742 LEGAL NOTICE . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )88. County of Ol'huge ) . - .,--' ORDINANCB NO. f. I..... ;..9BDINANCB or TIIB CITX . ~ '. AN'A.IQ:IM . A.PPRQVING ANNlUXA!rION TO. TRB ., . 0:1' ANARBIM OF THE T . ITORY. KNOWN' A.RO DEIIIGNATEO AI ORA.NGE- TBROPB A. VlDNlTB ANNEXA- TIOR. . THE.. CITY COUNCIL .OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the .City COUD- ell ot the City of .Anaheim did on the 18th day of .eotember. 1948~ 're- ceive a written D.tltion .skin. -that certain new and uninhabited terri- tory described In said petititioD be a1lnexed to the City of' Anaheim. That said territory' proposed to 'he' ann'exed' to said City of Anaheim i. si.tuated in the County 'of QraD~e. 8tat4 of California.. and ta.. contigu. ous t:Q th.' City of Anahel~' ~.nd!8 U'Drlited. territory. T.'~, said petl . . contained a d_cri'P n .of l18.id. ritory in words and fhr;ures .. hirelnafter In this Ordinan~e de- scribed. That th. Clt,. Council duly as- sembled at & regular meeUlla' of II&ld City Council held on the 1'2th daj of April. 1949. did find that said petition at: the tiJ;'Ile It was filed aDd received was signed by th e owners ef not less than one-fourth of the area of the land in such ter- ritory and reDresentect. 'not lesl than oae.fourth of tbe asseslled value of Mid territory propo.ed to be an. nexed according to the last Dre- ee41ng eQualized a..s.ssment role of the County of Orange~ State. of Ca~- ifornla, in 'which .ald terrlto~y 1S situated and that said territory did not form & part of any municipal corporation and did 'flnd that said territory I. eontlgu.,u. to the City of Anaheim 8.'nd .Is uninhabited ter- ritory. . .. t A .1 : That 01\ the 12th day 0 Drl . I 19.49, at 8. ruula. meetinK' of said City Council of the City of Ana-, helm, Resolution No. 1669 was duly p....sed and ado'Pted lI'PeeificallY de- I scribin'. the boundaries of the ter- ritor,.' 80 proposed to be annexed to the Clt.y of Anaheim and desi&'nat. Inl' I' b territory as Oran~~thorDe Avert. <i .Annexation and ..iV1n~ no- tte, . ,<~such annexati~ and U.xing th.- 2 . day of A'Pril, 194:9.' at the houl ({r 8 :00 o'clock P. M.. at: the City ConneY.. Cham bers in the Ci ty H~ll . in' thcrrCity of Anaheim. as the d~Y. hour and place when and whe1,"e. any penlon oW11ing real Drolterty within such territory 80 p.roposed. to bi annexed and having objections to the proposed annexation mia"h t appear before.' the City Council of the City of Anaheim and .how eause why .uch territory should not: b. .0 annexed and Botlfy-in&' all 'Del"- sObi havlDg objections to su~ ~>>~~- pOI.d annexation to a'Dpear ,af. .!I&id day, hour and plaee'.to shoW',~ ., . , If any they had~ wi(f. .jfuch teE:... .1I.01l1d not be &DJt.~.. to t . 'of' Anaheim al'd dlPlillng tb. . Clerk to publllih or caulIe to be~.: . . . JI.hed a COpy of ...t4 resolutl . at leut once a week for two l!Iucce.. alve weeka vrlor to .AJ)rll S9. 