Resolution-PC 89-314~ ~ . a~a ` }4 ~'',~ ~til'w .~a ~~ ~ 1`N + , ~~ ~;~ ~,;, ;~ ~ ~ .~ RESOI, TTON_NO• k~f' 9-31,~, A R~SOLUTION OF T.HE ANAHEIM CITy pLAN11LNG COMMISSInN ? AAOFT:[NG t1ND RECOMMEi;DTNG T.0 THE CITY COUNCtL ADOPx'IpN OF ~' GE*TERAL PL~APi AMENDMENT N0. 275 ~. WHEREAS, tho City Council oE the City o~ Anahe3.m did adopt the V `~' Anaheim Goneral YJ.an by Resolukion Nu. 69R-644, snowing i:he genc~ral i , description attd Qxtent of possik~le futiire devolopment within the city; and iVHEREAS, pursuant to a Planr~ing Commission request for az~ amQndment to the I~and Use Flemont of the Ge~neral plan, in conformanco with Sec:~i~ns 18.03.G50.Q5 and o£ the Anaheim Municipal C~de, staff prepared a General P1an Amc~ndment to redesi~x~ate trom the exi.stinq Me~ium Density R~~idential designati~n to Law--Medium De:isity Rosidential desiqnatiun for the study area consisting of approx.imately 2.0 ar.res com~,rised of nine (9) parcels froriting on the east and wQSt sides oE Dwyer Flace, and two (2) parcels on the northeast corner of Pearl Streot and Dwy~r Place, having combinad approximate frontages nf 13b feet on the north side ~f Pearl Str~et and 90 feet on the Qast side uf Awyer Place; and WHEREAS, tho Planning Department deemed it. appropriate, pursuant to th~ pcovisions of the California Er,viranmental QualiY,y Act, that thpre are nu significant enviroram~ntal impacts and recommended that a Negative Declaration be a~proved; and WHEREAS, thQ Anaheim City Planning C~mmission did hold a public hearing at tha .Anahe3m Civic Center, Gouncil Chamber, 200 Soukh Anaheim Bou'levard, on DQCember 4, ].989, at 1:30 p,m., notice oE oaid publ.ic hearing having been iiuly givQn as roquired by law and in accardance wit}~ the praviszons of tho Anaheim Municipal Ccde, to hear and con~ider evidoxic;~ for an3 against said General Plan Arneridmerit and to investiyate and mak~ findings and recommenclations in connection theraw.ith; and ~ WHEREAS, said C~mmission, after du~ cons.ideration, inspection, investiqation anc3 stuciy made by itself, and aftr~r due conaideratidn of all svidencn and reports of.fered at hearing, UOES IiEREBY FIND: ~ 1• Tbat due to City Council and Planning Commission con~:prns regardiriq multiple -f amily residential devel~pmant in Anaheim, a phased work F~! plan was devQ].ogod which included, in parC, an analysis of. areas de3ignated ae Medi~un Density R~sidential an tha Genera1 Plan, as well as thuse areas zun~a RM-1200 west ot State Collegc~ Boulevard L•o the western Ci~y limits to ~ dctermine land uso xncunsistencies. Z. xhat s~taff conducted a detailed ana3ysis af the GeneraZ Plan desiqna~ions, xoniny and land use and ic3pntified 308 acres on .+hich inconsistencies exist between existir.q land uses and the Generz~l Plan designation and/or existing zoning. 3. That evidence presented aubstantiates the need for an amenclment to the Anaheim General Plan t~nd that Exhibi~ A be adc~pt~ci redesignating ; subject area f.~r Low-Medium Density ResidQntial land uses. 0671b -1- PC 89-a14 ';; ;,~ K .. '~~Y~ ~+t~ ~ .i;~ ~ ir`Yr~ t~l,~p p 4yck' 1 ti~r~~ ~ tJ~~ , , s: ;;';~ .;~. i C~1~LIFORNIA ENVIROTTMENTAL 0 ALI Y r~z FINllIN~~ That th ~ e Anaheim City Plann,ing Corrun3.ssion has reviewec~ the proposal to Famend tk~e Land CTsQ Element of tho Genera7, P1an to changca the current designation of Madium ben~x~y Res.idankial deSignatioi~ to Low-Mc~dimn Uensz~y Resi.dantial land uses on approximately 2.0 acres comprised of nine (9) parcels frontiing nn tho oast and wes~ sides ~f Aw~er P1ace and 2 parcels on the northoast aornor of PAarl Street and Awyer Plac~, having combinQd arp:Qximate front~rqes of 136 feet c•,n ~he nort:l sid~ o~ Pearl SL•reot and 90 fe~t on the east side of D~ryer~ Placc+; and does thereEore approve the Negative Declar.ation on the basis that it h:is considered the proposod 2~egative Declaration together wit:h any comments received durinq tha public r~eviow process and furt'her findinc~ on the basia oi the Iriitial S~udy and any conunonts receive3 tha~ thQre is no substantial ev.idonce ~hat the proje~t will have a;ignzficax~t ePf.ect on tha envir.onment. NOW, THEFEFORE, BE I~ RESOLVED, that pursuant; to the above L•indings, tho Anali~im City Planning Commission does hereby adogt a~d recamm~nd to the City Couizcil o£ the Citiy of Axiaheim adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 274-•1 -• Land Use Flement - P:xh3lai~ A, radesignating subject are~ for Low-Medium Density Resider,tial land usos. THE FOR~:GOING RESJLUTION is ^,igned and approvect by me this 4th day of December~ 7.a89. / / ~ / _%~~~~-~,~-- _~~~ -~.. CHAI• MAN ANAHEII~ CIiY pLAt3NTNG CODLtiSISSION ATT~;ST: ~ ~ •> ~-! .7;lfi~.~ i~%'~ ' f~~ ~-~J ! , ~-.~ - <='~:~ f_..~~_J,? : ~ .r,.::.. E'~I~R~C;~ ANAHE7M Ci' PLI~TNING CUNRr1TSSI0N ~ ~.- ' ~~ ~,. ,_. STATE OF CALIFOFNIA ) COLTNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITX OI' ANAHE'_*M ) i. Edith L. Harris, 5ecretary o£ the Anaheim Czty Planniug Commission, do hereby certify that the L•oregoing resolutio~ was pasged and adop~ed at n me3tinq of the Ar.aheim Cit~ Planning Commission held on Ascember 4, 19~9, by tha fol7.owinq vote ot the members thereof: AYES: COI~4rfiSSI0NE1tS: IIOLTAS, BOYDSTU23, FELDHAUS, HELLY3R, HERBST NOES s ~ MC BURN~;Y, MBSSE OMMISSIONERS: NOd~'F: ABSEN'7~: COMMISSIONEEtS: NdNE IN WTTNESS WHEREUF, I hav~ herounto ~et my hand thfs 4th 8ay of December, ~989. ~. ~ /~ ' ~ f ~ ~~~ _~~ /~ ~= -~,~-,.~ L .~~ti, ,__ r~.-'~. C~~.~~' ~- ./j ~ i .' ~ .a'"y.'/2_~ --.1,,,. ,; ~ / ~ + (%. SEGI~ETARY,~AF3EIM CI'PY PLL NING COh4dZSSTON a ~~ ~= ir.i:: . ~. s s,~~~~ _ _, ~ _ 2PC89-314