Resolution-PC 89-26q .; w NJy,~,{~ ~F t~~i ~9~'Z~wal 4aq.~.Yt1+~~~riG1}f.4~, ,~F~1,( ~lf l~~.~ ti~n ~_~~5:. •~i.w~ ~.-~ .'Ik~yIJA~t~4~0.V~...{~i~';;t~i,Z~ti, r . ,r .i ~ i~~..t 1 c ;s~ . i . ~~.~I~'' h G. , , . ~ ~d~ ' ~~U` ti ~°1 I."Y't~~rsa9l"}~riF~,~~^ r ~'r~~ !li;",j' r ~'~~i "~s' Px `'r'~a . ' ~'~'`f1~ F R E~QL~I .T I QN NO ._~¢~Z~ A RESOLUTION OI' THE ANA~ILIM C~TY PLANNII~G COI~fIS5I0N THAT PGTITION FOR VARIANCG N0. 3884 EiE GRANTED WFII:REAS, khe An~heim City Planning Commissian di~1 receive a verified Pe~ition £or Variance From THOMAS P. MOTtG~;R Ar1D JANTCE MORG~R, 2365 W. Lincoln Averitie, AnahQim, CA 92$Ol, owners, and C.cI.M.M. CORPORATION, P.p~ SOX 487, Atwood, CA 92601, ~gent, oE cc~rta~.n real properry sit.ut~ted in the City nf Anaheim, Count;y of O:ange, State of Cnlifornia, describQd as follows: PARCEL 1: ' iHAT PORTICN OE THE SOUTH fiALI' OR 7'IiE NpRTHWEST QUART6R OF' THC SOUTHEAST QTJARTER OF S~C'TIOIJ 2T, TOWNSHIP 4 SOU'PE?, RANGE ;0 WEST, PAR7:GX IN TfI~. RANCHO LAS HOLSAS AND PAit l'I.Y IN TI3F. kANCHC SAN JUAN CAJON DE ' , SANTA ANA, IN :'.'HF CITY OI' AlJAHEIM, COUNTY Or ORANGG, STATF OF CALII•'ORNTi~, AS ;;T~ID SE:C~ION IS SHOWN ON A MAP REC.ORAED !N BOOK 51 PAGE 10 OF MISCELLAPIF,QU~ MI~PS. :[23 TIiE OF'FTCE OF TH~ COUNTY RFCO~DER QF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT TFIE NORTHWE5T CORN~R OF SAID SOUTFi HALF', THE2JCE ~OI1TH Q DEGREES 42 MINUTES 47 SECONDS °AST 200.O~J FF:GT ALONG THE WSST LINE OF' SAI~ SOUTH HALF TO THE TRUE POINT OF IIEGTNNIN~, THENCT: S(:UTH 89 DEC.REES 38 MI1dUTES 07 SE~ONllS EAST ~00 00 FEET PARALGFL TO ~ °~ THE NORTfi LINE QF SAID SOUTH HALF, THENCE NORTA 0 LEGREES 42 MINUT~S 47 SBCONDS WEST 200.00 F'EET PAf~ALLEL TO THE WE:ST LINE OF SATD SOUTfi HALF 10 THE NORTH LINE OF SAIU SOUTH HALF, THENCE EOUTH 87 ' r ~ lifiFES 38 MINUTES 07 5L''CONDS .^sAST, 95U. UO FFE7' ALO?IG SAIU NOI?TH LINE, T.iENCB SOUTH 87 AEGRECS 38 MINUT~S .' ' 07 SEf;OND5 EAST, 450.00 "r'EET A~,Qt•JC SAID NORTH LINE i , T~IENCE SOUTH U LEGRFCS 42 '~TNUTES 47 SECONDS EAST ~{ , 439.02 PFET PARA[.,LEL TO THE WF_ST LIME OF SAID SUUTFi ; HALF TO A LINE PARA:,LCL WITH AND DZSTANT 221.00 FE~T MEASURED AT RI~HT ~NGr,~S NOR'PH~'RLY FROM THE SOIJTH ~ LI:IE OF SAID NORTHWk;ST QUAt2TER OF TIiE SOUTHEAa^T 4U~\RTEIt JF SAID SECT70N 27, TH~:NCE NORTH 09 DEGREES 38 M.INU:CES 14 SEC02dD~ WEST, 450.00 FEET AI.ONG SAIU ; FAItAL~~EL I.INE, '1'HSNCE NOR1H 0 D~GREES 42 MTNi1TES 47 ? ~ SECONDS WEST 200.04 FEET PARALLF.f TO TliE WEST LZNE: OF SAID SOUTFI FfALF TO A LiNE '?ARALLF.L WITH A,ND DISTANT ; 2:i9.00 FEET, MFASUR~D A1' FtTr.t~T I~NGI,~:S SOUTItERLY FROM THB NORTH LINE OF SAYD SOUTH HALF, THENCE NORTH d9 ; UEGf2EES 38 ,INL'TES 07 5~CptIDS WEST 300.OU FBET ALOttG ~ SATD PARALLE~L LIN~ TU THE WEST LINE OF SAID Sf3UTH HALF, THENC~ NORTH 0 DEGRE~S 42 MlNU1'L•'S 47 SE~nP1D.~i ' WE5T 39.00 FGET TO Tii~ TItUE POINT QF BF.GINNItIG. 0642r _1~ PC89-26 J fr ~. x~ --- , ~ ,~ 9 ~rl I ~~~~ ~ PARCE[, 2: T.HE; rAST 4~0 , 00 I'EF.'