Resolution-PC 89-188~;;:')d~p, ~~~c~.LU._r..zorr rip, pct~.~:~t~~ ~'~~~''~'1 A RCSOLUTIOPl OI' TI~~i ANAF•iLxM CITY PLANIJING COMMISSION 7'IiA:C 1'h~T:CTl:OF I'OR COPlDIT70NAI~ USE PE:RMTT IvO. 3179 BE G12ANTED WFIBREAS, the Anaheim Gi~,~ Planni.ng Cummission did rece3.ve ~ vorified 1'oL-ition ior Conditional TJse Perm.it ~r~m PTN L'! L~IU AD1D Y'U CHU FiJ LIU, 92R S. E~each Fsoulevard, Anahc~im, CA 9'L8U~, ~wners, nE cerCain rea.l property situated iri thc~ City o£ Anaheim, County ot Orange, State at Califarnia, cleseribed as: TEiC WEST 46~3.20 ~EET MFASURED ALONG TFIE SOUTH LTP1L•' OF THE SOU'1'H HA~I' OF THE SOUTIIWES:P QUAR7.'LR OF '1flE SOUTFiWEST QiJARTEI'< OF S~CTION 13, TOWNSFIIP 4 SOUTFi, RANGE ].1 WGST, IDT i2ANCH0 LQS COYOTES, AS PEk MF1P RECORDEn IN AOOK Fil, I'AGF 11 OF bfTSC~LLANEOUS MAYS, 1N i'EfE OE'E:[CE; OC THF COUPI7Y RECORDI3R OF SAID COUNTX. WHEREA„ the City Pianning Commiss:ion did hold a pub.lic hearing at the Cavic Center in the City o.C Analleim on July 17, 1989 at 7.:30 p.m. , notice oF sai.d publ.ic hearinc h~vincJ been duly given as required r,y law and irt accc~rdance with the provisions oL ~he Anahei.m Municipal Code, ChaptRr 18.03, to hear ~iit3 cor.sidQr Qvi.dHnce [or and against Said ~Tpk~d~QC~ conditional use X~ermih. and to inv~stigate and make Pincl.ir-qs and rocommendatioits in connectiun therew5.th; and WH~Rh;AS, sa.id Commissir~n, atl:er du~ inspection, investi.gation and sL•udy made b,y itsc~l£ and in its behalE, and after due coxisidEration of al.l evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does Lind and cieter.mxne t~e Eollr~wing L-ucl:s: l. i'.h;at L-he peti.ti.oner r.equests approval of a cond~kional use perrc:iL• undor authoriL•y of Code Section t:o permit a 9-unit addil:.iori ~o an ex~sting 32-ur. iY, motel. 2. That the proposed use will nct advorsely aftact tYie adjoining lanti usFS and the 7rowLh and deve:lok~menL of thc~ area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. Tl•iat the s.ize atid shape of the site pr~posect for the uso is zdequate to allow the f:ull deve'lopment ot th~ proposed use in u manner not detYimental to che particul~r area ner to the peacQ, healt}i, snfety and r,ener~l ~~~lfare c~f' Lhe Citi.zens of L-he City of Ana~eim. 9. That ~.ht~ grant:Eng of lha Condikional Use Permit undcr. the r_ptlr;iti0115 imposerl, if any, will no* be dekriment~l to the peare, health, satety and general welfarF~ ot hhe Cit;iz~ns o~ the City of Anaheim. 5. 7hat the tra.Cfir. generated by the proposFd usQ wi11 not impo~e an undue burdcn upon ttie s~reets ancl nigliways clesigned anci imnroved ~o earxy the trntCic in the arc:a. J964r -1- PC89-•188 ~. : ~ ~ ; rv~'~~.~.~,"'-~ . . . ~ . ,. irY. ti. That no one indicahea their. prosence at said public hoaring in apposition; ancl that no curxospunclence was receit~pd in opposition to the st~bject petition. ,~ALIF'OFNIT EfIVIRONMrNTAI~ ,Q~11~LITY ACT FT.iJAIN~: Th~t ~he Anaheim City Plarining Commission has revieweci the proposal to permit a 9-un.it addition ~.o an ~xisting 3T.-uni~ motel on a rectangularly-shdped parc~l n~ land consi3ting of approximaLely 0.49 acre, having a frontage of approximately 95 feet o:~ the ec3st s9.c1~ of f3each floulevard, having a~raximum depth of approximately 230 feet, bei.ng located approximately 2h0 foet north oE t:he cc~nterline nf Ball Hoad and ~urtlier described as 9?.0 ~outh Beach Boulevard; and does her~sby approvc~ the Negat.ive Declarat.ion upon finding that it has cons:lder~d the Negative Declaration toget:her. with any comments received duri.ng tPie public review process and lurL•hpr find.ing on the ba:;is o~ `he initial study ~md any com~r~c~nts recPived th~st t'here is no substantial evider~cc~ that the prc~~ect wil.l Y~~v~ a signif~cant etfect on the eizvironment. tdOla, TFIERIaE'ORF., F3E IT RFSOGVED khat the Anahoim City Planning Conimissio.n d~es }~ereby grari~ subject. P~t.ition for Condzti.onal Use Permit, upon tY~e following conciitions ~which are liereby found t:o be a necessar.y prereguisite ~o t;hp proposcd use o£ the : uL~ject praperty i.n urder to pz•esarvF the satety ancl gene•ral welfa•re oL• L•he Cirizeti;; of the Cil-y oI l~naheim: 1. 