19.9. ill the Anaheim' Bull.tl., & ne.... ~.!'. of 6.n.&1 .lji,ul..ttoll~ ..It.ub. : llshed lu the City of' Anaheim~ Coun- tJ'ot OraDge~' state. of CalltGr~la. Tb&t . a&14. ol.Uoa.u ' cawed to"be pu'Uah bY......... .Clt,. . Clerk . ~~~1'~~. :I~~t~'-:D:~~ I 1.8IMMiJU1 :.. .;. :. ;l!tMolutlion . ..1..... - -- 'L .~ . aay of ~ 1NI. ':oGf 1:00. o~ 'I' , It Jl!Jt. - '''.. ChamW. I . 'tIIe~. . ,. ,S!t~ or....J- I , , t~1!oUDefl ~f I : ""caw.. ....: ...t ''''1 . 'abl. 4" ., . to hear -.4 ~- · .'p " ~""':"rI" t wrl~teli ..",...a.. .'~.. ..tIIe 0"",- ':!!~:'o. ':J."iIl...~. J( ~ ~h.1 ....... Df', . " * ..' pfopoN4 to : W.;.... ..... ,..... '. 'f' ....' ..the l..st! .~ .....Ii . .... . ..;; J;! of the' . hIai.: .or;.' . ;' ., .,..: '... .:. t --: . .of: O&Ii- ".:: PICr.lOlt I: ~t..,'" .Ul....-tIoJl ..::.#l....,t~~~.._~t4 ~tltl. ..... ~"'ri.... '. o' ..'. otan<<etlaor:De '0 "'-nwa~e ~..~Il' &ia~ .more D~- ~&t>1,. 'Mef~' .....: fo~o'WII.. to- ~_:4' ~.;ot~i~~.. .: ~t.et: I~' ". ~cI'" 'iIcn1tb 1:i~,'''.~..!O.Dt t,o' , ... .eo.a 11... ~fJJt;: iliiiiethor'De' . ............: .z~".' . from tbe' p....t .at,. 'f1l1ld ~ UO.' 'of .A.aa- . . Nlm. 0" ~ th ' tl.... .....t .... of be '. . . .:'Qu.tter .,to!: .... .. CrMr' ot : ct4Oa.'.~'. ... 4 ..u.. J~ . 11 tit .... B. .. II.. ~"4' .... . ~. IlelIerlbe4 '.", toUo*~. ~.l't.: '_ :.' . . . : .....;Bel...... . ~..~. , t'.'ot'lIl.. '. ':'~~~-=~ ::'::..tY... . '~A-:~ t:: ':I~.t:. '..t~ .. ~,. .... of the '.; . t~ of 4b,a : > lrll1eia..' .~9Iilt ..a "', '. feet.. ..~'U:. . ...~;': .. . .~uarter-' "f4!C2ttOll ~ t:...:.~Ile.,ao"h.ll!l. .&t!l1ctlQ1l . ~ ~ :'4' 110 th. :. :;:'~::~~::-vf .'~J:.-W~~' .._..~ Ii tJi..l...:~~t..Or..'D.... .;-~rste 4v . . to. .,. elnt ,OD' . :~:I.. t~~' . ." ::.:of' . '. ~'::~r lIa~~ '. '~~D '... . '" ~ .. ,'.wn'bID .', _4' ,.........: . ........ ":ao1ltil . &In. . - ,..4.. weat.. It. . .:.,~~~.. '-..t bait . . >,'->th.,Jfoi'tIl ." ~er .of.. aaid .":""tl6ia .... &~ ._"'of:'S.O' teet: . :tbeao. .....~ /panael.. Wi'th. &D4 . "t&at .l:t~: '.. lf~t '1IO~~b . . .ftt . ...tl :';~u~fl ~liil. : ;..f. :,Or&DK.- . '~'.'Osor". 1~~;.,".'. ~.t '0.: th. . .' aerth-a.4-:T:-' ......1'.,0: 1I.e" ot.. .!' .. ;..~d . .....0.. ~:I.;"_~_ . .~~Ilt Sa . ",~~'."!.!I".:.~!. f~\: ep'.II!9lt. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION R1.ahard...i'.l.Bohle......... . ... ........ ............................................._ of said county, being first duly sworn, say.-that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Call- tornia, over the age ot eighte en years; that he has no In. terest In, nor is be a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he is the . Principal clerk.. ": .' ...... ......... ........ ....................... .............. ............... ............. .................. of th.a M..~~.1.m...~Y.l.l~.~.1n........ ........ .... ............................ .............. a.....da.1.