Resolution-PC 89-250~ ~iva; + ,,. ,.: ,. , ,., , . . , , ~, ,,. , ; ~- : - ,. . . _~~- ,, s r ~ ' i 1 `4; ~~°!~'{~;~~~i~ ~' ,~r " ' F~:~. }; ~ '~ ~h? Q~i~M .: t' ~ f' i + RE Oi, T~(~N rtQc~~$~'~~.~~' A R~SO:.UTION OF '!'HF ANAHF:IM ~ITY PLANNING COh4•lTSSTON ~'" THAT PETZTION I'OR RECI~ASSIFICA:CION N0. 89-90-03 K~ GRAI~TED, AS MODIFT~ll ~ WHEREAS, tP,e 1-nahoim City Planning Corr,misgton clid r9ceive a , voriZiacl petitiori for Reclasaificat.ion from DONALD FORF3F:S AND KENNETH WALKER, , ].31 Tcrraza San Angelo, *_,a E~abra, CA 90631, orraers, r~ncl GEORGE RRAJACIC, 720 Town and Counh.ry Ruad, Orango, CA 926G8, ~qent fo.r corta.in resl propexty situnted in the City of• Anaheim, County of Orange, State o~ Califurnia, + describet9 as follows: TH05E PORTTONS OF SECTION 9 TOFINSHIP A SOU'rFi RA;.ZGE 10 WEST IN TFiE RANCHO S~7 .1UAN CAJUN DE SANTA ANA Tt7 TiiE CITX OF ANAHEIM, COLiNTY OI' ORl~NGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP R.^.CUItDED IN BUOK 51 PhGE 7.0 MISCELLANEOUS I~SAPS, IN THG 0~'FICE 0~ TEiE C~Ut7T1' RECURDER OF SAID COi3NTY DESCRIBCD AS FOLL~WS: PARCGL 1: HEGTNliING Aa TEi~ IN'Ttik5ECTI0I1 Of' THE CENTERLINB 0~ WEST STREET, AS SHUWN ON A MAN FTLED IN BOOR 'i PAGE 56 OF REr_;~~p pF SURVEYS, IN TKE OFFICE OF TFiE CO(313TY RBCORDEI2 i)r' SA.'D COUNT7t, WITH TFfE k:ASTERLX ~:'OLUNGATION OF TH~: lTORTli LINE OF LOT 2, AS SH04aN GN SAID MI~P; THENCB NOR'PHFIESTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A LINE PAR'~LLEL WITK AND DISTANT NORT~IF.RLY 15. UO FEET FROM gAiD NORTH LINE; THL'NCL~ WESTERt,Y ALONG SAID PA~t~~LLEL LINE TO 'CH~ INTERSECTION WiTH A CUItVE rONCENTRIC WITii AND DTSTANT SOUTHEASTB[tLY. 20.00 FEET FROM TEIE SOUTHEASTERLX LINE OF THE LAIID DESCRIBED TO THE CO(JNTY OF URANGE RECORDED JllNE 3(1, 1959, IN BOOK 4780, PAr,~ g3 UF OFFICIAL kECK~RDS; THE2tCE SOUTHW~ST.EY.GY :1LONG SAID C'I1RVE TO Tf{E NORTH LINfi ~F SAID L~'1' 2; TIiENCE EASTBRi.Y ALONG SAID NORTE~ LINE A:QD t PROLONGATION THEE2EPORF. TO TEiE POINZ OF ks~GI:~NING. ~ PARCEL 2 BEGINNING AT A p~INT iti THE C~NT~I2LIN~ OE' WBS; STREET, 524 . 90 FL•'ET SOUTHF.RLY FROM TFIE : NTEitSECTTCN OE' SAID C~NTFRLINE ANU TE?E N~RTH LINF. OF SAIU SECTION 9, AS SH4'~1tJ AN A MAp FILCU IP~ BOOK 1, PAGE 56 RECCIRDS OF SURVEXS, IN TliF. ~FFTCE GF THF. COiPNTY RECO1tDER OF SAID COUNTY. SAID P(IINT 0~ F3EGINNING BEING THF, ZN:~RS~f;~ION Q~ THE F,ASTERLY PROL(}2iGATION OF TFiE ii:;R.H LINB OF SAZD LOT 2 AND TF!E CChTERLIFE OF 511ID WEST STREET; '~FIENCE SOUTFiERL'1, ALONG TfBR CE:ITERLItiF. ].Q92r -1- PC89-~50 ,+~ `.; ~ ~~ ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ OF SAID WEST STREE7', 488.20 F~E1' TO THE ~aOUTHLRL~t LINE OE SATD LOT Z, ~~C:CEND.EO TO SAID C~NT.ERLIN~ OF THF WES7'; TFiENCF PIESTERLY AGONG TiiE SOUTFi LINE OF' SAID LOT 2 AND ITS GXTENSION, 562.59 FEETJ THENCE NORTH 471.5 FE6:C PARALL~L WITI~ THG EAST LINE OE THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TFIE NORTHWEST QUART~R OF SAID SFCTION 9 TO A POINT It3 THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LUT 2= TFiEI3CG EAST, PARA.I,LEL WITH THE NORTH LTNE OF SATD SFCTION 9, 437.E~1 ~'EET 7'0 THE YLAC~ OF BSGINNING. WIiEEtEAS, thQ Cicy Planning Commission did hold a pub].ic hearing at the Civic Center in the City o~ Anaheim on Sep~ember 11, ].909 at 1:30 p.m.