Resolution-PC 89-230~:rtnarrr.: i .,s r..~.,~,,. .,,.~~., . : . ... ..... . ... . . ~ . ~ - ~ ~ ~ . . . _ . ~ . _ . -^i h .?9 jd ~ ~~~~ ; v ' 1 ' ~ ~} ,.. ;? i ~! a ,i ; R~S,~QT,i1tT,I0N 1~0. P~89-230 A F~SOLLiTION ~F THE ANAHEIM CIT'l PLANNING COMMISSION THAT FE:CITION FOR VARIA.NC~ NU. 3991 BE GRAN1'ED WHFki~A5, Che Anaheim City Planning Commission did rQCQive a verified E'o~ition f~r Variance f:rom DIANA HOARD, r~presonting THE BAT~DWIN CO., 16811 Halca Avenue, Irvine, CA 9'1714, owner, of cerrair. x•dal proper~y situated in the Cit,y of Anaheim, Coun~y of Orange~ S~ate nf. Czlifornia described as: PAHCEL 1: TRA~T N0. 2 OF THG LANU ALLOTTED TO TEODOCIO Y012BA, AS DESCRIBED IN TFIE FINAL D~CRE~ OF PARTTTION OF THE RANCkiO SANTIAGO UE SANTA ANA, WHICH WAS EN'rERED SEPTEMH~R 12, 1868, IN 1300K "5", PAGE 41U OF ~TUDGMENTS OF TEiE D?STRICT COURT 4F Tii~ '17'rH JUDICZAL AISTRICT Itd AND FUR LO5 ~NGELES ~OUNTY, CAL7FORNIF., DESCRIEiED AS FQLI~QWS: HEGII3NING AT '.PFIE SOUTfiWEST CORTTER OF THE TRACT OF I~~LIPE; YOFBA, PER SATD DI:CRI;E: TFiENCF~ SO~JTH 27~ 08' EAST 1'154.00 FFET, TF~ENCE NORTH 62~ 52" EAST 5874.00 FCET TO TH~ LiNE OF FLINT. ANU B7XBY'S ALLOTMENT PER SAIA DECRE~: TFiENCE NGRTH ~4~ ~5' EAST 127b.00 FEET TO THL' I~OR'THEAST LINE QF PE2:A'LTA YOR13A TRAC'w', AS PER ii+T.D DECREE: THENC~ NORT.I~i 27~ G8' W~ST 6G0.00 FLET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORhER OF THE SA~D TRACT OF FELIPE YOI28A: 'i'FIENCE SOUT.H 62~ 52' WEcT 6955.7t F~CT TO xHE POINT (?k BEGINNING. PARC~:L 2: iRACT NQ. 2 OF Tfi$ LAND ALI,OTTED TO FELIPE XORIiA, AS D~SCRIBED IN THE FINhL DECRt?E OF I'ARTTTION QF 7'HE RANCHQ SANTIAGO DE SAN~:A ANA, WHICH WAS EN'TEP.En SEE~T~MEi~R 12, 1F168, YN BOOK "B", PAGF 410 OF ~iUDGM~N'rS OI' THE; DISTRICT COURT OF THE 17'.~H JUDICIAY~ DISTI2TCT, TN AND I'OR LOS lS~IGELES COUNTY, CALIFOk2NIA, D~:SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: B~GINNING AT TH~ SOUTHWEST (;URNER OF xTiE TRACT OF TOMAS YORBA E•.S PER SAID DECRCE: THENCE SOUTH 2~~ OS' EAS'1' 1254.00 FGET: THENCE NORTH 62~ 5'l' EAb'P 6955.74 FEE'P 'TO THE NORTHEAST BOUNDARY L'INI: OF T)EIr, PERALTA XA.KRA TRACT, AS PER SAID DFCEtEE : THENCE NOR'.YFi 2'l~ 08' WEST 1254.00 FC~T: THENCE 50UTIi 62~ 52' SVEST 6955.74 FEET TO T.HE POIN't OF BEGIPiNIIvG. ~IlOGOr L.~~ . . PC89•-230 ri •`,';: `~~''~! l~~"'~dl~~ PARC~L 3: TIiE SECONU TRACT OF L.I~ND ALLOTTED TO RAYMUNUO YORBA, AS DESCRI$ED IN '.tHE L'II~AL DECZE~ QF PAR'1'ITION 4F T~SE RANCHA SANTTAGO DF. SANTA 7~NA. WHICH WAS ENTER~U SEPTEMB~R 12, 1~36a, IN BOOK "H", PA~E 410 OF' JUnGM1ENTS OF THE DISTI2ICT COURT O F THE 17TH JUDTCIA'L UISIRICT IN AND I'OR L~S ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA., DESCRIaED AS FOLLOWS: DEGINNING AT THE MOST SOU1.'HERLY OR SOUTHWESTEP.LY CURNER OF THG TFt.ACT UF LAND ALLOTTED TO TEODOCIO YORBA, A5 PER SAID DEC~tEF~; 7'FfENCE SOUTH 27~ 08' EAST 3128.00 FEFT: THE;NCE NORTFI 34n 45' EAST 6567.U0 FEET TO THF. SOUTFIEAST CORN~t2 OF SAID TRACT ALLOTTED TO 'T~FODOCIO YORBA: THENCE SOUTFi 62~ 52' WEST ALONG `fFi~ SOjJTHEASTERLY LZNE OF SAID TRACT 5874.00 FEET TO THE ?OTNT OP' BEGINNINC~. WH~RLAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at ~tie Civi~: C~~~t~r in the City oL Anaho:im