Resolution-PC 89-40. . ~ r~U~~ ~1S ~l.hSk1~ ';tl.7r}?i9~~tiq't , ,,; ~r r ~, :U.-~ ~ _ ~ - ~,;t,n, {,[i~... ~ _ t6,j~r,~a ir ii';• r. . -"f - -.. . . . . r ' i~: i ` '~;^.t'( ~ ~ ! ~~rl:( ! `,t~~~~' '~i,~A!P .. . .. . . ..~~.'~. ./^. ~'~'~?~"4 RESOLUTIQ~*T N0. PC$~~Q 6~~~~ A RESU:'TION UF xHE ANAHEIM ~IT'1 PLANNING COMMISS.I[dN TFiAT PETTTJON FOR VARIAATCE N0. 3812 BE GF2AN'rED WHEREA5, the Anahaim City Planning Commission did recoive a verifi~d PetiCzon £or Vr~riance from AT~DIMA.D JILAttEIiI ANA PARVANF.H JIL312iEHI, 2037 Port Bristol, Newport Beach, CA 92660, owners, of certain xeal pro~erty situ~t.ed in the ~iL-y of Anaheim, County oF Orange, State oE Calz£ornia, doscribed as follows: BEGTNNING AT T:TE SiUTAWESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 82 Q~' TRACT N0. 1:~56, AS YER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 96, PAGES 25 TO 2% INCLiJoIVE, OF' MISI:ELLANEOUS MA,P IN T?il~ OFFICE OF TF~ COUNTY RECORDER UF SAID ORANGE COUNTY: ~'HEI7C~ SOUTH 74 DEGREES 15 MTNUTES 25 SECONDS SVF,ST, ALONG 'THE NURTHERL'3C LINE OF WILFELMINA STREET AS SHOWN ON MAP OF SAID TFACT P70. 1356; 270.79 FLET TO TH~ W~STERLY LINE OF LOT 'l; THENCE NORTH~RLY ALONG SAID WEST LINE 05 FEET TO THE 1vORTHWEST CORNER UF THE LA.*TD CqNVEYED TO JOSEFH TUMA AND WTFE RECORDED NOVEMHER 24, 199a, iN DUOK 176~1, PAGE 65 OF OFF'ICIAi, RECORDS, SAID ORANGE CQUNTX: THENCE NnRTH 73 DEGREE5 55 MINUTES 20 SECONDS ~AST 270.O.1 F'EET 3'0 TIIE WESTERLY LINE UF LOT 81 pF SAID TRAC'C NG. 1356; THEPI SOUTH :15 DCGREES 22 MINUTFS 30 SECOPIDS EAST ALONG TFIE WESTFRI,Y LINe^, OI LOTS 81 A,ND 82, 86.58 FELT TO TIiE POINT Ok' BEGINNT.NG. WHERGAS, the C;iky Planni.ng Commission did hold a public hoar?ng at thcs Civic Center in thp Cit~r ~f Anaheim on November 7, 1989 at 1:30 p.m., notice ~E s~icl public hearing having been duly given as required by law und in accardaiice with Lha prov.isior.s of the Anahaim M~iiiicipal Cude, Chapter 18.03, to hear and considQr ovidence~ £or and ~gainst~ said ~raposed variance and to iiroostiyate and make findinqs and recommendations in counQCtian L•hexeuith; and snid public hearing was continued to the mQOtings of Novemb~r 21, 1988, i)ocember 19, ].988, .:aniiary 16, 19E9, Janu~ry 30, 1989 and February 13, 19A9; nnd WH~REAS, said Commission, aEter due i.nspection, inve5~igati.on and study made by itselF and in its beh~llf, and af•tor due conside•ration of all evidence r~nd reports oEfered a~ said hearing, does f.ind and detQr:nine the follokang ~ar,ts: :L• PQtiL-ionar requQSts wai~rer of the following to construct a 2-skor}•, 3-unit conciominium cnmplox: ~'~~' `~. (v Q673r -1- PC09-40 ~ ,~:~4 ..... ,~,.. . . .. _ . , . .. , ~"',' ~ ~A) ,~E TTQN ~1.~ . UG ~~2 - ~~l~ r~~~~l heiaY~~• ~ 1°~- x W~•-~-n ~.5~ fe~ o.f RS-7200 zon3ng pc~rmitted; Z-StOr. ~.Q~..~.~._~,2 and____l.-~._._~~~ proposed) ~B) S~E ,TIQN-1~~•.p~.~ ~1 - M~.i~u~. r~rea~iQnal/1Qis uro ~re~t ~gr w 1 'n uni~.• (1QO.~~q, f~ requi rea; 92~,~q, ~ proposed ) (C) ,~ECTION 18~~1,Qt11~Q12 - Mi.nirn m il ln u bu• _~Q 5.if'~~ ar_ Pa nPr~w l~ ing uni . . (.~4.4~q.~f~ .required: 2f385 ~q.z.F~ pro,posed) (D) ~E~xI,Q.N~..~1~9~3_Q'1_2 - Minim m truc.t~i•al --~~~?