Resolution-PC 89-167~ ' RESQLZJTT~N NO,,~PC$~ ~,¢~ ~ ~ } "~' ' i 'E", ii.`, A RESOLUTIQN QF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON TIiA7.' PETITION FOR CQI~llTTIONAL US~ PERMI7' N0. 31'14 BE GRANTE;D, IN PART WHERFAS, tho Anaheam City Planning Commissiox~ did rgceivo a verit,iscl P9tition for Canditional Uso F~oxmit trom K r'1ND D PROPERT:TES, 2691 E. Tg£t Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92806, owner and THOMAS E. STGINFELD, 2182 12a1eigh ;;, Av~nue, Costa Me~a, CA 92627, agent for cer~ain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Statie of Califorr_ia, c~esr,ribed as: PARCEL 2 IbT THE CITY OF ANAHFIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFOkNIA, AS SHOWN bN A.I~AP FILED IN BAOIC 200, PAGES 9 AND 20 OF PARCRL MAPS, ItT THE QE'FICE OF THE COUNT.Y RECORDER OF OkAN'GE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City P.lax~niny Cammis~ion did hold a public hearzng ati ' the Civic Chnter in th~ Cxty of Anah~im an Juxie 19, 1989 ak 1:30 p.m., notice ~' af sazd public hearing having baen duly given as required by 7.aw and in 'i a~aordance with the provision~ of th~ Anaheim Mu;lacipal Code, Chap~er 18.03, ~ to hear and consider evzdence for and ayainst said propnsed conditional use perm3.t and to investigata and make .f3.ndings IIT1L~ recommendations in connoctiorl „ ~I~erewith; ancl WHEREAS, said Commission, afLer clue inspection, inv~~tigation and study made ~y iLsolf ard in it3 ba'ha1P, an~3 afte~r flue consideration. of a11 eva.dence and reporta offRred at said haaring, does f?nd and determinQ the following £acts: 1. That ~he pctitioner requco~s approval of a conditiox-al u~e permit under r~utharity of Code Sections 18.61.05U.070, 18.61.a50.5G2 and to perr.~it the congtruction of ofiEice and sl-.orage bui~dinr~s ' w~thin an existi.ng cantractor's aL•arnge yard and maintRnancs faciliL•y, anci with waivers of the f~llowing: (Aj SECTTON ]_$s~¢Z.06.~,,Q.l_1 - t~inim~xm. st~uc t~i~....~e~back. (b) ~ r~._~~,..4~~Q3.Q - ~?~.~~.~~~~~r~.aE outdo4r uses.. (6 fqot h~,qh ~~i~ li~ f.ence w.~th rg¢wood ~r ce~ar slats roqui.red; ¢~foot hiq~un31&tk~ F fQny~~ oxisting) 2. That Lhe rerue~ted waiver (a) 3s hereby denied on the basis that revised plans ware submitted subs~quent t~ public notification, aliminating the neQd for the waivar. 3. That the requested waivor is 2~ereby gra~~ted on the basis that there are special cireumstanc.es applicabl~s to the property such a~s sixc~, sh~ge, ~apography, location and surr~undings which do nut applx to other identically zoned prope:ty in *he same vir.inity; and that strict application of the Zon'.ng Code deprives the property of privileg~s enjoyed by ather pr.opertios in the identical zone c~nd clas~iEica~ion in the vi.cinity. f:`,' , 09A9r -1- ~C 89-167 ,,. :'~ ,:~~;. •,~, `~' c ,r" •t; ~ ~ „ •~,1~:; ~ ~ c,~~ ^ t;,~(~ `?,k'~ 'S ,`; 4. That tl,e propasc~d uso will not ndver~ely affe~t the adjoining land usos and thQ qrowth and development of the ax•ea in which 3t is proposed to ba locat~ad. 5. That the ~ize and shape 4f the sz~e proposad ~Et:r the use is adequate ta a~'low the fu11 dev~lopment of the proposed use .in a manner no~ detrimtintal to the partir.ular araa nor Y.o the peace, health, safety axid general wel~are of th~ Citizens of the City o£ Ar~ah~im. 6. That the grant:ing of the Conditional Use Porm3C under the cor_ditions impo3ed, if nny, will not be detrzmen'tal to the peace, heaZth, safety and general k~elfare of the Citizens of the Cit.y of Anahoim. 