Resolution-PC 89-220~ ; r'"'~ . , RESQLUTIOt~ ~~F? _2;?(z ~ A RESOL~U't70N UF T'HG ANAHEIM CTTX PLAN'NING COMMISSIaN THAT PETITICIN FOR VARIANCE N0. 398G BC GF~NT~L1 ~-~%.l~y~ ,t,~,..~~; WHGkEAS, the Ar.t~beim City Plannin~ C~mrnis;~ion did receive a v~~rified Petition for Varia.nce fr~m P/A STATE COLL~GE INVFST~JRS, l~a7a1 F.ockfielc't Houlevnrd, Suite 200, ~:rvine, CA 9271f., araners, and LA~2RX LAKE, 15751 Rockfieiel Boulevar.d, Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92718, agent, for certaa.n r~al propert,y situated in tt~e City of Anaheim, County of O,:ange, State of Califprnia, clescribed as: PARCFL~ AS SHO'~TN ON 7~ MAF FII,E~ TN BOOK 27, PAGE 32 0~ PARCEL MAPS, !N THE CITY OF ANAHGIM, IN THE OFFTCE 0~' T.HE COUNTY ~,2ECORDEIt OF SAID COUNTY. WHER~,AS, the Caty Planning Commission did hold a public haariny ~~ thQ Civic Center in the City of Anaheirn on Septgmber 11, 19A9, a~ 1:30 p.m., notice oF said ~~ublic het~xing having been duly given as required 'ay law and ~n accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.Q3, to hear and consider evic;ence for and against said pxpposed variance and to investigaL-e and make findings and rECOmmenaatior~s in coiinection therewith; anfl WHER~AB, snid Com;nission, aftsr due inspe~tion, investigation an~ study made by itse].f ~nd in its bohalL-, anrl after ciue aonsidex•ation of ~11 evidenc~ and reports offore3 at said hearing, does iind and determine the followiu~ fucts: 1. That the p~titio:ier res~ue5ts wa.i.vQr oF the £allowing under authority of CodQ Section 18.06.080 to permi.t a take-o~xt pizza and pie restauraut in an eMisti.ng commercial retail centEr: uECTIOPrS 18. p6 LQ~QsQ22 - Minimu,ro nwrbex r~f p~r in s~agQ~. l.$-L4-~.~2,.023' (.~_9 required; ,~3 existing) .~.n a. . ~ 4 ~2~4~4~. 2. ThaL• the above--menti~ned waiver is hereby granted an the basis that thQ parking waiver will not cause an increas~ in traffic congestion in tlle imme3iate vicinity nor adverse2y s~fect any adioini.ng lani~ uses and granting of the parking wazver unil~r the conditions imposeQ, if any, will not be detrimental to tha peace, r.da.lth, aa.Eety and general welfare ~f the citizens of the C.ity of 1~nahe.im. 3. That tliere are exceptianal or oxtraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable t;o the pso~~erty involved or to the intendeci use of the property that do nat apply ger-erally to the property or olass of use in the same vicinity and aone. 4. That the requested variance is necessary for the rreservation and enjovment of a substantial ~ropez•ty right possesseci by other prop~rty in the same viciniky and xoiie, and denied ~~ Lhe property in questio~l. 1032r -1- PC89-220 lf: ;;~. , . ~'~.'i AA ~~ ~~~~ ~ 5. That the requasYed variance wi11 no~ be matQrially detrimental to the public welg'ar~ or injurious to t.he pro~erCy or zm~ravemarits in such vicinity and zone i~ which the proper~y is locatgd. 6. That no one irxdic~ated their presence ah_ said ptiblic heuring in oppasi~ian; and tha~. no c~~rrQSpondence was r.eceivod in apposi~ion to sukaject pet? tion.. NOW, xFTEREF~RE, BE TT 1iESOLVED that the Anaheim City N:l.aniling Gommission dpes hereby grant subject Petition for V,~riance, upon tho followi.ng conditior~s which ~re here~y found to be a necessary prexequisitQ te tho piopased ~zse of the 3ubject property in order to preserve the sa£et.y and general welfare o£ ~he Citi.zens ot the City of Anaheim: * l. That trash storage areas shall be provided and maintained in a location acceptab?e to the SL•reet Ma.intenance Anc1 Sanitation Division, and in accordance ~aith appr.oved plans -n tile witb. said Di.vision. Such informakian shall b~ sp~cifically showi~ cn the plans submittPd for building permits. * 2. That all air conditi~ning facilities ar.d other roo:E and ground mounted equipsnent shall be properly shielded f:rom viaw, and the sound bufEerQd from adjacent residentia'~ p~~operties. Such infarmatiou shall be sp~rificxlly shown ~n the plans submitte~ f~r building permits. * 3. That ~~.e ~roposal shall comply with a21 signing r~quiremenL•5 of ~he CL "~ommorcial, Limited" Zono, un1QS~ a varianca a].lowinc~ sign waivers is ~~proved by the CitX Caunc:il, Planning Commiss3on or Zoning Adrniziis trator . ~. ~hat L-his resolution sha11 no~ becorne effec~:tve un~i1 Condition No. 6 of Reso].utiau No. 88R-373, adoptQd in connectian with Conditional li'ae Permit No. 3051 and prohibiting take out/fast-L•cod ssrvice facil'_L-ies (restaurants) in subjert comm~re.ial ret.ail centor, is amsnded or deleted to permi.t such foocl service usage. 