Resolution-PC 89-258~ , ,. .. . :. , , : . ~ „~I ~~~:'; ~ 4 ,,.t.. ~4M~ RES LUTION N PCll9-258 A RESOLUTION nF T.I~E .ANAHEIM C'!TY PLANhINC COMMISSION '1HA'P P~TTTION I'OR VARIA.TT~E N0. 3996 BE GkA'NTED itiFiRREAS, the Aua2Yeim City Planning Conuniss.ion did receive a verified PeL-ition for Varianr.e from FRED GAI2R, P.O. BOX 16896, Anaheim, CA 92£117, o~aner, and GF.ORGE; PUHOSE, 1215 E. 59th Street, Los AncaQles, CA 90001, agent for certain real properry situated in the City of Anahei.m, County of Qrang~, Sta~e of. California describec~ as: ~, ~~;i LUT 13 OF TRACT 9721, TN THE CITX UF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFOfi~IIA, AS PEEt MAP RECORDED Iti HOOK 928 PAG~,S 13 THROUG~ 18 :~NCLUSIV~ OF MISCELL,ANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFIC.E OF THE COUNTX RECORDER OF SATD COUNTY. 'dHEREA~, the City P~anning Gommission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Cs~nter in th~ City of Anahe3.m on October 23, 1989, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publzc hearing hav~.ng been dul~ given as required by law 2nd in accordance •witih the provisions af tha Ax~aheim Municzpal Code, Chapter 18.(33, "s to hear and aonsid~r evidencQ for t~nd against sai3 proposed varisr.ce and to - invostigate and make tindings and recommendations ir~ connection therewith; and ,~ WHFREAS, said Cammis~ion, after due inspection, inva~tigation :-~ and study made by itseli•' an6 in its behalf, and ~ftor due cunsi~eration uf al1 evidence and r.epoz-ts otf.ere3 at ~aid hear.i.ng, clces find and determine the follnwing facls: 1~; ~4 1. That the petitioner request waiver of the following to retain a ground-mounted satellite dish: SECTION 1Q,~4~US2,Q~f -- Pr~hibit~d ground-rn ~~~1 equipment. (Nn roof or graund-mounted satellite dishes perrnikted i.n ~:he Scenic Carridor Ovorlay 7,ono; on~.lQ=fo~ diamg~r ~~round-mounted dish proposed) ~;~;' 'L. 1haY. the ab~ve-mentioned waiver is t~a:Rb_y gsanted on the basis that there are sp~cial circumstances applicable to i:he ~?rupertx such as size, shap~, topography, J.ocatioz~ ar~d surroundi.ngs which clo not apply to other identir ally zonec~ pr~perty in th~ s~mo vicinity; and. that ~trict application of the Zoning Code deprives the property of privzleg~s e^~~ayed by othei properties in the identiral zone and classification in the vicxnity. ~. T.hat there are exceptional or extra~rdinary ci~cumstances or conditious applicable to th~ prop~:rty ir~volved or to the intende3 use of the pxoperty that do not apply generally to the propc~rty or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 4. Thati the requested ~arianr,e is necess:~ry fo.r the preservation and ,':i enj~Xment of a substaixtial pro~~erty right possessed by other property in the ;;~~r swne vicinity and zone, and denie~d to the prop~rty in question. `'~~~:u ;> ;%~ 1103r -1- PC 89-258 ', r i',~. _. ;Y~ -:.,~ ~`; . , . . . ~ . . ' _ ~ ~ . ~ . . . . - . . ~ . . .~'~`-i FPN}Y: ~~ ~~ t 5. That the roqueated variance will not bo mater.i~lly dgtrimsntal to the public welfarA or injuriau~ to ~ho prop~rty or .im~rovements in such viriiiit}~ ancl zone in which tho propor.ty is lor.atod. Th~it no ane indicate~3 their pra~encA ~+t naici publia h~;~rSng in oppasit: .~.f and that no correapan6enco waq roceived in oppos.ition to s~ib~ect petitiun. . LtF:ZNYA LNVIR( t~M~~ITAL . Q~J~IL~TY~~~~_~INp,~CI : The P~anning llirect:or or his authnrized representative has detertt~iued tha~ L•he propose~l ;~rojecr falls wiLhin thg deffnition of Ca~ogorical Fxemptions, Class 5, as defir.ed in the Stato EIR Guidolines and is, thorefore, cateyorically exempt rrom the reguirement to prepare an EIR. NOW, THEREFORE, I3E IT RBSOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission doos hereby grant rsubject Petltion tor 9ariance, upon ~he ~ollowfng r.onditlons which are ha.eby founcl to be a necesaary prerer~uiui.Ce to the proposod use ~c thQ subjecc properL•y in orc~~r to pres~rve the saFety a»d genoral wolfare of the Citizens oi tho City of Anahaim: ~ 1. 