Resolution-PC 89-27~ < t, ,°!,'~~~~ ,~.;,; , ,~~ ,, ~ ~ ~~ ,;t,~r. RE~QLUTION Id0 • PC,~~2'/ ;;~', ,.. A RESOGUTI(?N UI' THG ANAHETM CITY PLANN?NG COMMISSTON THAT PET.iTION FO:: VARIANCE Nd. 3888 SE GRANTEll WHERE~S, the Anaheim Czty T'lanning Cammis~ion did receive a veritisd Petit.ion for Variance From CHkISTOPHEl2 M. GORCORAN, 402 S. 01ive Street, Ana2ieim, CA 92805, owner, and ALIIRE7,A TABESH, 2030 E. 4th S~reet, Suite 1U0, Santa Ana, CA . Ageiii:, of. certain real prop~rty situated in the City aE 1,~ ~im, Couni:y of Orange, ~~tate of ~aliEornia described as: LOTS 5 ANI7 6 IN BLOCK A OF THE LAIRD SUBDTVISIbN, IN THE CITY OP' AN~iEIM. CbUNT`l Ok ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFURNIA, AS PER bSAP THk:R~OF RECORll~D 7N $UOK 6, PAGE 12, OF' MISCGLLANEOUS b4APS, RECORDS OF SAID OFtAN6E COUNTY. ~~ WHERET,S, the City Plann.ing Co~nmission clic! hold a public h~aring at kho Civic Center i.n the City of Anahei.m on ,7anuary 4, 1989, at 1:30 p.m. , notice of saic~ public hearing having bePn duly given as requirgd by law and in accozdance with the provisions of L-he Anaheim Municipal Cade, Chapter '18.03, to hear and con~ider evidence for ~.nd agai;~st said propased variance r~nd tc investigate and mak~ find3.ngs ~nd re~commenclations in connection therewith; and, wherea.s, said pu.blic heari~r.tJ was continued to the meeting of January 30, 7 89; and WIiEREAS, said Comrnissian, after due inspection, investiga'tion and stud~ maclo by it,elf and in its bellal.f, and afrex due cor-szd~ration oE atl ewidence and reports offex•ed at said hearxng, does iind an8 determine the f_ollpxing £acts: 1. Tha~. the petitioner proposes r:ai.vers oF the following to construct a 3-stozy, 4-unit apar~merit building: (A) Sr 7'I~N 1R,~4~Q¢7.~01Z - M~.xim~ ~u~t_ural heiqYi`. (2~tor•i.n~^. pQrmitY.ed; ~tori. proposed) {B) ~E TION 18.34.Ofi2 O2~ - Maxa.mum_l~t covqra e. 5~ permitted; ~Q proposec3) (C) SECTiqN 18._~4 :Qf3_,_Q2~ - Minimum ,~hr~~ ural ~t~i c~s~n~__y_~. (, feet required along north pro~erty line; none proposed) 0643r -1- PC89-•27 =t -r. ,~ 1~~~~~ •:~.'f,~(I . ~ . . ~'''nS.P . ~:..~~~17 ' '~'';~:a~ .,..: ..~-.... .,. .T ., i. ~. . .. ~ ... .. i . .. . . , . : ~ ~ ,' ~ , . . . . ~ . ,. . ~ . . , i ,/~:'~ ~ , ,r:)j i,x}7i:iilz~f`rt ~~ ~._` .. '':' ' ;1 ;~ ~L~ft .IYdl'!N ~~ ~~r~r~n . jt~~'~ 1SH4 L~ 1' N'~1~ ~(. ~T: ?.. That the above-mentianecl waiver~ arc: hereby granted on the bas3s that there are specia:l. circumstai,ces applicable to the property such as size, ~:' shape, ~opography, 'location and surroundings which do not applx to ather i:•.' itlontically zoned property in the same vicini.ty; and that strict application !'° oi• the Zoriing Code deprives the property oP privilegas Rnjoyed by other praperties in thQ identical zone and classification zn tb.e vicir~iCy. 3, That there are excenti.onal ox extraordi.nary circums~ances or conditions applicable to ttie property involvod or to the intended use of tk~e property that d~ .~ct apply generally to the properL-y or class of use in Che same viciniL•y and zone. 4. That the requested va;rianca is necessary for the proser~ration '""' and erijoyment of a substantial property riqht possessod by other proparty in ~ the same va.cinity and zone, and denied tu the property ir~ question. ~'' 5. Tha.t the requested variance wi11 not be materiall~ detrimental '~~,• to the public wnlfare o.r injurious to the proper~.y or improvemQnts in such ~":! ~ vic:initp and ~one in whi~h the property is lecated. ;~.; ~ ' . . 