Resolution-PC 89-178I~ i R , ;-V ~o~urzorr rro. pce9-~~~s ~ a ~( 5S ~~ ':~'~~ ~~~ ~'~~~+~~ ~~ ~~ i qi !~il ;:i `'1;i'r. A RESOLUTION QF THF AN'At;EIM CITY PLANNII~G COIyQ~fISSYAN THAT PE1'ITIqN E'OR~GONDtTIONAL 1JSE PERMIT N0. 3175 HE GRANxFD WH~R~AS, the Anahc~im Cfty Plnnninq Comm3ssion d3d receive ~ verif3~d Petition Eor Conditional U~R Perm3t L'rorn JOSEPH MESS.lNA AND PAULA M~SSIN~, c~wners of certain r.eal properCy situated i.n the City of Anahaim, County of Orange, Stat;e of California, descrik~ed r~a: LOT 31 UF TRACT N0. 1353, AS SHOWN OI~ A MAP RECORAED IN BOOK 105, PAGES 23 TO 25 INCLUSYVr, OF I+tISCELLANEOUS MAPS, k2EC0I2DS OF ~RANG~ COUNx3C, CALIFORNIA. WIiER~;1-G, the City P1ann5.nq Commisaion r~id h~lcl a public haaring at the Civ3c Center iu the City of Anahoim on Ju1x 5, 1989 at 1s3~ p.m., no~ice of sAid public hearing having bec+n du'ly given as requirad by law and in accurdance wfth the provi~aons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, ~o hear and consider evidoncc~ for and against sai6l propo~ed con8itional use permit dnd to investi~ate and make fin8ings and recommendatians in connockion therewith; aud WHEREAS, eaid Commission, after due inspoction, investigation and study ma8e by atself aud in its bahalf, and after due cons3deration of all avidence and rnports ofEered at s~id Fi~aring, doe~ Einci and determine the following facts: 1. xhat the petitioner requests appzoval of a conAiti.onal use permit iinder authurity of C2lifornia Government Code Section 65852.1 to retain a ~30 square fo~t "granny unit". 2. That the proposad use is hereby qranted on the basis that the owner stipulatad that the granny unit will not be used rss a rantc~3 unit. 3. Tha~ the propoaed use will not ac~varsoly aft•ecC the adjoiriing land uses aad tt~o grow~h anci deva.lopment of the arQa in which it .is proposed to be locatod. 4. Thah the size anH shapo of the sito pro~osed For the use is aclequata to oilow the full development of the propused use in R manner not detrimenCa:l to rhe particul~r raresa nor to thg psaco, hoalth, sufety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of 1lnaheim. 5. Trat the granting of ~he Conditiona.l Use Permit under the conditfons impo¢ed, if any, will not be dekrimentul Co the geace, health, safety and genoral welfaee oE the Citizan3 of ~he City of Anahefm. 6. ^_'hat the truffic gonerated by tho ~ropos~aU use aill i~ot impoae an undue burden upou the stree~s and highways desiync~d bnd improved to r.mrry th~ traffic in the area. 0912r -1- PC89-178 ,:;: I ' ~1; ',l ;;~ ;~ .=.1 ~ ~'1 '~ J7< IN~: ~~1Mtf ~'~"^'.nn' Nw'_._" ' , ~ ~~~ ~~ , ;. That threo people hearing in oppositiunf and tha~ no t0 t418 SuL~jHGt peti~ion. ~~f ~ if~~ ,~ Y;~:~ ~ , .~~~ ,.,~. ;~,; ~ ~ .~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~:~`i; in~licated Cheir presence ~t said ~ublia `'~ cnrrespondence was rece~.ved iri ~ppoait3on CALIFQ~L T~__~V~RONMGNTAL OitAL2'~~v ~~x I,1N~IN~C= xhat the A:iahe3tn C~ty Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to retai.n a 530 square-~oot "granny unir" on an irregularly-shapdd parcel oE land consisting of approximatiely 0.25 acre, having a trontage of approximately 5~ feot aC hhe northwesc Cerminus oE Cozy T.errace, havinq a maximum dAp~h ef a~proximately 1V8 teet, and be3ng located a~prQacimaCcly 245 feet north of the centerline of Bri~rvale Avenue and fur~her descrlbad as 13i9 N~rth Cazy ~'errace; and does hereby approve the NegaL•ivo Declaration up~n finding that it ha~ consid~rad the Zlegative DecZaration togottier with any commc~nts received durfng the public revi.ew process and Eurther finding on tha basis of the 3niti~l study and any camments received that there is ~o subctantial evidence tih~t the project wi11 havo a significant effect on the environmbnt~ NOW, TIiEFEB'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commissicn doe~ hereby grant subject Petition for CondiL•.ional 'iJse permit, upon the followinq conditzons which are hereby found to be a uecessary prc~requisite to the propoaed us~e of ~he r~ubject property in order to preserve the safety an3 gr~neral welfare of the Citizens nf the City of A.naheim: 1. That appropr3.ate park and rgcrt~at.ion in-lieu fees shall he paid to the City oP Anaheim in an amount as d~termined by the City Cour.cil. 2. That the appropriato traffic siqnal atssessment fee shall be paid t~ the City of Anah~im in an umount as eskaY,lished by City Cnuncil resolution. 