Resolution-PC 89-162t"Mee! ~ f RF.$Q..~SLx14~ _~tQ~ P~~~CL~. ~~~T ~ A RESQLUTION r)F THr, ANANEIt~I ~;ITY PLANNtNG COMMTSSION THA'S PETITION FOR CUNPI'.~'[pNAL U~E PER~d'!T N0. 316~ BE UENIEn WHEREAS, khe Anahe.im Cily L~lanning Commi~~ian did receive a verified Petit3or~ fnr Candl.~`.or.al Use Pexmit from ASSISTANCE L~AGUE OF ANAHEIM, P.O. bAX 4073, Au~heim, CA 92803, owner flnd G. J. (CAI,) QUEYREL, ANACAY~ ENGINEERING CO., P.O. 1bOX 3F,68, Anaheim, CA 92803, aqent for cortein re~l pr.operty situated in the City of Anakioim, County ~f Orange, Sta!e uf California, closcrfbed as: ThFtt porL•ion of tho S'r',1/4 SW1/4 of Section 9, Twp 4 South, ranqe 10 Wast, SnB & M as described :in a c~eecl tQ L-h3 Anaheim Union Warer Company recorddd March 11, 1~125, in Book 572, ?aqe 139 of Deods, bging a strip oE .land 16.50 feot wide, bounded 2torthwesterly by the Sout-hwesterly prolongatifon of tha Southaasterly line : Tract No. 2270t boundod on t:~e West by the Southerly prolangltion oE t2ie West l~ne of ~,ot 40 af Haid Tract No. 2270; boucaded Southoasterly by th~ Sauthwesterly prolongation of the Northwesterly line uf Tract No. 1ti91 ancl bound~d on tlie NorCh by a linQ pardllel to s~nd 33Q.00 feet NorY.herly oE the cant~.rlin~ o~ La Palma Avenv.e as sh~wn on a map o£ s~id Tract No. 1G91. and That por.;.ion of the Southeast quarter of the Southweat quarter of Section 4, in Township 4 South, Ranqe lU WesC, in the Rancho Sae~ Juan Cajon da Santa Ana, as shown on i map thoreof rocorded in Hook 51, page 10, Miac~illaneotis Maps, records of said Orange Couuty, describ~d as follows: ~oginning at a point in tho South line of ~aid 5ection, distant thereon east 132Q.00 feet of the Southwest curner thereof and runnfnq thencQ North 0°03'08" East, Z70.~2 f,eeC to a point in the Souttieasterly line of the aigt~t of way conveyod C~ Anaheim Union Watnr Cu., a corporation, by Qeed rec:orded in Bovk 572, Paqe 13s1, of Aeods, redorda of said OrAnqe County; th~ncQ ~iort:h 66°22'46" East alonq aaid southeasCerly ]ine, 149.33 feet to the Northvearerly corner of Tract No. 1691, as shovn on a map r.hereof racoreded in f3ook 52, pbqas 18 anfl i9, Mfscelleneous Maps, rec.ords of said Orgnge Countys th~nce South 0°07'58" V~est along the Wosterly lino of said rra~t, 33Q.63 #oet to a point in tho South line of said Secrion; thonce W~ster].y along saici Soath line, 136.30 foer to the point ot beginiiinq. ,;'~; I q0903r E~C 89-162 r , ._ .,..,:. , ..; - --~„--,- ,, ~~rtr r ~,~:~.y ,~ ~„~ti,~:~, ~~~ ! ~' F~~ WFIFRGA5, the Caty P~anning Commissi~n did hald a th~+ Civ3c CenCer ;n tt~d Ci~y oF Anahe3m on ~1tin~ 5 x9~~ public hearfng a~ of sai.d public het~rinq having been du], ' a~ 1s30 P•m•• notic~ Y g~vAn As required riy law anfl iz~ accordar.ce with the pravisi.c,na ~f ~he An$heim Munici al CodH, p Chaptor 18.03~ to hear nnd considRr ovidenco for and against said proposed condi~ional uae permit and to investiqIIto and mak~ #.indings and recommondatioris in corinectton therawithp and su}~je~~ petition w~~ contfnuad to the maeting of Juno 19, 19891 aiicl WIii.REA5, said Commi9siori, af~ar due inspection, invos~igaG3on und study mr-do by itKa.lf and in its b~ah~JF, anci af~ar due considerution of all e'~i~eri~Q anci rep~rts of~~rQ~ ~t sFiid hearing, do~s PinQ and determine the followi.ng fuc~s: 1. That r.ho periLioner cequests ~pproval of a conditional use permit under aut}iority pf Code Sections 18.03.030,010 ~nd 18.26.prp.07C to oxpand an exist;ing private Arganization with wai•ver of. the followings (A) $~TIOx 1..$._,?~~~zQ~ - diilirr~ fr --•--4.'~-Y~.~ ~. ~ tbac k . ~?~~ roquire9 in the~ RS_72pp Lone; 1Q fee proposad) ($) S~E~'TION '1$.L26.043rQ..2Q - h~ni~~.~ ~y.ard 4~rba~. ~~~.