6. That no one indicated l-.hei: presence at said public hearing in } i.~ npposition; ~nd that n~ correspondence was received in op~osition tu subject ~..; ~ petil:ion, < ~ ,°,~ _CAL"1'F RN'IA ENVII20NMFNTAC, QUAT~ITY ACT FINDIN : That the Auaheim City Planning Commission has roviewed the ~ropo~al Lo construct a 3-st:ory, 4-•unit urith waivers ot maximum structural heigk-~., maximum ldt coverage and structural setback and yard xequirement un a rec~angularly-shaped parcel o£ land cons.isting oF approximately 0.15 acre ~~aviny a fror~tage of approximately 50 ~~et on the east side of Oliv4 Str•eet, having G maximum depL•h of approxi:nately '133 feei:, bein~ located approximately 450 fe~t sauth of the centerline of Broadway and f~xrther described as 402 South Ol~ve SLr~et; and does hereby approve the 2~~gative DEClaration upon findixig t~.at it 2~a~ considerecl the Negative Doclaration togethor w~th ar.~y comments receivad during the public review FrocQSS ~.nd further Einding on the basis af the i~.iti~l study and any commeni:s received rhat there is no substantial evidence thal• i:l-.e nroject wil.l have a signiE~caxik eEfect on *.he environment. N~W, TFiEP,EFORE, IIE IT r E:SOLVED t~Yiat the Anaheim City P:lanning Cc~mmission does hers'~y grant subject Peti.t.ion fox• Variance, upon the fvllowing conditions ~a ~ch ar.e hereby found to be a necessar,y prerequ3.s?.te to rhe proposec~ use oF the subjach pr•operty in arder to preserve the safety and general welfa.re of Y.he CirizQns oP the City of Anaheim: 1. Tha~ prior to issuance of a builciing parmit, the appropriate traffic signal assessmer~t fse sha11 be pa.id to the City of AnaI~eim in an amount as establishecl by City Council resolution. 2. That the 1egu1 owner. of subject pzo~eY•tx sha11 irrevocably ofter to dedicate to the Gity af Anah~im a strip oE land thirty tw~ (32) feet in width £rom the centPrlan~ of ~he street along ~live Street for street widening purposes. -2- pC89-27 ;~ ;~ ~~""1 ,1~'r9, r` ~:~ ~I ~I 3. That the driveway shal]. be constructecl wit2i ten (10) foot r~dius curb rJturn~ as requirod by the City Er,gzneer. 4. ThaL- prior *a issuance of a building per.mit, a cash payment shall be made to the City o£ Anaheam £or l:he cost o£ removal of exish.ing street i.mprovements along Olzve StreQt and recoristruct-ion/construction ai• fu11 s*_reet improvertienLs at the ultimate locatxon. 5. ThaL• c~ates shal.~. not be installed across any driveway in a manner wh:ch may 3dvorsely a[fect vehicular. traffic ir. th~ adjac~nt public ~treer. ?nstallation of: any gates shall conform l•o tha Engireering Di~~isiqr~'s Sl-andGrd Plan No. 402 and shal7 be subject ta ~he revic~w and approval of ~he City Tra~fic Engineer. 6. That a parking plan indicating compliance with Cit~r parking desig•n standards shall be submitted to and approved by the City Traffic 5ng.ineFr. 