Resolution-PC 89-274~' , '%"r ;;r i q ~ ~1~~; _ , , f~'~ A, , ,., . . . ~~ ~ ., . . . . . . . '.. i~}''._j~~, ~ . . , . ..::t:~ ~ ~ ~ ~l. RF• -~22~.~~S~~a e~4 A ~ z~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAIiFIM CITY PLANNING CUI4~SI5SIQN Tt~AZ' P~TITSON P'OR VARIANCE NU. 4006 BE GRANT~D WHEREAS, ~he Anaheim City Plann~ng Comm~saion di.d receive a +~arified Potition for Varianc.a frorti THF aALDWTN BUILDINC COMPANY, Attn: Uavid Craf, 1681.1 H~].e Ave,nua, Irvine, CA 92714, owner for cortain rRal proper~y situarQd in the City of Anah~3.m, County nF Oranqe, State of California described as: PAFtCEL A: f~ARCFL5 1, 2, 4. 7. 8 AND 9 GF PARCEL, MI-P N0. 87-363, A.r, SHUWId ON A Ml~P FII,F.D IN BOQK 236, PAGES 21 TO 2fl INCLUSIVC UF PARCEL MI~PS, RECORAS OF URANGE COUN~, CALTFURNIA. I'ARCEL B: PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3, AS SHOWN ON TFiAT CER2AZN LO'P LTNE 1~DJUS'.CMENT PLAT N0. 186, RECORD~D DECF,M$ER 7.~, 1988 AS IN'STRiJMENT N0. 88-660190 0~' OE'FI(:IAL RECORDS ~F ORI~JG~ CQUNTY, CALIFORNTA. E,CCEYTTNG FROM P~.RCELS A 1-ND f3, TRACT N0. 13458, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILF.D ~N HOOK G34, PA.GES 19 AN'a 20 QF MISC~'LLANEOUS MAPS, FECOR~S OF ORANGE CO~NTY, CALIFORNIA. AL5'J EXCE;P'TIN(i FROM PARCELS '~ AND B, TRA.CT N0. 13461, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FTLED IN $OOK 639, PAGES 21 TO 2~1 tNC[.USIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, 12ECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA. ALSO EXCE~'TING FROM PARCEI,S A l~tp g, TRACT N0. 3326H, AS SHOWN ON A bll~P FILED IN ROOK 63A, PAGES 28 ANA 2y OF MISCELLAN~OTJS MAPS, R~CQRDS OE ORIeNGE CQUI3TY, ~ CALIFOP..NIA. ~ A.LSO EXCEPTTN~ FttOM PARCELS A AtJD B, TRACT N0. 13491.. AS 5HOWN ON A MAE~ FTLED IN BOOY. 634, PAGES 25 TO 27 INCLUSI~lE OF MISCLLLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF OR7-NGE CO'tfN1'Y, CALIFORNIA. ALSO EY.CEPTING eROM PA~tCELS A AND B, T~tACT N0. 13493, AS SHOWN ON A Dt1~P FILEA IN DOOK 642, PAG~S 31 AND 32 OF MxSC~LLANEOUS MAPS, RE~ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ALSO EXCEPTING FROM FAR~ELS A ANL~ B, TRACT N0. 13512, AS ~HOWN AN A b1AP FILRD IN BOOK 642, pAGES a8 TO 30 INCLUSIVE OIr MISCBLLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS 0~ ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA.. 1~.41r -1- PC89-274 ~...~,: '~ .,~:~ ~ t+ „~.?:~;~.~~ ~"~'•'7 f[GNfr~ r i ~ . . , ' \~! l~{~^''9 ~4~~ ~~ , ~~iSb, ', 7 ~~~ ~ ~ ~'_~~C;t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ „~~~,.'t~. ,~: i , :',~ ALSO G7{CEPxING FROM PARCELS A AND H, TRACT N0. 13959, AS SHQWN ON A MAP E'IL~U IN BOOK 643, PAGES 1~AND 2 QF I~, MISCELL.A.N~OUS MAFS, RECORb5 OF ORRNGE CAUNTY., ,;~} ` ?; t C7~I,Y FORNIA. ,:ir. ALSO EXCEPTING FRQM PARCELS A ANU B, TRACT NC. 13266, AS SHOiVN QN A M.'~p FILGD TN H~JGK 642, PAGES 26 ANp ~q `'I; OF MISCFLLAN~OTJS M~1PS~ RECORD5 OF ORANGE CO'(JNTY, ~ CALTFQRNIA. i'~r; :: ,, PARCCL C: `.`';~ ~ LOTS 1 TO 30, INCLUSTVG, AND LOT A OF 'rRACT N0. 13458, AS SIiOWN ON A MkP FTI.ED II5 B00I~ 634, pAGES 19 AND 20 OF MI~CELLANEOUS M.\PS, RECORDS OF ARI-NG~ COUNTY, CALII'ORNIA. PARCEL D: ;r i,UT~ 1 TO 30, INCLUSIV~:, AND LOTS A AND 9 OF TRACT N0. 