Resolution-PC 89-319,; r . I ~~ ~ ' ~~dy~i~yNy~1'a~a~i~~1 a 1P' ~ ~ ~,~. ~l~ ~ ~' f $~$Q~~/~1xTiY~ ~~v+~~$.9-~ .~ RF.SOGUTION OF THE AN~HEIM CI'1'Y PLANNING COMMTSSION RECOMMENDING 'PHAT. THE CIT~ CQUNCIL ADOPT AN ORD'lNANCE TO APPROVE DF.VELOPMF~PIT AGREEMENT N0. 89-U2 WHEREAS, pursuant to the author:t'•v set forth in Calitornia i Goverzunent Coao Section 65aG4, et seq. , Marlcetf: e Partii~rs, a CaliEornia .i corporation (hereinaft-:.r Devel~per), has requestPd the City of Anah~im to onter inL-o a Doveloprnent Agreement (hereinafter tbe Agreament); and PlHEREA~, in accurd~.nce with thQ City's Procadure Resolution No. 82R-5ti5, the Developer has submi~ted a proposed Agreement f'or Planning Convnission and City Council consideration, which khe Agreement w~uld gova~n ? the implemankation of the Marketfaire promotiunal ret~il centQr located south ' and west of the 5oul•hwPSt ccri~er of Old Canal Road and Weir Canyan Road~ and furth~r clescribocl as 1001 to 1100 Pullman St•reet; anc~. WHEREA5, on Decamber 4, 1y84, tho Plan:iing Commiss.zon certiFied Environmental Tmpact Report Nc;. 289 and rQCammended adontion of GenoraY P,lan Amendment No. 2T1, Reclassificatian N~. $9-gU-22, Conditional Use F~Hrmit No~ 3206 and Devolopmer,t Agreoment No. 83-02 (Amended and Restated) to permit and govern the construc~:ic,n of a commerczal retail center, an automative rept~ir center, one fz•~estanding r.estaur~nt with on-sa2e alc~holic beverages and entertainment, and one dr.ive-through restaur~nt, with buil.iing heights in excess of 35 feet; an~ ,` WHE:REAS, the A:~akieim Citl Planning Co~runissioii did hold ~ public heazirig aG tlie Cavic Center in the City oF Anahezm on December 4, 1989, at i 1:3U p,m., notice of said public hea.ring havi~ig been duly given as x~equi~ed by : law and in ~ZCCOrdance with the provisions of th~ Anaheim Municipal Code, ` Chapter 18.03, to hear ~ncl consider evidence Eor and against said proposed ' Environmental Imgact Report No. 289, General PJ.an l~m~ndmant No. ?71, Reclassification No, 89-g0~22, C~ndi.tional U'st~ PermiL No. 3206, and ~a~~elopment Agreem~nt No. 83-02 (Amencled and Restated) and Development Agreemont Na. 89-02; and whereas, Aev~lapment AgraPment t1o. 89-02 was c~ntinued L•o the meetinq of December .18, 1989, for further review; and ~ hTHEREAS, puzsua:~+t t~ tlie Proaedures Resolution, the Developer has demonstrated Eligibility 'to enter into this Agreement by sYiowing that the „ ~ Project wi71 result in the construction of apprAximately 377~Oq0 square feeC , oE re-_•t~il spacE; and tha~ approxirnatoly 2fi0,000 square fpot will be leasRd Qr i~ sold ko retail tenants priox to completion of construction. WHERF.AS, said ~ununissi~n, a~ter due consider~tion, inspection, iravestigati~n ~nd study made, by itselE, and a.f!:er due considerat~on, of all evidence and report:; offered at said hearing, nOES HGRE9Y FIND: N0677b PC 89-319 ~ ~ l. 2. 3. 4. i~ h"~ ~ ~ ~~ '~' ~r~. ,;,h `'~:-~d That the propased Agreeme~nt is consistent witYi tho General Plan of t,he // ;: C~Ly o£ Anaheirn as rc~conunendeu for amendmen~ in connaction with General Plan bmeudment No. ?71. xhat tho proposed Agreemont is compatible with the uses authorized 3n and tha rec~ularions prescribed far in thQ applicab~.e zoning diskrict. ~;~ ~h~~ the proposed Agreemont is compatible with the orderlp development of propf:rty in the surrounding area. i Tha~ ~2xe proposeci Agr,eement is nol: otherwise detrimQntal to the health, ' sa~et and ~ ~~`~' Y gener~l welfare c,E the citizens of Anahezm. N~W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, ,1'~ Conunission does herPby Pind that, pursvant t~ha~he hCa iforn a Envirorunental Quality Act, the amendeci and previousl No. z89 is adequate to serve as l-.he oquired~ en iron~~ttLaln d cumeutati3o~n pfor Development Agreement No. 8g_02. B~ IT PURTFiER RESOLVEA, that the Anaheim City. P'lanning Comma.ssion does her~by find tha~ the peveloFer has demonstrated elxgabi,lit ta entPr ir.to Uevelopment Agreement No. 89-02 and meets hhe criterxa s~rt farth above, and ~loes hereby recu~runend to th~ City Council ~hat Devolo ment AgrPement No. 89-02 ba approvad and Qntered into by the City o~ Aaah.eim Pwith the Develop~r, TH~ FGRlil;OING E2ES4LUTION is signed 2~rfd approved by me this 18th day of Dec~mber, 1989. :; ~' f . _ /.. / 'J 4', _.._V -.,Ih~~ .~~ i~--jt /~~~ . .~~`r ~~ ~;; -~:FIAIRMA~t, ~}~FTpg•CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN • tii ATTEST: -, J~ ` % " ~7 ~ . 0~.~~i~(/~/-~---F-- --J -~c~ ~ SECR~:TARY, ANA~~IM CI'rY rPLANNING COMMISSION ,~ ' ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) '1 COUNTY' OF ORAIrGE , ) ss. ~~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~ ~ " x. ~da.kh L. Harrxs, Secretar ~;? `'' Commission, Y of f.he Anzheim Cit~ Planning '~ do hereby certify thaC thP foregoing resolutian was passed and adop~ed at a me~ting of the Ar.aheim City Planning Commission held on Dacember '+4' j ~,,, '~ 18, 1989, by the followzng vcte of the members ther ~ ~o~: ~ AYES: COMMI5SIONEEtS: HOYASxUN, HELI:.v~K, HERBST, MC HURNEY, MESSE ^' ~ NOES: .r~t.q~qrSgION'ERS: NONE i ABSENT: COMMISSTONERS: DOUAS, FELDHAUS , IN WITNLSS WHLREOF, I have hereunto set rny hand this l~th day oi Uecember, 1989. ~ ,, _ ~ , ,~~ _ SECRETARY, 1~TAHETM CI~Y LANNING CObAtISSION ., ,, .. :~ r.~,; . ., .., -2~ PC89-319 ~ . _. ... ,,,_,.,. . ;:.. . . _ ,~,. .. ,_ , -- - . , .. _ ,,. . ,.... . _ .,_ _._ ;J