7. That the traffic generater~ by the proposed use wi1J. not impose +~n unda.e burden upon the streots and highways designoa and imProved to carry ths CraEfic in thQ area. 8. That no or,c~ indicated the.'.r presence at said public hearing in npposition; and that no correspondsnce ws;s received in opposition to the subject petition. ~L~FORNIA ENVIRONhtFNTAL Q~;1A'L TY ~T FINDLN : That tihe Anaheim Cit,y Yianning Commission has reviewed the proposal to perm.it lhs cons~ruction of office and storage buildinys within an existing cantr.act;or's storage ya~~d and maintenance facility with waivers of minianum structural setback and required enclosure of oiitdoor uses on an irregu].arly•-shapea parcel oE l~nd consistxnq a~ appcoximately 2.5 acres having a fror-kage of appr~ximat,eiy 394 ~ fee~ on the wor,t side of Lewis ~t;reet, l3aving ~ maximum depth ~f. approximate:~y 203 feek, beinc~ located appruximc:ctely y15 feQt north af ti:s cQnterline of Cerrita~ Avenue and f.urt:ier described as 142Q SouL•h Allec Street; and does hereby ap~rove the Nogative naa:lara~taon upon finding ~hat it has conaidered the Negative Declaration tog~ther wi~h any comments rece3ved ; d~:ring the pvblic revie~v pro~cess and further finaxng on the basis of the initial study and any comments received that there is; no substantic~l eviderice tk~at tt~,a project will hava ~s s.igsiificant effsct on the environment. NOV~, TFiEREFORE, DE TT RESOLVED L-hat the AnaL~eim City 1P1ann.ing Cun-mission does hereby granL subject Peritiori Eor Conditional'Us~ Permit, upon the folloaing condiCions whioh are hsreby €ound ta be a ndcessary prerequisi~e ro ths pro~osed uso of the aubject groperry in order to preserve the aafe~y and gene~s~1 w~~.fare of ~he Citizens af Lhe City pf Annh~.im: ^~r 1. That. water metora sha11 be ~laced i.n a location easily 3cr.essib~.e during normal work3ng hours (:~ot noressarily on Allec Stree~), and shall be subjQCt L•o the prior approval of th~ Water Engineering Division. 'L. 1'hat fire sprinklers shall be installed as required by the City Fi•re ';~~ Departmenk. ';' 3. That prior. to c~mmencement of stru~tural framing, on-site fire hydrants ~ shall be ins:.alled ~nd chf~rgQd as required aud approved by the C3.ty Fire " Depa: L•menh,. 4. That thQ owner/applicant sha11 p:ovide separate fire water service for the parcel (backflow preventoc). ;'t ,, -2- PC89-167 , , ~~~~~ti~~ ---:i"_'rtY ~ ~;1 m. ,~~ . .. : ....... . . ..... ... . .... .. ,. __ , +. . ._ ~•. r v ~ r iY,.' ,~ ,p~"'1~ ~~ ~,Yi ~l" ~ . e;' , ~ :i9 ;:~i ';i ~ 5. That an adequnte, unob5tructecl fire txuak ~urn-around aroa stiall be provi3ed on-site as roqu.ixed by and approvad by the Cit;y FirQ Dr~partment. ~ 6. That subject proposal authurized by th's resolu~ion shaZl be servoc3 hy underground utilities. 7. That prior to issuance of a builcting permit, the appropriate ~raf£ic signal assessmQnt fee shal~ be paid to the City of 1~naheim in aa amount a~ esr.ablished by Ci.ty Counc~l r~:;4lution. 