Resolution-PC 89-281.. . . t ti r ~4i1 ~'dt~4~' ..,, _ . . . . ~ ~ . , ~~ ~~7 ,~ ' ~~ ~~ ~$s~~3J,~QN N0. PS3~2=?.~ ~1 P.~SOLUTION OF TH~ ANAHFTM CITY PLANNINIi COMMZSSXOtJ THAT PETITIUN FOR VAR'iANC~~ N0. 3985 BE GRhtvrED, IN PART WEiEKEAS, the Anaho3m City F'la:~ning Commission did rec~ive a vorified PetiLion for Variance from LEMUN ASSOCIATES, t46 E. Orange~horpe, Anaheim, CA 92801, BR'11-N INllUSTRIAu PRQP~RTIES, INC., 146 E. Orangi h~or~e Avenue, Anaheim, CA 920G1 and ORANGE COUNTY tNDUSTRtAL BUILDE~tS, Oranqathorpe Avanue, Anaheim, CA 92801, owners, and rARNER Ml-NAVIAN CEtOW & AS50CIAT.ES, AIA, 500 ;ilver 5pur Road, #111, Palos Verdes L~eninsuXa, CA 90274 ay,nt for certafn roal property situated in the City oE Anaheim, ~ounty of Oranga, State oE California, doscribed as follows: THAT PORTIQN OF :HE SOUTHWESi QUA.RTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON 1)F. SAtJTA ANA, AS SHOWN O~I A MAP RECO[tDED IN Fi00K 51, P~GE 7 OF MISC~LLANEOUS MAP5, KECORDS OF' UItANGE COUNTX, CALIB'ORNI1-, DESCRIBED AS FOLLONIS: H~:Gt2.NING AT A POINT ON TEiE WF.STERLY LING OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF TFiE 30CJTHWEST QUI:RTER OF' SAID SF.CTION, DISTANT NOR1H 0 DEC. 10' 25" WEST 200.00 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNEP. OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF' THE SOUTHEAST QUARTEli; TFiENCE CONTINUING ?IORTH 0 DEG. 10' 25" WEST D.LONG ~AIn WEST LINE 127.86 FCET TO THB tvORTHWEST CORNER OT' TIiE SOUTH lU ACRE5 OE SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER 0: TAE SOU?HWEST QUARTER; THENCE TIORTH 89 DEG. 36' 20" EAST ALONG THE NORTFi LZNE OF 5ATD SOUTfI 10 Af:RES 339.33 ~EETf TIiENCE SOUTH U DB~. 1'!' 25" EAST 127.86 :EETf THFNC~ SOUTIi 89 DEG. 36' 20" WEST PI~2ALL8L WITH THE NORTH LINC 4F SAID SOUTH 10 ACRES 339.59 FCET TO 'fHE TRUE POZNT (~~ BEGINNING 0~ THIS DESCRIPTION. WHEREAS, tho City Planning Commission ciid hold a public heari~q at the Civic Center in the City oE Anuheim on Novemb~+r 20, 1989, al• 1:30 p.m., notice of said public: het+ring having been duly ~iven as reg,uired b,y laa and in Chapter 18.03, accordatice with ~he provisions of the Anaheim Municipal CoBe, to hear and consider evic3ence for and against saiv ptoposed varia~nce and 4:0 fnvestigate and make finclinqs and recommenc3ations in connection therQwith; and WfiBREAS, said Commi.ssion, after due inspaction, investigati.on anci ~tudy made by itself and in its behalf, and after due considez~btiun o~ all evidence ~nd reports offerad at said hoaring, does find and deterrnine the fallor+ing facts: l. That the petitioner regueuts waiver of the failoaing to ullow a 4-~cre portion (Parcels B, C an6 F) of subje~t properr.l to convert from induar_riol to commercial usag~: ).~.49r _],_ .` ~~,:i ~ ~~ . ,i r~ } { 1 ¢ ~! E ~, pC 89-281 i,l `3 ! 'Ji ~,, ,,y~ 9 .~ e. 1..r<'~~..Y._A..i .. ,~..c,.n.~f.~?3.L.•~~ 1y ~' . 1 : ~~) r^~F:S~XQ.?,3.~~L~:$.~0fi.050.Q~ - 10.06.080 p~iD 1 44 G6.OS0 M3.~Il].1d11L...~13dL~?2~..4.~_..1?~.~XJ$ ,~p~3~.• (2~? requfreds ~5.~ prnposed) (B) ~~S~~ONS_ 18.4~.0@~4.~4. - M~.~-.l1~~r?~.~,9~~.95~ ~~~515• ~r ~~_. 4 4. U 6 3.~1~Q 2. That the requested •waivdr (a) i~ hereb~;• grante~l on the basis that the parkinc~ wai.ver will not causa an increase in ~raff.ic congest3on in the immefliate vicinity nnr advQrsely affect any adj~ining land use~ and granting of the parking waivex under the conditi~ns irnposed, if any, wi11 not be dotrimental to the peace, health, safe~y anc~ qa~era: we].fnre of ~he cit.izens o~ the ~i~y of Anahuims and further on the bas3~s that the City TraEFic ~ngineer has appr.avod the adequacy of the parki.ng demand study prepared by ~Veston Pringle and Associates dutad OcL•ober 3, 1489, an~ submitted by the applir_ant and has cleterminad tho pxrking to be adequate for comme.rcial usage. 