~ required in th~ RS-72~p Zono; n~ propnsed) 2. That the requested waivers a:e hereby der~iod uu the basis Chat there are n~ special circumstances applicable to the propert shape, topographY, location and surroundin s which do ~ot Y~ 3~ h As size, identically zoned proparty in the same vic.i~~~ • of the Zonin Y. and that stric~, application q Code doe4 noC clepriv4 th~- propert y of privileges enjoyed by other properties i» Che identical zone and classification in because subjeat Dxoposal ic~ to Qxpand tho parkin lot the ~~cinity property) for the axisting Ass.istance LQAgue clubhouse and(~th R ft 2sho Zoned RM-1204 zonod property ~nd frunting on La Pa1ma Avenue. P (on ~. That the pr~poSe~ use as t~ g hQreby denied on ~h9 basis that it wil l~adversely affoct RkheZOad;joi~ninR residentfal lnnd uaes and the growth and deveiopm~nt of the areu in which it is propo~ed ~o be iocated, g not ~dequat~s• to Talloa the i ulladovel pmont F thef tr~ ~ropQS~d for f:he use is detrimental to tt~e particulac aroa nur to t11e p~a~~sQdhe$~~hn a88teL~r n~t qen~ral welfare of thQ Citizens of the City of Anaheim. y and conclitiona 5impoaedt wjYl bQa a rn ime talh~to ~thetionel iJse Permit under the goneral welfare og the Cf~izens oC the ~City of An~heimt nlndltosaibl etY ~nd undeairab2e precedent for tuture davelopm-~1~t of p Qar~inq in the ai~Ra~ Y s°t an ~. That the tr.afFic generated b undue burcien upoa the streets a»d highways esiqaedr end m provedito cerry the traffic in kho nretr. --2_ ~'~ g9-162 ;:~;'~ , ,,,, ~1~~~~ .::<, ;'~ t• ~ :`~ t Nh'~~'~ ~:;Rtl%~ 7. 'rht~t one (1) pexsnn inclic~ted his presenco at said, pub'lic hearing 3n ~ppositions ancl th~~ a petition con~aining npproxfmately eighty (80) siqnaturas was rer:eivod in opposiCion to the sub}ert gc~tition. ~~IF4RNTA ENVIRc~~~~..QI~~~TX A,~~,T ~xNDlj~s ThaC ~he An~heim Cfty P?.anning Commission has rf~viewed the pro~osal to permit expan~ion of an ea:isting private organixation with r.aiver of minimum front yarc9 setbacY. and minimum side yArd setback on an irregul~rly-•shaped parcol o:E lran~ cansisti.nq of approximt~tely one (1) acrK having approxima~e+ trontages of la6 EeeL on the north side of Lt~ T'alma Avonue ~n~ b9 feet on the aou~h side of Glen Drive, located approxim~-tely 125 f.~e~ wost of the centerYine ot Hermosa Drive and further descrtbed a~s ~.341 West La Pt~lma Avenue (Assistance Leis~~ue oE Anaheim); and does hereby nppruve the Negativ~ neclaration upon findi~ag that it hAS considerod the Negative Declaration together wath aay camments roceived during the public review pr.ocess an3 furthor finding on the basis of the in3tial study and any cornments received that there is r~o substantial evidenca that i.!:Q pi•oject will have a significant efieci: on the ~nvironmenL•. NOW, Tf~IEREF~~G, BE IT ItESOLVED that the Anahe.im City Planning Commission doos hereby eeny 3ub;ect 1?~tition for Conc~itional UsR Permit, on the basis of the foregoinc~ findings. TFii: FORECOTNU RESOLUTION is signed and uppr~~•ed by me this 19th day o£ Juna, 1989. ~~ ~~ 1 ;~. r ~ ~; ~:~ ' ~l;;~;ir%.,.!_.. .r~_ ~,...~_.___~. CHAII2WOMAN, A~AFIEIM C1TY F~LA.iINING COMMIS5tON .~ ATTEST: 4~ - ,^ . ~`~-._ ~ ~, C. t...~,~ ~ -.~.. SECRETARY, ANAF~EIM CI'~Y PL~1~2zNING COMMISSION S'TATE OF CALSFORNIA ) COUNTY 0~' ORANGE ) st~. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~dith L. Harris, Secretary of *ho Anahein- City Planninq Comm~ission, do hereby certify that tho f.oregoi.ng sgsolution was pa~sRec3 gnc~ adopted ut a meetinc~ af the Anaheim Cfty Plauzeing Commission hald on June 19, 19D9, by the followinq vota of t2~e members thorc~of: AYESs COt~tIS5I0NEF2S: SOUA5, CARUSILLU, ~'ELllHAUS, HL~REST, MC fiURNEY, MF.SSE NOESs COMMISS:ONERSt BOYDSTUtr ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: IIOUAS IN WITNESS wFIEREOF, I hnve horounro set my ht+nd this ].9th day n~ June, 2~~19. ~. ~.~,~ ~t~ ~ ~,4 /. .~`'~-, ' _.__ - - _ S~CR~TARY, ANAFIBIt! CIwY PLANNZNG ChMh1Ia"SIOtr -:i- PC 89-1G2 'w~s7r,}C+va:r;p jti :~ il 7 j~yy ~ *c ~i;; ~ l i l'}r• . ~ . , . . . .,: ~:.' ~;G.~