~~k ~rQm abu~tina ~ublic ~.~.g~. tl~:_t4ot f~za]:~^ 1an ~~~ Setback requi.r.ed along Wilhelmina Street; ~gn par'-ina SpBG@S within 15-foo~ setback pr~posed) ~E) ~E~TTQN ls~e..31. 24 - ~.$.~4__. ~r_._~IL__.~trucrur~ Setbac .Mi im u k ab t ina °ne-fami~v ~~i~~.= a i~€Y~e 1 o m n.. (?Q. f~~t, fullX landscap,.g~, rec~uired: ~tQ 1~ tee~ propc+sod) 2. That the ~bnve-menL-ionod waivers arQ hereby granted or the basis thal-. Chere are sp~ci~]. circixmstanae,^, ~pplicable to the p:operty sucn a5 siz~, shape, topography, location and surroundings which do noh apply Y.o othor identica~ly zon~d property in the same vicinir.y; and that strict applic~~ion of tlie Zuninc~ Code deprivQS the ~ro,perty of privileges enjoy~d by okhsr prnp~trrios in kbe iden~acal z~ne and classi£ic7~ion in the vicanity. 3. That thez•e arQ except;i~n.a1 or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicablo to the proparty involved or to the intended use o~ rhQ property that do nnt apply genQrally to the pr~party or class of use in tk,e same vicinity and zone. '~. Th~t thQ requa~aL•ed v:~raance is necessary f.or th~ pres~arvation and onjoymont of a substantial propErCy right posSeSSad by othor pro~erty in thQ same vicinit~ and zone, anr3 3enied to the propert;• in e~uestion. 5. That the reque3tecl vari;~nce will not be materially ~letrimenta2 to tha pub3ic weltarc~ or injurinus t~ kYie property or improve.monts in such vicii~ity and zone in whir,h tha proper.ty is located. ^ .-- 6• That six (6) people indicated their presencs at said public hear.ing :in oppos.ition; and th~': a pc~tition contai.nin a f.if(:y-5igi,~ (5a) ~;ignatur~s was receive~1 in oposiL•ion L•o suhja t r~quesrimately -2•- PC89-40 +x:sss ~,;~~, 't; .; d ,,; i ; ;~, ._I'~ !~ ~ f ~ „'~~ ~ AC LIk;QRt~IA EWIR~E~ITA~L QjZAI YT~,~T FINDINGi That tho Anaheim City Planning Commission 2~as reviswed the propQSa1 to reclassi.fy sub?ect property from tlie RS-7~00 f:~c~sident:La.l, S3ng1g-Family) Zane to thR RM-3a00 (ResidanLial, hiultiple-Family) zane to cnnst.ruet a ?.-s~ory, 3-unxt coi~domir~ium complex with waivers of maxfmwn ~;.ructural height, minimum recreationa:l/1e3sure area per dwc~lling unit, minirnum building site ~rea per dwelling unit, structur~l seLback Crom abutting public sCroot and struc~ural setback aburting one-Eamily residar.tial develapment on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting o.f approximately 0.22 acre 'lorated at the northeast corner of East Stroo~ and Wilhelmina S~reeL•, anc~ fuzther described as 7Z6 ~orth East Street; an@ does 1~ereby approve the Nagativa Dealaration upon finding that zt has considered the Negat.zvo necl2~rt~tir,n together wiCh any comrnents received during ChQ public reviow pr.ocess and further f.i.nding on the basas oL• the initial sti~dy and any comm~nts recaived tha~ there is no sabsta.nti.al evidence that, thE project will Y-ave a signiricant etf.ect on the environment. NOW, THEREFOR~, BL; IT kESOLVEU kha~t Lhe An,heirn. City Planning CommiSSi~n does heroby gr~nt subjech Petition foc Variance, upon the Po~lowinq conditions which are hereby~ founcl to be a necessary Lreroquisit~ to the proposed usQ of the subject property i.n order to preserve 1:he safety and gener~7, welfare of the Citizerzs of the City of Anaheim: 1. Thnt this VariancQ is qrbnted subject to the adoption of. tYze Zon.ing Or.dinance in t:ocinectiun v~ith ReclassiEicatiun Nn. 88-g9_4, now pending. 