~..... neWRpaper printed. published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said M. ah~ .1~1l11.e.:t 1.0.. ............... .. ............ ....................... ............ is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers. and is publiShed for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment ot a partl cular clalls. profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereot: that it has been J>~inted and published in the City ot Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year 1If1~t prAceding the t.lrst day ot the publication hereto attached: that the .2~~ .~.~ .~. ~~.... .~~..!.....?~~..._................. ............ ....... ........ .... ... . .. ot which the annexed I. a printed copy, was published in one issue said newspaper at leasl ~__.__. __.................................................. commencing on the....~.~~..dtLY of ...~~.._.......................... n184~9... and ending on the................day of ......................:....._.... , Notice 19 ....., and that sa Id ......................................................................... was published on the following days: .. ,~.q.... .~.?J.....J:..9~........... ..............n.... ........ .................................. ... ...... ..... ......:.:.::.::.!.;.:::~~~~Z~::~:~:::::~E::~::::::::::: ~ub.crlbed and .worn to before me thl..../..:!.........day of .. ..rJ..7.:....:.~ L.. . Notary Public. .. ,,~...,Ii. ......~:...II......JiiiIi'fiiL. .-.ae..:'1 . m~ .... ~ of Geller&1" e..rlau1&troa. . ~Ub. I . ' " 11I."'la tlte Clty',t".Jlah.lm. C~'-D. ; , W.,':ot. . or..... . _t.'. or C~1t.toJjlIa. ..... uJd Reaol.Uoa w..' e&U.~d · ->h pUblish" It,..' -&tel .CI;t,. Clerk I . .' .' .. "'4' ....u... BUn.tllI ... di..eeted. .. '. ;."'t 011. the .ho..' 'd..:y. &lit! at,.~ . .... lPee!fl.4 fa .....eI: "'QI~OD -.~ .1.68. to-wIt. 011. the 18tJa da,. of I ' "'1. 1NI, at. tile llo,.!" at 8 :00. o' che.k P." III QltF eO~Dcll Ch&JDb~~ In . the Clt,. llaU' lp. the City of Ana- h~.. eaUforDla. fIl. CIty Councll'of II t" "Clty. of .A.a~a. did meet '.&11. UNlDbl. a84 Pro4lMd. to. hear &D~ ..... aD all 'pro.'" Tat wrl~tell. pro._. were Dot iD... by tlte OW.D- ... '01" ow..n. of ....at( of' the I .al.. of the ten1torJ" prOD'O..<< to be' . _nead &ceor4_... to the la.t I ~U&Uze4 "1.1I'-1I1,lDeii.t role of the' COJIBty .. on...... atate. of 0&11- fornla." . SIICTION I: ftat th. all.ezatloll 'Of the terrltQr7 .lllcl..4e4 wlthill..ihe boundaries '. of' . th.. OI'a.nA'ethol'De . .AV8'1lue ADnex&.tlolI. aDd more Dar- tlcularly de.crlbed ... follow.. to- wit:' ." . . .4 atrlD ;ot kIWI' ,. teet I.... . ..Idab '8Qutb of ~d' adjaoent ..~ . the ...th ltD.. ot, OI'an.ethorue ""el1u... uteD4U'Q . from the pr....t city Ilmlt'.lIn.. of Ana- 11..1m. 011.. th.. ....t to. . the . -..f If.. of th... KOrth....t . Q1IUte.. . "r=tI1e Mo...... . Quarter, of ~; ect401l.' 4. . 'TQWIl8hlp. '. 4. . .