Resolution-PC 89-175~~ 'Ifi, ,. '. ,:il R ~.c3QLV~4.~_NQ,~.$~~17 ~ A RES~LU'PTON OC THC ANAIiEIbt CT'1'Y PLl~NNING COMMISSION THAT ~ETTTX021 FOR ItECJ~ASSIFICATION N0. 86~-89-50 BG GRANTGD ~~~'.~i ~ WHCREA~, thQ Anaheim City Plantiing Commission did receivA a verifiod ~efxt~.on for 12ec1assifict~tion from ELIAS DilIEDO AND JO~1N WF2IGi~T, 6351 Santa Catalina~ Garden Grove, CA 92645, ownars of cer.tain real propertx s.ikuatod in t2ie City of An~heirn, Counry o~ Oranqe, Stata of Californin, dQSCr.i;~ed as follows: LOT 2U OF TRAC7' N0. 255, EAST ANAHEIM SUnDIVISION, IN TH~: CTTY OF AN,IHEIM, CJIJN'PY OI' ORANG.., STATE Uk' CALIFORNIA, AS PER MJ~P TFIEREOF RECORDED ZN BOOK 14 Pi-GE 2$ OF MISi,EL~LANEOU~ MAPS, ZN TFIE OFFICI's OF THE C~UNTY RECORDER OF SAID C(1UNTY, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF CYFRES5 STREET, AS VACATEll BY THE CITY C'OUNCIL OF TfiE CITY OF r1NAHEIM, IIY RESOi,,UTI0I3' N0. 89R-$9, RECORDED ON APRIL 20, 7 9R9, AS INSTRIJMEPiT NQ. R9-2081E1y OF OF'EiCIAL RECORDS OF' SAID COUNT.Y, MGF.E r'ARTICULARI~X DESCRIBED A3 FOLLOWS: IIEGINNING AT ~HE PTORTHWEST CORN~R OF LOT 20 OF SAID TRA~CT N0. 2K~; THEbiCE, ALONG TH~ tIURTHf RLX PROLO~'GA~ION OF THE WE5TEF;C.Y LINE OI' 3AID LOT 2Q, NORTH 15 DEGRCES 1G' 05" WE~T, 28,Z~ FEET TO THE ~ENTERL•iNG OF SATD CYPRESS STREET, AS Sf{i~WN ON SAxD M1-P; THENC~ ALONG SAIA CErTERLINE, NORTFi 7~ DEGREES 37' 25" EAST, 17]..00 FEET TO THE SQUTI3~RLY 1'ROLOt1GATI0N Of' TFiE E1,STERt,Y LiNE OF LG:C 18 OF SAID TRAr~ N0. 255; THENCE, ALONG SAID 5C~UPHERLY PROiONGATION UF SAID EASTERLY LINE, SOUTH 15 DEGREES 16' 05" EAST, 28.25 FBET TO THE NORTETERI,Y f~INE WEST, 171.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF SEGINNING. WfIEREAS, tho City P~anninq Commissi~n dScl hold publ.ic haarings at the Civic Center in the ('i~y of Anaheir.- on May 22, 1989 at 1s30 p.m. notice of said Fiublic hoariiigs having ~aeen cluly givc~n a~ requirod by law an~. in accordac~co with tho provis3ons of C:~e Anaheim Municipal Code. Chaptar 1a.03, ko heAr and r.o»sider ovidQnce For and agalnst said pr~posed reclass.iEic.aGion and to i.nvestigate and ~nake findinq~ and recommendatioas in connec~ion thArewiths and said petitinn was contS.nued to tha meeting~ of June 5, 19E19 ~nd July 5, 1989; and WHF.REA5, smid Commission, after clue inspection, invastigation anQ sCucly maQ~ by itself and in its behalf, aad afL~r cl~aa consideration of all evidence anc~ reports ofEered ~t said hoaring, ~Ioc~s f3nd and rletermine the L•ollowinq fACL•ss 1. Tlict the peC;.tioiior proposos rec:~asification ot subject proper*.y from the RS-7200 (Residontlal, Si.nqle-Family) zone to tho RM••3900 (Resi3enti:~l., Mul.tiple-~anily} or ~ less inten3e zone zona. 0939r -1- PC09-175 , ;~ . . ;'', ~.'N::~', . ~ . . .. . .. . ~ .. , , . , , . , ~. ~ .. ~ ~ , , .. , ~ ~ ~ .. _, . !' ~'., r`? ~.~i2,', 2. That tne AnatiGim Gc~nor.al Ptan design~*_~s subject pro~erty foi• Low-MQdium Dc~nsity Residential land usQ. 3. Ti~aC tho proposed re~classi~icarion of subject proneL•ty is necossary nnd/or desirable fur the orclerly and proper developmont. of ~he cammux-i~y. 4. Tl.at the propased reclassifi.cation of subject propQrty do~s properly relat~ L•o the zones and their pe~mitted ~sos localJ.y establishad in closo pr.oximity tu subject property and to khe zones and "h~ir pe:mirl:ed ~ses generally establishQd i:hroughout thQ commur~ity. a. That one persoa indicatod thQir presence at said puhlic Y,car:ina in appo~ition; and that no co~•respondenca was received in opposition to subject pet.itior~. ~AI~_~Q$NZA ENVIRONM~tITAL _QjJA~,, '~Ly ArT ~xNllItlGs ThaC tr.e Anaheim Ci.h.y Planning Cummissian t-as reviewed the propoAal to re~lassify ~ubject pz•operty from ~he 12S-7200 (Reaidenti~l, Single-I'~mily) Zon~ to the P.M-300Q (Fteside~ntial, ~Iultiple-Family) Zone with waivers of maximum fence heighl- and permitted ancroac~imenC irito required yards to construcC a~- and 2-story cundom.inium pro~ect (~reviously 6-units) on an arregularly-shaped parcel of l~nd cansisting of appzoximately 0.45 acr.e lncated