7'hat th~ lEagal owner cf suLject property shall irrcvocably ofFer to dedicate to the City ot An~hei.m an additional strip o~ la:id along Eeack~ Fioulevarcl, mQasured northerly from the ultimatr~ right--of-~vay line at the corner. of the intersect.ion of Beach Houlevard and Eiall Ttoad, and varping in width from twelvc~ (J.2) feat for the 1:irst three hundred (3U0) Eeet and then kransitfoning from twelve (12) fr~t t~~ 0 Eeat f~r t;he next three hundr~rd {300) feet. 2. That prior to issua.ice of a building permit, thc~ apprupziate traffzc signal assoss-rient tee shall be paid to Y,he City of ?~naheim in an ~mouiir_ as esCablished by City Cour_cil resoluY:Lon. 3. ThaL• the driveway on Beach Boulevard sttall be raconstructad l•o accon~.modat~ ~en (10) foot raclius curb reL-urns. Er.iating breken or craclced drivQwayS shaJ.l be removed anci rerlaced as r~quired by the City Enqinoer and shall conLorm to Enr,ineering Standard No. 1.3'1. 4. TYiaY. subject property stiall be servc~fi bp- ~.~nde:gz•ound ~itilitius. 5. T}iat L•ire spi-.inltlers shall be installed ~s requir.ed by Ei:e Czty Fire Department. 6. That trash s~orage areas shall be refui•bi~hed to comply NiY.h approved plans ori file with thc~ Street Maintenance and ~ani~ation Ui,v:ision, 7. That all air coriditioning L•acilities and or_!~er roof and grou:~d mounted Qquipment slzall be properly shzelded frort~ view. Such information shall ba specifical'ly .s2iown on the r~lans suhmitted for buildirig parmiGS. -~~- PC89-188 ';~ ,;;;':';,~ ~ d~l~'"~ a. That the ~,roposal shall comply wi.t,h a11 signing requirements of the CL "Cnmmercial, Lirnitc~d" Zun~, uriless a variance mllnwing sign wazvers is a~,proved by the City Council, Planning Curnmissi~n or Zoning l~dministrato:. 9. That thP on-site lan~3scaFinq shall bQ refurbished ~nd maintained in r.ompliance with C.ity standards. 10. ThaL• ~ubject properL•y shnll be dovelopQQ substant~zallz* in accordr~nce with plans and specif.ic~tioris on filc wiY.ti the City of Anaheim mar.ksd Exhibit Nos. 1 an~l 2. 11. That prior to issuance of a buil.ding perrni.t ox wil-hi:~ a peri~d ~f uno (~.') yoar from the dat.e ot this re;solution, whi~hever occurs first, Cond9.ti~n Nos. 1, 7. and 7, above-mentioned, sh~sll be: comp'liQC1 with. Extensions for further ~.ime to complQt~ saia conditions may be rran~ed in acaordance wit}i SecCior . of the A:zaheim Municipal Code. 12. That prior to final buildinq and zoning inspeci:ions, Condition Nps. 3, 4, 5, fi, 9 and 10, above-mantioned, shall be complied with. 13. That approval o~ this a~plir,arion constitutes approva:l of the prnposed request only to Y.he extenL• that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any oLhar applicable City regulatinns. Approval ducs not ii~clude any action or finiiings as Lo carapliar.~e or approval of tYie requPat regarding any other app.licable urdinanae, regulation or rec~uirement. BE Ix FURTHGR 12ESQLVED that the Anahezm Ci.t~ Planniny~ Cammission does hereby find and determine tha~ adopticn of this Resolutinn is expres~ly predicated upon applicant'~ compl~azice with each and a11 ot the conditiuns heroinabove set £orth. Should any such cor.ditions, or aeiy part ther~of, be declar~d invalid or unQntorceable by tha final judgment of any court oE competent jurisdirtion, then thi~ Resolution, ar,d any approvals hert~in contained, sha11 b~ deemed null and void. THE FORF.G~IriG RESOLUTI~N is signed and agproved by me this 7.7th day of July, 1909~ ,~ i ~ ;, .,`~~~./ . / d.f .y ~ / ~~,r 6+,',~ '/ .' . ~,(~..~ i .` ' ~V CEIA~IRMAIv, A~NAHEIJ CI'1'Y PT~ANNING COMMI5~TON A~TEST: ~ ~ ~. _ _ I ~~~ _~~~ ' / . --- =,lY- --~~`~/t%L~, ~._-- SE~RF.TARX,~ANAHFIM CTTY ~'f,AtdtTING f.;OMhiISSION -3- PC89-188 ,~ .,,^ , • ~~ww~1 ~' STATE OF CALIEOF:NIA ~~~:1 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s~. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) T, Edith x.. fiarris, aecret~ry of th~~ Anahozm City Ylanning Commission, do hereby cc~rtify that th~ faregoiiig resolution was passed and adopted tat a meeting ~f the .Arz~heim (:ity Planning Commission held on July 17, 1909, by the follow.ing vote af tha membors thc~reo,'.: AY~^. COMMT.SSION~RS: E30UA5, F30YDSTUN, CAFtUSIraLd, ~~LDHAUS, HFRBST, MC HURNEY, MESSE NO~S: COMtdTS~IONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NUNE IN WITNFSS Wf~TRFFCF, :[ Yiave hex~eunto set :ny ha~d this 17t'~ day ~f Jul,y, 1g89. r,+ ~. ~ ~ ~ _ .~ ~-' ~-t. _`~---__ SFs'CRETARY, ANATiEIM CITX PL~.,~INING C4N.hfISSION -4- PC89-186 Ct,)~~ :t •'f ~I <, y