Resolution-PC 89-187:~ xesc~c,uTi.~cr...h~.---~'-G~-9..-i.$? A kGSOLUTIOIv OF 1E1~; At7AHE1.M CZ'.['Y E'LANNiNG COh41IS5IUN THAT F'ETITION FOR CbNDI'J'IONAI. USC PERMIT N0. 317fi [~E GRANTED WHFREAS, thP Anahoin~ Ci.Cy Plarining f:ommission did rec~ive 3 ve~rifiod F~atikion f.or CGI1Ci.~1:lOI1~1 !1se Parmit frcxn ANUIIL-HAFIZ AIAM, 'J.100 N. Broadway, ~ S~nta An~a, Ct\ 92'IOn, ownor, and BACS DEVt:LOi';Y:ENT, It~C, 2].0~ N. 8roac~way, S~inta Ana, CA 9~7Ufi, ~-geinC f.or cortain rdal propc~rty situat~d in thR (;ity oF Anahoir,i, CO'lIlt.Y of Orango, SL•ate of C~]iEorn.ia, ;lascribsd r-s: PARCELS 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 6, RS SFfOWN ON A MAP FiLED IN F30QK 22h, ['AGES 48 10 50 tP1CLLJSIVE, OF YARCE[~ MAPS, IN T~tE f)r~r.~C~ ^X' TI•1E COUMTY R~CORDER ~JF ORAtv'GC COi1N'IY, CAL'!I'ORN'IA. W'tl~;RF,A5, the City Planning Commission did huld a public haaring ut ttie Civir. Ceritar in t:he City oE Anaheim an Jii].y 17, 19Ef9 at 1:30 p.i7„ nukiCe of. said public hoaz•ing having br.en itu.ly given as Y@CjUlL'@l~ by law and in accorda~ice witli t}ia provisions of the Anahei.m bf~aria.ci~,~l Code, Chaptor 1£t.03, to hear and :onside: evicfencE; for and again,l: ntiid p:~oposed conciiti.or-a1 use permit and to lI1VESt1(3~~t:e~ and make finclings and reconmendations in conner.tion therewith; and WFiF.REAS, :;aid f:omroiss.ion, after due in~pecL-ion, invQStigation and st,u~~ m~~le by itself and .in ir_s behalf, and afY.er due eunsid~3rati.on of a11 ^vidence and reporc::, ~f;cr~~~'. ~t said 2iearing, daes find and determine the foalow.inr~ £acks: ]. That the ~etir.±~~r.~~ rec;uests appcoval of a conditional u~e permit under ai~thority of Co~le Section 18.h4.050.135 to parmit the expansion of: an eai:,tiny comm~rci~l rFr_~1i~. cenL-er ar:d waiver of. the Eo7.lowin,q under a~aCtiority of Code SecL•i~n 18.~F~,Q80; SF_r7'TGlr;__IFi,_Q6,_~15p,(lZl _ Mir}i_mum__ntunbc.~r_o_C__par_Y_._inJ ~~,~ces. 1_A,_.Q~.G50 __Q43.1 (4~41. requii•ed; 2t3Q proposecl) 18 .06_, 0~0. 07.s~_"L_ Zn~i 1_$ .!l~i~_O~,F_, 05Q 2. Tl,at the reques~ed waiver is hereby grant~td on the basis that thc park.ing waiver will tior. cause an i.ncr~a 3e in tr~ffic cor.ges~ion in ~he imm~:diate vicinity nor adversely affect any adjoining land uses and grantfng o: hhe parkiny wa.:ver under lhe cenditions imposed, if aciy, ~ill not bo derr.imental t:~ `h~~ peac e, health, safety and genera2 wolfare of the ci.tizens of the Cir.y o~ Anaheim. 3. That Che propo:.F~d conclit.iona2 use p~rmi.t i; hQrr.by granked subj•~r.t r.o the pQtitioner's stipulation at t?;~ purlic hc~aring that r.o addition~71 foo~.l ;.crvLC:c u~Ag or restaurants, in~lucli»y E~st food, shall be permitted. 4. That the p~~,r:;^^~~ »,r wi11 not ~~dversely ~fEF3ct the ,c1j~~ininq land usQS an~ the qrowth ~~nC Ctev~±l.r~pmcuF of tce~:: u.~a in which iL- is pro~osetl t~ Y,~, l~catecl. u') :'.c -1- PCB9-187 5. That~. LYxe si.za anci st~.ape of ttio siL•e propo~e~i for Ck:e use is adequatc ~u a11ow th~ Cull cSeve].o~men~ of tlie propos~d usa in a rnanncr not: datrimen!:a1 ~o '.:he par.ricular ar8a nor tu Cho peace, h~alth, safety and c~eneral welf.lYf: OC the Citizens oE the Ci~y of. Anaheim. ti. Tnrit the c~ranh.ing of` the Cc~ndiLional Use Permit undar the conc~i.tions imposed, if any, will nc,L k~~ d~tri.m~rit~l to tY,e peace, hoalth, s~tifety snd goncral w~lfare ef the Citi.:ens of r.he CiL•y oE Anahei.m. 7. Thai: Lhc~ traf.fic gonera~ac~ by the p:.apo:Qd uso will not impo~e ari undue burdon upon the stroets and highway~ dasi.gned and improvod to carry Che tr.affic in the