at the sou~h~rest ~orner o`c Cypress StrQet and ~Coffman Street ha~ing approximate frontages of 242 feQt on th~ south side of Cypress Skreet (a portion of which ic~ propo3ed for abandanment) and 61 fec~t cn the wgst side uf Coffman StreQt, and £urCher dd:cribed as 227 North Coffman Streett and da~s 2ier~by approve tbe 27eqative lle~laration upon finding that it ha3 considered the Negative Declarat3on toq~ther witr any c:ornments recQived durfng the public review process and further fin3ing on th~, basis of the initial ~l•udy and any commee~ts r~ceivad that Chc~re is no substanti~l evidence that tlie projec~ will have a significant effec~ on the environment. NAW, TH~REF06E, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cit7i Plann~ng Commis~ion does l~ereby qrant subject Petition Por Roclassif « aL•ion and, by so do.ing, that Titl~ 18••2oning of thQ Anaheim Municipal Co~dQ be amended to exclude the abovo-d~scribod property from L•ha ~tS-'/20U (,Residential, Single-Camily) Zone and to zn.corporate aaid describad pr~pe:ty into the kM--3Q00 (ResidQnt.fal, Miiltiple-Eamily) Zono upon the followiny condit:toiis which are heroby founa to be a necessary prerequisite to th~e f,roposed use of suDject; pxopork,y in order to pre~~erve thQ sa:ety and g~neral welfai•e of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: ~. That the leqal owr~er of :,ubjoct property shall irc•evocabiy offer ~~ dedica~e to the Cir:y of Anahcim a strip of land t.hir~x (32) feeC in widtli from the centerl.ine oE the stroet along Coff.ma.n Skree~ for street widening pur~osos. ~, ~ •-2- PCBo-175 ~ ~i i • ~ , ; ~~;nz;,~ ,:~,~ 2. That a£c~e shall bo paict to the City oE Anaheim i~r tree planting a].ong Cypross Straet and Cofiman StrQet in an tvnoiint as established by Cit;y Council r~rso7.ution. 3. Thrat prior to ~ho introduct.ion uf an ordinance rexoning subject property, Condition Nor~. 1 and 2, abave-mantioiled, shall be complatod. The '' provlsions or righ~s gran~ed by ~his resolution sh~ll be~ome nu1]. and void by acti~n of the Planninq Commi:gsion unless said conditions are complied with within one (1) year. fr~m the clate of this resolution, or such furthQr time as the Planninq Commission may grant. ~. That approval. at t] request unly to the Zoning Code and any anclude ~.ny action roquest rFqarding requirement. iis app~icahion const.itutt~s approval uf ths proposed e:ctent ~hat it cnmplies with the A.naheim MunicipaJ. other applicable Ci.ty regu].ations. Appr~val does r~ot or Findings as to complianca or approval o£ the an.y other applicable ~rdir~ance, reguiation or . BE IT FURTHEF, rESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and 3etermi.ne that ado~tion af thi~ Resolu~ion is expressly , predicaked upon applir.ant's complia.r.co with each and all of the condi.tions hereinabova set f~rth. Shoulci any such condit.ions, or ariy ~art thc~raof, be declared i.nvalid oT~ unen£orceable by the final judgment of any court o£ competen~ jurisdict:ion, then this Resolution, anci any approvals herein contained, shal'1 be dePmed nu11 and void~ THE F~T2EGOI2~G RESOLUTION is signed and approvod by me this 5th day of July, 1984. ~ / ~ ~j'~';~.l~t.i ~.! ~~/~~`J~~~~`r` . CHAIRWOMAN.~~ANAHEiM CITY PLANNiNG rqt~SISSION j. ,~ ~ ATTF.ST: ' _ / ._.._ ~~~ _ff~=_~~-~!'"'i(!'L..~.-~ , SECRETARY, ANAIi~IM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION STATE Or CALIFORN.LA ) COUNTY OH' ORAN~E ) ss. CITY OF 1,NAFIL•'IM ) I, Edith L. H~rris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planninq Commission, clo hereby certzty that tho Foregoing resolution waa passed and adopted ~t a meetin~ of. the An~iheim City Ylanni.ng Commission held on July 5, 1989, by the following vote of tho memberu thereof: AYES: COIyMIS5I0NERS: BOUAS, HO:DSTUN, F'E~,DFTAUS, HERBST, MESSE N7ES: COhII•fISSIONERS: 1JONE ABSENT: COMMISSIO~IF,EtSt CARUSI'LLU, MC BURNEY , IN t~~ITNESS WHEREnF, I have hereunt~ set my hand this 5th clay q£ Jua.y. 198h. ~ ~,Ai : , ~ ~ ,~ ~"r ;;~~ SECRETARX, ANAH£IM CI1`Y PLA2~TNTNG COtMtISSi01d .'~r <'~ ';, ~ , ,..:,.'r