13461, AS SHOWN ON A MAp FILED IN HUOK 63~, PAGES ' ll TO 24 INCLUSI~IE OF MISCBLLANBOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF `, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOItNIA. ~"~~i PARCEL' E: ;,~; .i. LOTS 1 TO 34, INCLUSIVE, OF TI2ACT N0. 13268, AS SHOWN ,'.~t ON A MA.p T'ILED IN BOOR 63~, PAG~S 'l8 AND 29 OF' MISCELLANEpUS MApS, RECORPS Or OR.~NGE COUNTY, CAT,IFORNIA. PARCEL E: LOTS 1 TA 30, INCLUSIVE. AND LOT A OC TRACT N0. +" 13442, AS SHVWN ON A MAP FIL~D IN AOOK G39, PAGES 25 ;' TO 27 TNCLIJSIVE QF MISCELLANEQUS MAPS FtF.CORDS OF '. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOFtNIl.. ~ PARCF.L Gs ° ,, LOTS '1 TO 3?., ItiCLUSIVE, AND LOT A OF TRACT N0. 13493, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILF.D IN BOOK 64z, PA,ES 31 AND 32 OF MISCGLLAN^cOUS MAPS, RRCORDS OF ORAI1fGF ~ COUNTX, CALIFORNIA. ` ~r'f PARCEL H: ~ ~'~~ .' x LOTS 1 TO 33. INCLUSIVE, 4ND LOTS A, 8 11ND C OF TRACT N0. 13512, A~ SHOWN ON A MAp FILEn IN HOOR 642, F'AGRS ,, 28 TO 30 INCLtJSIVE OF MISCELLAN.EOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORAI~IGE CdUNTY, CALIFORNTA, -2- PC89-Z74 s ~;i~li;~ PARCEL I: ~}s~i A~,, LOTS '1 TO 7.6, INGLUSIVG, AND LOTS A A~TA B OF TRACT N0. 13459, AS Sf10WN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 642, PAGES 1 1-ND 2 aF MTCELLA.N~OUS MI~PS, REGORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOP.NTA. PAkCEL 3: LOTS 1 TO 14, INCL,TJSIVE, AND LOTS A, H, C AN'A D 0~ TRAC'.~ N0. 13266, AS SHUWN QN A MAP FILED IAT BOOK fi~2, PAGES 26 AND 27 OF MISCELL~\NEUUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUN'S`l, CALIFORNTA. ~ , t, rw;~, ,'t~`i ' . ~ . . _ r,~e; ~~'. WFIEREAS, tYie City Planning Commissian did hold a publir. hParings at the Civic Center i.n t:he City of Anaheim on November 6, 1489, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearings having been c1u1y yiven as required by 1aw and in accordance wlth the provisions of the An~heim Munici.pay Code, Chapt~r 1$.03, to hQar and consicier evidence for and againsi: said propased variance and to investigate and mak~ findings and recommendxkicns 3.n cnnnection ttisrewith; and said petit was continued to the Planning Commission meeting of November 20, 1989; W~EREAS, said Cornmission, after c1uQ inspectzon, investigation and study made by itsel~ and in ita bnhali, and after. due con~ideration of all ~vidence and reports offQrFd at said hearing, doas fiiid and determine~ the following facts: l. That the petitionQr requests waivor of the fullowing to: (3) r~tain a 7-f.oot h.igh wall with 7-foot, 9-inch high pa~aste:s and having a mir~imtim 7-faot satback from Sorrano Avenue and (b) aonstruct up to 7-foot high walls with 7- toot, 9- inch high pilastQrs and hav.ing minimwn '7 ko l~k foot setbacks from weir Cany~n Road and Uak ~r~nyon Grive: Secti,Qns _1.~.72 Q20.,i,'~~(Q of the Anaheim Municipai CodQ and the following subsc~cLions of Section T~! "Zoning and Devol~pment Standt~rds" of Aevolopment Araa Nos. ].01; 102 and 105; 204; 103, 104, 203, 206 ~nd 207j 201 and 205; and 202 of Speci£ic Plan No. f38-2s S~c~i~_n~ 18 ~2 , 0%O,~1Q, F~1 - R~c,~sg¢_~3te s~: ~enina. 