Resolution-PC 89-303~ ~ ~ U h Tii' , ..; r: i ',;l ! 1~' h~~~ +~w ~ry,~~~ii,ru~•'Yta,nn~, a~+~a.~~~~:n ~:.,, ~ ~. , , ~ ~~p ~ ~.~~•'~r 11:iK~:~. ,@u. ~, t,oo a:,,.~rt~> . ... ......... _ - :~~g,. E ,~ ~ yu' . „ ~'tg RE50L TZ N N0. P_CII9_,.~-S~. A R~SOLUTION~OF~ECLASSSF~(:ATION'~NO~.A89T9~-S~l BES~RAN~~D THAT PET]:TION' ~ Y1ggg~Ag, the Anaheim City Planning Commiasi~n dia5000$ Birch vorified petitio~ for lteclassification from NEWPORT E'EAEfiAL, Si:reet, Suite 6'100, A'PTN: WILLIAM 0. CUTTLE, Newpor~ BOIICh~ CA 92fi60, owner of cartain real pr.~~erty slt a a,~ ~~~lo S~ City of Ana,heim, Caunt~- of, drange, State o£ Cali£or.naa, clescri~i~ Parcels 3 and 7 0£ Parce7. ~fap 187-21 (F33-251) WHER~AS~ the Cii:y P].aniiing Commission did hold a pub7 i.c hearing 1989 at 1:30 p.m., at the Civic CenLer in the City of Anaheim on Deaember ~, natice of said aablic he~rir.q having been duly given a~ required by 1aw and in acc~~:dance with ';.he grovisions oE the Anaheim Muni~ipal Code, Cnapter 18.03, to hear ancl cous.idor evidence fox' and against said proposed recl.assifacation and to 3nvestigatie~ and make fiiidings aY-d rocommend~+tions in connoction therpwith; aad WCi~:k2EAS, ~a`id Commis~ion, a.fter dua i.nspeatio~-, investigation and study made by itself and in itr behalE, ~nd a~ter due consideration oE all evidenaQ and reports o[fered at said hearin~, does fin@ and dotormine the following facts: 1, That tYie petitiun~r proposes reclassiticat.ion of subject proper~y Erom ML "Industria:l Limitad" Zonn to ~.hg CT."Commercial, Limitecl" zone. '` 2. xhat the AnaY~eim G~neral Plan dasignates subj~ct proper~y , for Gene.ral Inaustrial land uses an~l that Planning Corrmissi.or~ haa recommended that City Council approvat nf General Plan A.menclsnont No. 2'/8 chanying the land ~~~ us~ de~ic~nation to Gereral C~mmercial.. 3, That the pr~posed r~cl2~ssi~ication of subject property i~t necessary and/or dQSirable for the urderly and proper develupment oE the ,>' communiCy. 4. That th~ hroposed recla~sification of subject property does properly relate ~o the zana~ and t~na torthetaones~ando`heir perm~'~tte~leuses clo~e proxa.mity ':o subject ~propex:ty generall- establ~.~hed L•hroughout L-he coimnuniky. 5. That no c.ne indicaCed their presence at 3aid public h3aring an opposition; and that no c;orre3pQndence wac re~eivad in oppositio~ tA sub;je~t petition. -1- Z?~73r PC 89-303 S~.':, , ± , , . . . . , ~ , .. . ~ . . . ~ ~ ~!!~.. . . .. . , . ' . . ,. . . . ~ ' ~ r 7 rt}'f r~~ ~~~y'R~~ '~ f lSJ~ ~ . , ~1 . . . . ~ . , . .1y a( : +i ~~ S~A~?FQR 1? .~ VTR IQ~ENTA. L QUA~,ITY ACT~7NDlNG; That h.ha Anahoim Ci~y Plannin C i i `~ ~ g omm ss on r,as reviewed the prop~sal to raclassify sub~ec:t property Erom ~he ML,(xndustrial Limited) Z ;~ ~{ on~a to thc~ CL(Commercial, Limitod) Zone on an irregularly•-shaped paroel consistin of ~ i ' g pprox mately 4.5 acres loca~od ati the wosterlx tiorrninus of S~ndersoh Avonue approximately 340 feet h sout o~ Auto ~enter Drive, having a frontaqe nF appruximatel y 77 feot on th , e southwest side o~ tho Sandarson Ave~ue cul-de-sac, having a maximum dept}. of approximatel 7A0 f '.; y ee~, and Eurih~r described +~s '1380 Sanciersun Avenue (former National Education Cen~er); a d ~ n does hereby approve the Nec~~.tive D~claraL•ion upon finding ''~.at it has c~~nsi derQd th N ;'' . e egative Declarat~on tng~ther with any commen~l received, durin +~he q public review '~° ~` : process and further ~inding on thc~ basis o£ che initial study and any comments received that there i ~ j ~ s na sub3tantial ev3.dence that th~ projc~ct wil1. have a significant effecr on Lhe environment `'~` "'~'' . ~s ~: NOW, TFIEREFOFtE, BE I'P RESOLVED that t~ie Anaheim Ci.ty