Resolution-PC 89-195R~SQC,CJT'ION 110.z__F~~$R_-.:I;~~i A R~SOLU'.l'IUN (?F THT; ANA'rl~IM CTTX PLANNTNC COMMISSiON xFiAT PETIT'f.OPI FqR CONU7TrONAL USE PRRMTT N0. 3182 f3E GRAN~ED WHERFAS, the Anahoim City Plann.ing Commissioii did receiv~ a vc~rif.iod PaLition £or Conditional Use Porm.i~, from NORT[~iWEST HOTEL CORPORATTON, ,1AMCg p~ t;DhtONDSON, 13gp 5, Harbor Blv~., Anaheim, Ca Q CIMLiGR/WTNPTTNG PROI)UCTIVE, 1580 Vaiecroft Avenue, D7est1 ke V llac~a, CAnc`9136N1,Y t~c~ent fnr certain rQal proper~y situ~ted in tho Cit,y of Anaheim, County of Oranqe, St1ke of Cali€ornia, f1es~,r:i.bEd as: PaRCGI. 7.: THAT. PpRTION QF THE SOUTHWFST Otv'E-Qi1ARTER pF T~g NORT!?EAST ONE_(~UART~R 0[' S~CT:iON 22, TOWNSHIP 4 SUUTFf, RANGG 10 WL;;r, rN q'FiE RA27CH0 SAN JUAN CA,JOi~ DE SANTA l~N:~, AS ~EIOWN ON A t!~P RECOftDED IN DOOK 51 PA~E 10 OP' MISCELGANEOUS bSAPS, IN TH:' UFFICF. OF THE COUNTY RECORDG^ ON SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED laS FOLLOWS; COt~tENCING AT THE 50UTI~IWEST CORNER OF' LAND DESCRIDED IN TORftENS TITLE ~ERTIPICAT~ N0, 47 ON FILE: IN TH~ OFFIC~; GF 'P4{E REGISTRAT Ur TITLF~ OE ORANGF COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SAIp pOINT AF.It7G ON THE NORTH AND SOUZ'H ONE-QUARTGR SECTION LTNE OF SECTION 22 AND DISTl1NT NORTH 0 DEG. 16' 25" W~S'T 42,93 FEF:'P FROM THE INTERS~CT':~ON OF SAID I~INE WITH THFi CENTER LINC OF CERRI~'OS AVENUI; AS i)ESCRIBr^,D TN DEF.D TO TH.E COU'NTY OF ORANG~, RECORDED JULY J.S, 1926 IN gpOK 662, PAGE Zg2 OF DEEDS; T'FiENCE NO&.7FI 0 uEG. 16' 25" WES:C ALONG SATD NORTH AND SOUTH ONE-QUAkTEit ~ECIION r,ZNE; A AISTAtYCE OF 410.75 FEEI'; 'TFiENC~ NORTH p9 DEl;. 57' 00" EAST 60.00 FEEx TO A POINT ON THr EASTERLX' LINE OF HARBOR ~L~'~•. AS DESCRI}3ED IN A DEEU TO THE CITY OI~ AI~J1~FigIM, RECORDEb D~CEMBi.R 30, 1955 IN BOOK 3338, FAGE 133 OF' OFFICIAL RECURDS, SAID I~OIN'I' BElNG TFIE T12UE POINT OH BEGINNING; 1'fiENCE NORTH $~ UEG. 57' OU" EAST 240.U0 FEET: 'PHp;Nf~E NORTH 0 1)F.G. 1G' 25" WEST 102.11 FL•ET; TNENCF, SUUTFi f39 DE~ ~? ' I10" WEST 240 . 00 r EET TO A POINx ON TFiE EASTE:121 Y LINE OF HARBOR BLVD, , ~;; D~SCRIF3ED iN SAID DEEI) TO TI~E C:1'Y OF AN1lFJEZM, THENCE SOUTH U DGG. 16' 25" EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY L:iNr ~~' fiARROR BLVD. , A pIST?.H;,E OF 102.:11 F'EET TO T;ie; TRUE PUIt1T OF F3EGINNING. 09')3r -1- PC 89--195 F'ARCEL, 2: '~H1.~' PaFTION OF THS SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER UF THE NORTHGAST ONE-QUA~2TGR OF SECTTON 22, TOWNS.HIP 4 SOUTT~, R1aNGL 10 W~~~'P, lTf THc RANCHO SAN ,TUAN CAJqN DS SANTA ANA, AS SHOWN ON l~ MAP RECORD~b IN 30UK 51, °AGE lU OE' MISCELLANF;OUS MAI'S, 12~CU12DS OF axarrcr CG~INTY, CALIrORN:fA, DESCRIArD AS FOLLOWS: COh4~1F27(;TPiCi AT TETE SO(JTHW~S'P CORt7E~R OF LAND DESCRIB~CJ IN TORFtGNS TITLE CERIIFIC.\'PE N0, 47 ON FIL~ IN TH~ OFFICi~' OF THE ItEGISTRAFt OF TZTL~S OF ORIINGE COUNT.Y, CALTFORN'IA, ~AID POINT. BE:ttIG ON 'PHF NQRTH AND SQUTIi ONG-QUARTFR SF.CTION LINE OF S}:CTION 22 AND DTSTI,NT NORTFI 0 AGG. .1.6' 25" WEST 42.93 FEET FROM THF INTF.RSECTION Oi' SAIU LINE WITH TH~ CENTER LTTIE OF C~RRITOS AVFNUE AS D~SCRIBGD IN JEF.