Resolution-PC 89-19~~ ,F'~'[h'~ r . R~.~~~ITi~N~..~~~ _12 ~ A RE50LUTTON OF THE AIYT-IIEIM CITY PGAI3NING COMM:[SSION THAT x~ETTTION FOR VARTANCE N0. 3892 B~ GRT-IJTED '~:;' '"~,~ ;' ~~?'~~~~~, , ~ ~; , a +<J 3;'r a ~' ~Yt ~'~ ;~i' , ,;i...::_ i ~,. p ;' !., ~~ ~ ~,_~.; WIiEF2~AS, the Anaheim Ci.ty 2~la~ning Cornmiss~.on ciid receive a ~'; verified Petitian Eor Variance from LTN:LVER5ITY CINEMI-, ~ CA,L•IY'ORNIa T~:[MI'TFD `.:~,; F~ARTNERSHIk~, A~7': BRUCE SANBORN, Suite '13, Corporare Plaza~ Newport Heach, CA 92660, awner oF cextain real ~,ropexty situated xn tYie City of Anaheim, County of Orange, St~te of l:alifornia described as: ~' i'r j PARCEL 1~S SHOWN ON A PARCEL MAY F.'ILED IN BOOTt 84, ~~~~ ;;. , Pd~GES 5, fi, 7 AND 8 OI' PARCEL NiT+I~5 IDI THE OFr^ICE tl~ ~'; THE COZINTY RECORDER OF' ORANG~ COUN'TY, CA.LIFQRNIA j,:'. WIiLREAS, the City P1anning C~mmi~sion e~id hol.d a public l~oaring at the Ci.vir, Centex in the City of Anahei~r ~zi Jai:uary 1h, 1989, ut 1c30 p.m., notice af said public hear3x~g having b:+en d~xly giveit at~ raqui•r~d by law and in accardance wath the pravisions of the Auaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1~.03, to hr.ar and canuider avidc~nce ~or ar.d against said proposed varian~:e and to invest,igate and mal:e findinga a~nd recommer~rlat:ions in connection therzwith; and WHEREAS, r~aid Comriissior., ~fter due insnection, inve~tigation ancl study made by ikself and iri 3.ts behalf, and after duo consideration of. all evidenca and repurts ~f~ered at said hearing, does find and d~termine the fcllowing fact-s: 1. That the p~titioner propo:~~s wa.ivQr of the fo:llowing tn cansirucr_ one 242-squax~ foot freestandfnq sian and two 152-aqua~te foot roof. signs foL~ 3 previ~usly approved thea~ter complex: ~C~TT N 1Qz25~1. - .P.~'X~~~.~~iqn, . (nc Pi•eestandinq or roof sign~ permi.tt.Pa in the !:G(SC) Zono; ~r ~ fxeostandinq and `..wo roof signs proposed). 2. That the ab~ve-mgntionc~d waivQra ure hereby grante:l on the basis that thQre are specia? ci.rcwnstancas ap~licable to the propr~rty such as :~ize, shape, topog~aphy, lo~ation and surroun8ings which ~o not apply t:o other identically zor~ed property in L•he same vicinity; and that strict applicatio;~ ai the Zoning Code dapr.iv~s tlio property of pri~~i3oggs enjQye~ by othor propert3es in tho iilea~ical zons~ and classifica~ion in the vi.ciuity. 3. That thore are exceptional or extraordinary circumst~nc~s or, ~onditions applicable ko the pr.operty invol~ved or to the intondod use of the property thar do not apply ~enerall.y to the property cr class of uae in the aame vicinity anfl zone. 0627r -1- PC89-19 ~ , . _ , ~ :~'fii"~~ y j~i ~~ ;}~ ~~.'~' 1~1 v ~'(•I ; ~~.'.a r i~':<"'{i~ti11nV(7 V~1•,~Y ~ 1F;~r i t~~`i~w 1!.:~'' 4 ~ r~ty..~~ i ~, ~ . ! a„~ 5'~i. ~ d~~i, Y~(r ~ q t,b~l~:r ~~~.~:~~r1`~~fr~~.C( ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~~;~~ ~ t:~ r?':~~\;~ ,. , ,. ~~?,•k1~ 4, 't'hat tlle reques~ed variance is necessary for the prosorvation and en.;jaymen~ of a substantial gropa~rCy ri.ght posaossed by other property in ~ha .san-e vir.i~ait;y ancl zono, an~~ dena.e~d to khH Pr~perty in qu.esti~ri. 5. Thnt rhe requsstod variance will nnt be mcxt;erially dotrimantal to ttie public: welfare or injuriaus to the propert,y or lmpravements in such vici~lity and.~aone in which th~ proper~y is located. 