Resolution-PC 89-2559~ , iF'~I °~ ~ r?t~7 ;: ~' ~ ~^; , ;: ',;; FtE^,~,~OLUTION N'n.~P~.$~2~5 A- ~LUTION OF TIiG ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT P` .~'CTON FOFt CONDiTIONAL USE PERMIT ~1'0. 3"cU9 BE GRANTED WHE' +S, the Anah~im C:ity Planning Commission flid raaaive a ver~fied PQti.tion for onditional Use Permit fra~n MALANi1S LTD, P.O. BOX 1666, Newpoxt ~ieach, CA 9'166A, owner and ARDESHIR BAHAR AIA, 23U52 Alcalde, Laguna Hills, CA 9T.653, agent for certain real properLy situated in the Caty of Anaheim, County of Orange, Str~te of California, described as: THE SOUTH ].60 FE.ET OI' TEIE EAST 115 FEET Or LOT 67 OF TRACT ~IO. 2;73, I2d THE CITY OF ANA;iETM, COUNTX OF ORANGF~, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SEiOWN ON A bI.AP RECORUED IN BOOK 116, PAG~S 24, 25 AND 26 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECnRDS OF SAID CCIUNTX. WHEREAS, th~ City Planning (:omriissian did holc~ a pub].ic haaring at the Civic Center in t~e City of Anaheim on October 23, 198~ at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hea~ing having been duly given a5 r~quir.ed by 1~-w and zn accordance with the px~vi:.iosa of rhe Anakieim .Municipal Code, C~apter 1Fi.03, lo hear a~d consirler ev:idence for ~nd against•. said proposed conditional use permit ar~d to investigdte and make findings ~nd recommendations in connecti.an therewith; and WHE&~AS, said Commission, aftPr due inspection, investigation anfl study made by itsel€ and .in it5 behalf, and after due consideration ot all evidencQ and reports of.fc~red at said hearinq, does find an.d determino the following facts: l. Petitioner roquosts approval ot a cnnditional use Q~rmit under authority of Code Sections, 113.44,050,080, 18.~44.054.195 and 11~.87.023.020 to permit a car wash wiL•h gasolirle sales and a convenience market with o£f-sale of ueer and wine. 2. Tha~ the propo;::sd use will not advarselY aff~ct the adjoining land uses and rhe gr.•owth and cleverlo~ment of the area in which ~.t is proposad to be 1~cated. 3. Tha~ the size and shape of the site pr~posed for the L:se is adequate ta allow ~he Eull developmont n.E tr,e proposed use in a manner n~t detrimental Y.a the par~iaular area nor tn the peaca, health, safet,y and ganeral welfarQ of the Citizens of ttie City af Ar:aheim. 4. That the gx•~nting of Fhe C.onditional Usc~ Permit under the conditions imposod, if any, wil3 noY. be dotrimental to tt~e psace, health, safety and gener.al weltare oti t2ie Citizens of thQ City cf Ant~heim. 1100r -1- PC89-255 '~ ,: , ~. - . xc7, n.tr~n,.,; i,.rnnrM v it+A'rq~4~ ~ i 1i ~~~+~~ ~ :~ 'r s'~ ~~ ~,r{! ~,~? ,,~, ...° ;~ 1~> .,~ 5. That tihe Y.raffic generatecl by the pro~os~d use will not imposa an ~ undue burden upon the streets and highways designecl ~ncl improved f-a carr.y the .,;:i~ ~raf£ic in the area. 6. Tha~ three (3) ~ersons indicated their }~r~aser,ee at sr3id public '`'! hea.ring in opposition; and rhat no c.orresponden~e w~ss received in oppos' .on to the subject petit;_on. ,_ ' ALIF RNTR ENVIRONMENTAL OUAT,TTY b('T FIND'ING; That the Anaheim ~t City Planning Commis~ion has reviewed the proposal to pe.rmit a car wash with ~ gasoline sales and a covnenience marl:er with off-sale beer a.nd wine on a recta:igularly-shapod parcel of land coTis::si:ing of approximately U.