Resolution-PC 89-189, F~:~~~ rawJ~.~~ RESOLT7TIpN__NO pCH9 _7 -~c~ A RrSU'LiJ7.']:ON OI' THE ANAH~:IM CIT'Y PL~~NNTNG COMM?:CSION THAT PE:TITION FQ[: C.ONDI'TIONAL USE I~ERMIT r10. 3177 BI: GRA'NTF.ll '~~~ WHER~A~, the Anaheim Cit;y ~'lanning Commissaon did receive a ~~r~ri~ied Pe~iLion f~r Conditiona.l Use Perm'.t from HARRY H. ~I~MAN AND LOLA ELbtAN, 9808 Darighorn Avenue, Downey, C7~ y0240, ovrners of cer~aiii real propert~ situated in Lhc~ City ot Anaheim, County uf Orange, State oE Calif~-~nia, cl~scribQd as: THE NO1tTHERLY 130.OQ kLET OF TI-ll:~ SOT_1T.HTRLY 175.Ob FERT UF THE WFSlERLX 188.00 FEET CF THF NORTHWSST QUARTER OF SECTTON 28, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, ~ArrGE 10 WEST, TN THE RF..lCHO LA.S BOi,SAS, l& SFIOWN ON A MAp RECORDED 2N BOOK 51, PAr,E 1U OF AfTSC~LLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OE' ORA..NGE COUNTY, CAI,I'FORNIA. YvHERE;AS, th~ City Plann.ing CommisNion did hold a public hearing at the Civic Cente•r in the City of ta.n~heim on July 17, 1~f39 at 1:30 p,m., nol-ice of s~id publ:ic hearinq liavi.ny beeri d~tly givcn as requirc~•, by l~iw and in accordance with the provisians uf t.fle Anah~im t~unicipal Code, Chapter 1a.03, to h~ac~ and con:~ide.r evi~~ence f•ox and against sai.d Z~roposed condi~ianal use permii: and to investigate and make L-indings and reeomn~enclations in conneckion L-1•ierewith; ~zicl WF~~REAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investic~ation and study made by i~seJ.f and in its behalE, and after. due consideral•i~n of. 311 evidence and r~pnrts offered at said hearing, do~s find and iietermine the followirig ft~cts: 1• That the pet.itior.~r requests approval of a Condition~l TJse Yermit under aut;hority of Code Se~tion 18.~.14.050.135 to pe.rmit an 8,662 sq.L•t. a~dxtion (incl.udin~ 2,i.60 sq.ft, ot fast-food se:vice; L•e an existing 23,532 S9'~ t~t• commercial retai]. cent~r ~ind with wazver of the f~liawing ~;nder 3uthor.ity of Code Soclion 1II.06.Ogp; SECTJ NS 18.06,~Q'~Q~~22~, _ Minimum nixmber o; 1 06 , 0,, ,_ 7 .~arkinc~~p~~~~, ~=- `9~9=~ (25~9 requix•ed; ~3 proposo~) ~: 1~~2~~950 , 031 ~n~i 18.44.06G.,Q~.O A7 2. That the requested waiv~r is hereby grant~rl on the basis that th~ parking study appi•oved by the City Traf£ic Engineer i.ndicates that ~~eak parkir.7 nesds for the proposed use as•~ a~ difgrenl: times than otht~r uses in tho center and ~lso on t:tle basis that no adcli.tional ~ast food service f-ac.ilitie~ or z~esr.aura~~r_s, beyond tr.e proposed 2,160 squara feet wilJ. ,be permitL-ed; and furtkxer th~L the parking ~.aiver will nor cause an increase in trafiic congestion in hhe .i.mme:di~te vicini~y r.or adversr•.ly ~ffect an1 acijoining larid uses and granting of the pax•king wai~ver under the conditions impo~e~i, i.f ~ny, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, sa£Qty and general welfare c~ ~he citizens of the Citx oc Anahairn. 0962r -~.- PC89•-189 , i~J'\ j.:t:+4 ~. That ~the praposed use will not adversely aEf:ect th~ ~cljoining land uses ana ~ho gruwth ar-d develol~m~nt of• ttis area in whicYi it is proposad to be loaated. 4. That the size and shape of the siL-e proposed for the use is adequate ta allow the f•u11 development of the proposed use in a mt~nner not aetrimental ~.7 thc~ particular area i,or to the pQace, 2~e~1th, saf.ety and general we:lfare of i:he Citizens of the City oE Anaheim. 5. Tha~ the grancing or tr~~; Cnnditional U~e Permit undQr the conditions imposed, i.P any, will not be detr. imenta.l tn the p~~r.e, heaJ.th, saf.ety and gener~:l wclfare o£ the C'itizeYis of the City ~~f Anaheim. 6. TYiat the traffic~ generated by the proposed use ~~ill not impo5e an undue burden upon the streets arid highways desigried an~l improved to carry the traffic in tho area. 7. Tizat no one indicateci their presc~nce at said public hearing irx oppesit:ion; a:zd Lhat no correspancle:ice was received in oppositi.on to the subject petition. ~L~HNIA_ rNVIRONMFN'PAi, _,,1CUAT ITY Af~~TNDIN~: That the Anaheim Cii:y Planning Commissi.on has reviewed the proposa3 t~ permit an 8,6G2 squcara-toot a~dikion (inr.luding 2,160 squnr~ fee~. of f ast•-£oo~ service) to an existing 13,532 sgulx•e-foot comm~rcial rc~tail ~ent~r with waiver of minimum niunb~r oi parkaxig spaces ~n a rc~ctangularly-s:naped parcel of land consisting of a~proximately 2.