Plaa~ning Commi.ssion doQS tiereb rant b ~ ~: ~<~t~': ~'~, y g su jear aetition ior Reclac~sification and, by so dning, that Title 18-Zonxn of th ~; ~~ g e Anahe:im Mur~icip;~l Code be arnendad te exclude the above-dQSCribed property from the ML "Industrigl Limit d" Z ; ~~ , e one and to inc.orporatQ sai~ d~scribed property ir_to the CI, "Commercial, Limitad" Zuna ~~'1 upon the follo~ving conditions which are herEby tound to be a necgssary preroqui site to th ~~' i ' . e ~,roposed use of subject property in order. to preserve the safety an~,~? general weltare of the Citi~ ,! ens uf the City of Anaheim: ~'` 1. w That the proposal sha11 co~nply with all signing requiremerat~ of the CL "C I~ ! ommercial, I~imi:.ed'~ Zone unless a variance allowing sign waivers 9.s approved bx tha Cit C a l ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ''` ~ y ounc . , Planriin, Commission or Zoning Aclmini s trator . ''` , Z. * That tk~e 1ega1 owner(sj oP sub~oct property shall exQCUtt~ and record ~n unsubordinatod covenant in a form approved by ~he Ci~y At~orney's OfEicc: wheroin such owner(sj agree not to contest the formation of any assessmer.~: district(a) which may hereaf tez bo formed pur~uant to ~ho provisions of D~rvelopmpn.t Agreement No. 83•-O1 between ~he City o£ .~naheim and Anaheim Stadium Associaties, which distric~(s) could include such 1ega1 ~roperL•y own~r's p:operty. 3.a. That any ofFice uae ancl occupancy o.f the subject pro~+QrL•y shall lim3.hod to ~he existing thir.ty seven khnusand two t~undred £ifty three {37,253) sq.Ft. buildinq only and may ronsist o~ the following us~s: . Business service tirms zncluding ar~hitentur.al, ~jnginoering, dxaf~i,ng s~rvi~os, market resgaach, secretarial or answering services, tailors or other s~milar uses. . Business agencies including advertising, travel credit, finance, employment ancl othor similar uses. . Bitsines~s oEfices inc~.uding accounting, buokkoeping, insurance, leg2~1, roal Qs~_aCe, public util.ities, busii~ess cr personal consult~.x~ts, ;and other simila.r uses. . Financial offices a:-c3 institu~ions including banks, trest compan~ies, saving~ and loan 'associaLions, security or commodity exchanges r~•~ ather stmilar uses. . Medical or ds~ntal offices. -2- PC 89-3Q3 '! ,:' ~ ,.. ,. ~' , :~ ~d '~~ ,;,:; . ;. ~ ... ~ . . . . .. ,. . ,,_ , :., . ..,,, - :, , ,,.,._ ,, .,. , , , . -- . .. .. _ _.. ._... _. , : „r ~~i b~ l.. . . , ~ . , . ef,/Y r~~ ~ ~ r; ~ b. Th~t the lega'1 owner ot subjoct proporty ~ht~ll l~mit the usa and occupancy oE tho prop~r~y (other than the existii~g 37,253 s~~.£L. building as spec:ified abovR ~nd as othorwise ptarm.ittad und.er Conditional iJae Permit No. 7..~5) ho thQ tollow}.ng parmitL•ac5 comm~rcial reCai] uses: . Antique shaps, . Applianc~ stor~s: such as radio and 1V, wiCh or wihhout re~t~ir sorvice, . t3uk.erios, . Bo~k storos, . Busin~ss or trade scY.G0.19 or tra.ining cente~rs; . Clor.hing nY ~pparel storas, . Co:nEecti.onary or candy s~ares, . D~licate~sons, . Dc~partment or variety store~, . Druy store~ or pharmaci~s, . FurniL-ure stores, , Hardwaro, . Healtri spas and fi.tnoss cent:Qrs ( if less tk',an 4, 000 sq. ft. in gross floor arna), . HobLy shops, . Interior docorators, ; , Jowolars, ` . Laundr.~- and dry cleaning estab:ishments, . Markets or grocery storos (exca.udinq conv~nience markets, as defined by thQ Zo:-ing Code ) , . Photogra~,~r~.ic supplios, . Ren~al so.