Resolution-PC 89-261~; ~ ' ,~iv~~ FtESOL[JT:[Qt1 N0. PG t19-261 ~~ A RESOLt1TI0h OF TIiE ANAFiLIM CI'lY. PLANNING COMMI~SION Rf;COMMENDTNG TO TH~ CI'CY COUNCIL AnOP'TTON UF u"CNERAL PLAN IaMENDMFNT NU. 260 - HOUSTNG ELEMENT. UPDATE WHERE;AS, Lhe C.icy Council oL• the City of Anahc~im did adort the Anaheim Goneral Ylan by Resolution rro. ti9R-644, showing thf3 goneral descripL•i~n and exLent of land use? wiY.hin lhe Ci~y, and WHEREAS, tYie Cit•~'s curren~ Housing ~lement was adopted by the City Counc:il on June 19, 1~J8n, ana subsequently cerCified by the CaliEu~nia De~artment ot Fiousinc~ anci Community DE:volopmen~ (FICD}; and WHG~tEAS, State guidelines pursaant to Govern~nent CodQ Sectiori 65588 (b)(1) atate: "The housing elemont• shazl bQ revised as ~ppropriate, but not less than Pvery tive ye~rs, to reflect the res~xJ.ts of Lhis pe:iodic revisw"; and WHEREAS, the Planning Uepartment deemed it appropriate, pursuant to ~he provisions oF. the Califoxnia Environment~l Quality AcC, that thera are no siyn.ific~nt ~nvironmental impct5 and ~•ecammended that a Negative Ueclaratioxi be approvEd; and WHBc~EAS, thQ City Planning Cornmission did liold a pvb'lic hearing at the Civic Cente: in the Caty of Anaheim on October 23, 1989, 1:30 p.m., nokice cf said L:ublic hearing hav.ing be:en duly given as required by la~v and zn accordance witli ~he provision~ oE ~he Anaheim Municipal Code. Chapter 1R.03, to hear atid consider eviaence for and agains~ said proposed general plan am~ndmenr and to investigate and mafce findings a~id recommendations in connection therewith; and sai~~ pF.tition was cozitii~ued to a special continued meeting oci OcL-uber 30, 1989; and WHEREAS, sai.d Cu;nmission, after ciue inspection, investigation ~nd study made by itself ar~d .in its behalt, and 4L•ter due consider~hion of all ' ~vidonce an~3 reports offered at saia hearing, does find and determina Che , foll~wzng facts: 1. That t2ie proposc~d amendrnent will replace the existing Housing Elemer~t of the Goneral Plan. 2, Thar_ thQ document describes the current status aF housing in Anar.eim, reviews the City's accomplishmonts in obtain.ing the ~bjgctives sat forth iri tk~e ].984 Housing Sle~r,ent Update, provicie~ an overview of khe housing market as it re~aCes to pQpulation ancl housenold trerlds; aasessc~s the Citl's existing anii futuro housing nesds and dis~;usses both go~ernmenta]. and non-oovernment;al constraints to meetiny the identitied needs. y1129r ~~ PC 89-Z61 ~~ ~:~ ';~ ;i ;::s , .. ...t._.~r?~~' ~~ r~ ~ ~ ~,~,; , 'r~~~,~tlry,s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ a ~, ~,i~fi f ~~ ~,'~~ ,~I ~ ,~ ,~;, F 1 ''' 3. That the Amendmont d.escribes tho goalr, policies and programs which tha C3.ty intends to implement dur.ing Cho next flve years sa as to .improve oxistinR hnusing conclitions, where appropraatU, and to continue ro proviclQ a broad spectrum of desirable housing, ^ NOW, TH~REE'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahaim City Plannfng Commission h~.s reviewed the proposed Goneral Plan Amenciment and In3.tia1 Stud•~ and Einas no aigiiificanl environmental impaars ancl c3oes horeb~~ approve a Negative Declaratiox- on the ba~is that it has con,idered L•ha proposed Negativc~ Declara~aon i:ogeLher with any comments receivod during tha public reviaw pracess and further finding, on tha basis of the initial stu~ly and an~ comments receivecl, that h.hero is no substlntial .:vi~ence h.hat the uenoral Plan AmenQm~nt ~.~pda~inq the FIousing Element ~+~i11 h3ve a sicJnificant effoct on L•he environmeiiL- . 1r HE TT FURTFiER fiESOLVED th~t pursuant to the fore~oing findings, the Anahezm City Planing Commission does hereby recom:nend ~ha~ the rii:y Council ~dopt Goneral Flan Amen~imor.t No. 260 (Th.e 1989 Housing Llement U'pdate) as ~unended. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed ai~d approved by me this 30th day of Octobcr, 19f1y. ~--7~,;,^ ~'a / ;%lG~,,G•(.'~,;~ ;~ ~ ~ !~t,~- ~-===-- ~-----t s~~ CHAIR4i0M Pl, ANAFiEiM CITX l~t•1NINC CGbIIriISSION AT7' G S'?' : ~ ' Qf~.c.-~~ ,~ .-~.~.lt...~-, SLCRETARY, ANAHEIDf CIT'Y P1:ANN7NG COMMISSION STA:L'E OF i:ALTFO('NIA ) COUKT.1 UE ORANGE ) ss. CIT`! OE ANhIiEIM ) I, Edith L. Har~is, Ser:~.•e~ary oL• the Anahoim City Planning Commission, do hereLy corhify tll~t the Eoregoing resolutiu:~ was passed and adopL-ed aC a special continued meetir~g oE the Anaheim City P].anning Cammission held on Uctober 30, 19L9, by Lh~ following votQ of- L•he mEmbers ~her.eoE: AYES: CONII~iISSI~NERS: BAXDS'~IJlT, FiELLYER, FELL~HAIJS, MC BURNEY, MESSE NOES: COh44iSSTONERS: NOP]E ABSENT: CUMMIS5IONERS: BOUAS, FiEEtSST, IN W'iTNESS WHEkEOF, I have hareunto sel- my 2~anc? ttiis 30th clay of October, 1984. /~'`~'~ ti, ~=; ~EC4tF.TARY, ANAH~TM CITY' PI,ANNING CGMMISSION ,~ ,F ` ~~ -2- PC 89-216 " ,;f ., ~~;, ~ ;., ;'~. ~~1'~~~~£~ !" - . ' . - . , , ~ _ _ . . . r . .~ ~ LiY ~ . ..:}l. . . . " . ~ . . ' . . . . . ~ .