Resolution-PC 89-213, ,.~~' ' ~.~..i5~~:'l,n, F+':!` . ~` !1~~ R_L~QL'(~TION N4. Pr~q-z~~ A RESOLUTIOtT aF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNII~G COMMISSION THA~ PETITTOtJ FO.Z CONDx'.CIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 318Fi B~; GRANTED WHEb'EAS, the Anaheim City Planning COmmiSSiOn dicl r~eceive a verified Petit:ian for l:onditional Usa Permiti iram LOUIS AND FRANCES CANNOt~, 231 Y6th St;reet, Santa Monica, (:A 90402, owners, and SAEED SHAliID2AUEFi, 8190 East Kaiser Houlevard, AnaYieim, CA 92008, agent for certain real property situatad in the City of Anaheim, Coiinty oE Or.ange, SL•ate of California, described a~: LOT 8 IN BLOCK 6 0~' TH.E GOLDEN SZATE TRACT .1S SFIOWN ON A MAP RECORD~D IN BOOK 4., P7lGES 66 1-ND 67 OF MISCELLAN~OUS MAPS, TcECORD5 OF ORANGE COUNTY, STATE QF CAL'!T'ORNIA. WFILREAS, the~ Czty P].anning Commission dia ho'ld a pub~ic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anah~im on August 14, 1939 at ].:30 p.m., nohice of said public heraring havinc~ been duly given as raquire3 by law and in accord~iilce with tha provisions of the Anuheim Municipal Coda, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cons~der.• evidence Eor and againsk said proposed canditional use permi.t and ~o investi^y;•zte and malc~ findings and rocommendations in aonnacti4n tharewith; said petation was continued to the mo~ting of August 28, 1989; nnd WHER~AS, said Commission, a£ter due inspoct:ion~ inv~stigation end study madH by .~L•se1P and in xts bohalf, and after due cor.sicieration of .a11 evidenca and reporrs offared at sai;'~ hearing~ l~G83 find and detArmine the following f~cts: 1. That tha p~rtiti.~ner requests appravai of a conditicnal uso permit under auhttarlty of Cod~ Sec:tion lff , 61. q50. 605 to pQ.rmit; approximately 41, S25 sq.ft. ot iridustrially-xelr~tad o~Ezce usQS within an ~xisting 166,103 sq. ft. wrarehouse cc,~,i},;1ex with waivex• of the fcllowing under authority oP Code Sacti~n 18.Q6.080: _S~E^,~_TIQNS 1.$ • 06 • 4~0 • Q212 -- Minimt,un n~~3~.9f .'L~~~' ~13n9_.~.Ps?~P~.• 7.8.06.Q50 0~1 (~ 9 requireds 44$ existing) sZn~ 1~3.~2~~t.z~~Q 2. ~rr~a~ the parkin~ waiver wi~l not cau~e a.n iricreas~e in trafLic congestion in the im~nediate vicinity r.or ~tdversel,y ~tfect any adjoining land us~s and granti.ng o€ the paz•king waiver under the conditions impcsed, if any, will. not be detrimentsl to the ~pAC@,. health, safncy and q~nera?. welfare ~f thP citiza~nb of the City of Anahefm. 3. That the proposed use wi11 not adversely affect tlxe ad•joining land usfls and the growth and d~svelopment of the area in whiah it is proposed to be located. 1018r -1- PC89-~13 ~ . ~,>~: ~ y~, ~ ,~,"~'~; ~,.~~,., ~ , , ~ ~ ,,~ 4. '.~hat the ;~iae ~nc1 sha~e of the sitR proposecl far the use is adequata to a1Zow the Full devaloprnon~ of thc~ proposed use in a manner z~ot detrirnen~al to the par~icular area nor to the peace, h~Alth, safe~y and general we~,fai~e n~ the Ci.Cizens of the City ef Anaheim. 5. That the gruntir,c~ a.f the Cundition~l Use Permit under. the conditions ! imposed, if any,. hill not be detrimQn~al to ttie~ peace, health, saEoty and ~ gc~neral welfar9 of tho Citizens of tho Giry of Anaheim. 1 ~ b. That the rraffic genoratod by the proposed use will not impose an undue burd~n upon ~2ie streets ar~d highways designed and improved ~o carry the traffir, in the arQa. 7. Tha~ no one ir~dicated thei: presence at said puY~lic hearing in opposit~c•n; and that no correspondence was roceived zn opposition to the subjecC ~c~tition. j CAL_TT'OFtNI1~ EN~IIRO:IMENTA~, Q~ALITY ~.~T gI ING: That the Auaheim ; City Planning Commiss.ion has reviewed the pxoposal to permit approximatoly ! ~1,52~ square feet of inaustrially-rellked affice uses withi.n an easisti.ng ? 