~2 acre, having ~ trontage of apprcximatoly 160 fePt on the west sic~e o~ Br~okhurst Skreet, having a maximum doptli of approxzmate~y 115 feet ana b~ing lncated approximateZy 350 feot nnrtk~ of the centerline o£ MidFrood I,ane and furkh.er described as 172~ South F3rooklzi.zst Street; and does hereby ap~~rove the Negative Doclaration upon finding that it h~s corisid~red the Negative Declaration togethes vrith any comments received durinq t;he public rr~vze~r ; process and further finding on thr: basis of the inltial study and any `~ commonts received that there is no substan~ial eaidence that the project svill ~ have ~ sigriifi.cant effect on the envaronment. ~ i NUW, TF~ER:3FOR~, BE IT RES~LV~D that the Anaheim Cit,y Planning ~k Commission aoes hereb rant ; Y~J ~ubject Petition for Cor~ditional UsQ Permit, iipon the followixig conditions which arQ h~roby fourid to be a noc~ssr~ry prarequisite to khe proposed use of the subject propert3~ in order to presorve the safety and generaA weliara of the CitzzAns of the Ci.~y of An~ieim: * 1. That drainagQ of sub;ject proparty shall be provic:ied in a manner satis~ac~ory to the C3,ty Engineer. Txi additiun, all waste wakar produced by subject car wash shall be dQSic~ned for pIl- i7.t;@ dispos~al. ~ 2. Tl:.at prfor to issuance of a builrling pormit, the appropxiate traffio si~~na3 assessmenL fee sha11 be ~ai.<i ho the City of Ana.heim in z~n a.mous~t a.~ establisliQC? by City Council res~olution. 3. That al]l driveways pn 13rookhurst Stree~ sha11 be cons~ructed with teYi (10) foot radius curb .~turns as roquired by tlze City Engineer in cori~or.:r-ance with Engineering Depari.ment Srandard No. 137. *~• That ~ fee sha,ll bo p~x~1 ~o the City of An~sheim for street lighting along Brookhurst 5traet iYi an amount a: established by Citx Council resolukion. ~ 5. That a fae shall be paid to the City of Ana.~.pim for tree planting along Brookhurst S~reeL• in an amount as established ~,~, City Council resolution. ~~ 6. ~'hat subject pr.aZ7c~rty s:ia].1 b~ served by unrlprground utilities. * 7. Tl:at fise sprinklers sha11 be install~d as requ3red bv the City Fira Department. -2- PC 89-25b :;: ~ ~ ~ ~ ',~: .., ~;;. ..-.~rl r : i r r `,,~Fj ~ f,f'N, a~' 7~,r W , , ~.~ns~ ~h N. ~~ , ' ~.y f 41~ ~~ 1t ~ * 8. Tnat the follow9.ng minimtun standarcls shall apply, as required by th~ Unif~rm Fa.re Code: '' ti . b. That gasoline dis~~ensing d3V1G85 shall bo loc~~ad a minimum distanr,e of ten (lU) feet Erom any property line and shall be so-lacatad that a17. parts ot any vehicle being s.exviced ar.e c~x~ privat~e prnperty. That dis~ensing dovices shalZ b~s located not 1QSS than ten (10) feet from zny bui.ldine~ which is n2t fixe ~cesa.st.ive eor_3truction. Such devices ,ha].1 also bQ locatod so that ~he nozzle, when the hase is fully extended, will nat rgach closer than five (5) tQet to any buildiny ogening. r.. That di.spensing r]e~ices sha11 be proCeck~d aqainst physical damage from vehicles by mount•ing on a concreto islar:d a minimum of sx~ (6) inches in I~eight. Alternate cnethods o'~ providing equiva].ent protection may be p~rmit~ed when specifically approved by the City Fire Depar~,ment. d. That dispensang of gasoline into the £ue1 tank or inta a con~ainer s:~al1 at all times be