2. T:~at prior to issuance oF a buildinq permit, the appropriate tr~£:Eic signal ~ssessmeEit fee shall bQ paid r.o the City of Ananeim in an amount as es~ablished by City C~uncil resolution. 3. That subject propert~• ~kaall bu servad by undergraunc3 utilities. 4. That gates shal] noC be anstalled ~c:os;; the driveway in a manner which may edversoly af£er~ vehicular traffic in *he ac'~~acenr public streat. Installation of ~ny gates sh~,ll confor~n ta th~ Engineering Di.vision's Standard Plan No. 402 and shall bF, subject to the review and approval of tha Cxty Traffic Etigineor. 5. That 3 parcel map tr, rpcord the diviy3on o£ subject property shall be ~ubmitted ta and apnroved by the C3.ty oE Anaheim and then be rea~rded in the Office of the Orange CounCy Rocorder. 6. That a aash paymont shall be made to ~he City of Anah.eim for the cost of ~h~ removal o.C existina street improvemc~nts along East Street and ceconstruction/const.ruction nf full streot improv~men~s nt the ultimate location. Said payment sha11 be made prior to isstie-nce o£ a building pe:mit. -3- PC$9-40 ~~ , 1 `. ,e'il4~:l.+~r ~~ `+ ;=~;;;~ ~ ~ , ~ .!~.~;~ r~ "i'.NoP7 ~ ~ i r:-;~~~y t{~1 ;'j ~;;~ ~; 7. That dra:-nago oF subject praperCy shall be dis~osed of in a maundr satisfactory t~ the Gity Engineor. 8. Th~a~ priox to commencemezit of s~ru~tural framiny, fire hydrant~ shall be installed and ch~rged as required and approved by ~he Cit~ ~iro Departmsnt. 9. 7'hat all lockable pe~l~~trian and veh.icular access gates sh~ll be equipped with a"knox box" device, if required by the Citp Fire andlor Police Department. 10. ThaL• tra3h storage areas shall be provided anci maintained an a location 3cceptable tu the Street Maantonance and SaniCati.on Division and in ! accordance with approved plzns on file with said Division. i f 11. TYiat ~rior to final builciing and zoning i.nspectiorxs, "No parking ~'ar ! sCre~t sweeping" signs shall be installed as required 'by the Street ~ Maintenance and Sanikatio.n Division ~nd in acr.orQa:ice with sper.ificltions , on file with said d:ivision. 7.2. Th~t ~he with wri purchasRr of each resi~t:itial dwel7.ing tten ir,formati • unit sha11 be provided 14.32.5C0 on :. oncerning Anaheim gertaining to "Parkin r t i Municipal Code Secti.on sweeping'~ ~ es r ctod . 5uch written inforrnaL-i to facili~ate street on-s~reet on sha11 clearly :indica parkirig is nrot~ibited a~:l the penaltv for, violat~on. ta when 13. That al.l e u i air conditio~ning facilities and othe•, roa£ and ground ma~ ~nted q . pm~:nt shall be properly shielded from view; from adjacent rasid i and th~ sou:ld . buffered ent al properties. 14.. That ~ six (G) foot bigh masdnrx block wall shall bs constructed and m~int~~in~d alor_y the n~rtk~ anr,~, aast property ] ii:es excepting the frant setb~ck where the wall Yieight shall n~t ~xcwed thre~a~ (3) feet. 15. 