166,103-•square foot warehouse complex with waiver of minimum number of ~ parking spaces on a rer.langularly-•~haped parcel of .land consisting of 'r approximar.ely 9 acres Iocated at thc northwest corner oE Miraloma Avenue and ~: Rea Gum Street, havznq approximete frontages of. 620 :fest on the north s3.de oE Mira.loma Avenu~ and 635 feet on the wQSt side of Red Gum Street; and Furthez• described as 2901, 29~5, 2g11, 2921, and 2941 hiiraloma Avenue and I3x5 and 1345 Red Gum Street; and does hereb,y approve t;he Negative lleclaration upon findxng that i~ ha3 considered the Noqative D~claration h,ogethor with any commen~s receivecl during tHe public revzew procgss and further findiny on the b~sis oC the initial study and any comr,~;~nf:s received that the~~e is no substantial evidence that the projecY, will have a sic7nifican~ effect on the environmen~. - NOW, THEREFORE, BE I~.i' RESOLVRD that the Anahoxm City P].anniny~ i:~runa.ssi~ri does hereby grant s:ibject Pst.ition ~or CondAtiorial 'Usa Permit, upon the following conditions which are her~by found to be a nc~cessary prerequisit~ to thQ propdsod use of tho subject prop~rty in order to prosezve the safety and ganoral welFare ~f ~he CitizQns o£ tha City of Ana:neim: 1. That a~.raf.fic signal assessm~n* fee eq~x~-ling *.ho difFarencg between Che industrial and commNrcial ass~ssment fees shall be paid to the ~City of Anaheim in a., amou. . as established by City Council reAOlution. 2. That a LeW sliaJ.l re pai3 Co the City of Anaheim for street light.inc~ alonr; Red Gum Stroet in an amouii~ as ostablished by City Cou:ic.il reaolutzon. "'2' PC&9-213 ' I ~. . . . ' . . , ~ ~. . ,~V#-• ~ Y . 3. Tha~ street liqhting facil.ities alony~ Miralorna AvFtnue shall be instsllec~ as required bv the Uti.lities General Mauager in accordaz~ce with speca.tications on filw in the Otfica oF Uti.lities General Manager; or that security in the form of a bond, cer;:zficate of deposit, 1a~4:tAr of crodiL•, or cash~ in an amount and Form satisfaclory to t2~e C3ty of Anahezm, shall be po~ted with the Czty to gu~rantee the satisfaci;ory completion of the abovQ-men~inned improvements. ~. That trash storage areas sh~111 be provid~d and maintained in a location acceptable to tho Strsc3~ MainL-Enance and S2nitation Division and in accordance with approved Plans on f.ile with said Div.~.sion. 5. That all air condit.:ioning .faci~.ities and ~thQr roo£ and ground mounted QguipmenL• shall ba properly stiiElded Erom view. 6. Th~t cluo to the change in use and or occupa~cy of each .i,ndustrielly related oEfic:e unit, building plans sha11 be submitted ~o tY-e Builfling Division showirig compliance wihh the minimum stanc3ards of the CiL•y o£ Ar,aheirn, including the Uniform Euilding, Plumbing, Electrica:l, Mechanical and Fire Codes as adopted by khe City of Anaheim. The appropriGte permits shal.l be obt~ined for any nacossary wnrk. 7. Th,~.t the propas~,l shA].1 comply with aZl siqn.zng rar~uiremer~ts oE the ML~ "Tr~dustrial, Limited" Zone, unless a variancQ ~llowing sign waivers is approvecl by th~ City Gouncil, Plariiiing Commission or 2oning Administra~or. 8. That the proposed office uses shall he limited t~ the following Iisted uses and tlaat a covenant, rc~vi~~reci and apgroved by the City Attorney's Office s~-limit;ing said uses, sY,a11 be recorded in the Office of the Orange Cnurity Recorder. A copy af the rQCOrded covenunt sha11 then be submitted to the ~aning Div~sian; (1) Accounting - Hc,okkeeping, CPA Firms or ter~~porary CPA I~'irms (2) Advert.ising (3) Appraisers (4) Banks (5) Hxokers - Real Estate, gusiness Oppor.tuuihie~s, etc, '6) Business S~stem Companies ~7) Communi.cation Consultant:~ (8) Compute_ Analysis Fir•ms (9) Credit RQ~orting Agen~ies (10) Dosigners - Industrial, Interior, Graphic (11) D~velopment Companies (].2) Facility MaintenancQ and Planninq (13) Insura.nce Companies/AgenciQs (14) Inventory Services (15) Leasing Companies (16) Management Consultants/Companies { 17 ) Marketing I2esearcli (18) personnel Aaencies (19) Quality Control Analysis -3" PC89-~1_ ~ . ~~~ ~ . . . , . .. ... . ' , , . . ?! ~~ ~~ i . ' ~ . ' ' ~~'t (ZO) Sa1AS Office (which przmarily serve and are campatible with the industirial area. AnX use which is found to encaurage retnil sales of. groduats or merchandise ~r ~o attract austomers other than indus~rial users for inc~ushrial purpo3es p~rm3.tted in the MT, Zone ~1~,~11 noL• be deemed a use ~hich primarily serves and is compatiblc~ witli indusl:ria]. uses. ) (21) Secretarial and Business ~ervices ~ 22 ) ~ny us~ permiti:ed under Code Secfiion 18. 