~ TO lHR COUNTY OF OF:ANGE, RECORDEA ~TiJLY 15, ].926 TN ~OOK 662, PACf~ 292 (iF DECAS; TfiGNCE TiORTH 0 DEG. ].6' 25" ~WF1ST ALON(; SAIU NORTH AND SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE A DISTANCk~ OF ~110.73 FErT; THENCG NARTH f39 DEG. 57' 0~" EAST 300 FE~T 'TO 'THT TRCI~; POINT OE' BEGINNYNG; TI•I~NI:E CONTTftUIIi~ NORTH u4 DFG. ~i7' 00" EAST 360.OQ FE~T TO TFIB EAST LINE OY SAID I.AN~ f~ESGRIBFD IN TORREN~ T'tTL~E CERTIEICATE N0. 47; THL:ICE iJOR'TH 0 DEG. 16' 25" WEST 226.81 rEET TO TH~ MOS'f SOUTHERL~Y C%~RNI:~t Or LAND D~SCRIBED TN DE;ED ~0 TFiE S'I'ATE OF CAI~IFOFNIA, I'7.LED NOVEMB'r'.R 1, Xg50 AS DUC'iJMEt~T N0. 2166~, IN TH~ OFFiCE OF 7CHE RF.GTSTRAP. TIT.I~E OF ORANGE CdUN'TY, CALIFOP.NIA; TKENCE NORTFi 66 DEG. 00' 15" WCST 25.29 FE~T T~ A LINE PARALL~L WI1H AND DISTANT 33.00 FEET SOUTHERLX MEASiJRED AT RIGHT Ar1GLES FROM TH~ NORTHERLY L7NE OF LANU DESCRIBGD IN TORRGNS TITLE Cc:RTIFICATE N0. 1091~ ON rILE IN 1'HG OFFT.CE 4~' TtiE REGIS'.CRAR OF TITLE Of ORANGE CGUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE ALONG SI~ID PARALLSL LINE SGUTH 8'J D3G. 57' 00' WEST 305.45 FEET TA THE 6EGINNZiTG OF A TANGENT CiTRVE CONCAVE NURTHEF.LI HAVIN~ ~\ RAllIiJS OF 295.00 kF.ET; THENCE WES''_'ERL7C, AL~ONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGGE OE' S DEG. 44' ~7" l.N F.RC DISTJ~NCE OF 29.56 FF.GT TO A LINE TFiAT BrAKS NOR'.fFi 0 D~G. 16' 2fi" WEST FR0~4 THE TRiJE FOINT AF BEGINNIilG, A RADIAL LIN~ TFil20YIGH SAiD -'OINT EiEARS SOUTfi 5 DEG. 41' 27" WE5T, THF.NCE SAUTH 0 D~'G, 16' 25" FAST 136.4t3 FEET; TfiENCE 50UTH £19 ~EG. 57' 00" WEST 2.00 PEET THENCE ~0(1TEi 0 DEG. 16' 25" EAST 1n2.11 FEET TU TFiE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNI~IG. EXCEPTTt~G TfiEREFRUM THE EASTF:RLY 1.0~ CEGT~ -2- PC85-•195 ' ~;~~~:, ~- WF~IEREAS, ir.ho Ca.t~ Planning Commisgion did hole~ a publa.c hearing at thg Civic Canter in the C.ity oE Anahai.m on July 31, 19R9 at 1:3~ p.m., notice of ~~id public h~aring tiavinq baen duly givQn as required by law and in accorclance with tlie provi~ions of the Ari~hoim ~funicipal Codc~, Chap~er 18. d3, L•o ho~r and consider evidQnc~ for and ugazris~ st~id propusnd conditi.onal uso permit and to invesi:igalo ancl make f'indin~75 and recommendatio~s in connection thErewith; and WHCF2EAS, said Commission, af~er d.ue inspection, ,investi.gation and studp• made by itself 7nd in its bohalf, azzd after due consideration of all ~vidence and repor~s uEf.ored at said hearing, cloES find and detQrmine the followiT~y facts: 1. That the petiti.oner requests approval of a cor.cliti~nal ~ise permit uncier authority of Code Ser.~ion 18.4fl.050.210 to converr an existing motioYi ~icture theater. to a liv~ perfor.mance th~atQr. , 2. That the pr~posed usc~ will not adversaly af.fQCt the adjoaning ].and uses and ~hQ yrowth anci clevelopment of th~ area in w~hich it 3s proposed to be locatod. 3. '~hat tt~e size and shape o£ the site pr.oposed for ~he use is ~ adequa~e l-o allow the full dovolopmenL ot ~lie pr.oposed use ir~ a rnanner not detrimental to the partir.ular area rior ~o the p~ace, health, safety and general welfare o£ the Citiz~ns oL thF: ~it:y o~ Anaheim. 4. That tha g.ranting of the Conditional Use Permit uncler the aoziQitions i.mposed, i.f ari~, wi11 not be datrimental ta tY~e Fea~.:o, healtli, safety and general wc~lf.are o.f khe Citizens ~f ~he CiCy of Ai~ahein~. 5. That L•he ti•affic generated by Y.he progosed use wi11 not impose an undue burdea upon the s~;.rPet:s and higl~ways designed and im~roved to ~c~rry ttie traffic in the ar.ea. 6. That no one .ind.ica'~eci their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and th~,t no correspondence was rAceived in opgosition to the s~ibject pet•iti.on. ~ALIF()RNIA ENVIR~NME~NTAL, IAT~ITI __A~T ~'INDING: That tY~2 Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewec3 the proposa? to convort an existing moti.on picture theater to a live perf~rmance th~ater on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 'l.2 acros located soul•h az~d Qast of thn southeast corner of Man~:hester Avenue and Harbar Houlevard, having trontayes of approx.imr~~ely 450 Eeet oii thQ sou~h ~ide of. Manchesker Avenue and 100 faet oxi the east szde oE Harbor Boiilevard, and fux~r,her dQSCribed as 141~1 South Harbor Aou'lavard (Cinema.lar-d); and does heroby approve thA Negative Declaration upon finding that it has considored the Negakivo Declartttion rogether with any comments received during the publi.c review process and fuxther fiiiding qn t'ria basis of the initial study and any commQnts recei.ved tha~ there i~ no substantzal evidenr~ L•hat the project will have a signiEicant OffQCt or_ the znvironmenl•. -3•- PC89-195 NOW, iHF.REF+Jx;C, BF~ I~' RGSOLVEri Ch~t thQ AnahQim Cit..y Flanninct ComrnisRion aaAS here'oy grant subjact PeLitiun. £~r CandiLional ~iTse PQrmit, Lpon 'thr~ foll.awing ~~oridii:ions wlz9.clz aree h~ze~by found to I~e ~3 necessary prerequ:isiL-e to t.he proposed use oF the ;:ubject pro~aerty in ordc~r to pr~serve t:he sa£ety and generr~l ~aelfare of the Ciri.sens of the City oi• Anaru~im: ].. ThaC a11 driveW~~ays oan Harbar Boulevard azid Manchey~:er AvQ•nue shall be c~constru~ted to ac~~ommodate i:~~n (10} .[aot. radius curh rei:urns. Exist:ing broken oL• crac):ec3 d:riveways sh.all be romave~i ~.~nd replaced z,s require~~ by t.he City Engini~er. ;?. Th^t sidewa:l.!,~s sht+ll be removf.d anc?ilor recon3trueted ~xlong H.~rbor Boulevard as rGqua.~-ed by ther Ci.1:y Engine~i~r and iri acc~~rdance wi~h standard ~la.ns and specif:ica~io•ns on file in L•he OfFi.co of thF1 Ci.ty Engineer.. 3. That sidowa'.lks sh~~11 be insL•a.11~~~1 along Manchester Avenue aiy reqr~,ired by the C:i~y [:ngin:~er and in accoi:c~ance w3.th stan~~ard pl~.ris anii spECificat.i.ons on fi.de in 1:1ze OL•fice oi L-he C'.ity Engin~er. 4. Tha~ the legal owner of sub;ect~ ~,~,:apijrt~l sha11 £t~rnish tht~ Citp of An3heim iaith ~rl agz•aemenh.., i:~ a!corm aX~pr~~veri by the C:i.L•~~ Attor.nay, .~tierein :cuch o~rnex• ac~rees to remnve th~ s'~qn~,ge specificall;l approvF~d in connecti~~n w~~th Variances at his/her ~~x~erise if. such r~moval a.s required by the GiY.y aE Anaheim as a result, of an amenclm~ent to t.ha Anaheim Municip;il Gode pertc~ining ~o pe:rmitte.