.f UI' THAT PORTION UF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE N'OF2THCAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF 5ECTION ?.7, TOWNSHIP 9 SOUT~i, RANGE 10 WEST, PARTC,Y I1~ THE RANCHO LA.S BOLSAS AND PARTLY IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJO.N DE SANTA ANA, IN THE CITY QF ANAHEIM, CUUNTY pF ORANGF, ~TATE OF' CA.LTFORNIA, AS SAID SE;CTION Ta' SHOWN ON A MAP fiECORDCD ]:N BOOK 5]. PAGE 1~ AS PER MAP RECORDED, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDI:R OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBEI) AS FULLOWS: BEGINNING AT TFIE INTERSECZ'ION OF A L,:NE PARALL~L WITF( AND DISTANT 22.1 • 00 FEET MEASURED ,~T R•^HT ANGL~S NQR'PHBRLY FROM THE SOUTf~ LINF UF SAIp SO'JTH HALF WITH THE WEST LIN~ OF LO'P 7.4 OP' TRI~C1.' N0. 3127, A5 PER MAP RLCORI3ED IN BOOK 94 PACES 48 ,~ND ~9 OF MI,~',CELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFNICE OF TFIE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTX, THENCE ALONC SAID I'ARALL~~L LINE, lIORTH U9 AEGREES 38 MINUTES 14 SECONDS WFaT 679.77 FEET TU AN INTERSBCTION WIx~T THAT CBRTAIN CIIRVC IN T.HE NORTH L'INF: OF WILKEN WAX NF.AR TIiE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID WILK~N Y7AY ANL FlAR$OR HOUL~VARD AS SFIOWN ON :.~ATD MAP OF TRACT N0. 3127, SAID CUR4"E BGTNG CONCAVE TO THF, NORTHEAST ANU HAViNC A f2AD1US OF .15.00 FE~;T, R RADIAL f.INB TO SAID CURVE AT SAID INTEItSECTTON HAVING A BEARING OF SOUTH 21 DEGRG~S 24 MINUTES 08 SECONUS WE;;T, THENCE F.ASTERLY 5.51 b'EET ALUNG SAID CURVG T.U THE EASTERf,S! TFRMZNUS THERE~F, Tfi~.NCE EASTEH~,Y G75.9d FEGT AI,ONG THE VARIOUS COURSES IN TFiF NOkTHERLY LINES OF W.T.LKEN WAY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF TRACT N0. 3127, '10 THE SOU'i'ETW:;ST CORN~R OF SAIb LOT 24, THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREE:S 42 MINUTP;S 47 S~CONDS WEST, 9.00 FEET TO TAE TRUE POIN~r or BEGINNTNG. PARCEL 3; TIIE EAST i00.00 FEET OF TFiE NURTH 2O0.00 FEF.T OF THE WEST 3U(J.nO FEE'I Ar THAT PORTION Or TEI~ SOU.TH F~ALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TfiE SOUTHEAST QL'ARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSFIIP 4 SC'1TH, RANGE 10 WBST, PARTLX' IN THE RANCFIO LAS BQLSAS AND PARTLY IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON D~ SANTA ANA, IN THE CITY OF I~NAI3gIM, COL!?~JTY OF ORANGE, STA,Tb, QF CALIFORtJIA, AS SAID SECTTON IS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED xtt Ei00K 51 PAGE 10 UF MISCELLANF.OUS MAPS, IN THE OFFIC1a OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWE5T CORNER OF SAID ~OUTIi HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUART~R OF THG SOU~HEAST QUI~RTER Oc^ SECTIpN 27, THENCE SOUTH 39 DEGRE~S 38 MINUTES 07 SECONDS EAST, 371.25 FEET ALONG THE hORTH LILJ~; GF ST,IU SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWES't QUARTER OF TH~ SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 27, THENCE S4U1'H 0 DEGREES 42 MIt7UT~G 47 SECOQIDS EAST, 500.02 FEET l.LONG A LINE PARALLEL 1Q THE WEST LINE OF SAIA SOUTHEAST QUARTER 0~ SETTi021 27 TO A LINE PARALLEf. WITH A..