1~~2.070.020•J~1 - (Parmi~ted: 18.72.070.O~Qs,T~ 1- maximum~ ~pOt~,h~gh w~ll~wi ~i}.asters iocateQ 1Q 72.Q70.040..; 1- ~-t pronert~lines alonq arterial highway; 1~, 72 •Q7_0.050. I .;~ - I~roposed: and ~8.72~Q7Q 060Lk'!1 - (a) 7-foot high wa11. ~ith 7-fQg,s,,~ ~_ inc_h ~~,g~}t i ~~grs and having a rninimum 7-fpot setbark from Serrano Avenue, and (b) ~,Q~ t~'gtZw~]la with 7-foot, 9-fnch tiiah ip las+~er,~. and havinq m.inimum 7 ~,Q~4 fooh~ ,~g~~rk~ fr.om Weir Canyon Road an~ Oak Cany~n Arlve) - 3 -• PCB~-274 ' ,F. ~A~ ~_''- r ~'~ , ~ ,r~~;t,.,tn~~ I'i: 2. That the above-mantioned waivor fs herek,y granted on the basis that there are spocfal circumstances applicable to the proporty such as size, shape, topogrRphy, lor.ation and surr~unc3ings r~liich dc, not apply to othor identical7.y zoned property in the ~am~: vicinity; and thar strict app].ication di the 'Loning ~ode deprives the property uE privilggea enj~yed by otYier properties in the iclex~Cica1 zone and classifica~:ion zn the v3cinity. Z. That there are exceptional or ext;r2ordinary circumstances or conditaons applicable to the property involvad or to thQ in~ended use of the property that do not apply generally to the properl-.y~ or class of use in the same viciriity and zono. 4. That the requeste~i variance is nec~ssary for the preservation ' and enjoymen~ of a substantial property .right possessed by otk~er property in ~2ie samo vicinity und zone, and denzed to the property in question. S. Tliat the requested varaance will no~ be xn~terial].y dQt.r9.mental to the public wclfarR or. injurious to tlie property ~r improv~aments in suck- vicinity and zano in which the property is located. 6. Tliat no one indicated thozr prosence at said public hearing in opposition;. and Lh~t no correspondQnce was received in opposition to subject petiti.on. ~AT~I~~RN.i_A~IR~NMFN,~AL QUALI'rY A~T FIrIDING: Th~t the Anahes.m City Planninq Commissian nas reviewecl the proposal fo:• waivpr of. requirecl site screening to (1) retain a 7-foot h~gh waJ.1 wi.th 7-foot, 9-inch high pzlaster~ anr~ having a minimum 7-foot setback from Serr.ano Avenue and (2) construct up to 7-fooL high walls ~vith 7-foot, 9-inch high pilasters and having minimum 7 to 14 foot Setbacks from Weir Can~~on Ro~d and Oak Canyon . Drive, on a 591-ncrQ prr~perty (The Swnmit oE Anaheim Hills) located approximatel~~ 1.1 miles southeast of the Weir Canyon RoadlRiversitie Freeway intarsection and boandec7 on the north by the Sycamore Carzyon Specific Plan development, on the west by The Highlands at Anaheim Hills Specifir. Plan c~evslopment, and on L•he south and east by unincor~oraL•ec1 Irvine Company praperty within the County of Ora:ige; and does hereby approva the Negative Declaratiun upon finding th~t it has considered the Noqative Declaratian togother with any comments :eceived du~ing the public review process and furcher finding ~n tho bd~is ot the initial study and any comments receivQd ~ that there is no substaiiLial evidence that ths projoct will havo a signil3cant eff~ct o:~ the environmerit, NOW, THrREFOR~, H'F. IT RESOLVRD that the Anahe3.m City Planning Commission does h~reby