Resolution-PC 89-2374j ,_ ., . , .. J, ~ ,i ~ ~~~~ . .. S ~:'. 11~'~,rl~ ,~ .!' iA ,.~I i:~~ . . . ~._',~ii5 RESOLiITI0t1 NQL P~'~,~2~ A.R~SOL•UTTUN OF TFI~ ANAHEIM ;,'ITY PLANNING COMMYSSION THAT Y~TITION FOR RE~LASSIFICATION N0. C9-40-18 F3L GRANTED, AS MOnTFT~D ~~ ; m- WHEREAS, tho Anaheim CiY.y Planning Cummissioi~ did rscaive a veri~ied petitior~ for Reclassification from GEORGE ANll EVA SICILIANI, 3024 E, I~a Pa1ma Avenue, Anaheim, CA 9280ti, c,wners, and ROHERT G. MU11~, 1373G Goldenwesti Streat, Suite C, W~3tminster, CA 926a3, agsnt Eor. certain real property sitvated in tYie City of Aii3hPim, Count•y of. Orangs, State oE California, descr.ibed as £ollows: xHE NORTH 120 FEET OL' THE WEST 180 FEE~ OF 1'HE *10RTHWRST QUAR'PER Of TFiE SOUTHTrVEST QUARTEx OF THE SQUTHWEu~ QUARTEF UI' SGCTION 7, IN TOWNSHIP 4 SOUSH, RANG~ 9 W~SZ, SAN AERNARDINO BASE AND r;ER?DlAN, IN THE CIiY OF ANAI~EIM, COUNTY OF (7Rl.NG~, SrATG 0~ CALIFORNIA WHER~AS, the City Planning Commission did hold a p~ublic hearing ~ at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on OC~ObQl 9, 1989 at 1:30 p.m., notir,e oE said publi.c h~aring havinq been duly givQn as requirod by law and in : ttccordance with the provisions of Lho :~nahoim Municipal Code Ch~pter 18.Q3, to hear and conszder evidence for and 2~gaxnst said propoaed r~cYassifical:ion and to investagaL•e anct make find.ings anr.1 recomrnendations in connection therewith; and F1HER'r".AS, saic4 Commission, after due irlspection, investig~tion and study made by itself and in its beh71L, and af•ter due consideralion of a11 evidence and reports oEfered ~t said hearir.g, doss find and determinA tho following facts: .L. Th~t the petitior,Pr proposes reclassiEication of subjoct property from thQ Kti-A-43,OG0 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone tio the CL (Commercial, Limited) 'Lone; however, the Pl~n~ning Commission detexminod that reclassificatiun to the CO (Cammc~rr,ial, Office and Professional} Zo:~e wouYd be more apprupri.ate. 2. That t•ho Anaheim General Plan designates subaoct property for Low Density Resz~ential land uses; however, adjacent properti~s to tho north are designateci for commarcial professionaY land s~se~. 3. 'That the approved reclassificntion of subject pxoperty is necessary and/or tosirabl~ for the orrlerly anfl pr~per cievelopment ~f. the cnmmuni.ty. 4. 'chat the propo~ed reclassification of subject proparty aoea ':~ propr~rly relate to thc~ zones and thair perm.itted uses locally estab:lished irt ~,;; close proximity to subject• pr~perty and ~o the zones and their p~rmittod uses qoneral].y established tY:rouqhout the community. ~~ 5. That thP proposod reclassi~icati~n of subjeat property `.r ~;, requires the 3.mprovement of abutting streets In accordance with the '~ •,`,;; Czrcu]ation El.ament of the General plan, due to the anl•icipated increase in `" traffic which wi11 be g~nerated by the intensification ~f land +xse. t ~~ ` 1066r -1- Pr 69-~37 :C? ~: , ~r s~ ~ , ~~~ , ~~~ ~ yfr. 6. That one ~erso.l inciicated his presenae at sa3c~ public hear3ng in opposit;iun; and that no car.respondencP was rc:neived in oppo~it3an ~o subj~r.t petition. ~ALIFORNIA _ENVIRUNMI:NT~-'L_Q_UALITY A~T FIPIDING: That tho Anaheim City Planning Commissiori has reviea~ed tho pra~osal to reclassify subject proporty ~Erom the RS-A-93,OOD (Residential/:~gricuXtural) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limited) Z~ne to p~rmit: office use ot a rQSidential structure with waiver of permitted locataon of vehicle parking, mar.imum structural hei7ht t~ud minimum setback adjacent to singls iamily rosidenti~zJ, zoning on a rectangul~rlv-s~iaped parcel of land ~onsist•ing of a~proximaCely 0.41 acre having a frontage of approximately 126 feet on the oast sitQ of Rio Vista Streer, having a maximurn depth of approximaLely 15U feet, being located approximatel~ 270 feQt south o.f Lhe cQnterline of Lincoln Avenuo and furthor described as 502 South Rio Vi.sta S~reet; anci docs hereby approve the Negative D~claration upon finding that it has c~nsidQred the Nogativs Daclaration together w.i.th any comments receiv~d during the pubJic revi~w procass and iurther findin~ on the basis of Lhe initial