~th. . ..10 ,W..t. ... B. ...Ii II.. :"'4' IDOl'. IHLI'ticUlar17.481lGrlb.d. .. fOllow.. to-wit:.. . , Be&'lllnla..' at .tIle UoI'llt :of 111- .ter..cU~ ot. the ;.outh 1I1le of. Or&Jl.etJarOD." A:velllle .wlth the . ~r~e.t eit,. ,1j.~lt ,line ot the '., Ity of .A.nabebia. whle" 1'olbt II '\ :,0.. feet..8oU:th ot .the Quarter-' ...tlO'll. eon... OIl the Borth Une itf'S8ctlo.. a.-' ~waehip 4'. lIouth,; Jl&D.. '10 :.....t. .. BerRa-clino ...... &at! Jhri.dfu:. tlleDce.We.t. . .&10" ....4 .oath 1I..'of 'Or.n.e.. thorp. A.Vea.1I6 to a. Dolnt oil' 'the 'WMt :Ulle. of tIM, .....t: half ~.' the : .ot-$....t QlIarter, of . 8eC6lon '4.. aCoreia.fd ,toWR.hi'D . ~4' : r......: 'tIMa:ee' .0uUt &lon&' . ""4 we.t. 1I.e . at. tbe eallt halt. . . Qt.,th..!fOl'tll~t Quarter' of:.lai4 . ".eetlon 4, a'ell.taace' of. 30, teet: the.ce .eut, parallel. 'With.. and . ~U~t&Dt 'ui'fora1Y'81 teet '.euth. 'et ....1.: .Iouth. 'lbie. ot Ora_e- ': thor'Pe Aven.... to '&. 'DOJllt 0.: the' . Bertb.......d..oulJa .eilter. Jllle at.. . ... ~d. .aeettoB I. ....:wbloll .DQlat ill '. aiR. ' on" the ........t .It~. '1bnlt '. , Une 'Of. laid City:. of "'_ah.elm:.. . -th.Me.' NOrth. ..IoU... .lIald .Ilorth.... ~d~.o.tll ' C4Hltu'" li1le 'of.. '.aleI,' . 8e~tfOD J.. .~d; a.10'1lC: _14' JH'ea-.. . . elit; elty'lImlt. 1tB~ . 'dt.t"ae. t>l-, . . 30 ~feet to, the: .~lat . of . "..Ia.,;, : '.ill. " '" ",.. " : l.. b.ereby ap~ a.4. ....... '.terl1- torf' . I. he-reb,.. iLn.'DeJt-ed . to . ...d m- e:~~1~~k1llt:W\;~~ Ilfa':8.Q.d "I. 'Jle..ebt.. 4....p..t,(I... the Or.P~hol'pe A.VeJlu.. ,A.aeaUoa .... t_. ;CI~,. of ADahell... " .. . . ',IIl!JCTION .1: That. :tralll an4;aftw the', .aecttv. de.te of' thy Ordf.anae ...45 .the .flling'. of' a: cert.fle4... copy there'Of .ID tbe oftlce. .ot . tile leer.. I .tar,. of Stat. of 'CallforDla. tM &'II- :nezat1oR of' tb. terrlt~17 Ilel'elll de- I Icl7lb.a ,.hall be 4Mind to, .be an4 I .hal1 be com'Plet. 'an4' .u.:eaC8' forth: .IJueh annexe.,' terrltol"t eal1 . he to all. Int"eDts a'Dd 'Puru~e.. & .Mort ot.. t~ ,City of A.nahellll . ", . "': . .BBCTION .f: The City alHIe. .hall ' . eei1:lt,. to tile DU""'. of. thf.'.Ordl- : . lJ.an~ ." and cau..' th~ ilaille.. to be publl.hed Qllca .11l~the A1Iahel., BuI_ letlD. a d&lly '....paperll..' prt'Dt~. Du.bn.hed a)l4 clrcuJ..te~ 'a .tll,. '.Clty of . Ma,heift.l. 'C~dtY.;'.. ot , O~an.e. ....te .of California. ..ana th~~y.' (,30) . qy. fr'Om' and after. . It. ..flllal. I'all- .~... ..It., .ball'. be la. 'full 'force and .efteet. . " - . Th'.. .torewotn.., OrcJl'Dalice. _.. a D- ~()ve" and IIlJr1t~4 .by"iii. . thlll l1tb 4ay . of May. 1948.. .. (BEAL). ". . . . '. '. CRAB. A.. PEAR$OK Kayor at. theiClt7,'af AD&helm A. 'l'TEST: . . CHARLEII' E. ; GRIlI'lTtB City Clerk of the :ql~ of.. :An.aIlel'lI1 STATE OF . OALIJ;lOQrA,) . COUNTy OF O.R.\BGJD:)H. .' PI'f.Y 01' A.N~Itf, ) I. CJlA.RLBB :m.. ,Gm.FITH. . Ci ty Clerk 'of tbe. 'City.' of l.nah,efm. do . hereD,.:.' eertf.ty . that'.. the' : foragolng Or(U!l'&i1~. 