8. ThAt subject property sha11 b~ developaa siibstant~.ally in accordance with plans and specificdticns on f.ile with the Citx of. Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 througli 4. 9. That thp own~r of sub~ect praperty shall submii: a lei:ter requesting termin~tion of Condi.tional Use Permit No. 2668 to the Zoning Uivision. 10, That prior Lo issuance of. a bui].dxng permit or within a period of one (1) year from the date of this resolu~ion, whichever occurs Eirst, Condition Nos. 7 and 9, above-mentioned, shall be compliod with. Exteusion~ for fur~her time to complete said cunditions may be granked in accordancF with Section 18.03.090 oE the Anaheim Muni~ipal Code. I1, Tha~ prior t~ final building and zoninq inspectian3, Condi.tion Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8, above-mentiuned, sh~11 be complieci with. 12. Tha~ approval of this applicatioii cor.stztutes ap~roval of tY-e propnsed request o:ily to the ext~ent that it complies witlz the~ Aiaaheim Munici~al Zoning Cod~ and any other appJ.i.cabl~ Cit,y requlations. A~~roval does not include any action or findirigs as t~ compiiance or approval ~f tho request regardinq any oth~x appl.icable ordinan~;~, rc~~rulati~in or requir.ement. BE IT P'URTHER RESO'LVED thaC tn~: Anaheim ~~ity P'lanning Cammzssion ~io~s hereby Eind and dotermix~e that adopti~n c~ *.hi.s R~;;olutic~n is ~xpressly~ preciicated uron applicant's complir~nr,e T~;ii:,; vaci~ and all of the condiCions hereanabovo set forth. Should any suc.:i condikioz~s, or any pt~r.t thereof, be decl3red invalid or unenfarcaable by the final judqment of auy court of ~, r.ompeten~ jurisdiction, then this Re:.olution, anci any appr~v~ls herein contained, shall bc~ doemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RRSOLUTION is siqned and approved by mQ this 19th day oF J'une, 1989. ~, , . ~ ~. •~C : :j'~~~ ..~-b ~ ~ ~e~%'%f~t~. CHRTRFIOMAN~AIIEIM CITY PL~123NING CO2+~SISSION ~ ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~ _ ~ .~_.1-G~z~ ~=Q uECRETARY, ANAHEIbS CITY PLANNING CGMMISSIGN -3- PC89-167 '« "i~. ~'~~ -';~ ~ ~ ~ i ' ~`~~it~w . w,. .. .._a Y uTATF OF ~A,i,:(FORI3IA ~ ~.r : ~ ' : ~~1 i d i 1 ~~la~fllN~~' '~:~. +;i~4~ry~y~ U'~ . . . ~ f~l~, COUNTX OF ORA2dGE J s~ . `;:;r CITY OF ANAHEIM ) '`'~ l! i~. I, Edii:h L. Harri~, Socretary o~' the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commisaion, , da hsreby cartify that the forogoing reaolution was ~assed and adopted a~ a „s"-'r,. meeting of the Anaheim City Planxiing Commisfiioxi held on June 19, 19R9, by tre "i £ollowin~ vote oE the memherE thereo~: ,~ AYES: COMMISSI(?27ER5: BtiL1AS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLn, F~LDHAL'S, HERBST, :~ ~`~C B[TRNEY, MESSE NOESt CUMMISSTQNER5: NUNE AIISENT: CCIMMISSIpNERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHER~.dF,~ I have hereunto set my hand tlzis 19th ~1ay of ``` ;;une. 1989. ~a --~ . /;,~' i ca 4C.. ~l ~~~" SECRETA.RY, ?~NAFIETM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSrON ~;;'~ - , .;,t • ,>i: ;,'~ ,";~ :~!. :'13 ~~~i~ z1~N ~'~~+f~ ~s';`~ i. u' ~~ .~yt ~3, ~y4y~~~ ''.'!S' ~jnr.. .. .. . 'rI ~ &"~~'1'.A ~ .~, . .. . . -4- . . . . .. .. . ~. A~~ ~;j .- aa„' I~. PC89-167 ~~ F{ r~ ~~. , .i 'tyU,~ r~ y c ~ ,~~ ':; ~