~iD DISTAtJT 160.00 FEET MLASURIED AT RIGHT ANGLES PiORTHERLY qF. THG SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTiiWBST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTEFi OF SECx'ION 27, TH~;NCE NORTEI 89 DEGRECS 38 MINUPF,S 14 SECONDS WEST, 971.29 FGET ALONG SAiD PAkALI.CL LzllE TA S1lID WEST LINE OF SOUTHEAST QUART~R OP SECTIUli 27, THENCE NORTH 0 UEGREES 42 MINUTES 47 SECONDS W~Sx, 500.05 FEET hLONG SAID WES1 LINC OF THE S~~UTHEAST QUARTER 0~' SECTION 27 TO THE nOZNT OF f3F;GINNING. °2_ PC89-26 ~. . .. •~'~;_ i:' , i:` ~~ . . . . . . 1` ~.'. ~, ~ ~{Il \..~ f~M ; ::~ ,'i ,~ -~ i WHEREAS, ~hQ City Planning Commission did hold a publ3c hearing at t.he Ci.vic Center in the City oE Anaheim on AQCembe.r 19, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., notica of said public haaring having beon duly givon as required by law ancl in acr.c~rdazice with ttie provi~aons of. tho Anaheim MuniciQal Code, Chapter 18.03, to h~ar ~nd consifier evidence Eor and against said ~roposed vax•ianc~ and tio invostigate nnd make tindings ancl recommeridatiuiis in cannection therowith; and said public heAring was continuea to the moeting of Jan~xary 30, 1989; and WHER~AS, said Cornmi~sion, aftor due inspQCtion, invo~tigation and study maae by itsellC and in its beki~lf, and aPter due consideration ~f al.l. evidence and rop~rts offered at said hQarinc~, does Exnd and determine tho £olldwing facls: 1. ThaC tlio petitioner pr.oposes waive~s oE the tallowing to cor.str.uct a 2- and :~--story, 18 -unit apartment complex: (A) S~CTI4NS 16.34s~~2~,11 - t~~x•imum~~ructur~l_hFi h . an~i t8.34.062.].? (ParmitCed: 1 s,~orv ~ai_'-~h'z~'~ 150 feg~ oE R:-7200 zc•ning and 2 storiFS o~herwisa; Proposed: 2~ ori~.at 37 . an~ 15 fee~, and ~ etorie~.a~ 10 ,~n~l 7~,feet) (R) ~~ 'rt4~_1_~~ ~4~~? - M~xi i f~n~.~U~• ~n~ 1a •~~_iQ~g~21 (~_ ~~~ requixed adjacent to R5••72A0 zoning; Q fg~~ ~~roposad}2 and 3-stor.•y, 18•-unit 2. Th~1: the ubove-mentionnd waivers are hc~reby gran~ed on the basi5 *.hat therQ ar.e spc••::ial circumstances applicable tc the property such as size, shape, topograp}•.~, locatioxi anc~ surroundings which ao not apply to other id4ntic;ally zaned p:operty in tho same vicinity; and that striat application of the Zoning Code deprives L•he propQrty of privileges Rnjoved by other pi•oper~ies in tho idc~ntical zonc~ and classification in tho vicinity. 3. That there are oxcepti.onal or extraordinary ci.rcumstances or conditions applicable to t:hR propQrty involve~3 or to tho intenaed uso of the proporry thak do not appl~ generally tn the proZ,erty or class of use in the same v3cinity and zone. 4. That the requested variarsce is ziecessary for the pre~ervation and enjoym~nt of a sub~tant.ial proFerty right posse~sed by other propQrty in the samQ vicinity and zone, and deniQd to the proper~y in question. 5, That tlae roque~ted variance w3~11 i?ot bo materially derr5.menta], to tt~e publir welfare or injurious to the p:cpflrty or impr~vamAnts in such vicinity and zone iu which the property is located. 