Resolution-PC 89-169~'~`j1 ~'~' 1' ~5o~IL~N_~ pC~~..~.4~ ~,~~SJ?~ 4~~.~ ~+~~~ ~~'~.~~~.~1'.~~~Q~M'd.~~~.N APPRO~IING 11MENQMENT TO CQNDITIONS_OF A,P~~QygI ~ OR ~Q~..~y.I~~~U~.~ ~r1~.~.._t34~~~~, ~ WHEREAS, on Febr.iiary 27, 19f19, thd Planrin~1 Commissicn a~prov~d i( Conditional Use Permir No. 3121 to permit repZacomerit o.F the er.isting marqu~~ ; 3ign loca.ted at ~he main entranco L•o Disneylancl along Harbor Boue,ivarc~J by Resoli.tton No. PC 89-5'1; an~3 WEiFREAS, the pe~ilioner, Edward M. Pribonic (represeiiting Walt Disney Yroductions) has sub-ni~te.. a Zettar requesti.ng an am9ndmant to Condition Nos. 1 and 2 fpQrtaininq ~o irrovocablo offors of dedicat3on for addit3,ona1 streHt rig2its•-of-way along Fiarbor Boulevard 2~nd West :~treet) cf subject c~ndit~onal u~e psrmit; a~nd WHEREAS, the City Pl.anninq Conunission did hold a publi~, heari~ag at the Civic Center in tho City of Ai~aheim on June 1), 1969, at 1:30 p.m., notico of said pu~lic heari.ng having boen duly givtri in accorda~ice with i:he provisioiis of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter lA.U3, to he~r and consider evidQnce for and aqainst said propnsad s~mencimont !~ conditions of approval of subject condi~iona]. u~e permi.t ar.d to investigate and make findings and raconunendat.ions in connectfon thQrewith; and WHERF.AS, said Commission, after due inspe:tiori, investiqatiioii and s~udy made by ikself a»d iri its behalt, and ~fter lue consider.arion of all evidence and reports offered at ~aid hoacing, doas Eind and dakermine the fol]owing factsi 1. That the request is fur amendmont to Cond tion N~. l. (requiring an ir.ravocnble offer of iledication for 1,330 foot along Harbor Boulovard) and instead to req~.~ire ari irrevocable o~fer of dedicatton only alonq ChQ '~andscaped "islanii" portion of the Fiarbor Roulevard enlrance to Disneyland upnn whfch ~lie replac~amsnt r!marquee sign is ~o be con:trucked, that said "island" tias approxfmately 530 foet• of frontag~ ~l~ng Harb~r F3oulevnrd ~nd is located opposi.te und northorly of Freedman W~yj an~l 2. That lhe applfcant has requQSted do.letion of C~ndition No. 2 in its en~irety (requlring an trrevocable offer of dedicatiot Eor 1,330 feet along WQSt Street); and 3. T}~at Code Section 18.p4.080.010 "Dedicntiuns of Right-of-Wpy" requires thah rights-oE-way tor all streets, ~i,~t~ways, storm ~raina, etc. sha11 be dedicatd~ as required Gy the City EnginR~r in accordance wi~;.h adopted City of Anaheim atr~ndard plan3, and full dodf•ation fs typically requirecl ahen a proposal is for devc~loprnenC of r.n entire parcol, increas8s the deve~~~pment density ut a parcel or othesrwi.:~e fmpacts ocljacgnt hiqhway~ in a munner wt;ich .ia improved by str.eet wideninq; and 4. That in tha case o~ this i•eplacament macquae siqn, staff concurs with the~ reques~t to r~stluce the amount of dedi~:~tion from a total ~E 2,660 fr~et (thQ r.ombinocl stceot fro:-taqes of the un~ler~yin~~ 1ega1 parcel o~ record) to about 53q feet (the apprcximate fr~ntAgo of the landscap~U "inla~nc!" xhere the pr•.,po~sed ~iqn is located) f and 0912r -1- PC89-169 ~~ l ~ ~ ~1~. I ~+ 5. That