Resolution-PC 89-248...,~ ,...,~. . .,~, ~~ u.;J'~ ~' ~,:((. r .6„{ d r - . + .,ciy ~ ~.i . ~ . ~ . . - . .~ , , .., ..'~ , , . , f' . ~ . W' ~ F{S ,A .~ . ~ 11 ~ qi61'el~ ~` T R~5.4L~TION N0. PCQ~_24~ A RESOLUT7.ON 4[' THE ANAHk.IM CTTY PL.i~.N~TrNG COhIIrSI5SI0N THAT FE'TTTION FQR VARIANCE N0. 4001 HE GR1~INT~D WHERE~AS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receivo a verified Petition for Variance from DIANA HOAI2D, THE BALDWLN CO., 16811 Hale Avenue, Irv9.nQ, CA 917Y4, owner for cartain real propert,y situated in the C:L~y of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of C3Zi£~rnia describ~d as: pARCEG 1: TRI~CT N0. ?. OB' TI3E LAND AL~LOTTGD TO TEODOCIO YORBA, AS DESCRIBED IN THE FINAL DFCR~E OF PAR'lITTO:T OF THE x~rrrxo 5ANTTAGO DE SANTA A,vA~ WFiICH WAS ENTERED SEPi'EMBER 12, 1.668, IN BOOK "B", PAGE 410 OF JUDGM~NSS OF TFIF. lJISTRTCT COURT OF TFir, 17th JUDICIAL D:[STRICT IN AIJll EOR 'LOS ANGELES CDUNTY, CALI~'OR~IIA, DESCRIBED AS FOI.L,OWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST ~ORNER QF THE TRACT OF ~'EL~PI; YORBA, PFR SAID DECREE: THENCE SOUTH 27 DGG. OB' EASf 1254.00 FEET, THENCE NOR'1'H 52 AEG. 52' EAST 5a74.00 FF.ET TO THE LINE UF FLINT AND BIXBY'5 A.LLOTMENT PEFt SATD DEGREE: THENCE NORTH 34 DEG. ~5' FAST 127G.00 FGET TO THE NORTHCAST LJN:E OF P~RALTA YORt3A TRACT, AS PER SATD UECR~E; TAENCE ~ORTH 27 UEG. 08' WEST G60.00 FF.ET TO THE SOUTFICAST C;ORNER OF THE SAID TRACT OF F~iIPE YORBA,; THENCE aOUTH 62 ~EG. 52' W~ST 6955.74 FEE'P TO THE POINT CF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: TRA(+T N0. 2 OF THk: LANll ALLOTTEL TO FEi.'[PE YORBA, AS DESCRIHED TN THE FitJAL nECREE OF PARTITT0~7 OF THE R~NC~IO SANTIAGCt DE SANTA ~1NA, WFiICIi WAS ENTR~2ED SEpTEDiBER 12, 1f368, TN HOOK "B", I~AGE 410 OF :lUDGMGNTS OF THG DISTRICT COURT OF THE 17th JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Iy' AND FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CI-GIFt)RNIA, DESCIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNYNr, AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE 'cRACT OF TOMAS YORRA AS PRR SAID DECREE; THENCE 'SOUTH 27 DEG. 08' EAST 1~a~1.00 FEE:f: THF.NCE NORTIi 62 DCG. 52' EAST 6955 . 74 . EF7' TO ~FIE NORTFiEAST BOUNDA1tY LII'rE OF THE PERALTA YORBA TRACT, AS PER SAID DCCFtFE; THENCE IJORZ'H 27 DEG. Of3' W~ST 1254.00 FGET: THGNCE SOUTH 62 DEG. 52' W~ST G955.74 FEET TO THE POIIvT OF ~EI;INNING. l0ylr -1- PC 89-248 ' a. ,,~vt~ PARCEL 3: ~~~ T~iE SECOND TRACT OF LAND ALLO'PTED TO RAYMUNDO YOREA, AS DESCRIHED TN THE FITIAL LECREE OF PARTITION G: THE ItANCHO S.'~NTIAGO UE SANTA ANA, WHICH WAS E~TTBRFD ~EPTEMHER 12, 1866, YN BlJ~1K '°B", PAGE 4].0 OF JUDGMENTS pF THE DISTRIC'1' COURT 0~ THE 17th JUDI~IAL AIS~RICx xN AND FOR LOS ANGEI.,ES COUNT.Y, CALTFORNIA., P~;SCRSBEU AS FO'LLQWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST SOUTH~RLY OR SOUTfiWEST~RLX CORNP:R OF THE TRACT OF 'LAND AI•LOTTED TO T~ODOGIO YORHA, AS PER SATD DECItE~; THENCE SOUTH 2'1 DEC. 08' F.AST 3128.00 F~ET: THENCE NORTH ~4 DEG. 45' ~AST 6557.