Resolution-PC 89-253.~ ~ .~ Qt,st~3.4N_.~4.~_~~.~..2-~5 ~ : -------~ ~ A R~SOLU'rIUN OF THE ANANEIM CITY YI,I~NNING COIrAdISSION THAT PBxITION r~~~c CONDITIpNAL USE PF.RMiT~ N0. 3~07 fiF; GRANTLn WEiEREA~, tt~a Analieim C.i~y F~1annln g Commission clid rerQ1~Q ~ veriEiad Potition Eor Conditional Use Permit From LA pALMA ~Il.~ggT INVES~ME~~ C0. ~T~~~ ~n~A~ i~orowitz, 113Q0 West O1 j 90064-.1651, own~r ~~ic D~v~•. Suite 864. T.os Angeles. CA~ . arid HOLLOWAY II, LTD. ti7U0 S~ant~n ~ve „ SuiLB A, Buona , Park, CA 90621, agenh for certain real nroperty situated in Lhe Ai~~heim, County of Orange, State of CalfPorn3,a, describec~ as, City of TIiA'P PORTION OF rfTF SOUTFiWEST QUi1RT~R OF 'rHE SQUTHEAST QUAFtTCR OF SECTIpN 6, RaNG~ 1~ WEST, RANCHO LUS COX01'ES OWIN TFIE4 C T UTOF ANl-tiEIM, COUNTY pE' p~~t1GE~ STATE OF CALTF'ORNIA, AS SHOWN QN A MAP RECORDBR IN BQpg 51, PJ1GE ~;,, pnGE J,0 OF MISCELLANEI)US MAPg, rN ~HE OFF:CE AF Tf~E COUNTX REl',ORbER OF SAID COUNTY, DeSCKIBED Ag r^OLLOW;'; BEGINNING AT A PpYNT IN THE SO(ITH LINE OF SAID SECTTON, tiEGIN ALSO TfiE CENTER (,INE pg LA PALMA dVENUg, 40.~0 FF.ET WID~., NORTIi 69 DEG. 21' 20" EAST 6U0.88 FEBT FRGM TA'E SOUTHWEgT CORNER OF SAID SOL'THEAST QIIARTER, SAID SOUTHW~ST CORNER BE~HG ALSO THE INTERSECTIOK Ux SAID CEh'TER LINE OF LA PALMA AVENUE WTTI~ THE CENTER LINE OF GILBERT STREET, 40.00 FEf;T WIDE:: THENCE NOItTN 0 DE~,'. 38' 40" WESx 479.56 F(;ET 'I'(? A PO:MP IN THF. 50UTH'rVESZ'~RLY LINE pF THE 100 -FOOT RYGE~T OF WAY CONVEYED TO TFiE WESTERN n~VELOPM6NT COMPANY 8y DEBG RECORD~D JUNB 12, 1ti76 IN HOOK 44, PAGE 49ti ON DEBDS, RECORDS OF GOS ANGELES COUNTY; TKENCE NORTH 57 DEG. 13 ~ 3p~~ WgST ALOttt; SAID 50UTftWBSTERLY INE 115 . Q2 FEET TO A L'!NE PARALG~;, WtTH AND WESTERLY 96.00 F'EET FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LINE I~EARING tlORTFf 0 DEG. 38' 4Q" W~gq~p TEiENCE SOUTN 0 DEG. 3f3' 9U'~ EAST 542,91 FEET ALONG SAIA PARALLEL LINE ~U SA1D SO[3TH L?NE~ TFIENCE NORTH 89 DEG. 21' 20" EAT 96,00 FEBT TO TFIE P0I2JT OE~ BEGINN,ING. WFtEEtEAS, the Cfty P1annSny Commis~cion C13d hold a ~ho Civic C~:nter in tho Cfty of Anahetrt~ ~n Gctober 23, noticQ oF aaid p pabllc heacing at ub]ic t~earing having been du2 198y at Is30 p.m., Y qiven as rt~qu, rec] by law an~ in accordanco with tT~e proviaioiis of tho Anaheim Munici al Code, Cha ter ~~ he8r ~nd consider ~videnca for and against ~aia proposed conditional use permit and r p 13.03, theror-ith; and o investigate ar~d mr.kQ f,indings and rGCOmmendations in connec;tifon 1.097r _1_ pca~-x53 ., ~ ~~; ~ ~ - - __ , . '.~. ~~~ s: ~~~, wEIEREAS, ~aid Commission, aftor ctue inapection, invegt3g~tion anQ study mHdo by itself Hnd tn its beholf, unr~ after due v~nsider~~3on o!: a.11 ovidenca and reports of~ored nt; said hearii~g, does find and dc~termine ttie following f.act~: 1. Thar the petitioner requosts a~proval o~' ~ condit3onal use parmit under autliqri.ty of Code 5ect:i~n 1~.6J..050.070 ~u p~rmi.t t~ rnulti-tenant ' nutomotive repair Eacil:ity witt-. waiver oE the follewings (a) SF~TIQNS 1A.06.Q5Q.0222 - Mi~n~irp~um gX_ O~ p~c,incc snace~, .~$..L9~.~Q (7§, r.equirQds SZ~ Proposed) ~; ~~Yt~L. i1L1L~_LY.~LY (b) SE4TT N 1,.$~45 Q~.~,~~ - Ms~~iL-L4l~x~.3Il~2S2JC_-o7E Lreesta dinq~i9ri~.• 1Qt..4~.