3. That the above-mentioned waivor (b) is hereby donied on tihe basis that it was deleterl in corrt~ction with the submittal uI revised plans. 4. Th~t there are exceptional or extraordinary cir~umstances or conditions xpplicable ~o the property invn:tved or to the intended use of th~ property that do nat apply genorally t~ the property or class of use ln tho sasne vicinity and zone. 5. Th~t the requestefl vari.anr.e is neceasary fpr the preservation and enjoymenk o~ a ~aubstaiitial property right possessed by othet property in the same vicinity ar.d zone, nnd dRnied fo the propertiy in question. 6. TYiat the requested variance will not be materially cier.rimuntal to the public welfare or fnjurious to t2ie property or ;mprovements i.ii such vfcinity an~ zone ~n which kho property is located. 7. That no one indicated their presenco at saffl public: hoaring in opposi~ciun; ~nd that no correspondenee waR received in opposition to subject patition. CALI~ORNIA ~~IV~Q~F~iT~1L QUA[~~)j ACi P'z~lu~,~;, That L'he Anaheim City P]annfng Commission has reviewed the proposal to amend the Land Use Elemont of tha General F~lan from the current det~ic~~ation of General Ir.dustr.ial to a designation of Generat Cammercial land uses on rect~ngularly-shaped parcels of l.and aonsisting of approximately 4.5 acres and individually dc~scribed as ~- r~,,,~f,,~: h~~-t+••, a frontaqe of approxi.mately 128 feet on the oast side oP Lemon Street, having o maximum depth cE approxamaCuly 275 foet and bQSng located apProximately 200 Eeet north ot the cenlerli.ne of Ornngethorpo Avonue and furthgr descx•tbed as 1730 North Lemon St:reett PA~BL,~s Cansistin~ of. two lots and loc:atad at tha northeaat cornor of Lemon Street ~nd Orangethorpg Avenue, having appraximnte frontages of 1~A8 faet on the eaat side o~ Lemon Stroet and 279 feet on the north 81de of Orangethorpo Avenue, havi~g a maximwn depCh of approximate:y 275 Eeet and -Z- FC 89-Z81 ~ . . ~ , ~ .. ~ , ~ . . ~ 1i f~^44,i„¢ . . ' ~ "1t;~~ ~r:tJ~ G ~ . . f'~{ . . .. , .'i'I/ ~' ~~ ~~`~ further clescribad c~a 75-77 Fa~L Oxangotliorpe Avonuel k'AFtCEL Ct Having a i•rontage oL• appro~cimately 193 feet on ths norr.h side of Orxngethorpe AvenL~.o, havinq a maxim~zm deQth of approximar.ely 275 Eeet located approximatelp 32A Eeet ~ast ~f the centerline of Lemon Shreet ~-nd furkher described as 99 East ~rangoth~r.pe AvQnua; PARC~L F: Having a fruntago of approximstely Z95 faet on the n~rth side nr Orangatk-orpe Avonue, l~aving a maximum depth of approx3mately 274 feet anc~ bPing loca*_od approximately 1,b24 iee~ east of the centerline ot ~,emon Street and furtho~ described as 145~151 Fast Orange~horpe AvenuQ= and dnes hereby approve the NegaCivo Declarration on the basis that it has consideze~9 the proposed ZTogative Declaration together with ~ny comments rQCeived during the public raview process and furthc~r finding on the basis nf the Initial Study and any comr.iAnts received that ther.e~ is no substani:ial evidence ~hat the projeat will have a significant o~fect ox~ the enviranment. NOW, THEREFORF, BE :IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning C~mmisaion does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upan the ~ollowing condit•ions which are hereby iound to be a necessary prerequisite tn the, proposed use of the suhject properky in order to p~eserve the safety and r,enerat welfare of the Citizens of the CiL•y of Anaheim: ].. * That gatNS shall nnt be installed acrass any driveway in a man.ner which may adversely affec~ vehicu.lar traf.f:ic in the adjacent public stroets. Installarion of any g~tes 3ha11 aontorm to Eng~neering Department Stand3rd Plan No. 401. and shall be subjerf to tha r~view mnd approval of Che City Traffic Enqineer.. 