Resolution-PC 89-193~~ , ~~'k ;<;~~:a ItESOL~T.ION NQ,~c~, ~_89=1~ ~%~ ~~~ ~~ A R~SOLUTION UF THh ANAFI~Iid CITX PLANNING COh4•fISSIO.N Ft~COMM~NDIN~ APPROVi1L, OF GEN~RAL I?1LA.N AMCNDMI;Nx N0.'l59 - LATID US~ ~L~M~;Nx WH~RCAS, the C.ity ^ouncil of tne Czty of Anahoim r.lid adopt i:he Anaheim General Plan by Reaolutiun No. 691:-•64~, showing ~he general ~ des~:ript.ion and ~xtent of possiUle fuhure d~velopment of .land a.i~hin thQ Citv; and WHERL;~S, the patitinner originally rQquested amendreoiit to the I,and Use Element of tha Gcaneral Plan to designate subject prc~perty for Mediwn Densit,y Res.idential land ixses; an~l subsequently revis~d the request far an aunendment to Law-•Diedium Density Residenti~l lana uses. (SLrbjQCt prop~rr_y has boen recently annexed via Roorganization TTo. 114 from the City of B•;.ena Park), and does not currer.l.ly have an Anaheim General PJ.~n clesignatiun. Subjoct properl,y i~ approximately p.t32 acre having a Frontage of ~pproximately 42 fe~t at the westerly terminus of Savanna Street, h~ving a maximum depth of approximately 3~0 ~eet and bei.ng lacated approximatcl~•• 95n feeL• west uf the r.enLerline of Marian Way and f.urthez• described as 370U-3750 WESt S~avanna Street; and T9HF.REAS, L-he Planning D~partm;.~nt, pur.suant to the C~lifornia Envirnnmental QuaxiY.y Act, prepared a Negative De~laratiun in connection with Gen~ral Platx Amenciment No. :58; and WFIE'REAS, the Pl~~,nnznc~ Cocnmi.ssi.on did hold a puL].ic hearing at the Civic Center .in tne City of Anaheim nn .Jurie ~.9, 1989, ~t 1:30 p.m. , notice of said publ.ic h~aring having bQen duly givPii as requirc~c~ by Zaw and in accordance with the provisions of the .~nahe.i.m Municipal Code, Chapr.Qr 18.03, tu hear and consider evi.clance f~r and agair~st sai.i! propose~ Amendrnent to the Anah~im GQneral P1«n, i.and Use E1Qm~n~, and to invest~igaCe and ma~e finclings and recommentiations in connQCtion th~:ewitti; ard subiect petiti~n was continuecl to L•he m~~tings of Ju ~~~ 5, 1~~89, anci July 31, 1989, and 1. lhat the petitioner's aT'1C~lt'181 reqiiest was ~or Medi~un Densiky Residential land uses, and subsequent L-o Planning Comrnisszon's rer.ummandat:ion, t:te r~quUSt waa chang~d to Low-Medium llensity ror~idential ].and uses. 2. 'Ihat e~~idence was submit;tocl to substantiate designati.un oE subjeat property on tho Land Use ElemanL- ot the Gener~.l Plan to I,ow-Me3zum Densii:y (tesidential land uses. 3. 'L'hat anR person indics~ted their presen~~e in oppo~.ition oL- subjQCr re4uest. 4ALIFQRNIA ENVIRQN~lENZAL_Qf~LI~Y ACT FIND7PIG_ That th.e Anaheim City Planninc~ ~~mmission has revi.ewed the proposal to amend the Land Use Element of the Gonoral Plan to red~signate subject propt~rty £or Low-M~ciium Annsity Residential land uses and to reclassify subjecr, ~roperty f.rom th~ RS-A-43,0~0 (Residential, Agr.icultural) Zo-ie to tlie RM-240U (Residential, Multiple-Family) xone anc3 to eonstruct a 2-sL•ury, G-uni~ additian to a-i axisting 1 an~ 2-story, 8-unit apartment complex on a~i irrogulariy-stiaped parc~l of land consisk3.nq aE ~ 09'lor -1- PC89-193 ,-a~; - ~;,, ; , ~ y~ ~i ~ ~~ ~, appraximately 0.82 acr.e klaving a trontago of approximately 42 faet at t.he westerly terminus of Savanna Stroet, having a maximum dapth af ap~rox3mately 300 £eQt and bez.ng located approximutely ~15b feot west of the cen~erline of Mari~xi Way and F.ur~her descr.ibed as 3700-:,75Q West Savar~na Streek.; and do~s hereby approve t.he Nor,ative DQCJ.arc!-ion upon finding that ir_ has ronsi.dered the NQqative Declaration tog~:ther wtth ~s~y comments receiv~d during the public review proce~s and further finct.ing ori the basi~ bf ttiF Tn.itial Study and any commQnts received that thexe is no substantial eviderzce tha~ rhe rroject will have a significant eff•ect on thc environment. NOW, THEREFOR~, RE :LT RESOLVED that pursuant to the Lore~oing firidinqs, ttie Anaheim City P1ann,i;~g Commission does her.•eby recommen.d that the City Council approve Gener3l Plan Ameridment No. 250, Exhibit B, reclesignating the area to L'ow-Medium Den.si.ty Residex~tial. TI3E FOREGOIN~ RESGL,U'T.ION is signed and approved. by me this 31st day of July, 19$9. i' I .~Y; , J~ I / ~ ~V / ,' _~._:.«.A"~~rr_~. ('~L~~..~~ '~~ ~~~._.__ ' -"__- ~HAxRMAN, ANAHEI. CTTY PT.,ANNING C~N,MIGSION ATTEST: - ...~-~'~_ ._4 ~ _~~~~~L-~,~ SECRETARY~ANAHEIM CTTY PL,F~TNTNG CQDSMISSZOPI STATI: OF CALIF'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAidG~ ) ss. CITX OF AZTAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, 5~c.retary ot th~ AnaY~eim City Plannirig Commission, do hereby cortify that the foregoing re~olution was passed and adopted at a raeeting ot• the Anaheim City Ylan.ling Commissioxi held on July 31, 1989, by the followinq vote of the marnbers thei•eof: AYES: COt~fISSION~RS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, HERT35T, MC BUI2NLY, MES i~ 230E ~: COyIl'/ISSIONERS: NONE ABSENTt COMMISSIONFRS: FELDHAUS VACANT: ONF. S~AT :CN WTTN~SS WHGREbP', 'I h~ve~ tiereunto set my h~nd tnzs 31st day of Ju].y, 1989. ~. r ~ ~ . ~~ .___.~_ ~- ~ _ _. ~__ SFCP,~i:AR~', ANi.FiGIM CITY PL~NPI G C172+2~ITSSION -2- PC8y-193 ';^ , :':,,,;;~