Resolution-PC 89-320 A RESOL,UTION OF THE t1,NAHEIrf CITY PL~NNING COMMTSSION 1HAT PETITION F'dR CONDITTONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3227 }3E UENT~D W?-i~RE~,S, the Anaheim City ~~lanning Commission dic~ receive a verified PeL•iti.on for Conditional Use Permit for r..er~ain real pro~erty situated in the C.ity of Anaheim, County of Orange, St~te of Californi3, ,! described as: '°+ THE SOUxHERI,Y 255.00 OF TkIE iVESTERLY 336.00 FEET OF THE WEST ONE-I3Ai F OF THE SOU't'H ONE-FIAL,F OF THE NORT.H4JEST ONE-QUARTER OF TEIE N'ORTHWEST O~iE-QUARTER OF "' S~CTION ?.2, TOWNSHTP 4 SOUZ'H, RANGE 10 WES:P, S.B.B. ]aND M. A~ PER MAP RECORDEA ~N BOOK 51, PAGE 10, OF MICELLANEUUS MA~'S, RECORDS t1F TFIE CALiNTY OF (3RANGE, IN THE uANCHO SA:i JUlaN CAJON DE SANTA AN,A, CITX Or ANAHEIM. WHEREAS, the GiL•y Planning Convnission did hold a public hearing at tho Civic Center .i.n tl-.e C:i.ty of Anahaim r~n DecernLier 7.g, 19f39 at 1;30 p.m., notice of' said public hearing having been duly g.iven as reguired by law and in accordance with tkie pravi.sions o~ the Anaheim Dtunicipal Code, Chapter 18.Q3, to hQaz and consic3er evidence for znd against said propossd conditional use permzt and tu investigate and make findings and rer.ommend~tio:is in connection `~`~~ therewith; and ,. WH~REAS, said Commission, after due irzspection, investic~atio~ az~d study mado by it,~el.f and in it;s behalf, ~nd after due consideration n£ all evicience and r.oports offer.•ed ~t said hearing, does find and detormin~ thQ following ~acts: 1. ThaC the petit;ioner requests approval of a cr~ndi~ional uge pNrmit under aut•h~rity of Code Section 18.48.050,142 to ~ermi~ a 166-r.oom, 5-story hotel, with waiver of the followi.ng uniier au~hnrity of Code SectiQn 18.0G.080: -~~•xI~N~-1}3•OE,=~_~41. - Minimum num_er of parki_ ncr~n_a~, ~n,~. 18.4~}~~6.05~. ~,13g r.equired; 121~proposed) 2• That rhe proposed ~xse is hereby d~rried on the basis that a 3tudy of the Commercia~/Recreal•ion area is c~arrently boing conducted vrhich could considerably chdnge requirements arid also the sewer skudy ~urrently ~ being conducted should be completed Co detPrmino sewer nc~eds for this project in that area; and furth~r th~ realignment of We~t Street cot~ld drastically ' affect dQVelopmont of. t.his site. ~i 3. That the proposed use will adversely affQCt the adjoining ].and uses and the g~owth and clevelupmeni: nf the area iii which it is proppsed to oe located. 1192r _Z_ PC 89-320 ~~ ;~_~ :.;~~ : ~:;~ y „y . ~ . . "w~' ~~.' ~ .. . . .... .... . . . .. . , . ~ . . ~jii~~ t 1 ~~ ~_ _ . . . ~`(.~>~yt 7F~J~~ ~) ~1~ A _ _ F ~~}~a,nt ~~~ ~~~~'h a~,}'~ ~r'. ~~! ~ , ;,~, _ ;itr. , ,%ti. 4. That the t.xnd shape of the site proposecl for the use i, not adequate t~ allow the f ::vQlaprn~nt of the prnposed use a.n a manner not detr.zmental t.o th~ partict. area nor to tlxe peace, health, safety an~ qeneral welEare of tho Citir s o£ the City of An~he:ir~. 