7:hat• subject pro~Qrty shall be dQ~~~,loped substantially in accordance with glans ancl spocifica~ions on filA wiCh the Citg of Ar.~heim n~arked RQVision No. 1 oF Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4, provi,ded, howover tha~ there shal~ be no windows £ac3ng the single-family re~idence on the west side of th~ propertiy; and that landscapxng shall in~~luclo a rninimum of four (4) f.ifteen (15) yallon trees on the east property line. 16. 1h~t ~rior to issuance of a bu.il~ing permit, nr within a p~riod oP one ~1I year from the date of this rQSOlution, Condition Nos. ~, 2, 5 and b, above-mentione8, ~hall bc~ compli~d with. Ext:easior~c~ for further time to complete sald con~itions may be granted in accordance with Section 1f1.03.090 oP the Ar,aheim Municipal Cad~. 17. ThaL grior to Pinal building and zoning inspections, Condition t7os. 3, 7, 10, 11, 13, I4 and 15~ above-mQntioned, shall bo compli~d with. ~4- pC89-•30 ~ ~ '7' 1'4.3~"..f: , r ~'ii~ :~.-" ..s7t.+ i. Sl..~i~.:}.i. +.+ -:~_:t '~ , ~ ,. . ..., . r -, ,. . . . . .. . . .. , "~ i . „r.: ^,'i~~~ i .~ ~ ~;,';i i K~d~ rtiAN1"nl~S{~df~~lF'?. ~ I kE , ~7'~`~ ~ ' '~ di , ~ . ~.:i~';.~ 7,~ (; y^ ; : ;.~ ~l` 18. That approval of this apnlicatioxi c onstitutc~s appro~va7. of ~he propo~ed '~;1 rc~quesr crily to the e~,tont that it aompl.ias witl~ the Anaheim Munici~al ~ ~ 7.oning Codo ~-nd any ather applicable City regulations. AppL'O'V71~. does not y include any act.ion or findings as to aompl:lance or appraval of the ~f reques+.: reqard~.ng any oL-her app licable ordinar,co,, rec~uld~~,on or ''-' requi.rament. :;'i~ BE :tT FURTH~R RESQLVFll that the Anaheim City PlFarinin~? C-~mmissi.c~n does ~ereby fin3 and determii~o tha~, adoption oF this R~3sol+aCior~ is expressly predicated upon ngplicant's compliance with eaCh and H11 oF the con,ditions kaE:rsxnabovR se~ Pcr~h. Should any such conditions, or an;i part thereof, be declared invalifl or uneilforceabl~ by the final juiiym~nt af any r.ourt of• c.ompeCent jurisdiction, then tlxis Resulution, and 2~ny c~p~rovals herein contained, sh~ll be deerned null anil void. TH1, I'OREGOING RE50LUTION is ~igne~3 ~nd 3pprovr~a hy m~ this 13th day of E'ebruary, 1989. ~ '~ ,.~I fi z'.,~.` / /i'"''t`.r_•~-lr'_ CEIAIRWOM~N, /;ANAHEJM Ci'TY PLANNTNG CODIMISSIUN /' ATT~ST; ~ / . ~ (~~ "( ~ ~ / -- ~ bl''~''~ ti. ,~ ~ ~_,.~.,~.. SFCfiETA.RY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANN NG COhIIyf~S ;ION STRTE UF CALIFORN'IA ) COUtiTY OF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHFTM ) z, Edith L. Harris, Se~retmry of tk~e Anaheim City Plt~nn:in~7 Comrn.tssion, do herc3by certify that the foregoing resolut.ion was passed and adapted at a meeting t~f the Anaheim riry planni.ng Commis~ion held on Fobruary~ ].3, 190g, by the fclYowing ~~ot~ of the membsrs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, CARUSILLO, EERIIST, MC BUFtNF,Y, M~SSS NOES: COMMISSY~NERS: FELDFiAU5 ASSENT: COMMISSIOPJFRS: BOYDGTf;N IN WITNESS WHER~OF, 7. have hereuntc~ set mx ha.nd l•his 13th d~zy of Februaxy, 1989. `-' ~ / ~~ ,~ ', ~<iZ/ _~ . _ '~t.~;,, SECKETARY, AITAHEIM CITY PLANNING ObAMISSION :, -5- FC89-40 ,, ; 1~1~ fi ~~. ' ~;'i'.~t~' . ,..ii,~;~Ai'~