify t2~at the f~regoinq resulution was passed and adopted at a meeting of th~ Anaheim Cl~ty Planninq Commission held. on June 5, 1989, by l.he follawing vote of tho mQmbers thereof: AYESs COMMISSInN~R5: BOUAS, BOYbSTUN, CARUSY[,LO, PELpHAUS, HERBST, ME5SE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONC's Af3S~NT: COA4dISSIONBRS: MC HURN~Y IN WZTNESS WNER~i1E', I have hereunto set my hand this 5th Hoy of Juue, 1989. _ _--~~~-u-~, ~°•-_~~~ _.~.. SECRETARY, 71NAHEIM CITY PGA2JN1t7G COMMIuSION -3- PC 89-157 ,; ~