~22~ (~ permitted for 600 f.eet cx less of street '~5~18 _§]~,~~1 frontage; 2 proposc~d for 96 fest) 2. That ~he r.~quested waiver (a) is h~+rPby granted on the basis that the parking waiver will nct causo a.u in~reflse xn Craffi~ congestion in Lhe immediate vicinity nor advc•rsely a~fect any adj~ining land uses and qranti:~g of the parking waiver under the cnnditi.ons impused, if any, ~a+ill :~ot bc~ de~rimen~al to tk~e peace, hoalth, Safety and general we3.fare of the r.itizens ot tha City of Anaheim. 3. ~hnt tlie requasted wa.tver (b) is hereby gr~nted on the basis that tlierQ are special circurrstances applicable to th~ property sach as size, s:,ape, topogra~hy, loca~ion and ~urroundings w2i.ich do not ap.ply to othei idankically zonecl property in the same vicinity; ;~nd that StricL applicat.ion of the Zoning Cotle deprives the propexty of privi'_e~es enjoyed rly otY:er properties in *_he identical zone and classificatiou in the vicinicy, 4. That the propos~d u~e will not adve;sely 3f~gC~ the adj~intnq land uses acid r.he grow~h t,nd development of the area in which it i3 proposod to be located. 5. That tho siae and shapG of the sitc~ proposed fox the u3a is adequatp to allow the full devQlopmenr. ut the propos9d use in a manner not c]etrimc~ntal L•o the par-:icult~r area nor to the pc~~c~, health, safe~y nnd ganeral welfare oP the Ci,tizens of thF City of Ar.ahoim. 6. That the grnnting of the Conditfonttl i.1se Permit unuer t;~e conifitions imposed, if any, will not be detrimontal to the peace, health, safety and g~:~eral wel.fare c,f thcs Citizehs of ~he City of Anaheim. 7. That the traffir. gFnec•sted bl the proposeQ ua~ •rill tiot impos~ an unduQ burden upon the sCcoots ~nd higlirrays desigr.ed and improvad to carry the tra[tic in th~ area. 8. That- no on~ indScate~l tho~r prenenco at sai~1 public hearing in nppositionp and that no correspondonce was r~c:eivQB in opposition to thg subj~ct potiriun. -l- PC tl9-253 ~ ~.; . ij r ~ rc } „ . aA•y;,.;:wu .~~.~,:vr.:~ r•..-.. .r.,,,.., :. .. , . .. .. . . . . ~ ~5! r,:a~•:~ 1~~~'~1 . , CALIF~'$~'~~IROt~M•E-~I-~~ Q[1~g~,•~~~--ACT .F.3.~.~: Tha~ the Anaheim City Planning C~mmission has reviewe~l ~he propo~al to permit ~ m~ilti-~onar.t aut~motivo repair fac.ilify with waiver of minimtun rumber of pr~rkixig spacas and maximum number of freestand3.ng signs on an irregularly-shapad parcel of 1ar~d cunsist~ng of approximately 1.01 ar.ros, hav.in~g a frontage oE approximac.ely 96 f.oet on ~he north side of La Pa1ma Averiuc~, liaving a maximum depr_h of• approicima~oly 489 feet, beinq laca~ed approximatoly 50U fsoC east of the centerline of Gilbezt StrQet and furtlzar describe8 as 2349 West I.a Palma Avenue; and does hereby apprave tha Neg~tiv9 Declaration upon findfng ~hat it h~s consicierQd the Neqative Decl~ration together with any comments recoived during the pub'lic review process aiid further f.tnding on the basis of the initial study and ~ny commenLs racoiveci that there is no suDstantial evldence that tl:e projHCt wa11 h~-va a si.gnificant effacL on the environment. NOW, TH~REFORE, BE 1T ItESOLVFD that the Anaheim Citx Planning Commissian doQS hereby grant stzbject Petikion for Conditional Uge Permit, vpon the following ~onditior.s which are hereby fnund ta be a necessary prereguisite to the pr~po~ed itse