11"., l11tro4't1c'e45 at. lI.n acljouraed reirular meetlJllf. of the at,. COullcl1" of' the. City. ot. Ana- hetm. .hjld' on tlM Jltb'.4aY of A.Dril. 1848 .,,4. th..t ,th. .ame ...... 1''''8.d ...4 'lI4o>>ted' at &. -....1a.r . meetiJUr . held aD 'the 10th ...." :ot Xay.. 1949. b,y.. the .followtiiar . fete of the 'mem- ber. .thereof:. . ...."-1.' . 'AYES; . .' C~: Pearson. Pace. .B.e)'lns.. BoliU ufi. 'Vaa Wac- oner.. '.'. . ..;. , NOES: -COm:.w=OIl.. . .A.BS1UN'1': 'CO ., : ,No... .AN]) . I FUR. .'. T1PY that the Mayor of tb...'etty' of' Anaheim &PPP~v:.d 8.I1d .1Jn1~. .&14 Ordlll&DC. O,lt tfle' 11th. 4&:v of':: 110: . '1-lil. . . IN. WITNESS waBRBOJ'. I have hereunto, ..t'. iDy -- .la8.ad 'alid' atftxed the'. .a..I."ot', Rid. City' of ,An.ahelm th,. 11th' day of Kay.- .1941. . ,(S~.A.L) '.' ,. . ,,: :. ,~~: . , . . ' '. . '. CHARLES .iIL .GRIFFITH CitY' Clerk of' the ,Cit.~ of :Anah.lm Pab. x.... IJ:~ 1"'. ,.'" 1 OlU)]B.&XCB .0. 7/f.2 2 3 4 .0 ORDD. '.K OF TO CITY OF AIAUIII APlaOVIJIG TO I.OI 'fO _ CITr OF .lITAHKDI OIi' TBB IJ.'BlBITORY; OWII ARB >>BBIGI'A'l'ED AS ORUGB!HORPE .lVdt-o.15 !rIO.. 5 8 !BE CI'!Y COTJlfQIL OF THE CI'l'r OF ABAREI. DOES ORDAI.' AS JOLLOW. 7 SBCTIOX 1: _t the C1''1 Ceuac11 et the CltJ' or .lIlah.i. did 8 oa t~e 18~ da'1 ot -'ptember. 19f8. receive a written p.titl.. ..kl 9 t.at certa1n 11.. and un1Dhablted terl'lto1'7 d.soribed 11l 8a1d petitio, 10 be aDD.zed to the C1i't7 of .lr.L&belm. 11 Ifhat said terriltorJ" propo..d to be anD.xed to 8a1d C1t7 ot 12 .lIIah.i. 18 situated. 111 the 'COUIl1:7 ot Orans., Stat. of California, 13 od 1. eontlpGu8 t.: the Cltj" of Allahei. and 1. uD4.1a.blt.cl t.Prl~ 14 ,_.,._ Blat .aid petltloD contained a d..erlpti.. of said territorJ' 15 1. ..rda aDd figure.' a8 hereinafter in tbi. Ordiaanoe a.8cribed. 'That the CltJ' COUllol1 dul,. .....bl.d at a resu1ar ...1;lag of .aid 01't7 Council held OD the 12th da)" ot April, 1941, did tlad 1;ha' .aid petit10D at the t1ae 1't ... filed and reoe1Y.,4 .... alga.. 'bJ' the OWDer. of Dot 18... tban GDe-teurt;b ot the are. or the land 1. ._h terrl'oZ'f anQ rapr..ented Dot 1... thall one-:tcnartill of the 16 17 18 19 20 21 ........4 value of 8 aid terrl t017 propo.ed to', ,be aDD.xed acoer41q 22, t. Ube last prece41ns equalIzed a.....m.D~ roll ot tn. C.UR~ ot ., 23 Orange, State or Calltornla. 1n which said ten1to1'7 18 8ituated ... 24 25 that said terrltor1 d.1,d Dot .tOPJll a part of aD7 lRWliclpal corperatio. and did .tllld that said tel'r1 to1'J' 1s cont1sueua to the 01t7 of ADahe1m and 1a uniDhablted t.rrlto~. '!hat on the 12t;A da,. of April, 1949, at a resu1ar ...t1a& of - - 26 27 28 .aid C1't7 COU1lcl1 of the C1 t7 ot Anabeia, R..olu~,i.n Wo. lSI' __8 dul7 paa.ed and adopted speoif1oal17 de8er1blag the boundar1.. ot ta. terri t8r7 80 pro,o.ed to b. ama8xed to the C1 t,. ot AD~1Ja, Uld dealgD&t1ng such terrlto17 a. Oraagethorpe Avenue AIm.uti.D and 81Yiag notice ot such aumexa1;lon and fixing the 291;h daJ' ot April. 29 30 31 32 -1- .,_L. ..