7. That a~ire flow tes~ of the wai;er system to do~.armine adoquate watEr pressure ~ha1.l b~ conducted, as required by L-he City Water Eilgineering Division, 8. Thz~t streei: lighting facili~ies along Olive StrPet shall be inst~lled as r~~uirec~ by the Utili.ties Gener.al Manager in accurdance with specifzcations o.n f:.le in tha Office of Utilitios General Manager; ax that secur.ity in th.e fcrm of a boiid, certificate of de~osit~ letter oE credit, or cash, in an am~unt and form satisfar.tory to Ch.e City of Anaheim, shall be posted with the City '•o guarantee the satisfaa~ary completion of the abave-mentioned i.mprovements. Saiii socurity 3h.all ~e post.ed with tne City of A.naheim prior to i~suance of a building permit. The above-zequired imp~ovem~nts shal]. be i.nstallod prior to occupancy. 9. That a£ive (5} foot wide public ukility easemexit alc~ng ths east property line (a.lloy) shall k~e dedicalec~ to the City of Anaheim, as required by the City El.ectrical Fngineerinr~ Uivisian. 10. That the proposod building shall be located a minimum of ~welve (12) feet uncl~r or s.ix (6) feet radial From th~ power lines along tho easl• property lin~3, as requir~d by the City Electrical En.gineerinq Divisz~n. 11. That a f.eo shall Ue paiQ to the City of Anaheim for tree planting along Qlzve Straet in an ~mount ~.s e~ta~lished by City Council resolution. F~ 12. That prior to issuance of a buildina permi~, appropriate Yark and ~~ ~, r.ocreation in-lieu f~es shall be g3id to the City of Anaheim in an amount 4`i as determined by tne City Council. ~`; 13. That hoth spaces in each pair uf tanclem parking spaces s:~all be assigned to the ~ame dwelling unit. '14. That drainage o.f subject propert~• sha11 Le disposed o1' in a m~nner 1•~ s~tisfactory to the City Enc~ineer. ~ . g: ' ' ~; , 15. That subject properL•y stiall be ~ervQd by und~rqround utilities. ` -3- PC89-27 i. ; . ~: ,,'''.u ;:;.: ' :,"a~ ~,. h ., ., .. •'1 ~ ) r } ti i .`'~ri !.t ~~ ~ r} ~/;lNj }y1 `'~y~v`.,~i! ~ . . . . . . . , . R..~~..I ~ '' ~'~~ ~~ IY aV`'f .. . Ft " '~ :L6. Tliat trash storage ar•eas shall be provided and rnaix~taix~ed in a locatian accepY.able tu the Street Maintenance and Sanita~ion Divzsion aY~d in accordance with approved Plans on filc~ wi~h said Division, 17. T.hat prior to final building and zoning inspections, "No parkang far streeL- sweeping" signs shall be installed as required by the Street Maintenanr.e and S~nitation Divi.si.on and in ~ccordance with specificati.ons on file with Said divisior~. 18. That the ren*~~- of each ~es3.dential dwelling unit shall be provided with writ~en inL•ormation concerning Anahe.im Municipal Code Section 14.32.500 pertaining to "Pzrking restricted to Facilitate st~•eet sweeping". Such writ:¢en infoi•m~tion shall clearly indicate when or_-str.eet ~arkYng is prohibited and l-.he penalty fur violal;ion. 19. 7'h~t all air conditior.ing facilit'.es and other rooF and groiind mounted ~quipment shall be prop~rly shielue.i from view, and the sound 2auffered fr~m adjacent residential properties. 20. That grior to issuar.eo af a building permit, ;;aticfactor~ fvidsnce shall be r~r.esented tu the Bu?.lding Division showing that the proposed project is in conformance with. Council Policy Number 542 "SpL't :i ALten,iation ixi Ro,sidenti~l Prujectis'~ and witki Noise InsuYation Standards speci~iad in the Cal.ifornia bdmi.ni.S~~r.ative Code, Tit~e 25. 21. Th~` prior to i,suance uf a buildinq permit, the l~:gal property owner ~ha11 prepare an~; recora an unsubordinat~d covanant limi;-.inc~ occupancy of aar.h apartment unit to no more than two (2) persons (otlier. than c;hildren unde~.r ttie age of twn (2) yQars) ~er beuro~m, Said limita~ion shall be i.ncluded in each lease/rental agreement. A copy of the covenant sha11 be submitted to ~nd a~proved by the City ?