5. Tha~ t' granting of t;~e ~onditional Use Permit will be detrimsu~al to the peace health, sat~ty and g~neral welEare of the Citizons of the City uf Anaheim. 6. Tha~ ~the traffic ger.erated b,y th2 pragosed use will imp~se an undue burden upon tlie streets and hi.ghways designed and improved ta carry the tra~fic in the area. 7. That one person indicated their presence at said public hearing in np~osiCior,; and that no c~r.respondence was received in oppoaition t.o t.he subj~;ct perition. ,~ALiFURNIA ENVIROt7MENTAL ~IIALITY ACT FINDIN~C: Th~-t; the Anaheitr~ City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to permit a 166-raom, 5-story hatel, with waiver of minim~,un number of parkinq spaces on an irrQg•ularly-shaped p~rcel of lana co.~sisY.~ng of approximately 0.95 r.~rre, havxnq frontages of approximately 135 tee~ oYi the north 3ide of Winston Roaii and 8n feet on ~:he Qast sids~ of West Stre~t, having a max3.mum deptih of appxoximatelx 295 feet, being located approximately Z050 f.eet sonth of t;he cent~rlin,e of Ba11 Road and further described as 1326 Sout:h W~si: Str~tet (~unPS Motel); and does hereby deny the troqative Declaration upon findir~g that it has considere~l t2ie Plegative Dec].aration togeth~r with any comments receivgd during the public revzew proces~ and further fincling on the basis of the initxal study and 2ny comments received that there is substantial evidQnca that thQ project wri].1 have a ~ignificant effect on tlie e.nvzronment, particu].arl.y sewage needs and the traFfic. NOW, THEREFQR~, BE IT I2ESQLVED that tchr~ Anaheim City Planni~g Comrr-is ,ion does herc~by deny subject Petition fox Conditional Use Pc~rmit, on the ba~sis of L-he aforemenLioned £indingc. 7'HE FOF~;GUING RESOI,U~70N was ~c~qpt~sd 2t t2ie Planning Conun.ission / ATTEST: i i Q-(~J'~, (/1 r .i r '~Lv SECRETARY, ANAFiE;M CI2'Y PLANNING COMD*.ISSIOr! of necember 18, I989. ,/' ;. ~ i ,,~ . ..~ , i L. __= ='~-~='-~~'~~~~~~~~~~~ - - CHAIRMAN, ANAHETM CITY Pf~ANT7ING COMt~fISSION >,1 -2- t~C 89-320 r...,..... +~.' ,wr.•,wc., , rf;Kn.wrc~x.'4~n.nz~M1r..enaSC~-a.ic-s5mae.~..~w., <: ..;...: .. .,Y,.~. .. , .. .,,::, ,. _ . .. .... . _ . , . . , ~ ~ . . , ~. ~ - . . + t r.'.1 .. ~ l ~ y y~ r ~,,"1"„'' ,., ' ~: ~ STATE OF CALI~'ORNIA ) . ~; COUNTY OF ORANGE } ~S, f'.~'iv bF ANl.HEIM ) ~~ _ ~< I, F.dith L. ~arris, Secretary of tlic Anaheim City Planning Commission, do h.e: aby cert9.fy 4:ha~ the fr~regoang resolution was pass~d and aclapt:ed at a,ii2e~;.ing of the l~nahQim Ci~:p Plaaining Commission held on December 18, 1989, by the ~ol~owing vote of L•he mernber;, thereof: A.YES: COMMI^aSJCJNERS: BOYDST.'UN, HEI:,LY',;R, HEREiST, MC BURNEY, MESSE NOES : COMMISu'CONERS ~ NOIJE IaBSFNT: COt~fISS:LONER5: aOUAS, FELbHAUS ~" ~~. ' f~ <. , ,,~,, ; ~, :~ r ,,, `,>.;i? 1.:'~ IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sat my hanc~ thi.s ~f 1.,~N a'•y oi~G~w„~,,.~, YS90. ~~,~~ ~ - ~ ~ ~a°~ ~ - __._ ' ~~; SECEtE7'ARY, b~NAFIEIM f:IT'Y P~NNING CO2«A~I:LSSION '-,~.`I -3- PC 89-320 ;;,~ ~~ J~