6. That three (3) pQrsoris indicated their prosence at said public heari.ng in oppositioii; ar.d that n~ corresponder,ct~ was rece3.ved tn opposi.~ion to subjRCt potikion. ';' -3- FC89-26 • ~:i '';; ~~ ~ ~;` ~,~i/'.'~, f :Y 5x,~. .., .... .. ~1 _ . ..... .: ~ .. .. . ..~ . i~1, . . .. . ~ r. ~'~~ . . .. ' ' r~1,i. . . . ,+~'r'di ~~ ~'. ~,'. f' 'AL' I~k~]I~1;NVi~~~11.AL OUAT,ITY AC'C FINDI.N~: ThaL the An~h~im City Planning Cammis~ion hr~s rraviewed t2io proposa.l to roc.lassify subject property from the CL (Commereial, Limitec~) ~one to the RM-].200 (Resident3al , , r~~~lcip.le-Family) or a lerss intonse zonP to construct a 2 and 3•-stpry, 18-uuit apertmont com~lex ~~ith waivers of maximurn structural height an8 mnximum fence ; '~-` h~ighl on a rectangular:iy-shaped p~~rcel of larid consisLinq of approximately 0.6 acrQ, having ~ f.r~r.~tage oE approximately 100 fe~t on the north sid~e oP Lincoln Avonue, having a maximum depth of ~gproximately 261. feet, being wocated approximately 220 feQt aast o£ the cenrerline ef Bel Ai.r Street and fur~her described as 2865 West Lincol.n Avenue; and does hereb~~ approve tkie Negative Declaration upon £inding L-hat it has considerod the Negat~ive Declaration toc~other with any comments received d~uring L-he public review ~roce:~s and furthor finc~itig on the basis oP the initial study and any comments received that tht~re is n~ substantial evidexice that the project will have a sign3Ficant ~ffec~ on thc~ onvironment. ~ NOW, TFiERErORE, BE :IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Ylanning , Commission i.ioas hereby grant subject Petit,iaz~ for Variance, upon the follorring conditions which are hereby founii to be a necessary prerequisite to ;; Fhe proposed use o£ the subject property in ordFr to preserve tho safety anci general wclFare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: ].. Tha~t prior to issuance of a bu.ildirig pQrmii:, th~ appropz•iate traffic signal as:,essment fee shall be paid to the City c,f. Anaheim in an amount as established by City Counci]. rc:solution. 2. That this Variance is granted subject to th.s adoption of. the 2onxng Ordinance in connec~ion ~oi.L•h Reclassificatioci No. 88-89•-26, now l~ez:c~ing, 3. That tho drivew~y sh111 be constructed with ten (10) foat ra3ius curb reLurnS, as required by t:he City Engineor. ' 4. That sewe: servzcQ shall be provided by the CiL•y o~ Buena Park. If Huena Park does not accopt the increa~c~d densit-y, the development may be sewered to the CiLy ~f Axiaheim s~wr~r c,n the south sid~ af Lincoln Avenue; providQd, however, that Anaheim's sewer on tha east s3de of nale Avenue Y , , north of L,incoln Avunue, shall b~j extended to Yale StreQt. ~; 5. That both spaces in each pair oE tandem parkzng spaces shall be ~ssir~ned ~o tlie same dwellinc~ unit. r 6. That gates sklall no~ be install~d acr~ss the driveway in a manner wtiich may adversely aff•ert vehicular traffic in tii~, ad'acent ' ] public street . Installation of any gat~s shall conform to ~he Engfneering Division' s Standar~ P].an No. 402 and shall be subject co the rRViaw and approval of the Czty Traf~ic ~ngineer. 