grant subject Petition ~or. Variari~e, upon the following ~ondiCions which are hereby found to be a necessary preroquisit~ to the propose~ usA of the subject groperty in order t~ pre~erve the sa€ety and general welfare oF the Ci~izens of rho City of Anaheim: 1. That priuz to appxoval uf wall ~~lans Eor any area whero the wall heighC exceeds six (6) feet, said wall plans shal~ be submitted to the Planning Department for review anc3 approva'1 to v~x.ify complianc~ wftiz the intent of aubject variance. Furthermore, wall plans for any aroas that statif determines merit spc~cial reviow and consideration by the PS.anning Commission (i.e. any areas that may impaat views fram the adjacent and/or nearby ~~ublic right(s)-of-wt~y) will bcs rQferred ~o the Plann3.ng Commission far revigw and approval as a"Renor.t and Recommendation" i~:em. , -4- PC89-274 ~,acuxt~ ,,~x~h' 2. That aub~ect nroperty shall be developed subst~anrially irn accordance with , plans and sp~cs.£icatxons submit~ed ~o the GiCy af Anah,eim b~ the peL•itioner and which plans are ~n file with the Plt~nning Departmen~. marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2 and 3. 3, That approval ~f this applic~~ion constitutes approval of tha praposed ,`~ rec~uest anly to thc~ eactesit ttzat it complies with thg Anaheim Municipa7. ;;;;; Zuning Code and any other appliaable Citcy, StHte and Federal regulaticans. ApprovaZ doQS not includa anx action c~r finding~ ~s to compli~nce or approval of t•hQ request regarding any other applicablo ard.inar~ce, regulation or xequirement;. BE 'IT FUFTHER RESOLVFD that th~s Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find an~ determine that adoption of this Rasolution is expres~ly ProdicaLed u~on applicant's compliance with eacYl and all of the conditi~ns hereinabove sat forth. Sliould any such conditions, or any part thQreof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the £inal judc~ent of any court of competent jurisdictinn, ~hen this Resolution, ond any ap~rovals herein contai.ne~3, sha11 b~ deemed null and void. THE FORP:GOING I2~SOLUTIaN is signed and approved by ma this 2Qtr. day of November, 1989. /~ . 'a ~ ~ ~_ . ~ ~,~ ;-~~ C.- -~=~= ~~ ~` ~1 , CHAIR~IN. ANAHF,IM C11TY PLANNINV COIrIIdISSrON AT1'EST: v `~ D ~~ . - ~~Lll~1_~~ SE;CRE'PA Y, ANAHEIM CITY PLAN~IING COMMISSTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGB } ss. CITY OF ANAHETM ) I. ~ditti L. Harris, Sacretary of the A.naheim Ci~y f~lmnning Commission, do l~ereby certify that ~lie fox~egoinr rosolution wa~ passed and adoptecl at a mesting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on November ?,0, 1989, by tho fo~lnwing vote o.f the members thereof: AY~S: COMMISSTONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, rF;LDFiAUS, IiEI',I,YER, HERBST, idC IIURNEY . MESSE NOES: COMMISSTONERS: NQi?E ABSFNT: COMMXSSIONCRS: NONE IN WITNE~S WFILREOF, I haus herQUnto set my hand thi~ 20th day of November, I969. --- ~ ~~ ' '" ~„ . _-~~---- ~~~ ~ ~--~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMbIISSION ,ty~7' ' ~M~ `6 `` , ,n'~ ~ ~ ,,;~ ~.;;i::( ,;-., ,~. ~,'r ~.';f ;':`. _ ; , ~ -5- PC89-274 ~ ;;;t; ; ~, ~~ ~ ~ =; , , %~~