ar~a. Q. That no or.c~ indicat:~cl r.heir prese~nco at 3aid public hearinq in opposiL•ion; and that no corresponclenr_e was receivQd in oppasition to thQ subject petitiou. ~AT.IE'URN'CA ,FN4IRQfIME:NTAL QUALITX aC7_FTNDING: That the Anaheim City P'lanning Comrnission has revi~wed tha pr~posa.l to perrnit the expansion of an ~xisL-ing commercial retail center with ~vaiver of minimum number oE parY.inq spaces on an iri•egularJ.y-shaped parr.a7. of land coi~sisting of appxoximately 4.9 acres located aL• the southwest cornF:r ot Dall Roaa and KnotC ~treet, having approximate fruntttges 116 feet on the south side oE Ba.ll Road anci 3y0 feet on ttie west side of KnotL- S~reeC ~nd furt2ier descr.ibed as 1211-1245 Suixt.h Kcintt Street; and cloes t-ereby approve the Negative DE~claration uvc~n finding that it has consiilered the Negative Declaration togethor wi~h any commen~s C@C~iVE~d durin~ the public review procQSS and further f.inding on the basis oE the initir~l study anci any corr.monts roceived hhat there is no ~ubstantial evidence Chat th~ projecC will have a significant eL~ecC on th~ eiivironmont. NOW, THEREF'OI?];, BE IT RESOLVEU that S.kie Anaheim CiY.y planning Commi:;sio:~ does hereby <<ranl: subjoc+~ PetiL•ion for Conditional ilse Permit, upun the following con~iitioiis which are hQrel,y found to be a necessa.ry Frerequ.isite ro thQ propos~ed use of the .,u~ljc:ct proporty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of t:h~ Cicizens of. the Caty oE AnahQim: 1. That•. Lrash storage areas shall bo prov:ic~E~d ~.nd maintained iu a locar+nn acceptable to the Street Ma.intenance and Sanitation Division anc in accordancU with anproved plana on file with said Division. Addit.irnal storagc areas shall bQ sliown on tY~e plaris s~zbmittFd for building pQrmits ancl ,,h~ll be reviewc~c. a-id a~,~rov~d by the SY.re~t ~Saintenanee and Sanir.a~.ion U:ivision. 2. That ~rior ~o issuai~cc~ of a bt~.i.lcling permit., the appropriate '.:r; `.fic signal as~e~smeiit fee srall be paid to the Cir.y of Anaheim in an ar+~aunt as estab:lished by City Cour,cil resolut.ion. 3. 'Ch~it plans suhmitted for builctiuc~ permiks sha'!l. sh~w that all small car packing JpC~SCOJ have minimum widths of eight (81 fcsot. 4. That no additio:lal preparE~d £oud service facilities (restaurants) ~hall be pc~rmitCed in subjoct c~~nrnerciaJ. ret•ail conter unloss a variance f~r p~rl:inc~ is approvod by the City Counc.il, Planning Commission or 7.oning AdministrAtor or sufEicient Coiie parkiny is prc~vidad. ..2 _ PC09•-187 , .,::•~ 5, Thak ;tubj~r.t proF~~rt,y s1i~311 bo sorvod b~ und~rground utilitioq. ~ 6. That thc~ owner oF. subject proper.ty shall submit z].c~tt~r reque3t3.ng termination of Variarzce rTo, 1787. 7• Zh~L' a fae shzl'1 be pzicl t~i the City of Anaheim tor tree plar.iting along T~~l.l Road ~nd Ki~ott Street 3.n an amdunr as c~st,ablishad by City Council resolutian. 8. That fir~ sprir~klur,: 5tia'll be iiist~illEd as iequired by the Citq Fi.c•~ Ucpartment. 4. That all air conditioning faciliCie~ ~~nd oLher roof und grouni! mountod ~quipm~+nt shall b~ properly ;}lielcled Lroin view, and ~he suund bu£fared from adjacent residentiaL properties. Sur.h inf~rmati~n shall he ,pec.iEically shoFrn on h.iie plans submitted f.or the Lu.i]ci.ing permits. 10. That the proposal shall comply witli a11 signing rQquiremonts oP the CL "Con~~merical, Lamited" Zone, unl~ss ~ variance allowing sigr~ waivers is approved by the City Cr,unci.l, Planning Commiss.tan or 7.oning Adminis~ratqt•, 1].. T.