~ nutice of said public hearing having been duly qiven as required by law and in accordance with t;he prov.isions of the Anaheim Municipal CodQ ^hapter 16.03, to hear and ~ons.iiier eviciencQ £or and agaznst said proposo8 recl~ssificatlon and L•o invest.igate ar.d make f.indings and rec:ommen~9ations in conn~c~ion tharewith; and sai.d petiti~n was cc~ntinued to the meatinqs o~ pcLuber 9 a.nd October 23, 1989; ancl ` WHERCAS, saia Commission, after due insvection, invAStigation '~ ~nd stu~y made b} itself an~l in its behalf, and af4er due eonsiderHtion of all evidence and repurts ~fferecl e.t said heaxing, does f•ind and determine the Pollowing fa~ts: 1. That thP petil:ioner proposes reclassification of subject property frurn the RS-1U,000 (Residential, Sin~~le-Family) Zone to the RM-240n {F'.esider:tial, Multf.pl.e-Famill) Zon~. 2. That th~ Plann.ing Commission dete:mined the more appropriata reclassification aL• this time would be to tho RS-5004 (Residentia.l, Single-Family) 2one. 3. 'Phat alth~ugh khe currant Gener4l Plan laad usQ d~signation iH Low-Aensity. Re~iden~itsl, Planning Commission has recommended redesignation to Low-Modium De~z~ity Residential in cnnnoction with Gener~-1 E~lan Amendment• No. 264. 4. That: th~ propose~i rnclassification as modi£i.ed, of subject pro~erty does propecly relate to the zones and their po.~i~itte~i uaes locally Q,tab~::shed in cl~se pr~ximity to subject ~xoporty and tu the zones and their psrmitted u:~as gei~eral]y established tl:rcuyhout the cc-rnmunity. 5. T~1ilt five (5) perrsons indicat~c9 their preseuce at said public hQaring :ir, opposition; and that letr,ers and petitions containing ap~-r~ximately 296 signatures were receivud {n opnosition to Multiple-Family reKideatial aoninq. -z-~ PC89-250 ,ti ~ ,: ,;~ t. I~ , U ,~, . ~, ;. ~ ;~ ~ ~.~;; ,; . ~!- ~ ~ I l:y ~ f ~ALI~RNI~_ ENVII2Q.NMENT7~L_~~AL3Ty_ AGT F,T~pz~i~; That tha An~zh9lm City Pl~nning Commission has reviewed the propoaal to x~eclassifx subject propert~ from the RS-10,000 (Residential, Single-Family) Zpno tu the RM-2900 (Resid~ntial, Multip~e-F~mi1y) 7.ono nncl to construct a 2-story, 12-unit RM•-24C0 Condomznium comp7.ax on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting aE approximately 0.87 acre, having a frant:aga of approxima~ely ~33 feet on thg wast sa.de of West Street, hav:inq a maximum dapth of. appr~ximately 365 feet, ~,eing lucated approximately 350 fecet south of the, center7..ine of La Palma Avenuo and fur~her dascribed as 1001. t3orth West Strec~C; and doas hereby appr~ve the Negative Declaration upon Eincling that i.t has considered the Negativa Declarati~n togethar with any commaiits rer.eived during thQ public review process ancl further f3r.ding on the bas?~ of the initial study snd any commen~s received that rhere is no substant3.a1 evidence thal•. the project will have a signifirant effect on the envirunment. NOW~ THEREFORE, ?3E IT R~SOLVEP thah thc~ Anaheim City Planning Commission does horeby gr.anL subject Petikion Eor Roclassification, as ; modified, and, by so doing, tbat Tit1e 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Munic;ipal , Cade be amended to ~xclude the above-d~~cribed proporty from tho RS-1Q,000 , (Residential, Sxnc~le-Family) zone and to inr.arporate said doscrabed property • znto the RS-5f)00 (Residential, Single-Family) ~one upon the following ~~ conditions whicti aro hereby found L•o be a necessary pretequisitQ to the ~', proposed ugQ of subject property in order to proservQ the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of tha City of Anaheirn: 1. +~ That a f4e shall be pairl Co the City of Anah~im for ntreet lighting along West Streot in an amount as estab~ished by ~ity Council rasolution. 