-.,". ... -,. ~... -.......... L~......, =-~ _. ". ~~~ "0.'. . .......... . .~............. I' ................._. .....'" ... ....""............_.._._.--......-.--......-~............ .........~......~ 1 1"9, at the hour ot:8aOO .'cleek P.K. at the Cl~ COUDcl1 Chaaber8 2 1. 1;h. Oi t7 Hall in ~h. 01 't7 ot .&nahe1a, .. the 4&7'. hour ud pl~e. 3 ~D aDd whar. aDJ.p.raoD 0..18& real prope.t7 witbia aueh terrltor7 4 .0 propo.ed. to be ~ex.d and hav1ng obJeotio.., te. the propo..4 an- 5 ne&at18. m1&ht appeU betore th.e C1t,. Councilor the 01'" ef ABall.ia 6 and ahow caWle wh7 .Tach terr1 tOI'J" should not be 8. annex.d and neti- 7 ~1Dg all perSODS ha.lng obj..tleD8 to 8uch prop,o.ed ume:u.tle. to 8 appeal' at aald da,., _our and. plac. to .how cause, 1~ ~7 t~.'1 had., 9 whJ' .uch-..~.rrltGrJ' alould not b. annexed to the C~t7, ~t .~.~. and 10 diraoting 'he C1t7 Clerk to'publlah or C~U.. t~ be ~ub~1~h.d &'00P7 11 of 8a1d r.solution at leaet oace a we.k tor two suo..s.iye w..ka 12 prior to April 29, 1~.9. in the An&he1. Bull.~lD, a new.paper of 13 General ciroulation, ,pub118heci in the C1t,. ot Anabela. COUllt7 ot 14 Orang.. State ot Calitornia. !hat said ft..elut1on was cau..d to be 15 pult11ahed bJ" aaid 01",. Clerk in 8ald .ADahela Bullett. .a di...'.d. 16 filat on the holir. da7 aad at the plaoe Ipec1t1ect 1a sald . . 17 H..elation ... 1661. ,...1r1'. .. the 29Ul cia.,- ot April. 1941. at ~h. 18 how ot 8:00 .'elock P.... 111 'the CltJ' Council Chaab.l'a 1. the 011;,- 19 ' Hall in the C1t7 or Aaahela. California, the C1t7 Counoil ot the 20 Cl t7 of .&nab.i. did ...t 8Jld .....bl. ....d pl'oo..4 to, h.ar and pa.~ 21 aD all prot.st.. Tha' written prot.sta .ere Bot made b1 ~. OWD.~ 22 or owaer. of one-ha1t or 'the ...a1ue or the terrlto27 prepo..d to ~. 23 anaex.d according to the last ~quallz.d alsesament rol~ of the CoUn'J 24 of Orang8, St~t. of Oalifornia. 25 S"'!OI' Sa !'h4t the uuaexat10D ot the terr1t"17 i.elud.. wlth- 26 111 the bOlUldar1.. of the Orang.thorp. i..Due. AIm.xatioD and .ore par- 27 tloular17 desoribed ~ tollow., to-wit: 28 A .trlp ot laDd 30 r..t in w1dt;h 80Uth of ..d 29 adj...nt to the 80Uth llne of Orangetborpe Avenue, 30 extendlag tro-. the pr..ent cltJ' 11111t 11.. ot Anahel. 31 011 the e.at te the ..It lIne ot the Bortheast.Q,u&p1>>ar 32 o~ the BOl'thea.t Q,uarter of Seetlen 4, Towa.hip 4 South', -2- 1 2 :5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1. Range 10 ..at, :8. B. B. Ie ... ud "1'. particular1,. described as t~11o.8, to-wit: BeglJUllag ~.t the point ot Inter..ctlon o~ the ..uth liD. of Orans.~horp. A..aaa with ~. pr....t c1t7 11.tt line ot the 01 t,. of J.naheia, which point i. 30 te.t south of the quarter-.ect!o. corner on the north line of Sectlo. 