6. Th1t no one indicated rhoir prasenco at said publi.c het+rinc~ in oppoi~ition; anfl that ;io correspon6ence was receiv9d in opposit:ion i:~ subject peCil:iun. ~AL7:~RNZA ENVIRQNMF TAL UAI~IT7~ ACT F_~~1llTN~; The Planning DirecCor or his authorize3 represenkative has cletermined that the progo~ed proj~-ct Palls with.in the definition of CaLegoxical Exemptions, Class 11, as defi~ied in the State ETR GuiclelinQS and is, theretore, categorxcally exempt [rom the requirsmr~z. ~. Co prepare an EIR. NOW, THEREFQRi„ BE IT RGSOLVED thar the Anahoim Citg Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Peti~ion for Variance, upon the folloWing condiCions which are tioreby t'ounc' to be a necQSSary pr~requxs.ite to the proposed usa of t;he subject property in order ~o ~reserve the safety ~nd general welfare of the Ci~izons of the Ci~y o£ Anaheim: l. ThaL- the ex.igtang frees~a:adinq sign shaJ.l be romover~ from subject property, 2. That the proposed signs sYia11 bs ser.ved by undQrground eler,trical service. 3. TY-at t.hP freestandiny sign shall be located a minirr~um of. seven ('7) Eeet £rom the proport~ line adjacent to La P~lma Avenue (after crikical intersection dedication), as requi.red b,y the City Traffic ~nginear. 4. That unless a vr~riance is appa.ied for and granted, lightinq of signage for subjoct property shall be prohibited betweon the l~ours of midnigr.t and 6:30 a.m. as specified by 2oning Code ;oction 18.05.A91.052 "Limitations on Sign Liqhting"„ 5, That subjecL propexty ~:~a11 be devQloped substantially in accoxdance with planss and specifications on f.ile with the ~i~y ot Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 6. That pri~x• to is~uaiice of a building pgrmit, or within a period of ona ~1) y~ar from th~ date o~ this resolution, Nhic2iever oacurs first, Condih_ion Nos. l, above-mentianed, shall be complied with. Extensions for furt-}ier t.fine to comnleke said condiCxnns may be granked in accorclance with Section 18.U:3.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, °2' PC89-19 , ~ ~,. ~;~ ,•'~ ? ~~1 .~ F1. Y .. '~~ ,j.'n.'F,7:~ ~~~ ~ d'~4 7. That pr3or to F~,nal building and zona.i~g inspectians, Condition 27os. 2, 3 and 5, above-mentionecl~ shal], be complied with. 8. ~'ht~t approval af this applicatic,n cons~itutes approval of the pxoposed roquest only to the Qxt;er~t that it complies with t.hQ An.ahoim Municipal zoning Corae an.d any othar applicable Citx regula.t3ons. Approval daes not inc.lud~ any action or ~izid.ings as to compli~nce ~r approv~l o:E the request regarding any other applicabla ordinance, regulation or roquirement. BE IT FURTHER R~SOLV~D that t.he Anaheim Citx Planning Commiss3on does heroby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon apglicant's compliance with each and all of tha conditions 2~ereinabovs set forth. Should any such conditions, or any ~art L•hergaf, ba declared invalid or urienEorceable by h_he final judgment af anp court of competen~ jurisdiction, then L•his RPSOlution, and any approvals hQrein contained, shall be deemed nu11 an8 v~id. TFiE FOkEGOIN'G RE^aOLUT.ION is $.1CJ11QC~ and apprc,ved by me thia 16th day~ aE January. '1989. , ~, - ~.,:'~: , 'lc:i.:,~1~!~'~''`-~~'-~ CHAIRWOMA~T, ANA~Fi~EIM CITY PLANNING CdMMISSTON A~TEST: ~ _ ~ ~~~;~ k. , -----,~ ~° -.~ ~ uECRETF~RY, ANAFIEIM CIT'.~ PLArJNIhG COhfMISS~ON STATE OF CALIEORhIA ) COUNTY OF ORA.NGE } ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Editih L. Harris, S~cretary of the A.naheim City Planning Commission, do hereby cprti£y t2iat the foregoing rosolution was ~assed ~nd ada~ted at a meeting of the AnatiQim City Plannix~g Commission held on Jz~nuary 16, 1989, by the Eollowing vote of Y.he members thereof: AYES: COt~tISSI0NER5: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARU5TLL0, FBLDHAUS, HERB5T MC EURNEY NOES: COMMTSSIONERS; NONE ABSENI: COMMISSIONERS: MESSE IN N~ITNF,SS WHE~EOI', I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of January, 198a. ~0627r ----_ `~.~.~ _~ ~ / SECRETA~2X, 1NF.HEIM CtTY PLANPII~IG COMMISSIOt1 -3•- PC89-19 ~~~ ~;1+ ~ ,, ~~.,;.~~.~~~~