Zoniny CodQ Saction 18.03.091 "Ter~ninati~n or Modi~Efc~~tiion ~ af Condi.tionA~ Use PArmits or Variance~ (1Procodurea)" pearmiks amendment to the ~ con~titions of approval in connor.tion with a duly nnticed rublic he~ring ho:Ld ~ by i:ho body whicti granted :E.inRl appraval of said petition. ~,L~FOItNIA ~NVI~~.FN~.L~_~~t..Y~ .1~~~~~3D~.NSz~ The P].o.nnlnq Uirectar or his ~uthorized represent~+t~ivo has deL•ermined tk-at Che proposod project fa~ls r~ithin the 8efinitio~a of Categoric3l Exemptians, Claas 2 and 11, as aaEined in trie State EiR Guidel.inea and is, therQforF, categorical7y exempt frora tho requirement tv pre~pare an EIR. No £+irtt~er ac~ion is :iecessary in c~nnection with the roquosted amenc~man~a. NOh, THEREI'OI~E, H~ IT ~2ESOLV~D that the Ani~heim CiCy Planning Commission ~oes hereby amand the c~nditions of approv~l in Resolution ?io. PC 09-57 aU follows: (a) Amend CondiCion No. J. to read: "lhat the 2~+qa1 ow~ner of subject property shn11 irrevocably ofPer to dedicate to L•he City of Anahe~n- A strip of l~nd sixty (60) fp~t in width frum the centerline oE the stree~ along Harbor Boulevard fc,r that portion of Harbor Boulevard located opposite and northerly of Freedma:i W~y, and meusucing ~io:therlp approximately five hundr.ed thirty (530) feQt from FrQedman w~y (alony the ent:re raised landscaped i:iland on which r_he mar~uee sign is located), f~r str~et widenfng purposes as rec;uicad by the Cihy Cngineer.'' (b) Delete Condition No. 2 in its entirc~ty. (c) 1Jnend Cnndiki.on No. 5 t,o read: "That prior to final bu.ilding and aoniny inspecticns or within a~,eriod of one (1) year From the dare of this rosolutien, whichever accura f.irst, Conditi.on Na. 1, above-mentioned, shaY2 be complied wiL•h. Extensions for further timo l:o complate said condition may be ~.{r~nted i.n accordance with Section 16.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code." ,:_. ~?. .. '. '~~~. ~Y"~~wv~:.~~, THE FOREGOING RL'SOLUTION is si.anad and approved by me thia 19th clay of .Iune, 1989. ~ i`~'' • , ,~',~i`'_z~'"7.._ _~ _ ~T.._..___,:~...- ..~~;.._~ CHAIRWOMAf1, A13AEIEIM CITY PLANNING C01~4dISSION ,~ AT.T. EST : ~_ 1~~ ~~1 IGI r.1L1.1 ~-- ••------ SECRETARY, ANIIHEIM CITY FLANt7ING COA4~fISSION -Z- P~89-169 ~ ~ ~ :v~ -~~~ dn~t,~14;~~~'~ ~~ ~;;~^, ~r +t e'~}F~v ~J~~l~'i~ rf~irM~J ~Jk+p. i ~ti'~{:~u~~ ~ya k~ a:.~~ ~ 7f ;~no ~~; n ~ ,;r; , k~.,; ~:.' ;c; v' : „' ~;:, STAT~ OI' CAL'CFQRNTA . . . . . . , p .. , MC BURIIEY NOLS: COMMISSIONERS: tJONE ABS~NT: COMMiSSIONdRS: ME~tSE IN YiITN'~SS WEIEREOF, T. have herounto sei: my hand this 19Lh c~ay of Juna, 19(s9. .~~~~Ez~~-• ~'~ ~ ,~r..-~ ~ ~c.~.~w SECRE`tARY, ANA~iETM CITY YLANNING COMMISSION r~~~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ' CITY OF ANl-HEIM ) T, Edith L. Harriy, Secrc~tinry of the An~,heim Cit~- Planninc~ ~' { Commission, da heroby cortify thAt t:he fordgoing re~oluti~n was passafl and adopte~ at a meet3ng of the Ana2:aim City plasiuing Commission hc~ld on Juno 19, '~, 1989, by the following voto af. the mombors therooir ,r ~,, AXBS: COMMISSTONER~• TiOUAS BOYDSTUN CARUSILLO FELDFT"U~ HEEtBST -3- PC89-169