ori SeptembQr 25, :1989, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing havi.ng beerl duly given as requira8 by law and in accordance with tho provisions of tYie Azxa1'ieim Municipal Gode, Chapter 18. A3, ta hear and considsr evidence for and against said pr~posod variance and to investiyate ana make findings and recommendations in cnnnection therewith; and said peCitioi. was cont~nuod to tkie meet.ing o£ Octc,ber 9, ].589, and WF~EREAS, szid Comrriis~ion, aFt~r due inspection, inve~l:igation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of a11 @V1C1P.L~.CP. and re~ports o~£ered aL• said hearing, does finci and de~termine the Pollowing facts: 1. That the petitior.er praoosos waivers of the fallowing to construck air-s~~ace condominium comploxos in Tr~ct Mo~7 Nos. 1~0%2 and 14C75: SE lI N~Q~I,_Q~~2?Q - ~ini. m~m_._,~t,ructiira7. ;~~-~k and ~ar~~'e~~ui~'~.~~~• an 1f~,72*OZQ (.n_.oo ~P.L'~~cks for buildings adj~cent to iiYterior lot ~htQ.,~q,h 1Q 72.1,~0 lines ("phasing lines") prnposed; .,5 Eee~ required) 2. That~ the above-mentio~ied waivQr is hereby qranted on the basis th~t setbacks bRtweYn adjacant buildings will comply with Codot that there are special circumstan~~s aPpl.icabla to the property such as size, shape, top~graph~•, locatiu~. and surroundings which do not apply ta other iflent:ically zoned property in the samQ vici.nity; arid that strict application uf the Zaninc~ Ca~3e c3aprives the propertx of privileges onjoyed by other properties in the ident.ical zono and classi~ic:ation xn the vicinity. 3. Tha~ there 1re ear.epti.onal or exCraardinary circumstances or conc:~ ti.ons app~ir.ahls to thca property in~;olv~:d or to the intended use oi' the proper~~ that do not raL[~l.y qe:~erally t~ rhe ~roperty or class of use in the sdme viCi..~ir~• 1:1:d Z~ne. -2 - PCs19-'l30 ~a ,: ~, , ;w~ ~~w ; ` ~ . ~~ !~ ~, ~ `'' ~~ ~~ ~~ +~ 1 4. That the requestecl variance ic~ necc~ssary for the preservation ana enjoymQnt oE a subst3ntial property right poss~ssod by oL•her property in tho same v3.cinity and zone, and denied t~ tho propQrty in c~uos~ion. 5. That the requested variance wi11 not be marerially detra,mental to ~he public welfare ur injurious to the property or improvemen~a in such vicin9.ty and zone in v;nich thQ ~roperty i.s located. 6. That no one indicated thoir presence aL• sai~ public hear.ing zn oppositior_; and that no correspondence was x~rceived in opposition to subject petition. ~)~LYFORNI7~ ENCIRONMET~TAL QUALrTY ACT FTNBING: That tha Anaheim Cit;y Planning Commi.Qsion ha~ reviewed the prapo~al for wa.iver. of minimwr~ stcuctural sotback and yard roquirements to construc~ air-spacH aondominium complexes in Tract Map Nos, 1~10%2 ~na 14075 on a 53.6 acre parG~l (Uevelopment Area 201) and a 13.2 acre parcel (DevQlopment Area 2~5) af *.he 591-acre The Summit of wtiahr~im Hi11~ Specitic Plan (SP38-2) development arc~a which a,s locah.ed appraximately 1.1 miles s~utheast of ~he Woir Canyon Road/Riverside Freeway intersect:ion and is buunded on the north by the Sycasnore Canyon SpeciEic Plan dQVSlopment ar2a nnd or. ttxe sou~h and Fast: by unincorporated Irvine, Compan~ prupert,y; and d~es hereby approve the Ntgative Declaration upon fir~ding tY;at ir