Resolution-PC 89-44~ ~~ ~ RFs50LU'TION NQ. PC£~ 44_ A RFSOLUTION OF iHE ANAHEIM CJTY PLANNING COMNtISSTON THAT PETT`rION IOH. FECLASSIF~CATION N0. 88-89-36 BE GR.'aNTED WH~REAS, the AnahEim City Planning veri£ied p2Lition for Realassifica2tion trom LL'CILE F~ERRYMAN, 7r3 ~f. Anaheim Eioulevard, ,Anahoim, CA CAANG, Y.O. B07C 2868r Anahc-~im, CA 92014, agent, situst~ed in the Cit,y nf Anah~im, County of Ora described as foll~ws: Commissian did receive m M. P~RRYMAN AND FFANK E, 92805, o•,~mex, and 'KOKO cE certain real p~operty nge, 5tate o£ California, BEGINNING AT TIiE vORTI3WEST CORNE~2 QF 56, THENC~ EASTFRLY ALONG THE NURTIiERLX 'LTNE5 OF LGT 56 AND 5~, 210 F~ET ANIa 4 1/2 INCFIE;S 1'0 A POIIrT IN THE NORTFIERLY LINE Of T.,OT 55; THENCE AT RTC+~TT ANGI,r:S S~UTHERLl' AND P]-RALT,EL WITIi THE WESTERL,Y LTNE~ GF I,Oi 55, A DISTANCE; OF 51 1!2 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES W~STERL'Y ANB PARALLEL WITFI THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LO'~ 55, A DISTANC~ OF 32 1/3 FEFT TO A POTNT: THENCE A.'T RTGHT ]1NGL~S SOUTHERLY AND PARAGLET, FVI'PH THE WESTERL'Y LINE OF LOT 5"~, A DTSTANCE ~F 'll F'EET TO A POZNT; 'rFiENCE l~T RTGHT ANGLES 'R~STERLY AND I'ARAL,LEL WI~H THE SOUTEiERLY LINES QF LOT5 55 AND 56, A DISTANCE OI' 178 1/2 I'EET TO A POINT; THF.hCE AT RIC,HT ANGLES NORTIiER1~Y T,LONG THE WESTCRLY LI11E UF LOT 56, A AISTANCE OF 122 1/2 FEET TO THR NORTHWEST CORN~R THI:REUF' AND TO TETE POINT OF BEGZNPIIkIG. WIiEREAS, the CS.ty Planning Commission did hold a public hear.ing at the (:ivlc Center in tk-e Ci.ty of Anaheim on Janua•ry 30, 1989, at ~.:30 p.m. , notice o.f said publ:.c hearing having been r~u1y given as raquired by la~r and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Muni~ipal Code. Chapte~: 18.Q3, L-o hear ancl consider evidence tor ai~d again~t-. said p.roposed reclassi~i.cation and to invQStiyate ancl make tindings and recommend~tions in r.onnecti.oii therewith; c~ai~l ~ublic tiearzng having been contiziued to the meeting of• February 13, 1989; and viH~REAS, said Commission, after due inspection, inv~stir~ata.on and study made 'by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideretion of all evidence and reports offered at said h~arin~, does find and determine the following fact5: 1. That khe petitioner reques~s ReclassiEication of subj~ct property from the ML (Industrial L~imited) Zone tu the RM-'12U0 ( Residential, Multiple-kamily)Zane. i. That the An~-heim General Plan designates subject property for Medium Density Residentia:l land uses , 06T7r -1- PC89-~4 ~"~ . ;., ,:'r, ~;;'t ~ :N~ ,. :;::'-:~:~ ~ ~ ~ ,. ,,, ,::~ 3. T~iat the praposed reclassificntinn o~ subject property is necessary r~nd/or desir.r~bl.e for tikxe orderly and proper develnpment of ttle corr~n~unity. 4. Tha~ tha proposed reclassiiication of subject ~roper.ty does proper.ly relate to the zanes and thei.r, permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and tu tkie zonos and their pe~mitted uses generally es~ablished throughout- th~ cammunity. 5. T2iat the proposed reclassification of subject property requires tbe doclication ot r~;~uti:ing streets in accorddnce wi'th the Circulation Elernent o' ls General P1an, due to the ~nticipated increasr~ in traffic which will be qer; :~ted by hhe in~ensification of land use. 6. 