Resolution-PC 89-243t 1 ~~,~af+'IxY 'iw ~i wv' '~SC' ( ,ir ~" ~ir } ;: rlf ;". 'yls` ~f'S~ iY4i'!' ~ , d.~ ~ } v '~.:'~,. 1 r ~.~ F,~;~ 11 1 ~l) ~ I t'.: ~f'/ 11 ~?~ f 1 al~.^I 5 ~~ ~.'.1 ~f ~~{7 ~~1 4 j ~~ I > i~ 1 ~~ Y~ t,~ 4' ~h i. , ).t~ a , ~, 4 ~dt~1?4 ~s.f ~Tl~ ~'~ti~~~}t~~a ~i ' ~.r ~ri r ; ~ ~ , n~~}. ~ ~ ~ ~ ." i )a~k~i.i7. ~ ,,4` . . . _ .~ :,f . ' ' ~ .~ ~ ~) _ ^ r ~ , ;:;i KE~S..QL~TION ,IQ. AC89-243 A RE50LUTION OF THE ANA:IGIM G.LT3t PL.1-NNING COMMTSSION THAT. COND:[TIONAI~ USE PERMIT N0. 2~98 BE MODIFYED ' `''" WHEREP>S, L•he Anah~i.m C.~.~y Planiiing Commis~ion did xeceive a veriia.ed Petitio ~ ' n or Conditional Use Permit from VTNCENT C. TAORMINA AND WTLUTAM C. TAORMINA P O Ei ; .. , . . ox 309, nnah~am, CA 92815, owners, and KAR~N R. ~ETERS, 180 S. Water S~reet O ~~,` , :ange, (;A 92566, ag~nt, seekiug approval to permi',: public a ':~~;y ccess to a greviouslg-approved r.ommercial recycling/resourae recovery ~ransfer facilit fo ::;';;. y r ourposes of public r~:cyc'lir_g collecti.on and public household hazardous waste collecti~n; and 'j` ~`;S ,.; W~iEREA~, the Planning Commision granted Conditional Use Permit No. 2~98 :"r, to permit a commercial recycling/resouroe reccvery transfer Pacility at 2763 East Whit S '''!! e tar ~venue on December ].3, '982; Y:owever, it did not pezmit public acces t s o Lhe Eacility for eiLhEr recycl.ing or collecti~n, and it did i not permit either comme.rcial or public haxardous waste collection; and Y'r WF3EREAS, the City Planning Commission did holti a public hearing at the Civic Cent i er n the CiL•y o£ Anahoim on October 9, 1989 zt 1:30 p.m., notico of said public hearing having beon duly given i ;~; ~ as rec~u red by law and in accnrdaz~ce with the provisions ~f the Anaheim Municipal Cod~, Chapter 18 03 r? :t , , to haar and cons.i8or ~vidence for and against proposed modification of subject ~` i condi~ioila:l ~zse permit and to investi.gate and make findings and . ~`~ recommendalions in connection therewith; and _ :,a • WFiEREAS, aaid Commission, after due ins,pec~ion, investiqation and ~ ; ~ studg mad~ by itself and in i~s behalf, and after duo consideration of a11 evid ;.,.. ~ , ~ ence and reports affered at said hearing, does find and determine the fol].owing facts : ~;~; , ~, 1. That puk,].S.c access is required in ordar to i.mplement a County of Orange-s on~ d h "~ p ore ousehold hazardous waste aollection prograrn (in conuection wit;h Condili l ona Use PPrmit No. 3~00) and to permi~ the continuation af public rQCycling coll~c~ion. ~r; 2. That on-s.ite puhlic accesa will bn restricted to thR mo;,t south~rly portion of the subject r t i ,t .'i; '!~~ l ~' n oper y, w tii vQ2zicular accest~ being from abandonad White Star Avenue and that th , ; ' '' e tra£fic circulation pattern is desi ned to g. preclude the customers (the public) from ~xi.ting their vehicles ~`~~ ,, ';* . ; 3. That granking o.f the modiEication to s~bject Coz~ditional Use Permit if any, vrill nr~C be detrzmnn~al ta the pea~o, health, satei:y and general welfare of the Citizens of thc Ci~y of. Anaheim. 4. T:zat tk~e CrafFic ganera~ed by the propo9ed usQ w31~ noL• impose an unduH bkrden upon the stre~sts and highways designP~ ~nd .im~roved to carry the traffic in the araa. 5. That no one indicatoc~ the.ir presence a~ said public hearing in oppasition; and that no correspandencE was receiv~d in opposit.ion to ~he ~tibject ~oti~ion. 1075r •-1- PC89-243 ;;. ,,, ,~ '; r ', ;:'s `~i; j Y.. ~ "%x'a . ,,w.~ ~..-~.~B~I~A.~V~$Q~FN.T.gC~Q~~~ ~~_ F~ INDZ~.,~t~; g~liat the Anaheirn City Planning Commission has reviowed tho proposAl t~ permit public acce~s to ~ previously-annr.ovod comme:cial rpcycling/resource reaovery ~rsnsfer f~+ci.lity fo: pu..~sa~ oE public racycling colleation nnd public h~usehold ~1F16F.1YC~IOl18 wuste collectian and does horeby find that Chy NegaCiva Declaration previously approvea in conjunction with subject Condirion~l Uge Permir ia ad~rquato te serve bs environm~ntal documontatlun in connection w3th thia request; and Eurther thaL• a Mitiqated Negative Dec.laratinn w~a approved in c~iijunctiori with Conditior.al Use Permit No. 3200. NOiI THEREFORE B~ IT R~:50LVED Chat the Anaheim City Planning Comrnission dods horeb~ apprnve the raquest tu permit public t;,ccpsa to a proviousl~~-,~pY~ovod commercial recyclinq/resuurce recovery transfer facilitp for tha purposes oE pub].ic rocycling coi.l~ction and publ.ic housef~old hazar~~ous wa~te col'lec~ion. THE r'OREGOTNG R~SOLUTION is siqned and approve~ by me this 9th day oF Gckubex. 1989. ~, ,, / j ~ ~~_ ~,. ~ _ , ~~,_ . ,=~-..~`_ % ~~ ~ ____- CHATRMAtJ, AN).FiEIM C TY PLA2IN!!TG COMMISSIOiJ ATTEST: - ~ -- ` ~ _ _ ~ .~(il./1.-t~, SECRETARY, ANAI~iE1id CITX FLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF ('AL2FOi2NIA ) ~:OU23TY AF URI-NGE: ) Ss. CITY OF ANAHF,TM ) I, Cd.i~h L. Il~rris, Socretacy oE tho Ar~nheim City Planninq Commisaion, do heroby carCffy thur. the foreqoiny rasolution was passed and adcp~ed at a meeCinq of thQ Anntibim Citk Plar:ninq Comrr,.ission beld on October 9, 1989, by Che ~ol.l.~winq vqte of the momb~rs thereof: AY~S: CQNL*1I55IONERS: HERBST, f30YASTUN, FiRLLYER, ('tif I)HAUS, BOUAS, MC BURiJEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: tJQtIE ABSENT: C(~i~AtISSIONERS: MESSE IN WIT?IE55 WHEREOC, I have herennto ~et my l~and th?s 9th day of October, 1989. _~._._ ` ~ 4_~'-.'~'~ _J~ ~.n~.,--~-.7 ~ECRETARY, AtfAtiEIM ClTY PLANNING COtyQ~('LSS.ION ;;,,~: , ,:~~.~ , T; . . .~~ "~.'~.Q~ j -2" PC89-243