3, !lewn- ship 4 South, aaDge 10 West, San Bernardino Ba.e. ..4 .eridian; thenQ. W..t along said south line ot Orang.thorp. I Ayenue to a pO~Dt 011 the ..st l1ne ot the east halt of the Borth..at quarter at Section ., .rore.aid tOWD8b1p &n.d range; thence south along said we.t liD. ot the east halt ot the lforthealt Quarter of said Section 4, a distance or 30 t.et; thenc. east, parallel with and distant ualtorml7 30 :t..t south of said south line of Ol'aDg8thorpe Avenue, to a point on the DQrth-and-.aou'th center line ot said Section 3. wbich point 18 a180 on the present c1t7 li~t 11.. ot .aid City of Anah.~; thence Borth along said nortb.-and,.8outh center line ot said Sectlon 3, and along said pr...nt clt7 limit 11n., . 41stance of 30 te.t to the pe1nt of beslDXdng. hereb7 approved aud said terri tol'J' 1.' hereb,. aDD.xed to ..4 i8- 21 corporated in the 01ia'1 ot Anaheim, Count7 of Orange, State ot Oa11- 22 to~i. and 1. her.b~ dellgnated a8 the Orangethorp. AyenU8 Annexation 23 to the Clt7 ot .babe_. 24 SECTIOB 3: That trom aDd atter tn. eftective date ot thla 25 Ordinance and the tiling ot a certified cop7 thereot in ~h. ottic. 26 ot the Secretar7 of State of Calitornia, the annexat10a or the terrl- 27 tol'7 herein d.scribed shall be deemed to be and ahall be complete 28 8.114 thence torth suoh annexed tel'rltol'J' shall be to. all Intent. 29 and purpos" a part at the 01 'Ii,. of ..lIlah.iIl. 30 S':TIOR 4: The C1t7 Clerk shall eertit,' t. the p....S. of thl. 31 Ord.1nance and cause the s... to be published ODe.. 1n the .&aah.lm 32 Bulletin, a da117 D...paper, priated, puhliahed and circulated 1. -~- 1 the 01t7 .~ ADahe1a, ,.Oouat7 01 Orange, Stat. or .Call1'or~l.. aDd 2 thlrt;7 (30) da7. tro. and atter it. ;tiDal JIl",,_.t,:.:'::.f.":.1 it .hall be 3 1. full torc. aDd .t~.o'. 4 'lb. teregeing qrdinance ... approved and signed b.,. .. thls 5 -...LL.. 4&7 or ..,., 194:Sf. 6 7 8 11.1 9 A"ES!: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 -4- .....4i __~~:.....-w.~.. ............... . ..- ~._............................ _.......... ...o>t............~_. - I 1 SDD OF O.lLlPORJiIJ. ) C'oum OF OItAl"GB ) .. 2 Clft' 01' AlJAHBI. ) 3 4 I. CHARLES E. 'Rlli'lPITB, 01 t7 Clerk of the ~.11;7 "ot Anabel_, de her.by oertif'7 tlat the toregolng Ordinance ... lna-oducea at ..... ~regulU .eUDg ot the eit: Counoil et the City ot Aaahef., held on tlW :J,~ day ot ~, 1949, aDd that the .... was pa8sed and adop1;.ci at a regular lIe..tlng held on .. .. the It)...,. ot 7?t'7' ,11"9, OJ' the to11o.iDg vote ot the ._ber. thereof: 5 6 7 8 9 10 AYES: COUlfCI~: Pearson. Pace, Hey-lng, :Bonel' &JId. Van Vaconer. 11 .om: COUltCILIJBlI: Bone. 12 ABaBlT: COUlfCI~: Bone. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 AID I FUR'HER QI:RTIF!' tlult the ",.or ot the Clt,. ot ADahe1a approved and signed. aaid Ord1Bance on the / / da,. or ~ . 1149. IR WI~lfBSS ~OF, I hay. hereunto ..t ., haaci Ud .t~lz.. the seal ot aaid Ci',. ot ADahei. this // day or ~ ,1949. dJUUWI -5- _1 ..........~.. .~... ".- .......-....~--........... .~..... .........1 :-......--. ".:;a...._ ........_.. ~~_.e&I.,...:.&...~_.I':.........~