'that no one indicated ~heir preser~ce at said public hearing in opposit;i~~n; and tha} no ~:orrespondence wa3 rQreiveci in, op~ositaon to subject pet~i~ion. ~ALIFQRNIb EP7"V.LFtON~fEN7'AI~ 1~LITY ACT E'TNDING: Th~.t the Anaheim City Plann,ing CommAssion has rev,ieweci the proposal to reclassiFy subjQCt property frum the ML (I,imit~d Industrial) Zone ro the RM-1200 (Residential, Miiltiple-Family) zone and t:o constrixct a 3-story, 22-unit "afford~blQ" apa•rtment comple:: with waivers oE minimum building site area per dwelling unit, m~zximum ~tructur.a]. hr°ght and maximum site covQrage on an irregularly shapad parcel ot land consisting of approxirnat~ly p.~2 acre, having a froxitage o~' aPprr~ximatelZ~ 122 feet on the east side of Lemon StrQet having a m~ imum depth o~ approximately 203 feet and b~ing located a~proximately 85 faet north o~ the center.line oE Elm Street and further des~ribed as 3Y8 South ~.emon Streot; t~nd does herel~y approve the Negative Declaration upon finding ~hat it h,~s considered the Negative De.;laration tugekher wifk~ ~tny comment3 re~eivetl during the public review process and further finding on the basis oE the initial study and any comment, received L-hat there is no substantial c~vidence that tl~e project will have a significant effect on tY.e environmez-t. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT :~ESOLV.ED ~hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant suLject Petition I•r~r &erlassification and, bl su doing, that Tit•Ie 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municip~l Code be am~nded tc exclurle the above-clescribed property from the idL (Limited Industrill~ zono ~o incorporate said de3cribed propt~rty in-.;o the RM-1200 (Residental, Mul~iple-Family) Z~ne: upon the foll~wing concli.tions wY:ich are her.eby found to be a necessary prerequisiL-~s Co tha proposed use of sub;jecE property in nrder to presarve t'rie satety and ganeral wel£are oE the Citizens of the Ci~y oE An3heim: 1. That the 1ega1 owner of :~ubject propexty shaJ.1 irrevoc;sbly nffer to ded3cate to the Citg c~f Anphaim a strip of lvnd th3zty two (32) Feet in wi~lth fr.om the .r,enterline uf the 3treet along Lemon Street for street widening purposes. 2. ThaL• a fee sha'11 be paad to the CiL•y oE Anaheim for streQi: lighting alonq Lemon 5treet in an amount as establisY.cjd by City Council resolution. -2- '` PC89-44 ~ ~ ~,, ;,,,,,~:~'s5 .e ~. ~ ~~'~ ~'~ ,~ 3. Tha~ ~he 7.ega1 owner oi subjecl•. prop~rty sZiall dedica~~ to the City oE Anaheim a fiva (5) ~oot wide public utility easQment along the north propert~ line, as required by the Elec~rical Engineering Division. i ~. That a fee shall be paid tio the City af Anaheim for tree planting along i 3 Lemon Streei: in an amount as established by Cii:y Council resolution. 