^vicos: su~Y, ~s hou~ehold, sickroom, office, equipment and cos~umes, . F.ep:oductiun sQrvices: in.:luding but not limitsd to, blue printinq, draftiing, job printiz~g ~nd microfilming, . Restauran~s (c~nclo~ed only), . R~tail supply stores: in~:luding but not li.mitad to vehicle accessories and parts (exclucliny in3ta71ation and repair), , . SQCretarial and answering servicQ~, . Shoe stores: sales and repair, and . Sport.inq goods, . Tobacconist~, , . Toys, ~ Yardaga, t,; . Suc;2i other. uses as are specified in S~ct3.on 18.44.050 "Conditional UsQS and SCrr~t~ires" in the CL "~ommercial, ~.imited" T.one and a~c may r~ be approv~~l xn cannection with a conc~itional usQ permit processed 3:: accordanco with Cbapter 18.03 "Zoninq Procsdures - Amendnont:;, CondiCional Use Permits and Variances". ~ The lega'i property owner shall record an unsubordinated covennnt again~st the pr,operty so-restricting the occupancy oF subjoct property. SaiB covanax~t shall be submitted ta the Zoning Divisi~n for trbnsmittal to the Cxty Attoxney's O~ficQ for raviuw and epproval pxior t~ rer.orQution. Proof of recoruntic~n sha11 L•hen be submitted ~o the Z~ning Division. Said unsubordinate~i covanant ahall include an ~greement to inform, in writing, the ronte: of each commercia~l spaco of ~ubject limitatf.on. 4. * That complet3ou af thase reclass~fi~cation ~roceeding:~ is continqenr upou Cf ty CauncS:~ appr~val of General Plan Amen~ment No. 278. f' ~ ~( , -3- PC 89-303 ` `~- :,y ,;~ ~i~~' ~ ~~~? ~ , .. ~ ~.. , i ~`~~ f~',~+~1 h~l ~ ~.j + ~ 5. Tlzat pri~r to ehe i.ntr~c3uction oE an ordinanc~ rezoning subjnct proporty, Cond3.tiori Nos. 2 thYOUgh •~, t-Love-mentlon~d, staa].l be completyd. The prov.iaior,s nx riqhrs grantod by this re~olution sh~ll b~come riull and vofd by aation uf t.he Planning Commission unloss said co~nditions ara compliecl wir_h wil.hin one (1) year from the dat~ oP khis reso~ution or such £urther timo as the Planning Commission may gxaizt. 6. * ThaL• approval oE this applical:ion const3.t~.~tes appzQVa1 of khe proposed reque~t only to the extent thr~r it compli9s with tho Anahc~im Mur~ic3pal Zoninu Co~3e and any other• applicabls City, Stata Rnd Federal regulatlons. Appraval does not include any actior, or findings as to compliunce ar approval ot the requesk regarding any other agp.~.icable ordinance, regula~ion or requiremen~. Cobditions marked with an ast~risk (*) ~re raquirQd by es~ablished 1aws, codas, regulations and~or agroem~-nts and aro not subjc~ct ta nogotiation. B~ I:C I'URTliER R~SOLVEn that the Anaheim rity Flanninq Comm3.~sion r3oAs hereby find and determinQ th~-t adoption of this Resolutian is expressly predicated upon applicant's corpl3.anco with eacY~ and all oE the conditions hereinabovQ se~ forth. Should any such cunditiuns, or any part tt~ereof, be declared invalid or iinenforceable by *he ~inal judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approva:ls hereiu contain~d, shall be deemed null and void. Aecember, ATTEST. : T.FIE FORECOING RESOI,UTION is, siyrie~ ancl approv~d by me 4his 4th dt~y nf 1989. _ !~' ~ . ,~ ~''~ . i ~' ~ -'CiiAI. MI~N, RN1,AE M CITY FLANNING COMMISSION' , ~ J. _ ~ ~ =?T!%~!.t'~. . .,_,;~°.-, ~G~C:~ .--'~" ~-!'',~'~T/~LC.~1...~ RETAR`L; At]AHEIM CI STArE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) gs. CITY OE' A13AHF.IM ) ING COiM~1IS5I0N I, ~dith L. Harrfs, Socce~3r.y of the Anaheim (:ity Planning Commission, do hereby certifl ~hat- the forogoing rASOl.ution was passod aad adopted at a meuting of the AnahQim City Planni:ig Cammission r:eia an Docember 4, 1989, by th~s Eollowing vcte of the mer~~bQrs thereof: AYES: C~t~tISSIONERS: BQYDSTUN, BOUAS, FELDHAJS, HELLYEtt, HERBST, MC 5URNEY, DiBSSC NOES: CO~~SISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN~: COMMISSI02JE~2S: NONE IN WTTNESS WfiEZEOF, i have hereunto set my hancl this 4th clay of. Dt~cembQr, .19A9. ~~~-cx,-~? .~'~ "~. ~/~ ;,G.-~.C~~~/~rG:L. , ANAHEI:~! C, PLANIQZNG COMMISSION -4- ` PC 89-303 ~ , ~ ..,. , . , . .. .,..,. ,'~ ` >:~ ~~