o~ th~ ~ubject propc~rtv in orclsr to preserve the safety and general aolfare of the ~itizens af the City o~ Anaheimt *:1, That sidewalks, curbs and gutters sha11 be removod and/or reconstructed along La Palma Avonuo as requ3red by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specific~~i.ons on file in the Office af the Clty Engir.»er. * 2. T},at prior L•o iss~;ance oL• a~uildiny permit for the new building square footage, the appropriate tra~fic signa2 a~sessmen~ feQ £or comme:cial nui.ldin~s shall be paid zo the Ci~y of AnahQim in an amour.t as established by City Council resolution. * 3. Th~:t prior to issuance of a~iuilding permit, a traf.fic signal assessment fee equaling L•he difFerence betweQn the industr.ial and commarcial assessment feea foc the square footHge ~~f that portion of tho building to be rtstained shall be paid to the City~ of Anaheim in an amount as established by Ciky rouncil resolution. 9. That the driveway on La Pa1ma Avenua sha.il bo constructed with fi£teen (1~) fuo~ :~ad.iua curb reL•urns a~ required by the City Engin~er in conformance wikh Bnyinnering Department Skandard No. 7.37. * 5. That subjec~ properCy shall be ~erved by undQrqr~und utilities. k ti. x'hat tha leqnl nwnor of ~ubjer.r pr~perty ahali dndica~F to the City of Anaheim an easement of five (5) feet in width along !hh west propt~rty line of. ~ubjQCt pr~perty for public utility p~irposes. +~ 7. Tnat all lockable peil~sCrian and vehicular access gates Qha11 be equippeC! wikh a"knox box" devi.ce Ys rev_uireQ by the Fire ancl/or Police Depa:tment inci to Che satisfaction of said depnrtmont(s). '3' PC 89-253 i ~~~5~~ ~PFV~it~ 8. :Chat an ad~quat~, unobstru~~tod fire ~ruclt turn~arounci erea, as requir~d by and accepL•able to the CiLy Fird Departmont, shfall be show~ an the plans ~ubmit~ed for building permits. Said turn-ar.otincl area shal,l be pc~rman~r~t.ly m:~x~ked and maintai.nQd L•o the 3atisfaction oE the Fire Dgpartm~nt. 'k 9. '.~hat prior to commenGement o~' ~truct:ural Eraming, on-aite firo hyc~.ra~ats sha11 ba 3nstallRd and charged as requirQd and ap~provec~ by tho City Fire DepacL•ment. * 10. That fire sprinklors sha].1 be i.nst•allt~d as rdquired b,y tha City rire D~partmen~. 11. ThaL• r.hE~ existzng drivaways on La Pnlma Avenue which are being removed shali be raplacr~d with 3tanclard curb, gutter, sidewalk and lanc~scapi.ng, * 12. That trash starage aroas shal.l bo provided and mazntained in a:1oc:ation accQp~able to the Street Mainten3r.ce and Sanitatf.oa Divfs3o-x and in accordance rvith approvod plans on file with s~ic~ Diviaion. Such informatiun shall be specifical.ly s2:o•wn on t~E plans submitted for building pQrmitse * 13. That a.il air conditioninq ~acilities and athcer roof- and g.ruund-~mounted equipmenf: shall ba properly shielEled Erom ~riew. Such information shall be apscifical.ly shown on ~he plans st:bmitted for bualc~ing permits. 14~. Tha~ t.he parkinq areas adjacent to the I.nterstate 5-San~a Ana Freeway and La Palma Avenua shrtll be oftectfvely screened From view in accorda~nce with Code Sectzon ~ "Raqui.red Improvement o£ Parkinq Arees", 15. That nu outdoor storage of, display ~f, or work on vehicles or vehicular parts shnll bo pe;rmitted, and that all oxlst.ing outaoor display nncl storage sh~ll be rQmoved an~3 all exiat,ing outdoor work ~hall be terminated. 