~k acr.es localecl at the northeast carner oF Orangewood Avenue and ~:uclid Street, and Y.-aving approximate frontages of 3Q0 Pest on the noz•th sid~ o£ Oranr~wood Avenuo ani: 350 feet on ~he east side of Euc15.d Strest; and do~s h~reby approve t•he Negative Declaration upon finding thaY. it has consic~~ared the Neqative Declnration together with any comment_ received dux•ing the pt~blic review ~rocess and Eurther fir.d.ing on the ba3is of tne initial study aTid any commenrs rec~ived thah thQre is no substantial evadence tha~ the project wi11 have a siyniL-icant ei~ec~ ~n the environment. NOW, TfiGREri'UR~, BL IT RLSOLV3U that the Anaheim City Planning Commiss~on does ti•arei~y grant suUiect Petition L•or Conditional Use Permit, upon the followang conditions which aro hQreby 1Eound to be a necessary prerequisite to the groposad usca of the subject property in order to pzeserve the satety and general wGl.fare ~L Lhe C.~tizens oE the City oF Anaheim: 1. That the tw~~ (?,) rrost ~e~terly driveways an Arangewood Avenue sha11 be z'emoved and re•.l~ced with standarcl curb, giit:ter, sidewalk and l~ndscaping. 2. That all permit.ted drivewa~rs on Euclid Streot and Orangewood Avenue shall be const:ruateci with te~i ( i0 ) fuot ra~aius ci~rb retur,ns as roquired by the City Bngineer. 3. That sidewalka, curbs and gutters sha11 be repaired along Euclic' Street as reguired b~ Lhe City Engineer ana in accordz.nce wi.th sta.ndard plans and speci.Eications oii file in the Office of the City Engineer, -2- PC89-189 y:i~~~a~~ f,iY1'}1 4. T2zat prior ~o iss!~ance oP a buildinc~ permit, a Lot L.in.e Adj~~5tment P1zt sYia1'1 be submitted to and ap~roved by the City LnqinQer and then recorded in the office of the ~~range County ~ecarcler showing that t~kie new building lies ~n only one parce.l of land. 5. Tk~at the left-rurn median orx ~uclid Stroet on the north side of 0 rang~wood Avenue shall be mod.iiie3 ?? to increase capacity (was: fox capucity purposes), to the satisfaction of ~.he t".itp• Tratfic E;ngineer. 6. That prior ~a iss~zanre o~ a building p~rmit, the apgro~riate traffic signal assessmen~ fee shall be paid to the City of Anaheim in an amount as ostablished by City Council ra~soluti~n. 7. That £irs sprinklers shall be ir~srallect as required b~ the City Fire Department. 8. That a fee slial7. be ~air3 to khe City o£ Anaheim for tree planta.ng along Qran~ewood AvPnue and Euclic~ Straet in an amount as established by City Counril resulution. 9. That a fee shall be paid, to i:he ~ity oi Anaheim tor screet lzghting alor.a Euclid Street xn an a~no~.mt as ~stablished by City Council resolution. 10~ T2iat street lightinq facilities al~ng Orangowood Avenue sha11 be installed a~ required by the Utilitiss General tdanlc~ex• in accardanre wzth specifications on file in the Of:f:ice ~f Util.itiss General Manager; or that security in the form of a b~nd, cer~ifir.ate of deposit, lattcr of credit, or cash, in an amour..t a7id form satisfactory ~o the Citg of Anahzim, sha:ll be posted wit.~z ths City tc guarante~, Che satisf~ctory completion of th~ above-mentianed improvements. 5aid sccurity sha:ll be posted with the City of Anaheim prior to issuanc.e of a building p~rmit. The above-required improvements sball b~ installed uraor to accupancy. 11. ThaC subject propPrty shall be served by L~ndergrouna ut.ilities. 