2. That no outdoux• par3ring/vahicular circulation area.s ahall be used to slore materials. 3. That prior to ttie commencement of any new non-industr3al use of a uuil3inq, a trafEic signal asaessment f~e ~Qualinq ehe difference between the indu~tr.ial and commercial assessment feas ahall be praid to the City of Anahoim in an am~unt as establish~d by City Council Rvsolution. 4.~ Thnt no prepared-food servicQ f~ci1}ties (restaurants) shall be pRrmiited unlc~ss a variance for park.ing is approvec~ by the City Council, Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator. or sufficient Code parking i.s ~,rov.id~d. 5.* That th9 proposal sl~all comply with a11 signing requiremonts o£ the CL "Commercfal, Limitea" Zone, unleRa a var3ance allc+wing sign waivers is approved by the City Cauncil, P.lannfng C~mmissian or Zoninc~ Administr,ator. 6.* That tho on-sit9 landscaping ancl ixrigation systAm shall be maintained in c~mpli~nce uith City standards. 7.* That this Varfance 3s granked subject to the adoptiot- of a zoning ~rdinanco in connection with Reclaasification No. Ei9-90-06, now pendinq. -3- PC 89-281 , ,~ , ~ ~~;3 ~~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~,~~ ~' ~.) r l ~ d w ~h~'refb,,l~ ~ rv i ,.iy r ~ ~'i~~-~' a. Tha~ subjeat property oha11 b~ developed substantial'ly 3.n a~cordance with plans and specifications submi~ted ~o the City o£ Anaheim by ~he peti~ioner and which pl~ns are on f,il~t with ~he Planning neparL•mc~nt mackod ~xh:ibit N'os. ~. and 2. 9.~ Th~t appravral oE this applicu?~ion conetitutes approval of the proposed request only to tho extenr that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal 2oning Code and any other app7.icablo City, StaCe and Fedarel regulations. Approval do~s rxot include any action or findings as to compli.ance or approval uf tk~e request regarding any other a~~plic~ble ordinance, regu~ation ~r requiremeiit. Conditiuas marked with F~n asterisk (*) are required by esL-ablished laws, cod~s, regulations and agreemen~a and are not subjsct to nagotiation. BE TT FU12TFiER RE50LVED L•hat tYie Anahe3.m City Planning Commission. does horoby f.ind and detormine that adoption of this Rgaolu~ion is expressly predicatec~ upun ;.pplicant's compliance with each and all of thQ condi~ions hereinabove set forl:h. Should any such condita.uns, or any part thQreo€, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judqment of an~- court of competent jur~.sdichion, thon thxs RQsolution, and any approvals herein contained, shal'1 k,a c~eemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and appr.ovea by me this 20th day of November. 1989. .~ % ~~" _ .~.~.~ :C~~-`'~~'' ~ ...r~ ~,. ~ ~~'~~' - CHAI~2MAN, ANAFIEIM C Y PLANNING C0:+41ISSION AT'.~F:ST: _ ~% ____.--_ ~.~~~'-~~ _ .~i1;2.~r,; SECRETARY, ANAHE~Y PL,AIiNING COh4rfISSION STA'~E QF CIu.,IE'ORt~fIA ) COUNTY UF ORANGE ) .3~ . CITY OF ANAHL~lid ) I, Edith L. Harr.xs, SecretAr1 ot the Anaheim City Planning Commi3sion, do he~.•eby cerr;ry ~rnt the foregcing rsso~.ution was passed and adopted at ~ meaeing of. the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisaion held on iJovember 20, 19Ei9, by the following vota of the members thereof: ~ AXES: COtrII+iISSI0I3ERS: 90YDS'.ftTN, FELDHAUS, HELGYER, HERBST MC BURNEY, hiESSE N08S: COMMISS~ONERS: NONE ABSENT: C~`~tISSInI3ERS: BOUAS ~ It7 WITNESS WH~kBOF, I havo hareunto :~et R~y hend this 20th da~ of November, 1989. • ~ ~ ~ (l_.t./,. ..._. ;' ~ SEC~tETAR , ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON ` ` _q_ PC (19-281 ~~ ':; . . ~ ;; :ti ~ ~ +,' ~ ~. . ~ ~ ,. , ,... _., __. ,,...~. ,...~.:, r.,..~.~~~~,,~. ,..:...~,,~..~xz:d.~e~~