under the supervisi.on of a c~ualifiecl attendant. e. That the attendant's primary fun.ction sxzall be to supervise, abservo and contrc~l the disperx~ar.g of gasoline. Y f. That the dispenai.ng of gasoline shall not be into p~rtable container~ unlass such ccntainers are of approved ma.icerial and ,'' ~onszru~tion, t:avixig a tight closure with scr,ew~ or spring nover, '; ana so-desiqned 'ch~t the contents can be dispensed without spilling. ;'; g. That it sha11 be tne attend~ent'~ res~oonsibiliry to control sources " af igni~io:~ arid :immediate]y handle ar.cidental spills usir.g fire axt9.nguishers if necessarx. ; ~, That ome:gency controls shall be installed at a location ac~c~ptable ~ ~o t~he City FS.re Dopartmenr_. and that said contr~ls shall not be laca~ad m~,re th.an one hunc~rc~d (100) feet from dzs~i~:;sers. ' i.. That instructions far the operation of. dispensers shall be C" ~ canspicuously pos'ted. 1~` ' j. Th~it remote preset•-type devicQS shal't be in the "~ff" pos3ti:~n ~" while ~LOt in usQ so the dispen.ser cannot be :~.ctivrsted without the _ know].F~clge of the a~tendant. k. That the dispensing device shall be in clear vi~~ of the attendant at all l.imes 1nd no obstacles shall be placea betwe~n the clisppnsinc~ devices and the atLe~dant. Use of camera~ may b~ utilized when specifically approved by tche Fire Departmer.t. ;' . 1. Tb~~ tk:e attendant st~all at all times be able to communic~te with "~ F~c~r~ans in the dispen~ing area via a two-way speakex• system. ~'~;; _3_ PC 89-255 .;;~ ? . I ; <~ ~'i ,:t ~:;~: ;;~ .`: ~ ;;; !,~ ~t ~ ~ ~:~ ~~; :,',i; 4~,,. j~ ~1~ .„.r.,,. . ; ~4~~~; SF7SRr~ `` +.',i ,i~.,.~ 9. * io. ~" ;''~ ~ ~ ~ :;, y ~<<~~~~ ~ ~~ . , {J ,,.~L,. `~ i~ r ~ }r.~ rr.V ~'~ S~ r.k~<:I ~i ~ Tha~ during busines~ hours of operation of subject facil9,ty, separatQ ~ J .1.; men's and wamen's resrraoms shall be available i:o the public, and shall ~~ be properly supplied and maintainec~, SAid facilitios siialx be clearl.y ~;'. shown on th~ plans ~~:bmitted for ~uildinr~ pQrmtts. 4 ~hat an unsubor,3inated agreement agreeing to remo~~e th~ s~r.vice sGa'.:ion ,`~I struc~ures in L-he ~vent thaC the statio~. is closed for a period of twelve (12) consecutiae months sha11 bs recorded with the ~ffice of ti~e `~ ,~, Orange Count~~ RQCOrder, in cor.f~rmance wi~h Anahei.m Municipal Code Sectian 18.4~.050.G70 "Autorn~bile Sexvice Statiozls". ~' (A sorvice s~ation sha11 ~e~ considered closed during any month in which i~ is open for less than fifteen (15) da~s. ) Prior to recordation, the ag~~eem~rn~ shall be submit~ed to the City Attosx~ey for rav.iew and app~•oval. A copy nE the recor%~ed pgreement shaJ.1 be submiCred t~ ~h~ Planning Department. * 11• Tha~ off-sal~ cond itions z of beer ~nd wirxe shall b~ su~iject to the ful.lowing , , n compliance with A:ia~eim 18.87•(p23 020 "Off l Municipal Cade SQCtion . -sa e of I3oer and Wine"r a~ ~ ~~.i~imum enclosed retail sa1e~ area of twelv~ hundred (1,20Q) ` ~u~r~ feet shall be pro~~ided. b• A minimum ten tho~~sand dol7.ar (~10,U0U.00) inventory of retail sales items (n~t inc].uding beer, wine, fuel or autdmotive products) Shal:l be me-intained on the sire. c. R~ceiQts f: rom the sal; ~i bo~r ~nd winQ sha~1 not exceed thirtg five percent (35~,) of all r~tail ~~les during an~, twe.lvs (12 ) month I>Qriod. d. N'o displa;- of beer or W111@ shall be locat~d outsi~de a buildincr nor wit'hin f3ve (5} feet ot any public Qntrance to ~ building, ~• x1z~ ~rea of bedr or wine display'(s) sha.Zl no~ ei,ceed twenty :Ezve percent (25~n) of the total display area in a building. f. ^.oia beer or wine having a tempPrature below s~xty fivc~ d~-grees ( 65° ) Fahrenheit sha7.1 csnly bP so~d From or displayec~ in perman~ntly affixed cool~rs tor the caAling Encl starage of: all refrigerated pxoducts. g. No advertising of beer or winp shalJ. be located, placed or attached to any location outside the in~eriar of th~ Duilding ar~d any such advertzsir~q sliall no~ be visib~le to ~r~yone ou~sid~ the builr.ling. h. No video, electronic or other g~unas sha11 be parmitted. x. Sa.lc uf a'caholic bQVerages shall be made to customr~r.s only when ~he customer is in the buildi~g. j. No ~erson ur.dEr ~wNnt~ ons ( 21) y~ars or age shall : e1L nor be perm.itteu to ~01.~. .;ny beer or wine. -4- R~ ~ ~~ ' ' ~,~a. ,y`; ~ , f~`~. r. k. At l~v~st one (],) ,yiqn to disc:aurage dri.vir.~ a vehicle while un8er the influ~nr.r~ of drugs or Alc~holfc bovoraqea s1i~1Y bo prominently d:splayod in the buildfng for every th~~ee (3) signs aQvert3sing baar or wine= providAd, however, that At least two (2) such Rigns to discourage driving a vehicle whi.la under the influence~ af nrugs ot a„~holic beverages shal7. be prominently clisplayad in the building. 1• The oporator of ths servicc~ st~tion ar,all participate 3n, ai.cl and ~upport educational nn~ other prograrns inr,ended to reduce driving while under ChQ i:ifluence o~ drugs or alcoholi.c beveraqe~. * 12. That trash storage area~ shall be provided and mnintained in a locatfon accopGable to the Shreet Ma.xntenanue and Sanitation Division and in accordance wikh approved plans on fil~ w~t;h said Division. Such infcrmatinn sh~ll be ~peciFically shown on the plans submitted for building permits, •< 13. 'Phat ~11 air conditiuning tac.ilitie;~ anii o~her roof- and ground-r,~ounted eauipment sliall be properly shieldPCi from vfow. Sucb inf'ormation sha1S be specifically shown on the plan~ submittod for building permits. * 14. That the proposal shall comp).y wii:li all signinq requirements of the CL "Cammercial, Limf ted" Zon~e, unJ oss e vuriance allowing sign waivers is aPpravQd by the Clty Counci.l, Plannittg ro~ise.ion or 2oning A~iministratoz. 15. That any freestandfng sign on subiect. property shall be a monwnent typo not ar.ceeding faur (4) feet in heighk and shall be subject to the review and approva.l of the City Traf_*'ic. E~igineer prior t-~suance of 8 permit to construct said sign. * 1~. That minimum fifteon (15D ~allon traes ple-nL•od on minimum tw~nty ~2~~ foot centors, and having ~ppropriate ii•rigatlor. fHCilir~,es, shail bg insta.lled and maintained along thc~ intorior property lines. *:17. That the on-siCQ lbndscaping and irr•igation Rys~em Ahall be ma3ntaine8 in ~ompliance with City standarcis. 18. That the owner of subjoct proporty 3ha11 aubmit a letter requestinq termtnation ~f Conditional Use Pvrmi~_ Nns, 128, Zj73 and ?.890 to the Zoninq pivision. 