12. That: a reciprocal access and parking agreement, in a form satisfactory to the City AL•torn~l, sha11 be recar.dcd with the QEFice of t.he Orange CounL•y ~ Recox•der, A copy of tlie recorded aqre~ment shall then be submit~ted to the Zo~1in~7 Division. ' 13. T}iat no additioiial prepared food service t~ailities (re~taurants) beynnd tho 2160 equ~re Eet prarosed by this cand.itional •use parmit sha11 b~ permitted in t.his commercial retail ccntgr un.less a variance for parking is approved by the Czty Council, P'lanniny Commission or Zoning Administrator oc su££icient code parY,ing is grov~ded. X4. That trash storage areas shall be provided ancl maiz~tained in a?ocation accE~ptable to the Street MainCenance and Sanitation Division ~nd in accordance urith approved plans on file with s~id Division. Such in[ormaL-ion sha1Z be speczfically shown on the rlans submitted fur builai.nq perr,:its. ,~ -3- L~C89-189 ' . ~ .~.'A.'. p~ ~ : , ~"lM :L5. :~'hht ~11 zir conditioning far.ilitios und othor roo~ ~na grouncl mount~d e}guipment sha11 be proper2y shiolded trom vlew. ~uch 3nf~rmaki.on shall bo ~pecific~lly shown on F,hc~ plans submittad for nuilding permiCs. 16. TL t thn ~roposal s1~a11 comply with all signing requiremen~s oE the CL "Commercial, Gimited" 2ono, unloss a v~7riance nllowinq s3.gn waive:s is a~+proved by r_ha ~iL•y Council, Qlanning Commiss,t~n or 'Loti.ing Adm3nistrar,or. 17. That lho oi~-sit-e landsc:a~ing snall be rQfurbisi-ed ~nd maintained in coropl.it~nce with CiCy standarcis. 1~. Thak subject property sha11 be developed s~ibat~ntially .in accordance .~itki plans and speciLicat.ions on file w.ith the City o£ An~tieim marked Extiibit Nos. 1 nnd x. 19. That pric~r to is~ii:+iic~ oE a bu.ilding p~armit ur wirhin a peri.od at nno (1) year from thP ciate of' tiii,, resolution, w}!ichever occur s first, Condit_fon Nos. 1, ~S, 5, R, g, 7U, 17., 14 ancl 15, above-mQnCioned, sha;l be comp;iQd with. Extensicns for f.urt h~r tim~ to nomplete said condi.tions muy be qrant ed iii ~ccordance with Sec~.ion 18.03.090 of the Anahoim Municipal Cuc~e . . 20. 'fhat pr.ier r_~ :inal builc3ir-c~ and zoning inspoctions, Cor~dit.ion Nos. ~, 3, 5, 7, lil, 1:1, 17 and .18, above-mentioned, ~hall be compl.ied with. 21. That approval of thi~ ~pplication constitutes approval oE the propo:;e@ rQquest only to the extont rhat it comp7.ies with the Anaheim Municipal Zor.ing Co~e and any othnr appl.icable Ciry reyulations. A~proval doos nor inc:luclP any actiun oa• findings as to compliance or approval of tlie roquesC regarding ony ot2~er applicable ordi.nance, regulation or requ.iremenC. f3E IT FURTIIER FESqLVED that thP An~heim Cit^ Planninq CCmmission does horeby ftnd and datermine Chat adoption of this Re~ulut.ion is expressly predicated upon a~plicant's complir~nce with aach anci all oE tlie con~liLions }~ore.inabove sot f.orth. Sho;ild any such conditiuns, or any part thereo~, be c1r,c:].~cQd i~~~alid or usienfocceable by the fina: jud,qment o~ any court of competent jurisdictlon, then thi.;~ Re~alut:on, and any approv:~ls herRin conk~ined, sha11 be de~med null and vaid. TFIE FORr^.GOJNG RESOi.t)'TIOt7 is : iqned :~n~t ~pproved by me this 7.7th day oE ~uly, ].989. ~ , ; / ;'-/ ~ il• ,_. i ~ ~. .' -' ~,,,....r-~r.., "" ~ ~- . ~~_._._...._""_"' _-~.V- CHAiRMAN, hNAHEi.-'~ CITY PLJ,NiI7dG COMMISSION ATTF,ST: /~ _ , C_. : ~ ~, ..__ _.._._....___ .~~'~.~~--`~ /~- ~fi_I L ~~rt~-- S~:(:RETARY, 1Wl.HE2M ('IT PL7~tININ~; COhtt~fIS5IU?i `4" PC89-189 ~!F"'~ Fil"rh,y, ~ STA~F. OF CD.LII'•'OFtNIA ) COUrixx o~~ ol~~rrGr: ) ~ s, CITY OI' At~AfiEIM ) I, F;d3.t}i L. Harris, S~cratary ~f the J~nt~hoim Ci~y P]anning Commisaio~.~, do tiQrnby certify thar the Lorego.ing rc~solution was paesoc~ ~nd c~dopted ~t a meet3ng of Y.he Anaho~.m Ciry Pltinning Commissian held on Ju1y 17, 1~89, by the follawing voto af tho mombers thQreof: AXES: CUNJ~tISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUId, CARUSILLO, FELDFIALIS, HER6ST, hfC Di7R~IT;Y, MESSE NOF.S: COM:dISSYONE~S: t10NG Af3SENT: CG'4NtI~oI0NER5: NONE ;N WI'.I'NFSS 47~1EFtE0F, I havc+ bereunto sor my hand ~his 17th day of July, 1989. /~i / ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~..t. :. ____a __ ~.----_-- SEC~ETARY, ANAF~~IM CITY PL~ANNTN~ COMk1ISSION •~- PC89-189