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORN~R UF SAIU '.fRACT Ai~LOTTED TO TSODOCIO XURBA: ~HENCE SOUTH t52 DEG. 52' WEST ALGNG THE SOUTH~A5TERL1' I,7NE UF ~AID TRACT 5874.A0 FEET TO THE POINT 01' BEGINNING. WHERSAS, the City Planning Coriunission clid hold a public hearing aF L•he Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on October 23, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., notic~ nf said public hearing havinq been duly givon as required by la~a and in accordance with th~ provisicns o£ the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear an3 consider evidence for and against said proposed var.iance and to invest,igatp and make findings and recommendations in coi.nection thsrewith; ~tnd WHEREAS, said Commission, aftor dua insgection, inwestigatzon and study mr~de by .itself and in iLs be2i~lf, and a£ter due consideration of all evidence and r~pr,rts offer.ed at sairl ht~ari.ng, does find and detarmir~e the following facts: l. That the peCitioner p.roposes waivers ef th~s following to construct a 240-unit apartm2nt complex wif:hin propo3ed Tentative T.rart Map No. :L~10'71: ~GYTION 1_¢.34 ~~,, Q2Q - iri~lim~ $tructur~~et ~zck and y„~,r~i r9quixe~,nent;~ (Mi.limum 0-foot se~tt~acks f.or build:ings adjacent to inte.rior lot lines (l~hasi.nc~ lines} proposod, mi.xiimum 5-foot setbacks :equired) 2. That tho above-mentioned waivers are hdroby graiited on tne basis that there are ^,pecia:l ci~c~umstances applicable to khe propor.ty such as size, shapo, topUg:aphy, aocatioii an<i surroundir,g,s khicli do nut apply tc, other iclent.ically zonad propQrty in t.ie same vicintty; snd tha~ strict applicatiou of the Zoning Coae c3eprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other propertzes in the identical zone and classificrstion iti the vic.inity. 3. 'i'hal• therQ are excephional or extraordinary circumstances or conditior~s applicab3e to the pzoport,y invol~vc~d or to the int~ended use of the properCy that do not apply genera'tly~ to the property or class of use in the same vic.inity and zone. 4. That the requested variance is necessary for the preserva.tion and Nn~ayment of a substantial ~roperty right possesseit by other propezty in trir~ same vicinity and zone, ard deni.:d ~o the orope:ty in question. ' ... '`~'~f1 ~I -2- Pr 89-?.~8 ,, _ ~,. ~~~ ~~~ . 1 5. ThaL tho requested var3ance wi11 :~ot be materially detrimc~ntal to thQ public rrelFare or injurious to the proper.ty or improvAments in suah vicinity and zone in •,vhich the pruperty is locaCed. 6. That one inkeresLed parson indicatocl his presp:~ce at said public hearinq; and that no c~orresp~ndence wa~ received in opposition to subjecr petitinn. ALIC RNIA ENVIRQNt~ENTAL i7ALTT'K A T FIND N That the~ Anaheim City P1ann.ing Commission has reviewed the proposal } o•construct a 290-unit apartmont compl~x withixl proposed Tentative Tract Map 2do. 1~071 with waiver of minimum struc.tural se~back and yard requirements and subjer,t throe (3~ TPni:ative ~rncts comprise a portion (approxi~natQ'ly 89.3 acres) of the 597-acre The Swnmit of Anah~im Fii31s Specific Plan (SP88-2) development area which is located approximc~tely 1,1 miles southeast af the Weir (:anyon Ro~d/Riversi~le Freew~y inL•ersection an~{ is bounded on ~he north by the 5ycamoro Canyon SpECific Plan development, and an the south and east by unincor~~rated Irv.ino Company proper;:y wikhin the CounY.y of Oraiige; and doa~ hereby approvo the Negative Declaration upon Finding that it h~s considered tkie NeqaCz~ve Declaration together with any commer.ts received during the public review process and further finding on the basis c~f khe initial stud~r and any can~n~ents received that t}iere is no substanl:ial evitlence that tha pro;ject wi11 have a signifir.