7. That subject property shal:l be sorved by underqround utilities. 8. That fire spranklers ~ha.l1 be installed throughout the entar~ projec~ ~' , including the garago area, as reguired by tho City Fire Dapartment. ~ ' 9. That prior to commencemQ:it oE structural framing, a fire hydrant shall be r installc~d ar~d r;harged on the north s~de pf Lincoln Avenua within oue hundred (100) feet of subject property, as requfrad and approved by Lhe Ci.ty kiro Bepartmen~. e: .. 4~(1! A i'r 1"~?~,`.' s, ~ Nt~ ~T l •.7 :; . -' iry ._ .. , ,:. i,. . ._;. ~. .,.. . : ::~`q, . ~ r,~ . . . . ~~7 r~ t~ ~ ,. ' (~~ `:! . , . . . . , ' „1F tii H i fiy;,'tl!}Y`L;4kY!C . ,, F:::~~;~ w~,,. ~ ~r i i i i 10. That trash storage areas shall bc~ provirlec~ and maintained in a location acceptable to tkie Street Maincen~nce and Sanitation Division and in accordance with approved plans on file with said Division. In t~ddition, tlie traslt sLorage area shawn on Revisi~~n No. 2 oE Exhibit No. 1~thall be Qquipped with twu (2) sets of access door~ and sha].1 be provided with an acc~ss ramp to Lincoln Avenue at tha ~idth, .requirod by the StreQt Maintenanc.e ancl ;3~nitiation Division. 11. That prior to issuance of a hui].ding permit, appropriats park and rQCrea~ion i.n-lieu fees sliall be paid to the CiC~Y of Anaheim in an amount as determined by tha City Council. 12. That 1ra=nage of subject propQrty sha11 bs tlisposed of. in a m~nuer satisiactory to t~e City Engineer, 13. That all. lock.abls pedestrian and vehicu.lar access gates shall be egui~ped with a"kr.ox box" device an~~ dzgitally operated gah.3 opener, if raquixed by tkie City Fire or Police Department. lh. Tha,t all air . nditioning facili.tzos anQ oth~ar roo£ and ground mounted equipmenL shall be properly sh.ielded From view,, and t.he sounc~ buffered frr~m adjacent residential propertiss. 15. Tl.~at ~riar to issuance cP a building permit, satxsfactory evideiica shall be submitted to the Bui.lding Div.isi.An showing that the proposed project :is in con£oz~mance wi.tk~ Council Pclicy ~iumber 542 "Sound Attenuation in [tQSidential Projects" and wikh roise Insulation 3~andards specified in thf; Galifornia Admir.istrative Cocle, Ti~le 25. 16. That an eight (8) toot high slumpstoz~e wall shall be construc~ed and maizitained al~ng the norCh proporty line and thaL- a six (6) foot high ma:.;onry blcck wa1~. shall be cons~ructed aaci maintained alonc~ the west proparty li.ne excepting the front setback where the wal~. height sha11 not exceed three (3) feet. 17. 'rhaL- minimum fi£reen (15) gallon trees plzntod ~n minimum ten (10) foot ca~nters, i.ncluding appropriatie irrigntion L•aczlx~.igs, shall be installec~ ~~nd maintain~d along the north property lino; provided, 2:owever, that 1•rrior t~a i~suance Uf ~:1 building permiL• , tho petitioner sha11 obtai.n the adjacen~ neighbors, a~.id city'~ concurrence with speci.fxc rreos to be plantecl. 