study and any comments received that there is no substar.tial evic?ence that the project w.i11 have a significant effect on tha euvironment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cummission does hereby grant su~ject Petition for Reclassi~ication, a3 modif.ied, t~nd by so doing, that Title 18-e^.oning of the Anaheim Municzpal CodQ be amended L-o exclude the above••describad property from the R5-A-43,000 (Residential/Agrici~ltural) 'Lone and to incorporate said described pr4pert~ into the CO (Commercial, OL•fzce and Professional) Zone upon ~:ie followin~ ccnditions which are hereby found to be a necPSSary prer.equisite t~ the proposed use of su;~ject pr.operty in order to preserv~ thP safety ax~d general wslfare ot the Citizer_s of the City of Anaheim: 1. That ~treot lighting faciliti.es along Ri.o Vista Strec~t sY:t~ll be installed as requa.red by Che Utili'ties General NianagQr in accordance wi.th specific~tions ~n file 5.r~ Che Office of Utilitzas General Managar; ~r that security in the for;~n of a bo:~d, certificate o~ deposit, 1Qtter of credit, or cash, i.n an F-mount an~~ form sat.isfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be postPd with the Cit;y ru guarantee the satis£actory completion of the above-menLioned i.mprovesnents. Said security shall be posted with the Cil-y ot Anahaim priur• to the introduction of an ordinance rezor~ing subject properCy. The abnve-r.equzred improvemen~s shall b~ installed prior ta ocaupancy. 2. That the logal owner of subjc~cL• property shall dedicate to the Ci~y o£ Anaheim a st:rip oF 1anc~ six (6) F~et in width located along the north property line ~f subject property Por puY,lic utility purposes. 3. That a fee sha11 be paid to the City of Anaheim tor tree planting along Rio Vis~a Street in ~n amount as established ~y City Council resolution. ~. That prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezaninq subject property, Conditzon Nos. 1., 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be c~mpleted. Ths provisions or rights granted by this resolution shall become null and votd by action of the Planning Commissiun unless said canditions are compliQd with within onc~ (Z) yoac from the d~zte of this resolution, oL• such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. ;~ , ,-; -2~ Pc ag-z37 ~,t~.,::. ,., _ , , ,:„,,;. ~~'~;R~; . ,. ~ ~,,, . ~ ~~~~t~ ~ , ~ ~~ ~; , , 5• That approval oE L•his applicat.ion c.onsLitute~ approvai n~ ~h r~quest only to the extent: r.hat it complies with the Ax~aheim Munic~sal Zoning Code and any other applicable Ca.t regu1ations. A Y• State and Federal pproval doos noC includo any ac~ion or ~,indings as t•o I`,' c~mpliance or approval oE the roquest regarding any Qth~~ ~ orclinance, regul~tiorl or requiremen~. PPgxcable ~`~~>~ BE TT FURTH~R RFSOLVED ~`•~ does hereby find and detQrmirie thathadopt onAof thisCResolutionnis~e~r~s1~~, ~~•,' predac~atQd upon applicank's comp7iance xith each and a11 ~f the condit' hereinabave set f.c,rth. P S~1 der.lared invalid ur unexi ~r~eab~e ~ ~h conditions, pr z~ lpns competei~t jurisdicti~n, y~r~ final y p~rL rhEreof, be thsn this kesolution, ~a ~ n t °~ anY court nt ~' contain~d, sha11 be deemod nual and voia. y aPPxovals herein ~HE I'GRF,GOING RESOLUTTON is signed and approved by me th5.s 9th da '~' of October, 198g, ~J ~ ~~ , i. Y ,:,~ i, / ~ L/ ~~ • ' ' r~ ~ - ~•~ ,.~~-, ~ ~--~HAIRMI~N, ,ANAHk;i CITY pLANNI C('N OMMISSIQN „ ATTEST; _ ----__ CiL~~=^"`.~ ~ SECI2ETA f, ANAFiE1'M CITY PL~IT~INING C01~1ISSSON STATE OF CAI,IFORNIA ) COUNTY' pF ORANGE ) ss. CI1'Y G~F A1VI~FiEIM ) ~' ~'d~•t~ ~• Harris Commission, a~ hereb- ' Secr~~arY og the Anaheim City Planning adoptQd at a meetxn y Cex~lfy that Che foregoing resolution w~s passed ana g of. the Anaheim City Plarini~g Commission held on October g• •L989. by thP following vote of ~Pie members the.r~of: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ~iE~2F3ST, BOYnSTUN, H~LLYER, FELLHAUS, AOUAS, NOES: MC PURNE`I COMMISSTONERS; NpNE ?=T3SENT; COMMISSIONF.RS: MESSF: !N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand tY:is gth ~a Oc~ober, 190g, y of SECR .1'^`~~~ G"C. ,. ~ ETARY, ANAfi~;IM CITy pLANNIN~ COM?dISSION ~-3 - PC89-237 : ~°v