Resolution-PC 89-217~ , ~','~,,. RESOLUT:I~N_tJQ.. PC~Q=,2],7 ~ ~ ~.~~ ~au~ar~ ":;~ A Rk;SOLUT:[ON OE' THE AN'.AHEIM CITY PLAN'NING COMMISSION TFIAT PETI'.~ION FOR CONDITION.AL USE FERMIT N0. 3189 H~ GRANTED ,~ ; WHLRuAS, the Anaheim City Plaxzning CommS.ssion did receive a verified Petitiun for Conditional Use Permit frpm FVE;RET'T I-I. MILLER~ 270 RoycrnEL A,venue, Lcng Beach, CA 90803, nwner,. and Ii~NI EL HAJ, 2~331 Bluffs~de, #305, Huntingtoxi fieach, CA 92646, agent L•or certain real property situated in ~he City of Ar.aheim, County of Orange, Stste c,f Califarnia, descr:.bed as: THE NORTH 11Q.C0 FEET OF tHk; SOUTH 310.00 FEET OI' THE PlEST 2p0.00 FEGT GF THF SOUTA'Yd,:ST QUAFtTER OF TIiE SOUTfWEST QUARTER OI' SECTION 17, TOWN~HiF ~1 SOUTH, range 10 WEST, IN TFIG RAI~CHO LOS COYOTES, CITX OF ANAH~IM~ COUNTY OF ORANGE, S'!'ATE O,i CALIFORNTA, A.S SAID SECTIqN TS INDI~CATED ON A MAP RECORL~I~D IlI BO~JK 52, PAGE 10 OF MzSCELL•ANEUUS MAPS TN TH~ OFF:[CE i~F TFiF C~UNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WF'iEREAS, thQ Cir.y Planning Commission did bolc~ a public heari:ng at the Civic Cer~ter ~n the C~~y of Anaheim oi~ AugusF 28, 1989 at 1:3G p.m., notice oE said public. he~aring havinq been duly given as revuired by lavr and in accordance witY~ the provi.sions of the Anaheim Munici~~al Cz•ide, ChapL•er 18,03, to hear and consider evidence for anii against said Z~roposed conditional use permit and to investigate and make £indings anct recommen3ations in c~nnection therewith; and WHEF~EAS, said C•mmission, after duF inspectian, anvsstiqation and study made by itsel~ and in 5.ts behalf, an3 aFter due considerati.on oE aZ1 evidence and repor~s offored at said hearing, doe:, find and determir~e the f.0110wirig faCts: 1. That the pe~iY.ioner requests approval cf a conditional use permit undar. autlz~rit;y of Code Section tn permit an $-unit:, 5,U4U sq.f t. commc~rcial retail conter: 2. 'rhat the ~roposed u~g wi11 not adversely aFf.ert thc~ adjoining land uaes and the qrewth. ~nd development of tho area in ~,rhich it is pr~posed to be lucated. 3. That th~ size and shape aF the site prUposed tor the use is adegunte to a11ow the Pu11 devc~J.opment of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particula: area nor to the peace, health, safety 3nd general welfara of the Citizens nf the Ci~y of Anaheim. 4. That the granting of the Conditiona]. LJse Permit under t;he conditions impnsed, if any, will not be detrimei~k:al to tho peace, health, safety and gener.al welf~re oE the Citiz~n~ nf tho City ot Anahaim. 5. That the traffic generated by the propased use wi11 not ~.mposa an undue burden upon the st~^eets and highwavs designed and improvQCi to carry thQ traftic in the ar~:a. 7.022r -1- PC09-217 r ~. .,s.,.., . . ..... y . . . . . . . a ~ ~ ~ ~ { ~ .. . . . .. ~ . .. . . . - .. ~ . ~ ~I !