5. That subject propertX shall be da~relope~ suristantially in accordance witY~. plans and specifications submitteii tu tha City, oE An~heim by t~ie potitioner and which plans are an file with the City mar?ced ~xhibiC Nos. 1 a~d 2. 6. That prior to cammencemer~t of the ~ctivity authr~rizad hy this resolution, or priar ro issuance oE a building permit, az within a perioCl of one (1) year from thQ flatA of thi.s resolution, wkii~hever ~ccurs first, Concii~ion Nos. 1, 2 and 4, abave-mention~ed, shall be complied with, Fxtensions for £urth~r tima L•o aomplete said conclitions may be grante:i in accordance with Sect3on 18.03.090 of tYeo Anaheim Municipa7 Code. 7. Th~t prior to the conunencement of the activity author3z~d by this res~lution or prior to final building and zoning inspections, whichaver occurs ~irst, Conditian No, 5, abave-mQntzonec~, shall be complied with. 8. That employees making deliverios sha11 use their. own vehicles. -Z- PC89-220 : `,, ; .s:,~i~` ,:1:1~r~. ~ af; ~ ., :. ~~ ;:,. ;:~ :,i> S .~F,°~i' 1 u ~n.A ~1 I'~y~ ~ P i'1~~;, P'l ,i•~ r~• a . ~ .'..~1 . i:~S ~ ,.~~1't, ~j P r~.. ~ ~7 a}~I~dq~r~~`:~~~f ~ ~~7iNl~'r~~r~~~`.~ . .~ ,,, , , , . . , ..., ~~ . .. .. fy..~S ~ * 9. That appruval of L•his application consL-itutes appr.oval of the prop~sa requPSl: only ~o the Qxtent that i*_ comp;lies wii:h the A.nahPi,m Mun3.cipa Zoni~g C~de and any o~her applict~ble City, State an.cl Federal regulationg. Approval does not ,ine~.i~de atiy action or findir~gs ~s to com~liance or appr.oval o~ ~he request regarfling any other applicable ordinance, rQgulation or requiremont. ' ;~~ r i~,~( ,:'~r,i~~ ;,~ `.:` Cl ;~ 1 Further, conditions m~rked with an aaterisk (*) are requir~d by P.6~3b11S~1~C1 J.aw;s, codes, rogulations and/or agreements, and axe not SLi~~]@Ct ~O riCC~Ot:l:il:lOri. BE IT F'URTHElt RESOT~VED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby fi.nd and determine that adop~ion oF this Resolution is expressly prediaated upan appli~ant's compliance with each ~nd ~17, o£ ~he conclirions ;> hereinabove set Eorth. Should any such conditions, or ~~ny gart thoreof, be i; declared invalid or unenforr_eable by the f.inal judgment of any court of campe~ent jixrisdiction, then ~his Resolution, and any approvals herein containecl, shall be deemed nu11 and void. THE F~JREGOING P.~SOLUTION..is signe¢ and approvod by me this 17.th day of September, 1989. !` ~ ~ . . ~_Y~ ,•~l; E,.•Z , %" / ~ 4 -~`!' 7 /~ ~ ,~ ~. ---- CHAIRhL~N, ANAHEI CITX PLANNTNG COidMI5SI0*T ATTEST: / ~ ~/Cr ~ ~~ • ~ ~ C.!' ~ , {~ ;~~~1~ ~ , ~ E ~-U1."L~~,_ SECRETARY', ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUh4rfIS5I0N STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OE ORANGE ) S,, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ,`:{ =~ ~ ::~ `:r ,:' _, +, '' r. ~i i ~; ,,, '-.~ ;~ ~' I, Edith L. H~rri~, Sc~cretary of ~he Anaheim City Planning Comm3ssi.an, `; " do hQreby certify that the forego~ng resolution was passed and adopted at a ` a,: meeting o£ Y.he Anaheim City Qlanning Commi.ssion held on September 11, 1989, by ~~ the following vcte of tho m~mbers thereuf: ~ AYES: COMMISSIONERSt iiERBST, F~OYDSTUN, HELLXER, BOUAS, MC BURNEY, MESSF. ';~'~ NOES: COMhfISSIONEkS: NONE ~ ABS~:NT: COMMISSI013ERS: FFLDHAUS ";~~ IN WITNESS WFiEREOF, 't have hereuzito set my hand this llth day of -:?; Septernber, 1989. ',s ~ ~! ; ~~ .,.o ~ , , y~J ~1 ~• ~ ~~ ~..~ ~`~~~~~Lw . ~ . ._y~ SECP.CTARY,, ANAHFIM CI~Y PLAN23IIJG COMMISSION ~~ , z~, ,.. ~ _ . ...- ;~? 'r~ , ~. j. .,, ~. ,f =;i -~- PC89-?20 `.'~~ ,''.f =w~ L L ~' - _ - " ,, I. .. ~. , Ctr~. RI j'~~' ~