Resolution-PC 89-268~r'~i ;;. ~1 ~i '(b;~~ i~d~~'„i? Ir.:{ ti i ~ ~ ~.~ . ~ ~i'~d tc1~ IhqiJ ~ ~~. i~!v, \'"t~1i~i i 1r:~~~ ~ ~ _ ~ ' . '~~: i -. ' ~ 1 ~ i"~ '~~~ p. i~ ~ ; ~ d r~' ~I Jy1~YlA~v ~Sf~~~~! ~.~, ~~~ ~lft~'.~ ~~ ~~ ~~; R ~4~.u~L-~C-~Q~--~.4.-.~.~ II A RESO~UTION OI' THE I~NA(;~IM CYTY PLA,VNINTG COt~tISSIGN ADOPTING ANU RECOMML~NL~ING TO THE C.TTX COUNCTL ADOPTION QF GENERAL PLAN AMENllMENT *10. 267_1 hrHGRFAS, the City Couiicil of t;he CiL•y oi Anaheim did adopt tgR AnakiQim G~ner.al Plan by Roso'lut.ioyi No, 6gR_644, shoWin description and oxtent oP possiblo future d~velopmen't w3tk~in the ,:iryf an~nQra1 WHERCAS, pursuant to ~s Planning C~mrnission requr~~t f.or an amend,nent to the I,~nd Use Eyetnont of the General Plan, in conformance wirh Sections and of the Anaheim Municipal Code, staff prepared a Genezal Plan Amenclment to reilesign~tQ ~rom the axisting Mddium .Dansity Res.idenkirtl designation ~o a Low-Medium Den~.ity Re~ident3.a1 deaignntion for the s~udy arac~ consisting uf approximately 3.6 acres generally bounclod by Cypre3ss StreeC to the north, Re~h Streer, to thc Ltncoln AvonuQ to the south and Cit•ron StreeC to thes w~ecathe includi ~r~h'~o~f tour. properties on the sout?:et~st corne~ of Chartre~ 5treet and Resh S~reet, liaving combi:~od appxoximate f'ronl•,acJes aF 1?5 geQt on ~he south side of ChGrtres Street anc] 17G fee~ ~n rhQ ~a5t gicle o~ Resh Street, Study Area lj a~~ WHEP.EAS, tho .Plann.ing Department deemc~d ik appropriatg, pursuant t~ the provisions ~f the California Envir~nmentaY Quality Act, tha~ there are no signific:ant r~nv3ronmenta: impMCts a»d re~commendod that a Negative beclaration be appr~~vedi and 4'vI3EREA5, the Anaheim Ciry Plannanq Commission did h~ld a public hearinq at tlie Anaheim Civ.fc Center, Council ChFUnber, 200 ~outh Anaheim Boulevard, on Novembor 6, Z9a9, at 6:00 p.m „ nottce of aaid public haaring hsving been duly givRn as require~ by law ~nd in accordance with the provision~ of t:he Anahoim Municipml Code, Co ht~ar and c~nsider evidence for and against said General Plan Amendment and to investigate and make findi.ngs and recommendat.ions in connectaan ther~with; and WHEREi1S, sa.id Commi~;sion~ after duo considc~ration, inspect;on, inve;sCigation and oruciy mado hy itself, and after due consider.ation of all evidonce and reparts offered aL• h~ari.nq, DOES HEREFiY FIND; 1. That due to City Council end Planning CORUTi.19g;on concerns ro~arding multiplQ-family reBidential devRlopment in l~naheim, ~ phased work pl~n was developod which included, in part, an anaiysis o~ areas designated as Medium Density ltesiduntial on thd Genoral Plan, as well as those areas zoned RM-1200 wASt of St~te CoTlege Eioulevard to the wescern City l.{mfts tp detc~rm~ne lt~ncl uae ~ncons3str~ncies, 2• That staff c.onducted n cletailec7 ana;yais o.f the Gener.al Plan Geuiynations, zoning and land u~Q and idQnCit'ied 30A acros on which fnconsi3tor.r.ies exisE botween land us~s aad the General Plan deIIignation nnd/or. zoning. 