'fhat plans shcsll be submitted to the Buildxng Divisio~n showfr.q compliance wir.h tho minimum sr.andar~s of tt-e City of AnAheim, in.cluding the Uniform Bu:ld~ng, Eloctrical, Mechanical anc] Fire Codes as adopted ~y the Ci.tp of Anaheim. The appropriate .pormits sh~11 be oblained far any aec~ss3ry work.. 2. Tha~ subjoct property shall bcs ci~-veloped substantially in accordanco w.ith plans and speci~ications submitted to the City of Anahefrn by thE~ pet~tioner an8 whic:h plan is or. file with the Plr~nninq Department m~rked Exhibit No. 1, provided, however, ~ht+t a landscape glan sr,owinq entranced laniiscaping sha~l be submitted to anU appr~vod by the Planninq Departmant prior to issuance of building permita: 3. That Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shell be c~mploted within a period of sixt}- (6Q) days from tho date of this rnsolution. * 4. rhat npproval of thi~ application con~titutos approval of tbe proposad requeat anly Lo the extent that it compliers with tho Anaheim Municipal 2oning Co~le and any othor apFli.cable City, State and Federal requlations. Approvat does not inc.lucle any aatio~i or findings as to complinnco or approval of the requo~t regacding any other appliceb~e ordinance, regulation ~r requirement. Conditlons markod wiCh an aaterisk (+~) are requirod by esCab,ishad larru, codes, reg+ilations and agreements and are not subject to iieqotia~ion. 8~ IT FiJR~'HER RES~JLVED that the Anahetm City P.lanninq C~.~mmiasion does hereby find and determine that a8option of chi3 Resolution is expressly predicated upon s~pplicant'~ compliance aith each and a11 of the con3itions hereinabove ~se~t forth. Shc~uld nny such r_ondltinns, or any part r_hereof, be 8eciared {nvalid or unenforce~ble by tl~e final judgnent of any court of competQnt jurisdiction, then this Resolution, anct any approvals l~erein containea, sha).1 be deumad nu11 ~nd voic]. -2- PC 89-258 I ~ _ . ., , . . . . v .~~.r~aarn - .n'~ .. . . , . r~,'~ . .,_~ v~ . ~ .,:{,..,,. .~r,¢,y .~S~i`GIY~~~ Y i~,.; ~u5:.i~1 ~u ,+ ,~.i..t,~, ~ ~.r<9'1;~~' ~f~~.' ~~ei ~ A,osr p,~,p~t - r!~ ~ 3 tl ''Y i~ K~ ~'° df ,~;~.~ ~,, ~' ",CN~'v~+~ 1~7~{Z 1'~?,~~gi~' ~1~'!"P~1 ~ o ,~ ta~ r ~~ ~u`^~S'p A, ~C 1 ~~~ . a . _ . .. . . ~ . .. ,. ~~~%:.f~:.~~1 :.t6.. ~ .l~''~A ~ ~ ~i~ F ~rr~r,1 i ~;,!}S ;` ~,f, ;; p TFiE FOItEG0IN0 R~SOLL'rIAN is signed anft approved by me ~}iis 23rd day ;~', of October, 1ggg~ "' -+~-fLr~:' c ..~ ' ~ '`'~ ~ ~ ~CHASRMAPI, ANAHEIri ~"'"~"""'~' ~ ~~~~ CI Y PLANNING COMMxSSION ;,; `' ..TTE5T; ~~ ,; . ~ r'y ---~ ~.= ~- • / `~ ~ ~,I'~~, LM _.t! , ! t; $ECREx1~R~C. ANh~HEIM CITY PLANNING ~ ''"' COMMISSI~N ;~. uTAT~ OF CAL•2FORNIA ) COUZdTY OF O1tANGE } ss ~ CITY OF 11N11H.EI14 ) i, Edith L• Harris, Secretaty of the Anaheim Clty Plann,ing Cammission, do l~ereb}• cert.if.y khar. Che foregoi.ng reselution waa pass9d and adoptecl at a meetinq of khQ Anah~im Citx Planning Ccmmis~i.on held on OChobor 23, 19p9, by thQ folloWing vat~ of the tnombars thexeof; ~Y~S~ COt~lISSIONERS: HERBST, BOYDSTTJN, :iELLYER, FELDHAUS, MC BURNEY. MESSF. ~, NORSs COMMISSIOl7F.22S: NONE ~B$~NT= COIrQriTSSIONFRSt BOUAS IN WITNGSS WHEREOF, J have hoz•~unto set my hanc~ this 23rd day af ' October. 2989. ; . _ ~ ~ . 5ECF.ETARY, ANAHgIM CiTy pT,A,qNxNG ~UMMISSION