`~ (~ H`1''r.;y : ~ .':1 '~i F• That no one indicaL-~d their presence at said ~ublic henrin i opposition; and that no correspondence was rdc~ived in o ~ n subject petition, pposition to the CALIFURNIA ~NVIRONMF,NTAL ; City Plannin --~1LALIi~ Af,T FYNDIN~: xhat the Anaheim ~ porr,iat sn 8-unit, ~ 504~-square foot commerC al retailVCenrPr or~e a~re~tanlularl _ y shaped ~arce1 of land consisting of ~pp1oximatQly 0.35 acre having a frontage oF ap~roximntely ' ~10 fee~ on tho east side of Brookhurst Street, ap~roximate1y 140 fee~ ~nd being located approxima ely~2pp te~t no th of the cQnterline oE Ball Road and furthor describad as 944 Soutri Drookhizrst Street; anci does hereby apprc~ve the Negative Declaratzon u on findin considered the Negative Declaration togekher with ~ a~ `, y that it has during ihe ~ublic revi~w process and furth~sr finding on t~ e basisr oFlthe initial study and aay comments receivQd that there is no substantial evidencF that the project will, have a signiFicaxih. eF~a~t on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESO'uVED i:ha~ tho Anaheim Cammission does hereby grant subject Petition for Coiic,.i.tiona1 lUse pPPrmitg iipo~i lhe following condi~ions which ara hereby found to bc~ a necessary prpi~quisite to the prop~sea use of the subject property in order to preserve thc~ safety and general welfare of the ~xtizens of the Cii.y oE Anaheim: * 1• that ~rior to issuance of a buildir~ signal assessment fee shall b~ g p°rmit, tl~e appropriate traffic amount as est,ablished by City Cou cil.~resolution ity of A~aheim in an W• Tha~ Ch~ existing driveways on Bz•c,okhursG S~reet sriall be remove replaced with standard curb and gu,tter and sidewalk. d and 3• That the driveway on BrookPiur~t Street sha11 be constr.uctad with ten (10) foot radius curb returns a~ required b canformance w.ith ~;ngineering Departrn~nt Standard Nohel3~ ty ~ng~nQer in * 4• That fire sprinklers sha11 be ins~~lled as required by the Cit,y Fire Deparlment, * 5• That subject pxoperty shall bQ served by unr3er~qraurid utili~ies. * 6~ That no pzepar~,d-food ser.vice far.ilities (restaurants permitte~ in this commercial rek~i.l center ~ gha11 b~ parkincy~ 3s a~provad hy tlie City Council, P~.anr~ ng Corrun ssianior ~Zoning acLnini:,trator or sutfic.ient Ca~le pxrking is provided. ~~• That tra~h storage ar~as shall be providea and ma.iutained in location acceptable to the Street Maintenance And Sanitation Divisi~n and in accorclance with xpproved p~.ans on file with said T~itrisian. Such information sha11 be specifically shown on the pTans submit~-a~ Eor k~uildiny permits. -2- ~~~ sll ,@ ~ ,_,',"'4r~~ ~ ~~t r i 5 * 8, That all nlr condition3ng f~ciliti.es anc] other roof and ground mountiec~ e~uipment sht~ll be Qruperly ahielded from view, a~1d the sound btifC~re~1 fram ~adjncent ros3donCial proporties. Such inEormation qhall. apeci~ically be shown on the plans submittocl Eor buil6inq permits. +~ 9, Tliat the pr~posal aha11 comply wlth all siqning requirements of the CL "Commercial, Lir~itod" Zone, unless a variance ullowing ~ign waivers is approveQ by th~ C3ty C~uncil, Planning Commfasion or Zoning Adm.inistrator, * 10. That ~ six (6) foot hiqh masonry block wall sh»11 be maintained alang the ~ast proporty line. ].1. That any proposed parking are;~ lighting f,ixtures adjacent L•o any residentissl properGy shall bo down-lzghtod with a maximum he~ght of tw~:ve (12) feet. Said lighting fixturas shall bo dirocted a~ray from adjacen~t re~idential property llnes to prota~t the residenL•ial into~rir! of rhe area and sha~, be indicuted on th~ plans ~ubmitted Lor building permits. * 12. That the on-sito lan3scapinq und irriqation systam shall be maintained in compli~nce with City standards. 