3• Tha re thQ Anaheim :sub;joct area f.or N1I30r ~ evidencR pres~ntad subsPAntiato~ tho need for sn amc+ndmenk Gen~ral Plan and that Exhibft '~ be adopted r.odesignating Low-Medium Aensity Residential laad uses. •1- PC8~1-268 ;~!~k~ .'} 'P ~ti1~.l~~''1 `a' ~~~i+ ,'" ~ ~~''~{3! ~~'; l~,~l 4°~~94(~~ 1 ~' e ) ' ?: t , ~ ~ .. . . . ~.1`. , ~ ~ ~~ '~, l~~}y . . ~'~ h ~ ~~ ( ':~~ri ~ q ~~~~~~ , ;1~ d.y.f:~ ;. ~. ~-A~~-~~~I~K~~~T~.~._9.~~~.~.~~ ~tT__FxNDINGS~ TY1Fit; thE? Anah~lm Cit'* Plaiin.ing Commis:~ian has rev,~ewed thq proposal to amen6 thr~ Land Use E'lement of the General Plun to change tl~e curr.~nt dc~sign~it3on of Mediwri Densi,ty kes3denti~l designation ~o Low-~Ma~ium Density Fesidont.i.al land use~ on approxa.matoly 3.6 acres generally bounded, by Gypr~as SY.r~ot to the north, Rasti Street to the east, tihe allsy narth of Lincoln Avenue to the south and Citron Street to the westt including th~se four pr.~~perties on the aou~heast corner. o£ Chartres Street aYxd Resh Streat, having ap~,roximato frantacYes of. 1zS Fec~t ~n the souCh side ot Chartres Street and 176 foc~t on the east side oE Resh Streett ancl d~es therefore approvo tlie Nogative Aecl~ration on the bas:t;3 t;,bt i~ has considered the propo~ed Negat.ivs Declt~ration together with any commenEs rece:Ived durlnr~ the puk~lic reviaw proc~ss and further Finding on the basis of the Initial Stud~ ancl any comments receive3 khat there ia no siibstanti~l evidc~ncQ tha~ the project wi:l.l have a significanh. effect on the Qn~r3.ronmenL•. NOW, THGREFOR.E, BE IT RGSOI.VED, that pursuan~ to the above findings, the Anaheim City P.la~ning Commissi~n doos h~roby adopt and recommend to thc City CGUTIC~1 of r_he City of Anaheim adoption of ~en~ral Plan Amouc'lment No. z67-? - Land Use Elemont -~,siiibiL- A, rede3iyual:inq subjoct area for T.ow-Modium Density ReaiclQnt~.31 land uses. THE I'GREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approvec: by me this uth day of Nc~vember, 1989. % _~.~ ~~ - " ,~" ~J / ~~J~~..-~lV~~i~. ~t~•/ CHATRWO PRU TEMPORE ANAHEIM CI7'Y PLANN2NG CUMMISSIOtI ATTESI'; ~~ ~ ~~~(~`~''.. ,~ ~t~Lw~ SECRETARX, ANAHEIM CiT`1 P ANN~NG C~MMISSIUN STATE 7F CALIFOR~IA ) COUNTY 0(' 012ANGE ) ss . CITX OF ANAFIEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Sec~QL•azy of th~ Anahaim City Plannfnq C,ommission, do hc~cebp certi.fy that tho faregoing resoluti~n was passe~d and a(lopted at a meeting ot the Anahe.~m Ci~y F?lannfnq Commission held on I3ovember 6, 1986, by the followinq vate of the mombezs thQreof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: 80UAS, $OYDSTUlt, FBLD.FiAUS, HFLLYER NiC DU~NFY, MESSIi N4ES: COI~4dISSYON~RS: c10tiE A~SENT: C~tdMISSIC`NEfiS: HER9ST IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t havti+ hereunto 3et my hand Chia tith (lay of November, 1989. ~il 4 ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ` sTARY, ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING/ C~N~4tISSION -2- PC $9-26a ~ ~ ,'~, ~, ..~ :'ax ; ~.~ d~ :'.,:_,y: