Resolution-PC 89-271~ M ^ RESO~, I~TIQN N0. PCS _2~ A R~;SO' :~~t 0~' THE A~AF~EIM CITY PLANNING COirIIrfISSION 7'HAT PET' FOR RECLASSIFICATIUN NU. 89-90-20 BE GRANTED ~~R ~%. the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verifisd petation or Reclassific~tion from THF CITY. OF A.NAI;EIM, 20U S. Anaheim Boul.~varc~ Anaheim, CA 92805, Attention: Planning Department agent for certain real rop~rties si~uatod in tha Citp oi Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows aud as shown ar~ the attached map labeled Exhibit A.; .`~t.ll~v A~rea 1: Approximate?y 3.6 acres gerierally baunded by Cypress Street to ihe uur~h, Rosh 5treet ~c, ~he east., tizc~ alley nc~rth of Liric~ln Aveuus ~o the south and CS.tron Street to the wes~; dnd inaluding t2aose Feur lota on the so~xtheasC corner oE Chartres Street and Resh Stre~t, having ~pproximate frontagec o£ ~.25 Eeek. on the south sido ~E Chartxes Street and 176 feet on the east side of Resh Street. ~~~-Y_._Are : Appro~:imately 2.8 acres consistiag ot those 18 lots loGa~e~~ on Che xiorrr: and south 3ides of ChesLnut Stree~, begin:iing appruximately 165 teQt west of the centerline of Fi~rbor Boulevarc~ and extending west approximarely 420 ieat to the weske.rlp t~xmi.nus oP ~afd street. S~udv ArFa~; Approximately 5.1 acres boundsd by Cypress Street to the n.or~.h, Cl~mentine SCr9et to the east, Chart;res Street to the cou~h and the alley east o~ Harbor Houlevard t~a tk~e wast. h'HERF.AS, the City Planninq Commissiori did hold a al: the Civic Center~ in the Cik ~ public hearing notice of said public y o ~naheim on November li, 19a9 hearing having been c~uly i ven at 1:30 p.m., acaordance with the q provisions of t~.e Anaheim . as raquired Municipal Cods by law and in Cx to hesr and cons9.der and to investigate evidence fo: and zg~inst a d , iaptor 18.03, said proposea reclassification therewith; and n mdk~ fin~iings and recommendations in c~nnecti.on ~` WHEEt~AS, ~aid Commission, aftar due inspectiun, izivestigation and study made by its~l£ and i.n its bdhalf, and after clue corisideratian af a11 ~~ evidence and reportc offare3 at said hoari.ng, does ~ind and detc~rmine the following facts: ~ ~3.i29r , ~ ; i ~ i : ,.;,~,., ~ ~ , .~ . . '~ 1 ~ ~ib t~ I ~~t.'~.~P~ . ~ ~ir~1~~4~ ~ +~~Ni ~jJ', •~ !i~f . . ~ .~~.~~I~.ti PC $9~271 4 '::tlni~:+,'i~ ~ r.,;n:~•,~.ir.r: ,~~j . ~W~ ~~,- ~q~,'tdP.1, 1~ That the Caty Qf .~.naheim proposee reclassification of tho folZaw.ing: ST..~Y AREA 1; " ~la properties currenkly zonsd Mul~.iple-T'am,il RM-].200 (Recidential, Y) ~p be reclassifaed to ~he RM-2~l00 (Ttesidential, :tultiple-Family) Zone. ' Tnose prapErties lacatecl on thQ west side of Resh S~re~rt aurrently zoned RM-24U0 (Fesidential, Multi}~1e-Family) to ba reclassified to the kS-500U SResident,ial, Single-Family) Zone, - All l~roperties currently zoned PD-C (Parkzng Distrint-Commercial) ~o bQ r~classified to the District-Commercial/Re;siden~i2~1, Multipla-I'arDil/~_2~00 (Pa''king y) %one< ~ixSJDY AREA 2 ; ' 1+~~ propert3es currently zoned RM-1300 Multiple-Family) ~~ bre r~classiEied to the RIyi-2400 (Residential~ Multiple-Family) ;Gone, - A11 praperties currently currezxtly zoned PD-C (Parki.ng liistrict-Commsrcial) to be reclassifi.ed tn the PD-C/RM-2400 {Ptirking District-Commercial/Residc~ntial, Mul~iple-Family) Zpne. ,~?III)Y ~REA.