5. Thar prior to intr~ducY..iar~ of an ~rdinance rezan.ing subject property, the l~g~l property nwner sha11 prepare and record ari unsubordinated covenant limiting OCCl'pancy of each apaztment unit ta no more thaii two (?.) persons (other. than children uiider the age af i:wo (2; years) per berlroom, 5aid limitation shall be included in each loase/rental agruemexit. A copy of the covenant sh~11 be submit'ted to ancl approved by the City Attorney prior to recordation. A copy of t2ie recorded covenant sha11 be furnished to th~ Zoning Division. E~. That a covenant sha11 be recorded agreeing to provide the renter of each ; ~ dwelling unit with written information obtained fr~m the School '' District(s) pertaining to possi~le overcrowded conditior.s and busing v status af Che school(s} serva.ng the dwelling unit. :~ ' 7. That prior to the .intro~uaticn a.E an ardinance rezoning subjecr property, ' Condition Nos. ]. through 6, abave-men~:io.zed, sna11 be completed. Tho ' provision~ or righl:s grar:ted by this reso'lution shall bocome null and void by ac:l:ion of the Planning Cammission unless s~sid c~nditions are compli~d with wihhin onP (1) year from the date of this resolution, or ' ;~ such £urther time as thp Plazining Commission may grant. 9. That ~pproval of tha.s app.licatiox~ c~nstitut~s approval af th~ proposed. request only to *he ex*_ent that it cumpZies with the An~heim Municipal Zonznq Code and any otl~er applicable City regulatioi^s. Approv~~ doss not include any action or f•indings as to com~lixnce ur approv~l of tha reqaest regarding any other ~p~licable nrc.iinance, rogulatior. nr requirement. ^' ~ F;. ;; ~~~ r~ BE IT F(TR~IiEF RE50T~VED that ~he Anaheim City PYanning Commission claes hereby find and determine that adopt•i~~n of this Ftesolution is expressly pred.icated upon ap~'icant's complian~ce with each and all ot the conditions hereinabave set Por h. Should any such c~n&zti.ons, or any part thereoF, be declared invalid o~ unenf~rceable by the finaa judyment nf any court ~f com~e~ent jura~dicL•i~n~ then thic Resol.ution, and any approvals he~ein contained, shall be deemeci null and void. -3- PC89-44 ': :''; i; ;;A~~~ ;`;~ .r;~; ;'~e _ . ;:i;.,'u.x ~ j ~~. . ' ~.. ~ - , ~ , ~ ,u..rwr . ~ ~; ' ~~r4a ~ ~} ~~ i"".,lq . ~ , . p t . . ,',~.1 if~ x~R . , ,.'„'~~~; l~ THE FOREGGING RESOLUTION is ~igned and approved by me this 13th day qf Feb•ruary. 1989. ,.. ; ~ ' l ~,~~ i/~' G ~.' ~~.~.-~/ -'~~C.-~.-57,_...-~' a CHAIRWOMAN~~' ANAHLIM CIT.X PLANNZNG COMMTSSION v~ '" ATTEST: `-~ ~.~ ~~' . ~~ `=-,`_ -GZ-'til~`',, ~ SECRETAR , ANAfIEIM CITY PI~ANNING CQMMI¢STOh' STAT~ OF CALII'ORHIA ) CQUNT~ OF ORANGE ) ss. CIT.'Y OF ANAHEIM ) ~,~;, I, Edith L. Harris, Secreta.y of th~ Anaheim Ci~y Planninq Camm.iss~.on, do hereby certiEy that the foregoing resolution was passed anfl ttdopreii at a meating o£ t2ie Anaheim City Flanninr Commissiun held on February 13, 1989, by t:he f~llowirig vote of ~hP mAmbers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: A~UAS, C:AFUSIL'L0, F~LDHAUS, HERBST, MC IIURNEY, MESS~ NOES: COMMTSGzONE12S: NON~ ,; ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BUXDSTliN , ,,{ =,~ IN WTTN'r:SS WHEP.EOP', I have hereuntc,• set my hand thi~ 13th day of '^~` February, 198g, ,~, _ ~ ~.~ • . , ~, ,~ ,.~~ _ i ` ~ , ;+F , _ .-~ ~~ ~~t,~~,~, '~~ SECRETARY, AIrHHE]:M CTTY PLANN~NG CQir4~lTSS70N ;•, :;;~ , ~, ;"a~^ '~~`. ~ •, 'y~ ::, -4- y,. .=:a; . . . ~,;i,;~h~ ~ ?~S~;S`,~ I:1~ PC89-44 _ r;f ya ~~ ve ~ ~.+J' ~'~47~; .. . . .~ ,•11~. 1~- !