19. That subject property shall be dgveloped subs~antfally tn accorctance wlth plans and specificxtions submitted to the City oE Anishe:m by ~he petitioner ond ~rhfch plans are on file with the Planning Gepartment macked Exhibit rlos. 1 through 3; proviQed, h~wevor, Chat buildinq t~fnq rrAlla shall bo oxkended on eacti end of ~he car waah tunnel for approximateiy thirty-thre~ (33) :eot to the property linea ia os~~a~ ~o buff~r noise to tha adj~cent sinc~~e..f~ily rosidences. ~5~ PC 84-255 ,s, ~~ ,,,' f +~ 6' 4 ` i~ ;~, ~ ~ ~U~L.iI ~Hn . T "1 ~Z '~ 1 _`~ ~ 20. That priar to issuance of a building perm.lt. or withix~ a period of ono ~1~ yc~ar from the (iate oE this reaolution, whic}iever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 1l1, 12, 13 flhd :18, above-rnentioned, shall bc~ compliacl with, Extonsions for Eurther time to comp~e~e said conditions may be gi•anCod in ~ccordanca with 5er.t3on 18.Q3.040 of the Anahefm Muniaipal Code. 21. mha~ prior to final bu3l~ing and aoning inspoctions, Conclition Nns. 3, 6, 7, 16 and 19, ~bave-mentia.nod, shflll bo complied with. 22. T.hat there sha12 be no salo oE fas~ £onds nf any kind. 23. That the car wash opor~Lion sha21 be limited the hours of operation from 8:0~ am L•o 5s00 pm as sti.pulateii to by the pet3tioner at thb pu;~lic hearing. ~ 24. That t-pprovz~l of this appl.ication constitutes approv~l of -;he ~rol~osod rec~uest only Co L•hQ extent that it compli.es with the Anaheim Municipal 7,oninq Code and any oL•her applkcable CiL•y, State and Federal rsgulations. Approval ~oes noC includo anp ac~3on or fi~iclings as to c~mpliance or approval oF the r~quest r~gt~rdinq any other ap~licable ardinance, regulatiun ur roquiremenk. Conditinns marked wi~h an asterisk (*) ac•e required by establi~had laws, coden, regulations and agreements and aro not subjoct to n~g~~ia:.ion. FiF IT FURTFiER RESOLVED thaL- tho AnahRim Ci.~y Planning Commissi.on does hareby find and determine ~hat adopL•ion of this Ftesalutton is expressly pr9dicated upo~ zpplicant's compliance with aach and all ot the conditions hereinabove set forr_h. Sh~u1d any such conditions, or any part thereo~, be declared invalid or unc~nfozceable by the final judgment ~f an~s cour*_ of competent jur3.sr9ictlon, then this Resolutir~n, and any appr~vals herein cont~sined, ahulA bo deair,ed null and void. TH~ FOREGOING RESOLUTION is siyned and ~pprovHd by me thfs 23tti day oF Oc:tober, 1989. ' , ~ ~1 _ 'CS' '' C `` - "~ ;~~~ ~ y ~~~ CFf'AIRMAN, ANA~iEtM ~ITY FLANNING COMMISSION ATTGS'P: ~ - ._. _ _- ~ ~~`~- ,, .fl.~i~2..~ SE:CR£TA Y, ANAHF.IM CIT7f PLI~h ING COt~IIHISSION -6~ PC 89-255 ''.~I ~i~~.L•+• ,... 1/ ..~1;'.,.~~~1 fi~"aA!'ddi t~~7fM!~Y •s' Y, klWi'~.~G1~~ at~ ~`, ~,4 S ~'t E ~~ STATE OF CALYFORNIA FQ~~ ~'i~a ~~{ ryI R YA{ ..~;~ •' ~i COUNTY OF ORANGE ) g~. CTT~.' OF AN7~HExM ) :: I, Edith L. Harxi~, SecreY.ary oE tho Ant~h~im City Plann3ng Convn3s~ion, do hereby certi.fy that iche forogoing resolu~ian was passea an~ ~ ndopted at a me~tt3nq of the Anahe3.m City Planning Commission hald on pr.tober t 23, 19a9, by tha foll~wing voto of tho members thereofs r , AYES: rOt~fiSStONERS: HERBST, BOYDSTUN, HEI.LYER, FELUHAU5, MC BURNEY, MESSE ; NOES: COA4dTSSI0NER5: NONE _ ABSErTT: COMMISSIONERSs BOUAS IN WITNESS WHEf2~0E, I have hereunto sai.: my hand this 23rd day of Oc~ober, 1989. _ > < < ~ t~ j ~ ~~ ~_ SEf'R1s~ARY, A~kIAHE'[M CITY /YL71NI1ING COh4dISSION ..~_ PC 89-255 ;:;' _";, ~