}iat a:,ix (6) foot l:igh mur;or~ry block wall sh~~11 he r_onstructed and maintained along the south azci wesL pr~perty lin~s excepting tho Eront setbar.k wiiere rhe w.~'! .1 height shal.l not excced three (.1) feet; pruvided, hawevor, that ttle City Traf.fic Engine~r sha11 have t.he authority to reduce tk:e 2~ei9h~ of t:he~ wall to prot~c"_ visua7. linc:s-oF.-sight whare pedestrian/vFhic~;lar c irculatir~n i.nt:ersect. 17.. Tt~at any prn~os~d park.ing area lighting fixtures adjacent to any residential pr.operty shall be down-liahted wilh a. maximtun height of tw~lvp (12) Leet. Said lighting f:ixtures sha11 be clirected ~way fr~m adjacent res.id4.~ri,~1 property lines to protect the reside7tial fntegrily ot tlie araa and stial.l be indir.atec] on tha plans ~ubmittecl iar buil~ing permii:s. ].3. Tliat the on-sit:e lanuscaping sha11 bo reEu•.•bi~hed 'arid maintained 3.n ao~npliance ~oith Citf star-ciarcis. 14. That subject; Proporty shal:l be developed substant.ially in ar,cordance with p.lan:; and spQCitical•i~ns or~ fi.le with the City of ;,naheim markod Exhibi t. tlos .]. ttirou~h 5. 15. Tliat: pri~r to issuance of a buil.3inq permit or wikliiti a perioa of o~ie ~1) year fz•um Che aatp ~f L}i.is resolution, whicnevar occurc firsh, Cc,ndition Nos, 1, 2, 3, G, 7, 9, 11 ac~d l.2 above-mentionocl, shall be cornplied ~.~ith. ExL•ensions for Iurlher time to completa saitl conditions m~ty be gran~Qd in accordancF with Soction 18.03.090 of ~hQ Anaheim Municipal Code. 1G. That prior ta Eir~a1 buil~iny anri zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 5, I' fl, 11, 13 and I4 abov~-mentioneil, sh~l.l be c;o;nplied with. -3- PC89-1$7 ;i i~ . ~ ' 4"~~ ~Y ~. 7 . /,f~ l1.~ . That a~proval of thi5 applic~tion r.onstit:utes approval oE t2ie propos~d ~equast only to che exL-~tit tk~aL it complfe~ with th~ Anah~im Municipal Zoning Code flnd any other applicable City r~gula~3nris. Approval daos not includ~ any acrion or Eindings as to comp]..iance or appxoval qf ~h~.~ rac3uesL roqarding a~:~.y other applicak~la ordinance, regulaC3on or requir~mezit. BE 7T F'iJRTHER RLSOLVED tihat the ~nahei.,m City Planning Corrun3ssi~sn. doQS hereby [ind ~nc1 determino that adopt3on oE this RQSOlution is oxpressly , predicated upon applicant's c~mpliance with each and a11 oF the conditiuns , harei,nabove set forth. Sh~~uld ariy ~uch conditions, or a~ny par~ ~:~~reof, be dec.larecl invalid or uneriforceable by thP finn7. judgment oE any court of campetent jurisdiction, ~hen t:his Resplutiun, and any approvals here.in coi~tained, ~hall be d~omed nu:ll aiid void. TFIE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signotl and aFnrove~ by mo this 17Lh ~3ay of July, 19b9. • --~~-! . ` J ~~/ .~ ~~~ ,,/~: ,:"'~'-_r'.:L' ~ ~ CFIAIRMA23, ANAHEIhI ITX' YLANN'I.NG COMMI.r,SION~ ATTEST: - ~ ~ ~ J . ~• ~ -. ~~.~ -~ ~.., SECRETA , ANAHETM CITY PL~A NING COMMTSSIOD* STATE Or CAI,IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OR~TGB ) ~5, CITY OF ANAH~TM ) I, Edith L. Harris, SecrQr_aly of the Anaheim Czty Planning Commiss.ion, ~lo hereby certify that the foregoing resolutxon was passed and adapted at a meeting of t:he An~heim City Planning Commissaon held on July J.7, 19t3g, by the Following vote uf tbe mambers kherea~: AXESs CUN.b(I55IONERS: BOUAS, flOXDSTUl7, CAI2LISIT.f 0, FELUFiAiJS, FIERBST, MC BIJRNc,Y, M~SSE NUES: COI~4QISSTONERS: NONF ABSENT: COMMiSSIONERS: NUNE IN WITNESS WHEkEOF, X havE~ t~ereunt;n set ~ny hanci this 17th ciay of Ju].y, 1989. ~- ~~/~ ~jA .. , _.-.____ _ `:.~.~~ _ °`-s i _ .~G'~-~, SECRETARY, ,~A!AHCIM CITY PLANNrNG C~D4fISStON ~a -`~- PC89-187