~: ': - Those properti$s boundod by Cy,press Street to the nort.h, the a11sy east of Helena Skxoet to the ea~t, Chartres S~reet ~o tne sou~h anc~ '}' the alley west o~' HeXena Str.eet to trie west a.nd currantly zoned ;~ FM-120n (Residential Multi~le-Family) to ra reclassi~fied to the '~~ RS-~500~ (Resi.dential, Sfngls-Family) ?.one. ~, - Those propprties bounded by Cypresa Street to the nortll, the a11er ' east of Halena to tihe We3~, , ;: Chartzc,s Street to the south and .. CZemE~~tine Street to :.ne dast, and currently zoned RM-1Z~0 (Rr~sidential, Multiple-Fami7.y) to be rQClasszfied to the RM-2400 ~'f (Rcsidential, Multiple-FamiJ,- +~ y) Zone. ~ ~i ;~ '~ z. That the propasec? ~•eclassi~iczzion t~ ~2S-5000 is necessary ~q ; pravent intrus;.on of apartm~,nt units inCo the established single-farnil~• r•°i-glzborhoods and the gY•oposed reclassificstidn to RM-2~ ~ 00 and Pn-C/RM-2400 is approgriate to permit multip~e-fFSmzly development a~ a dc~a.sity compatible with neighboring singlo-~amily residenceg. 3. That the proposed rQCl~issification of subject properies is nece~sary and/or desirable far CY~e or~ler.ly and prop~r devel4pment of the r ccmmv.nity. ' `,~ Y ' 4• Ti~at the propoae~3 ra;classification of sub'ect properly relt~te to the zones ancl their ~ Pr~Perties does ~ c1~se proxirnity to sub ect Perm.if:~ed uses l~cally established in x, j ProPQ~'~Y and to tho zones and their permitted uses <, general.ly established throughout the cammunity. ,; ~ -Z~ PC 89-271 1 ''1' j~. ~ , :, , ..~,. , ~_.~ ^ ~ ~tPl'~~ ~, ~ . ~ e!S~, ~.. ~71s ~ ~~ ~~ ~. ,~.ALIFORNIA EtJVIRONMENTAL QUA~,ITY A_„S;T FINDIN~C: That thc~ .lnaheim Ci;;y Plann,i.ng Commissinn has reviewcd the proposal t~ reclassify t;he prap~rties as dc~scribed in Pasac;raph No. 1 of this resnlu~io'r~ anrl as shown on Exhibit A attached; rxnd daes hereby approve the Negai:ive lleclaration upon finding that it has considsred the Nagative Declaration together wi~Yx any cumments received dura.ng the public roview proa~ss and ~urther finding on t~e basis of tlie initial stuc~y and anl~ comments received that~ there is no substantiat evidence th.at the project wi11 have a s:gnxf5.aant eEfoct on the environment. NOW, TTiLRFFOIt~, BE IT RESOLVE;D thaL the Anaheim Ci~y ~lanning Commission dons hereby grant subj~at Petitiou for Reclas~ification, Subj~ct to ~he fallowing condi.i:ion, and, by so d~ing, that Tit1e 18-Zoziing of th~ Anaheim Municinal Code be ~unenrled to exclucle tha above-described ~ropPrtie„ ~rom Che zunes as described in Paragraph No. 1 af this res~lution and as shown on Fxhibit A and *_a incorporate said desc~'_befl properties xnto ths appropriate zones as indicated in Qaragxapn No. l. "That priar tn introduction of an ord.in~nce rezoxiin.g thesa properties the CitX Council shall approve Gener~l P1an Am$nc7ment 2Jo. 267 in its entirety." T~i~ FOREGOING RESOT.,UTION i5 signed and approver~ by me this Novembar 6th day of Nove~nner, 1989. •~; ~ .J / 7 ~ ~..~,E~, ,(~~ ~~ ~,~.,~,,.~~ GFI,TtIRWOMA.'~I PRO EMPOF~: ANAHEIM CITX PLA,~INIrG CUMMISSTON 1~T.TEST; r .~~ ~ ~ ` "^'4~/rt/' SECRETARY, ANAFIETM CITY PL.ANNING COMMIS5ION STA'rE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~OUNTY OF ORANG~ ) ss, CTTY OF ANAi~EIM ) t, Edith L. Harris, Secr~tary of the Anaheim City Pl~nnir.g Commission, do herebl cortify that tho Eoreqoing resolutian was passed and adopted at a meeting of tha Anahtiim City Planuir~g• Commission k~a'ld on November 6, 1989, by thg Pollowing vote of the members ther~eof: AYES: COtrIIdISSIONERS: BQUAS, BOYDSTUN, FELDFTAUS, HELLYER MC BURNGY, MESSE NflES: COMMISSIONERS: 2~fON~ ABSENT: COLIIrSISSIONERS: Ti~RBST IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, I have hereun~o set my hand 'this 6th cla,-~ of November, 19$~. - - ~~..~.~. ~-~.~t..~,~, ._ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CIT'Y PL1iNNING COMMTSSION -3- pC 89-271 ~~, , . ;. ~': : _ ~ :, i <:. 1 `. ', ~::`~ ~.,;_~ ,, r;, ~ ~., .f.,~. ;_ ` ~ ~~ ~ . ":i -f i -'=:i". : .;, ' f ji ~;~~.