~ttorney prior ta recordation, A ~~py of L-he recarded covenant shall be turnished to the Zoning Division, 22. That a covenant sha11 be recorc~,~d aqreoinq to provide the renter of each dwelling unii: with writYen informakion obtained from the School Distric;t(s) pe:taining to p~ssible avercrowded conditions and l.~using skatus o F the sr.hool ( s) ~erving the dwel],ing unit:, 23. That subject property ;~hall. be developPd substantially in accordance with plans ancl spQCifi.cations ~zi file with the City of Anareim mar'sed Revision No, 1 of Exh.ibit Nos. 1~h~:ough 4, and Fxhibit No. 5. l4, rhat prior to issuancc~ of a buildin~ perrnit, or within a period of one ~ 1) year £rom the date o£ th5.s resulu~ion, wliichever occurs first, Condition Nos, i., 2, 4, 6 thr.ough '12, lci, 2p, 21 and 22, above-mentioned, shall be com~lied wikh. Extensions r~r furtlier time to complete said cnnditions may be granted in accordance with Section 1t3sU3.090 af the Anaheim Munscipal Code, „~' r :; 3j ~ ~ i ;i ~. i 25. That prior to final building and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 3, 8, 14, 15, l;, 19 ana 23, above-mer~tioned, shall b~ complied wi~~. ~4 PCH9-27 ~~; ,~~ ~v~ ., , . ~; . ,.., " ~ ~. :~( _ ~ ~ ~ . ' , . . ~ i. ~ `1 ~~ __-_ ~ . ~ . ,.. .:i.J i~.y,a(~.~; ~ ~ ~ i i n„iy ; i. 2b. That approv~i of ~his npp.lication constitutes approvttl oE the propose~ request only to tha ext:ent ~hat it complies with tho Ai-ahei.m Municipal 2oning CodE and any other applicable City regulat.ions. Approval does not includ~ any action or find.ings ns ta compliance or approvs~l at tho requesL• reqz~rding any ~~thor applicable or~i3.nancA, regulation or roc{uirement. BE IT FURTHER RGSALVFD t.h~t tho Anaheim City Planning Commission doQS horeby finc3 and d.~termino thaC ac~;,ption raf r~.~is kesolution is expressly nredicaLed upon app],icant's complfancQ with each r~nd all of tho Conditions }i3reinab~ve sot forth. Should any ~uch conditions, ~r any part ther~of, bo cleclared invalid or. unen£orce~ble by tha final judgmenL of any courG of comgs~eiit aurisdic.tion, tn~n this Resolutioti, and any approvals herein cUntainQd, shall be deemed null and void. THL FOREGOING RESOLUTION i.s sirned and approved by me this 30th day of January, 19a9. . , /,' ! „ t. ~_~w~l~ ~ ~~~~~% .~ //l~'r•J~f'17 CiiAIR~ZUAiAN,~tl-N1,HEIM (;ITY *?LAi1tIItIG COh'AtISSI0t7 ;~ AxTEST: _`.~ .-------~ / . SECRETARY, A?IAHEIM CITY F LA2INING COt~SISSIdY STATE QE CALIFORNIA ) COUNTX 4F ORANGE ) a:. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~dith L. Harris, Secretary af Y.he Anahaim City Planning Commissi~n, do herehy cer.L•ify that t.he furegoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meQting oP tho Anaheim City P1~ni-inq Comrnission hg2d an January 30, 1989, by the followi.nq vote of the members ther~of: AYES: CUMMISFiIONERS: DOUAS, flOYDS'PUN, CARUSYLLO, FGLDHAIiS, HF.RBST, MC BURNEY, MESSE tIOES: COW~fLSSIUhERS: NCZTE AHSENT: COt~1ISSI0NLRS: NOt~F, IN WITtJESS WIiEREOF, I hav~ hereunto set my ha.nd this 34th day of Januacy, 19a9. _~____ ~-~,~__~ ~ _ S~CRETIIRY, I.t7AHEIM CITY P[.ANNING COt~iISSION ' -5° PC89-z~ ;f.