Resolution-PC 89-207S,Fl:i~i .'~~i~b1 ~' ~ RESOI~UTION Np. PC @5~-207 ,~h~•, A NUNC PRO '1'TJNC RESOLUTICN ~F THB hNAFa~IM CI'.rY PLANNI.l1G COMMl~SION AMENDING 'tESOLUTION N0. PC 83-159 ADQPT~D IN CONNECTTUN WI'i'H GARIANC~.; N0. 39~kZ O~ WHLREA~, the Anaheim ;:ity Plann~.ng C'ommissxon gxanted VaxiancF No. 3941, by Resolution No. PC 89-].54 un June 5, 1as39, to construct a 102-unit (previously 120-unit "affurdablc") ~partment compleac with wa,ivers oF minimum site aroa per cierelling urzit, max3.mum structural he.ight, maxin~um site cover.ar~e and minimum s~ructuxal setk+ar.k on a rectangularly-shaped parc.~l of land consisting o£ approacimately 2.83 acres, boixndQd by Santa AnR, 2?el.ena, Elm and ClemenL-ine Streets; and WHE;REAS~ acreag~e for L-he parkland specified z.n Condition No, 13(a) of Reso7 utic~n No. PC 89-154 wa: incorract and should bP amended to read as ro l:iows : " (a) DQdicate and provide L•or the improvemenC of 0.45288 ar.rE~ of ~arklanc?. at a lacation and in a configixr;xtion a.ccept~ble to the Parku, P.ecroation anc3 Communit~• Services Depart~nent, or" 'PHE FOREGOING RESOLU~rrr~rr is signec~ and ap~roved by me this 14tti day of August, 1989. ~='_~".r`~ •'~/ !~ ~%Gy G .,~t,.-~~~.) ~ ~H~IRWO PRO TEMPORE ~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COt~:ISSION ATTEST: ~~ , ~ / . ~~/~~ / y (~l{~~ SECRETAFtX, A1~IAHEItd CITY PLANNING COMb1ISSI0N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN1'X UF ORANGE ) sw CZTY OF ANAHk:IM ) ~, Eclith L. Harris, Secrerary of ~he Ant~heim City Planni~ig ~.ornmission, do hereby certify L•t~at tha foxegoing r.esolution was passed and a~opted at a meeting of the Anaheim Cihy Planning Commission hqld an August 19. 1989, by the followinr vol-g of the mem2~ers th~reof: ~~E~: CAMNil'SSTONLRS: BOUAS, F~LDHAUS, HELLYER, MESSE, MC BURIt~y 1'OES: COt~SISSIUNERS: NONE ABSuNT; COtM4ISSI0NERS: BOYDST(JN, HERBST ; IN Wl'TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto s~t my hand this I4t da,y of .^ August, ],9gg, ~ _ , . / "°--~~~/ >' Sc~CRE ARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION _..'_._.,.~ 1~1009r ' ~t ` PC 89_2p~ _'; , ,.; ; ';°~ ;i~ ,. ., ,r ; , ~`~ a u . ~ . , . ~. . ~ ~ ~ ~------- ' ,... .' . . ~ ~ . ~ .. . .. .,;l.'v,,..ci~~