~ biisiiiess s:griag~, in the CP. "Commercial, Reereatiuu" Zene (:~,e., t:o prohibit sucli siyn~,, eL-c). Saic~ agreer~iE:nt st~a11 be r. ecor. clec~ in t;ze O.ff ice ot thP O.rfln~~3 Cbh,1I1't;Y Recordor and a copy ~f che re~~ordecl agre~ament rhnll b~~ fuznis.hed ta L••ho zoning Uivisi.on. 5. Tliat trash ~torage area ,;,•ha.ll be rr~fui~bishect lo comply ~,r:itt~ appraved plan5 cn fi1~~ with the atx~eeL Maintenance ancl Sa:liCatzon Di.vi,sion. 6. Th~t the on•-sit~ landsr~~~ inc~ ~,rui izric~:it ian s;~+stem s.ha'll be~ refurbished and muintained 3n con~li~ince with City stz+nclards. 7. That sub;oct property s;•.all bE~ d+~vel.op~ecl substs:ni;.ial:ly ir. 3C(:4~'dance wxth plaris and spacificatr.ions on fi:Le wi'r.h ~the C.ity ~:E AnaYle.im mz+x•]c3d Ext,ibil: Nos. 1 and 2. 8. That prior to cam~'iisnceme:it oE the activi.ty authr~r:ized by this resulutior~, or prior ta issuance of a iouilcling permit,. or witr.in a pt~riod oE one (1) yoar fr~m t}ie da~e of this rosolut.ion, wYiicheve: occurs first, Condition No. •3, above-mentan:-ad, slzall ~~~ r:omplied with. ExL-ensions for Eur~hex time tc complete said conditiun,~ m~y b~: granCod ixi accordance with Sec~ion 18.03.U90 of. the Anaheini N,un~r.ipal Cocio. 9. That prior to tht~ commancement of the activity authorize~ by this resolution or prior to final building and zon:ing iiispections, whi.chever occurs f.irsr, ('and::tion Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, G anci 7, above-mentioned, ~halt be complied with. -h- PC89-195 ,~~.,. i r 1.U. Ttiat ~pproval of this application consr,ituLes approval of the ~,roposAd requegt oril,y to the extent that it complios wil;h the Anaheim Munici.pal Zoning Ccde azid any other appl5cable City requlal.ions. Approval doos not ineluc~e any action ox findings as to compliax:ce Qr approva]. nf the requc~st regardinc~ any othear applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. DE 1'T FURTFIER RESOLVFD that tkie Ant~hoim City Planning Commission do~s heroby £ind and determine that ~daption of L•his Resolution is aycpressly pr.edicated upun apF~icant's cUmplaancc~ with each and all af the conditions hereinabove se~c forr:n. Sho~~td any such conditiuns, ox a~iy part thereof, be dec7.arer] inv~lid ~r uneiiforc~able by the fi.nal judgme:it of any cnur.t of competent jurisdic:tiori, t:hen th.is Resolutioxi, aud any appravals horein canta3.ned, sha11 be deemecl null and void. TFTE: rORGuUING RFSOI.:iTIUN i.s sig -• and appro~ed hy me tih:is 31st day of July~ 1989. ~ '_~~~~~~ -: : r a„~r ---- CHAIRMAN, ANA~ii 'H.M CITY PLANIdING COIyIIriI:SSION ATTES'?': ~ /~~ ~ - ~ - `rr ~-C~(~ ~"~ ~/ ' ~- ~ SECfiETARY, ANAETEIM CITY' ANNING COMhtISSION S'.CATE Or CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORADTGE ) ss. CIT~ OF ANAHEIM ? ~, Edith L. FIarris, Socretary of the Anaheim Cit~y Planning Commissian, do hereby certify tliat L-he f.Cregoiny resolution was passed and adoptQ3 at a meeting of th~ Anahezm City Planning Commission hEld on July 31, 1989, by th~ following vote of the members thereof: AYGS: COMMISSIOPIERS: LiOUAS, BOYD5T_UPI, HER~ST, MC BURNrY, MFSSG T70FS: CO~ASISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CO2~SISSTONF.R5: FQ:ldhaus VACANT: C02VIIriISSIUNERS: UN~ 5EAT 7N WITNG~S WHEREOE', I have hereurxl-o set my taand this 31:;t day af July, 1989. CS.~. . __ ~~ `~-~ ~ ~ :~/ Sh'CRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANIdING COA4~SISSION -5- ~•1~:..:l~: PC09-195