13. xhat Lhe orrner uf subject property sha11 submit a letter requesting tormination of C~nditi~nal Use Petmit No. 3fi to tht~ 7.oninq Division. 19. That 3ubjack property shsll be devoloped substantially in acr.ordl~ r w~th plan~ and specific,ati~ns submitted to the Ciky of Anaheim by the petitioner and which ar~ on file with the City marked L~xhibit Nos. 1 through 4. 15. That prior to issu~:~ce oE a building uermit or vithin a period of one (1) yo~r frum Che date of. thi.s resolution, whichever c.curs first, Co~iditior- Nos. 1, 7, A, 11 and 13, abQVe-monti~ne~l, shall be complfed wi.th. Extonsions for further time to compl~te said conditions may be granteQ i.n acr.or~]ance witki Soction 18.03.090 ot the Anahefm Mu~icipal CoOe. 16. That prior to final buildir~q and zoning iT~spoar.ions, Condition Nuu. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 14, above-menkionoci, sha11 be r_omplied with. * 18. That approval ot thia a~plicatiun constitur.c~a Anproval ot the Qroposec~ roquest onty to the extent that it complios with the Anat~eim Muni.cipal Zoning Codo ~nd any other applicabie C3.ty, Stat;e and F~tderal requlations. Approval does not includn any action ar findings aa to complisnce or appr~va~ of Chc~ r~rquest regarding any uther applicable ordin~nce, regulatior~ or requiremant. * I9. That th~ pracading conditions r-hich are marked r+lth an asterfrsk (~) are required b,y established Iaws. Co9ea, rogulotions anU/or aqraements nnd, therefoze, are i30T gul~joct to nr~gotiatioz+. ..~- PC89-22.7 Y[~ ~ P ~a r'M,~t~~~~l ~„~ ; ; ; ~`~ ~ + ~ .,. ~ , /n~ - __. _ ~ ~. v . . . . . . . . ~ ~ .. . . . ~, .. . .., . _ ... . ..t .1:.'.'~~it .J4\~Yf.~~ p ( • . ~~~~ n11i~'lr} ~ , ,~+.tu n i h~ , F , r~+ ,'r f AE IT ~URTHER I2ESOLVED that the Anahei.m Ci.ty Planning Commiasion does hereb!~ find and determine thaG a~aption af this Resolution is expressly preciicated upon applicant'~ compliance with each and a1]. Qf the coaditions hareinahovo set Eorth. Should any such candiLiuns, or an,y part thereof, be declared invalic~ or unoi~forceable by the t3nal judymont uf any court o.E cumpetent ;juriadiction, rhen this Resolution, and ~ny approvals herein contained, shall be deemod null and ~o3.~t. TH~ FAREGOING ftCSOLUTIGN is ~iqned ~nd appxoved by me thi.s 28th day of Auyusr, 1989. ; " •~ '`~-~.,~~' ,, _' / _,, ~. __ __.._ CHAIRMAN„ ANAHEIM CI ~PL7~NNING COMMISSION ATTES.: _ __._- ~~a~ _~~~ ~ __ S~CRETAR , ANAFIETM CITY FLANNING COMMISSTOT.~ STATF OF CALIFOR27IA ) COUN'rY OF ORANGE ) sE. CITY 0~ AHAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secrntary of the Anaheim ~:ity Planning Corronission, do hereby ~Qrt.ify that th~ forego3ng resolution was passed and adopted at a meet3ng oF the Anahsim Ciry Planning Commissi.on hela on August 28, 1989, by the following vote of the members th~reof: AYES: COh4~fISSIONEkS: HEkBST, BOYDSTUtl, FELDHAUS, HOUA,S, yfC BURt7EY 'tIOES: COMMISSIONL~RS: NONE ABSE~IT: COinMISSI0NER5: HELLYER, MESSE IN WITNESS WEiEREQF, Y hav~ hereunto set my hand th3.a 28th day of August, 19a9. --- ~~~~._`'=~~'~'~'u.~.'- -- SE(:R~TAR ', .1t~AFIEIM CITY PX.1-N~..NG COA1MI55i0N -4- PC89-217 '0 ~,