7.. * That a fee shall ba paitf. to the City oF Anaheim for tr.eQ planting along Wos~ Straet .in an amount as establi.shod by City Council resolutiuri. 3. That• tho owngr of subjecr property ;,hall ~ubmit a letter rc~ques~ing termination of Conditi~nal Use l~ermit Ko. 1660 to thQ Z~nin3 Divis3on. 4. Th~t pr.ior to the introcluction of an orrlinance rezoning ~ubject pr~perty, Con~iiti.an Nos. 1 Lhrough 3, above-mentioned, ~hall be coni~leted. 'che ~rov:isioiis or ri.ghts grunted by this resoluti~n shall uecome nu11 and void by action of the Planning Commisaion unless said con~litions ar.e ~umi.,lied with w.Ltk~in one (1) year from the dats of this r.es~lution, or such further time as t}ie 1?lanninq Commission may grant. 5. +~ 'Chat approval of this nppliaation constitutes ~spproval of the proposecl request only to thr_ extent that it complies with khe Anahaim Munici.pa'1 Zoning Cude and any othar applicablo Ci~y, State and Federal regulations. Approval. doos not inclucle any dction or ;Eindings as ko cotnpliance or approval of the request regarding any ott~er applicablR ordinanco, rsgulaCi~n or r.equiromont. ConBitxou~ mark~d wit23 an asteri~k (*) are required by eatablashe~ laws, codes, regulat•fons and agreoments and are not subject ta neqotiation. -3- ~ 't, PC89-250 ~~'~J'~.~itY~~+~~7F~t ~} ;4 pN r,,, y":t v'rt! Pi:;t ,~ ~~. ~~ 1 . ~ ~r A''~ • i ~ _C,,~ •..,~~~..'.~~,lR ' t i r 4~n Y -.li'~ .1 f ~,- i . _ , , . . , _ ~`• ~ ~.i<I ~.hr~-. ".Sf'Z~~~~~' '(' ~ ~"fS~'~ ~;g`t}~ ~; ~ B~ zT FUI2THFFt RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Flanning Comm3ssic~n ~' ~nas herai~y find and c~eL•ermine that aduption of this Resolution is expresa].y ";~~ predi.cated upon appl:icant's compliance with ~ach and a11 0£ ~he conclitioYis ~1' hereinabove set forth. Should any such conditions, or any part thereof, be ~~I de ~lared invalid or unenforce~-ble by the Einal jue~gment oP any cpurt ~>f j comgetent jurlac~iction, then this Rasolution, and any approval~ hore:in ; ~antained, shall be deemed null and void. i i `.CFiE FORG~OING RGSOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 23rd d~ay of. OctobQr, 19B9. ~/~ ~ ~ ~~`~I ', ~ ~~/ / ~~ / 4~ ~[ ./ . - CEIAIRhfAN, ANAH~IM (!T:fX PLANh:~TG COMMISSII~N ATTEST: „ ~ /, 6~~~~=" "-~ ~- ~ - SECRETAR , AN11I•IEIM CITY PLAN~I?NG COMMISSION STATE OF CAGIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s~. CITY OF ANA.~IEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ciky Planning Commission, clo hareby certifx that the foregoinq rASOlution was pass~d and adopte~ at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commissinn held on October 23, 1989, by the followinq vote di the members thereof: AXES: COMMISSION'ERC; l3ERBST, BOYDSTUN, HEI.LYER, FCLDHAUS, MC HURI~EY, MF:SSE I~OES: C~t~itSSI0NER5: NONE ABSENT: COt+IIdISSIONERS: BOUAS TN WJTNESS WHERCOI', I hav~3 hereunlo set my han~1 this 2~rd day ~f OctobQr, 1989. .. a,,~ _ ~~~~.~ ~ _ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLJINN]:NG COMMISSIdN ~,. i ! ~i -4- PC89-?.50 ; i '~ - ~ .~ ' ~` __. _ _ . r,~ ~':~