1.8. That subject propc~rty sha11 : de~.-•7oped substanti~lly in accordance with plans and specificats.ons on file witli ~~_ ~• City r~f Ana.,eim marked Revision Na. 2 of Exhibzt Nu. 1 and Reviszon N~~. 1 of Exh.ibit No. 2 pravided, howevor, thar the barb~que facilities shali be relocated out oE the ' required rear setbacl~. ;r ': 1). "i'hat prior to issuance of a buildi.ng permit, or taithin a period of. one (1) I-ear fror:~ the dat•e of this resolution, whichever occurs firs~, '' Conditic~n I3os. 1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 15, and I'~ above-mentioneci, shall be complia~l with. Extensions for furthor time ro complete said conditione ~` may be qranted in accordanrQ with Sectiun ia.03.0~0 of- the Anaheim Municipa]. Code. -5- PC89-26 ~ •:s -' ,r . ~ .~.~. ~ +~~, t~: . ~ ''' i i',~~? tiv~'ilE~`t1; , ~ Sih tr~j {,, i ?, t? i 20. 'rhat prior ta fin~l building and zoning inapections, Conditior. Nos. 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 19~, 16, 1.7 and 18, abovo•-mentioned, shall bQ com~,lipd with, 21. That apprnval c~E Cl request only to thP Zoni:ig Coae and any i.nclude any actior~ r~quest regardxng requ,irement. iis applicat-io:i consCitutes approval of the prc~posec7 extent that it complies with the ,Anaheim Municipal other applicable City regulations. Approval does not or Eindings ~s to compliance or approval u~ the any ot•her app:licable orclinance, regulation or B~ I'P I'URTH~;R R~SOLVCI) tihat the Anaheim City Planning Cpmmissiun does her.eby ~'ind and determine that adoption af this Resolut~on is expressl~ predicatecl upon applicant's comp].ianae rrith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set £orth. Should any such conditions, or ar.y p~rt thereof, be declared invalia or unenf.~rceable by the final judgment of any caurt of cumpetont jur.isdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein containeci, shall be deemed null au~ void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 30~h clay of January, :1989. : , -~ i ~~ ~ .~',, . ~-.~.c~r . _ . iv ff ~.l-,~yC"i'''7 C:HAIRWOMAN~~HEIM CITX PLAZI~IING COMMISSION .~ ~,TTEST: • ~' J - - `"' -~-- ~~ . SECRETA Y, ANAHF~M CITY PLI~NNiNG COMMIS520N STkTE 0~' CALIF~RNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 5s. CITY OI' AP?AHE.iM } 7, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of L-Yie Anaheim City Planning Commission, uo horeby certify that the foregoing resolution was p~ss6d and adopted at a mQeting o£ the Anaheim City Planning Co-nmission held on January 30, 1989, by r.he followina vote o~ the members thereof: AYE:S: CQMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, 9~YDSTiJN, CAI2USILLO, FELDHAUS, TiERHST, MC BIJRIJ~Y, MESSE NOES: GOMMISSY02dERS ~ T'OP7E ABSENT: C;OMMI~SIQNER"; NONE IN WIT1~~Su P~HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 30tY~ day of January, 1989. ..l~~.., ' - SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CIT:~~F'LANI~ING COMMIS5ION h r ''` '6' PC89-26 ~.