61.020, and 3ub;ject tr~ ~21 c~nditians eE said Secti.on. Each individua.l use sh~11 *equiro the written approval of the Zoning Division griGr to cccupancy which agproval sha11 only b6 given when it is demonstzated th~t such use is eithar an express'lx permitted use in the ML Zone or mee~s the cri~eria af Section 10.61,O,p,605 oE the Anaheim Municipal Code. 9. Tha~ the on-si.tQ landscapzng and irri.gation system sha11 be maintainQd in com~liance with CiL•y ;~3~~rxdarc~s, 10. That at the time of a~plicatiQn :Eor a businecs license for anx industrially-•rela~ed affice use, a dc+scriptive letter sh~11 be submit'ted t:o the Zoning Division by the busiaess operat~r to enablo sr,aff tio determYne the use and squar~-Eootagp of all su~h oxisting b~zs3.nosses in order to ensure that the total allowabl.e square-Eootaqo for industrzally-•r~elatQd ofF'~.ce uses is not exceeded. 11, Tha~ sabject property shall be deveiopQd substantia.lly in acco.rdance with plans and specificalions on Eile with the City of Ariaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 thr.ough 3. 1~• That a11 L•asl;-food and sit-down rest•auz•~nts, and any other food service ostablishment of any kind sha~l bo prohibitod. 19 'lhat prior to commencement of the activYty authorized b,y this resolutian, or prior to issuance of a building p~;armit, or within a pc~rzod of one (1) year :Pxom the date of t;his resolution, whiehevor occurs first, Condition Nos. 1. 2, 3. 8, and 12, abovo-men~.ioned, shall be compl.iod wa.th. Extonsions Lox furthQr time to camplete said conditioris mb~ be qranted 3n accordanco with Seetion 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Muni;;ipa1 Code. Y4• Ttiat prior to t.he commencement of the activity auth~rizecl by this rsso7.ution or ,priox tc final biiilding anc! zoning inspect~an~, whichever occurs first,. Conditi~n Nos. 4, 5 and 11, above-men~~onec~, shAll be compi.ied with. 15. Thal appi•oval ~f this a~plication constitiites approv~l of ttle propatYecl reque;,t ~n~.y to th~, extent that it cornplies wi~h tha Anaheim Munic.ipal 2oning Code and any other app~icablo Citp regulations. Approval does not inc:lude any a~tion or finding:s ~s to compliance or approval ~f thc~ ree~uest z•egardiag any other ~pplzcable ordinance, requlat.ior~ or requirement. -4- :i~ PC69-213 #; ` ;; ~" . ~; t ;f '; i+ ` ,' i~ `:i, M1~~ ^~ ~'~.:~r ~;~~ ~<< 4 ~~~~,~ ~~ {.~ti, ~:.;,~ o ugun , 9E9. f,l, ~ / .__. ~,F-` 1 %~Y;~. :7 Y f'~_ !._._ CFiAIFMAN, ANAI;EI CIT'Y PLA1dNING COMMTSSTQN 1;., B~ IT FUR•i:?ER RESOLVEU ~hat the An~heim Citx Planning Comrnission ;;:';r does hore'b}~ find and cietermino that adoption of this Resolution xs axpressly ~'': ~ •,:; prediceted upan applicanC's complianae with each and all of the ronditio~s ~ f'~:'' hereiuabova set forth. Should any such conditioxis, or any part thereof, be ~`~ iieclarad invalid or unenforceable b,y the final judgment of any court of ~ competent jurisdiction, ~then this Zesolutior., and any approval~ h~rein `:'~``' contained, shall be deemed nu11 anfl vozd. ',:;~; THE I'OREGUING RE~SOLUTION i,~ signed and approvc~d by me Chis 28th day ~ f A t 1 :r , r _... ~TTEST; ~ ~ , ~~ 7 ~ '' C-C~~L.r~ SECRETAI~Y, ANAHEIM CITY P:GANN'It7v^ COi~II•ilSSION STATE OF CALIFOItNIA ) COUNTY Of ORANGE ) ss. CI7_'Y Or" AtJAHE;IM ) AYES : COMMIySIONEKS t H~RBST, gf1YDSTUN, FELAHI-US, BOUA6 NOESz COMMTSSTONERS: NONL' ABSENr; COMMISST023ERS t HELLY~R, MESSE, :~SC BURNEY I, Fdith L. Iiarris, Socr~tary o£ tlie Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certigy that L•he Forog~inq r@solut.ion was passed and argopted at a meeting af the Auaheim City Planning Comn~ission ho1d. ~n Augusi: 28, Z989, by t;he £ollowinq ~•ote o£ ~he met~~h3rs thereof: IN ~1I'~NESS WHGREOF, I have horeunCo set my hand this 28th day of August, 1989. J , , ~~, ,. GK~~l~c~_/n~a._ ~-_- --- SEC:RETARY, ANI~HEIM CITY FLANNING COMMISSION ,. ~~,' . .. . ........_..:r7. ~ -5- PCt39-2:13 . ~;~