~nt ef.fect on the environmenL•. NOW, ThEREFURE, B~ IT R.~.SOLVED tliat the A:~aheim Ci ~y Planning Commissian does hereby g.rant subje;,t Petition fnr Variance, upon the following ~onditians ~rhich are hereby founc~ to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed ixsa of i:he subjQCt property ?n or3~r ko pres~rve tk~e safety and g~neral welfare of th~ Citizens of the City of Ana:~eim: 1. Tha.~ subject pz~o~,erty shall be daveloped yu:~stantially in accor.dance witn plans and spocific~ations submitted to th~a cit;~ of A~iaheim by the petzti~ner arad which are on file with the Ci.ty rnarked as Exhibit N'os. 1 and 2. 2. That the development of subjecr tract shall b~ subject to and in con~ormance with ~ill applicablae ~ondi~ions ado~,teil 3n conjunctian wzth SP$8-2 (The Summit of Anaheim Hills Specific Pl~n). ~.* That approval of this applicstion constituCes approval of the proposed request only ~o the eut,~nt that it com~;lies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code a.nd any other appl.icablP Cik~r, State a:~d Fedoral regulations. Approval duos not iuclude any a,.ion or finding3 as to cumplianuQ or approval oF the request regaxding any other applicable ordiiiancQ, regulakion or roquiremen*, Con~lilioris m~rked with an astQrisk (*) are requizeci by established laws, codes, regulations and agreem~r~ts and are not subject to negoti3tion. ~ ~- •,~ , -I~~ ; ,l~ _ ",f ~`1 -3- PC 89-248 ,,. ~ ~, ~~:4 ~; • ~ v ~ti~y,~W ++n. , , ~', ~;~;~ , ,.?;( BL IT FURTHER RE50LVED that the Anahoim City Planning Commission does horeby Eind and determi.ne that adoption of this Reso7.u.tion is expressly predicatecl upon a~pliaax~t's compliance with each and a11 of the conditions hereinabove se~ forth. Should any suah r.onditions, or ~ny p~rt thereof, b9 c~c~cYared invalid or unenforceable by tkie final judqment of any court of competent juri~d3.ction, then this Resolution, and any apprr~vals herein containecl, shall b~ deemed nu:l1 and void. T.FI~ FOREGOINt; REiOLUTxON is s5.gxiecl and approve~l by mP this 23rc1 duy of October, 1y~9, . ~ `~c'~ . ~~ C J ' .:~~/..-- _ CFIAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C~JMMII~SION A7'TEST: ~ ~ ~ . ~~~ S~CRETARY, z-IJAHEiM CITY PLANNING GOhtMISSI0~1 STAxE OF CAI,3:FORNIA COUNx'Y 4F ORANGE ) ss. CITX OF A.NAHEIbf ) ~ ;` r ,'J I, Edith L. Haxris, Secretary ot• th8 Anaheim City Y:lanning Comm.ission, '' do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and aclop~ed at a ''~ meQting of the Anaheim City Planuing Commiss.ion held on Oc~ober 23, 1989, by '~% the £ollowing vote of the members thereof: "• - ..:% AYES: COi~fh1ISSI0NER5: HERBST, bOYDSTUN, HELLYER, FELllHAUu, MC BUR"rTEY, MESS~ f~ NOES: COMNfI~SIONERS: NONE ~~v ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS zN WITNrSS WHEREpF', I have hereur.to sQt rtiy hand this 23 day of Oc~ober 19f~4. r _ . .. SECRF.TA Y', ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CONASISSTQN ~~~' ~~ -4- PC 89-248 -'i ;'; ;;;~; ~