16. That prior ~o issuar,ce of a butlding perm!t, a landscape plan shall be submitted to and app:oved by the Plannirlq Dopart~~nt and that the on-site lar,dtscaping and irrigation systom shall bo refurbishQd an~~ mnintained in compliance wiCh City sCar.dard~. 17. That sut~ject groPerty shal] bc developed substantially in accordance with plvns and specificata.ons submitted to tho City a~E Anahuim by the petitioner arid which plans are ~~n file with the Planning Department marke~d Exhibit Noa. 1 and 2. ~~y ' . ~'.-, :10. ThaC prfar to issue.nce of a uu.tld±ng Qermft or w3thin a period of one (1) yoar froin the date ~f ~his resolution, whfchev9r occurs first, Conditlon ttos. 2, 3, 6, 8, 12, ].3, 14, and 16, abuve~mentioned, sht+ll be camplied with. ~xtenaions for £urthRr timo to comp]ete said conditiana may be granCod in accordance wi~h Section 18.03.G90 of the Anaheim MuniciQal Coiis, 19. ihat no Ioad fucflitiao of any kind shall be perrnitted in the complex. -4- PC 89-253 ~.:. ~ ;;. ~. ,., ; ~,: ,~; ;i , ,,.; ; : ~' ~. ~'" i t v.,i , , . ~, ~f ~ ~~~ ~ ;,~ ,.<,~:. ~~ r'' ~iiN 20. That pxi.or to iinal build3.n~~ and zon=ng inspoct3ons, r_an~qitxon No~. 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, I1, 16 anc: 17, above-mor.tioned, sha].1 b~ comp].ied wikh. '` * Z1• '.C11a~ ~-pproval c,f this a~,plicar.ion constitutes approval o£ thg proposed roquest only ro the ext;en~. r.hat it compl3.es with the Anaheim Manicipal Zon3ng Coc1o and any cther a~plicabla Cit~-~ State and Federal regulr~tions. Appraval does not incluc~e any P~ction or ~,fndinys Rs to ~cmplianr.c~ or appraval of rhe request regarding any other applicabl9 orclinance, reguia~.ian or rQquirement. Condir,ions marked with an ayterisk (~) arc~ requi-ed by establlshed laws, cocies, regulations and agi•eemoz~ts and are nat subject tc nego~zai:ion. ~3E Ix rTIRTHER RESOLc1ED thah the Anaheim City Planning f:ommissxon does heieby find and detormine that adoption of. this Resolution is expressly prodicated. upon applicant's campl3ancs with each and a11 of the conciitions hereinabav~~ sgt £orth. Shuuld any such coi~ditions, or any part thPr.POf, be declarad invalicl or unenforceab.le by the final judqment og any court of competen'~ jurisdicti~n, thsn khis Resoluti~;~, anci any approval~ herein containod, shall be cleemed nu11 and void. TFiE FOREGQING RESOLUTIOP7 is signed and apgroved by ms this 23r1 day of qctober, 1989. _, ,~ /; ~ .~,,~ - ~~ -CHA~TRMAN~ Af~AHEr CITY PLANNIN~ COMMISSION ATTESI': , ~` ,,,~ ~. ~,/~~.~ SF.C.~ETARY. ANAHEIM rI:TY PLANNING COhIId' .'r~SS p@T STATF OF CALIFORNIw ) COUNTY OP ORANGE j yq, CI'lY OF ANAFI~IM ) I, Edith L. FI~rris, Secrotary of the Anaheim City Plartning Comrnission, cio heroby certify that the foregAing resolutSun was passeci t~fid adopted aL a meeting of the Anaheim City Plar.nii~g Commission held on October l3, 1989, by ehe following vots of th9 mombers thareor: ~Y~S~ COMMISSIONERS: HEHB~T, BOYBSTUN, HELLY~R, ~'ELDH.;iT5, MC AURNFY, MESSE ~10~S: COMMISSIONFRS: NONE AHSGNT: ~OhIIr1I~SIQNER5: BOUAS IN WITNCSS WHEREOF, I have here~unto s~t n~y hand tbis 23rd day of October, iggg. _--_ ___ ~ , ~ ~- / c~t,,..~ SECRETIIRX, ANANBIM CI1'y pLA,'~NING CObIIrtISSIQN •-5- PC 89-2'a3 'i