3. Thctt plans shall ~e submitted to the Bui.lding Divi~ion showing compliance wfth the minimur~i atandar8s of the City of Anaheim, including the Uniform Buildfng, Plumb3r.g, F:lectrical, Hou~ing, Mech:~nical and ~'ire Codes a3 ado~ted by the City, of AnahHim. The appropriake permits shall be obtaine~i for any nr,cessary work. 4. That evidence shall he presc~nted sr~Cisfar.tory to the ~suilding Divisioa thaL the "granny unit" in fn canformance with Counc3'1 noliay Nu. 542 "Sound atL•enuation in reaider-tial pr~jects" and with noi.~Q insulation atandards specified in the Californ3a Admfnistrative Cod~, Title 25. 5. That the 1Qga1 owner of subject property shall restrict thc~ occupaney of the "granny" uni~ to one or two adults, both of ~~hom aro sfxty (GO) y~ars of age oc ol8er, and fv.rth~rmore, sht~11 xecord a covonant against the ~sroperty so-restrictiny Che occupancy of said unft. Said covenant shall be submitted to thr~ Zaning Bivision for transmittal to the City At~orney's Office for review and appxovAl k.rior tn recordation. ProoL• of recordaC3on ahc-11 C;cen be submittefl ~o tho Zonir~q Diviaion. 6. That subjeat property shall be develo~oU substanti~lly .tn e~ccordance w~th plans anfl specifir.at.ions on file with the City of Anahei.m ma.rked Exhfbit Nos. 1 ar.d 2. ,,t ; r 44" ~'~~'y"'A 1 { + ,~ 'j;j, t: ', . - . ~ -~_ PCA9-178 ~. ., ~,`'s~ ~ ~ r ' ~~~~~ ~IN~ + ~ ~i~ ~," ,:~ ,~yg;~nj. ~ . . j ~a; ~^ .. ,r . ijN ii' 7. Tha~ th~a legal awner oE siibjeqt proper~y sh~ll recora a covonant against '~ ~he properl:y guaranteei~g that the grariny un3t aill no~ be used as a rental uniL•. Said covanant shall be submittod to the Zo~iing Diviesion for tranamzttal t~o the City Attornoy's Office f~r review ~nci approval pxior ~.j to recorda~ion. Proof oE recnrdat3on nha).1 thQn be submitted to the ~~'c Zor.ing Division. ~'`'f 41' 8., That Conditinn. Nos. 1 througli G, above-mei~r.ionecl, shal:l be completed ~} w~thin r~ rerio~z of nineCy (90) clays fro~ti~ the dato nf this resoZu~ion. '!;t; y. ThaC approval of this application c:onstatutes apprnval of, the prvpoaed rE~quest only to the ext:ent that it com~lie~ with the Anaheim Municipal 'Loning Code and any other auplicable Gity regulations. Approval doe~ no~ r include an.y action nr f~ndinys A3 to compliar~co ur appxuval of, th~ ; requast regardi.ng any other app7.icable ordinance, regalation or `.~ requixement. . 33E~ IT FURTHr^.R REaOL~IED i;haC the Anahoim City Planning CommissiAn does t:c~rsby Eind an.~ d3termine that adopCion of this Resolution is expr9ssly predicated upon applicant's comp].3.ancQ with each and a11 of. the cond3tions hereinabc~v~r ~et [orth. Shou13 any such cunditiana, ar any gart thereof, be ,:~ declared inva:lid or Unenforceable by the final ju8gment of any couxt of ;;~ comp~tent jurisdiction, t_hen this Rosolution, and any appro~~als herRin contained, shall be ~3eemod null aiid void. `~ ~ ~ THE FUREGOlNG RESOLUxION is signed and appro•ved by ma this 5th ciay '! nF Ju:ly. 1989. . , ~ ff '~~ ~' / JJ ~~// ~ '" ._ % !~~/ G "~..~ -~:G~ rc%!I~ t~~/ __ . ~ ~,~ 1^ CHAIRWOMA.N, AHEIM ZITY Pi.l-N'NINC COMMISSTON ~, ;~' i p', ATTEST: +; / ~~- -~ --- SECRETARY, 1~NAH?IM CITY Y NIt3G COMMISSION STATE OF C,Z,LIFOl2NIA ) COL'NTY Or OFtA,NGE ) s~. CLTY OF AN~IEYM ) i, Edith L. Harris, Ser_retary af the Ax~aheim Cit•p Planning Commission, cia hereby certify tYiat tho forc~going resolution was passed and adoptad at a meQting of the An~aheim Cf~y PlAnning Commisaion h~ld on July 5, 1989, by t.he following vote of the members therc~o:E: A:CES: COt~ISSI0Nw125: BOlJAS, BOYQSTUN, FEI,DHA[JS, HEKBST, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIqNERSs NONE AHS~NT: CpI~4ITSSIONERS; CARUSTLGO, N-C DUR2iEY IN WZTNESS WHEREOF, I havo hereunto set my hand this Sth da.y of Ju1y. 7.989. ~ _ ~ ~ SSCRETARY, ANAHCIM CITY PLANNING COI~IINISSION '3' PC89-178 ' ~ ~µ