has considersd the Miti,gat~-d Negative Declaration togethar with an~~ comments re^eived during the public review prucess and ~'urther find.ing or~ the basis oE the Iuitial S~ucly and any r.ommr~nt~ received L•hat there i~ no substantial evidencQ tha.t the project will have a significant efFect on the environment. NOW, TFIER~,~'C1RE, BE IT RE5GLVEU th~t the ;Anahc~im City Planning Commissi4n doe~ hereby grant subject petiLio:z for Var.iance, u~on the following co.nditions whi.ch are i~r~reby found 'to be a nacessnry proreauisite to the pr~posed use of the zabjoct propQr~.y in order ta preserve the safQty and g~rieral welfare oP the Citizens of the City af Anaheim: 1. That 3ubject proparty sh~~'i.? be develope~ substantia].1y in accordance with Plans and speciL•icatacns on file with the City of Anaheim ma.rked as Exhibik Nos. 1 and 2, 2. T.hat the entrances to Tr~cL- Map Ptos. 14072 and 14075 (air-spaco condominium comp:iexes) sk~ail b~ constructed to arcammodate gate~l entryw~y designs. Fiual con~tructi~n designs shz11 be reviewed ~and approved by t;he City Traffic Enqir~eer prior to the i.ssuance of buildin.~ pQ:mits. - 3. That approval uL• this applicution constitutes approval of the proposed r.equest only to the~ extent that it ro~npli~s with the Anrshe3m Mu,zicipal 7.onir.y Codo and any other applicable City requlatior-,. Approval does not inc].ude any action ~r findings as tu comglia~ce or approval of. tho raquQSt regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulat:on, or requiremQnt. -3- PC89-230 ~ f ,, . , ~ ~- , ~ ~ r '~~~~~,+~if~v ~ 2 :~~~ ~ .~,~ . . ~ } . , ~ ~ i ir t` ~ t~ {y r':i.r . . ~ t.1; • ~~tr~ ~~ Ft`ur'r.;, . B~ IT FUR'PHER N~SOLVEL' that the Anahe,irn City P13nning CommiSSion does hereby fincl and de~ermine that ar~op*_ion o~ this F'.q,olutiun is exprossly pradicate3 upon applicant's camplianco with er~ch and al1 af t2ie conc~iti~ns hereinabov~e set torth. Should any suah cundztions, or anp part t'Pier.eof, be r daclared invaZzd or unenforceable by thF i`inal judgm~nt o~ any court of ~~~~ compet~nt jurisdic~ion, then this Rosol~icion, and an a i,:.~ cor.tained, shall be deemed null atad void. x PPLOVals herein F ,' THE ~'OR~:GOING 12ESOLUTION is signE~d and approved by me this 9th day oE Oc~ober, 19F29. ~ ~ ~/ .~ ~ + ,_ ~ ~~(~ ~ ~i ~ rCFIA7RMAN, ANAHEI CIrY PLA,PtNING CON~IISSTdN {; ATxEST: _____~ ' ~Q~t,,.~2.~C,, SECRETARY, ANAHEI2Q CITY ~'Ll~7NING COb~iISSION STATE OF CALTFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAf1'GF; ) 55, CITY OF ANAHEZM ) '; I. Ec?ith L. F:arris, Secxetary o~ the Anaheim City Planning Gommis,txon, f; du uereby certiify thdt the for.egoing rKSOluLion was passecl and adoptec~ at a ':; meRti.ng of the Anaheim Ci.~y F+lanning Co;nmiesion ttelci o~ Octo.t~er 9, 1,ggg, b~ ;; tlze £oZlowing vote of the members thereof: '? ,,'; AYES; C~~MT~tTSSIONERS: HERBST, BGYbSTUN, ~iEL'LYER, FEI.DF.IAUS, BOUAS, ~.~ MC BURNEY 1d0E:;; COD~IISCIONERS: NONE AffSEN1': COMM:[SS~:aNF.RS: ?QES.~,G `, T.*? `.':iTNESS WHEI2EOF, I hsve herQUnto sct my haud tYiis 9t;h day o~ October, 198'~. ~-~ -~ ,~ . -~- ~~=__ -~.~-~_ SLCRETARY, ANAHE7M L'ITY PLANNI~JG COMMTSSIGN ~r -'~' PC89-230 ~. r v ~':J'/dd l ~~yP .i T`' "~t!' ^i; (t ; . r,i~ ,;~~~~ ~