Resolution-PC 89-56f~ ~3.~S.~u.'~..~^J~~.,_ '~.t3 9 - ., 6 fi~~ A RCSOLUxION OI' T1iE ANAFIEIM r;[TY I~LAtdTTIZ1G COMMISSTON TIiAT PFTIT70N ~'OR VARIANCE N0. 389h BE GRANTEb SVFIEREAS, the Az~~h~im City F'lanning Commission dicl receive a verified Petition for Variaxice from DSELODrE Atr'tI SWALLOW ANL GL~IIDYS F. SWALLOW, 644 Sakth Webster StxeHt:, Anaheim, CA 92804, owner, anCi CCNTURY WEST DE;VELOPMENT, Attn: Robe.rt C. Torres, 8141 Kaiser i3oulaaarc', ~207, An~ho3m, CA 92808, agent for certa3.n real proparty situated in the City of Anaheim, .:ounty oE Orange, SL•ate of Caliiornia, describQd ds follows: LOT 1'l OF TRACT N0. %96, IN TIiE CtTY OF ANAHEIM, AS PER MAk~ RECOT~DED IN BOOK 24, PAGE 28 OF MTSCF:LLl-.NEOUS MAPS, IN TFiE OFFICE OF TFIE C~•iUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commi.ssion dzd hold a gublic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anahc~im on January 30, 1989, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearinq havine~ been c3uly given as requ3.red by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Munici~a]. Code, Chapter 1A.~3, to hoar and consicler ovidonce for and agninst said prop~se3 variance and to .invost.iqata and makQ ~indings and recummend~+tions in connection therewiths and said public hearinq was continued to the mee~ing ~f February 27, 1989; and WHEREI-S, Qaid Commission, alter duo inspection, investigation dnd study ma~o by itself and in its behalf, ar.d aEter due cansideration of all c~videnca and reports offerdd aL• s~id hearing, does f.ind and determine the following £acts: l. xhat the petitio~ier roquesls waivec of the Eollowing to con~truct a 3--story, 20-unit apartment complex: SECTI tO 1~ lf}_~4 .062. Q1~ - M~xim~yn~; -ructur~l k~Qic~h+• .. and 1Qt.~~,Q¢~_,~.1~ ~._g.~o~ry. within 150 feet of RS-720A residential zoning and 2~Q~zes ~verall permittr~l; ~_,~t.oz~g,g at 50 foet proposed) 2. Thzt the ab4ve-mentioned waiver is hQreby qrante~l on the basis tihat there are spacial circumAtances applicable to the proporty su:h as aize, shape, topography, loce~tion and surxot:ndinys which do not apply to other identically zonec] proporty in the same vicinity; a~ad Chat str~ct applicati.on of the 7oniag Code c]ep.~ives the property of privileg~s ~njoyed by other properties .. L•he identical zone anfl ctassiffcation in the vicinitv, 3. That the req~~esCod ~rzivor is hareby ~ran~ea subject to the p~3titioner's stipulation Ar_ the public hearinq to install and permanently mAintt~in a drip irr;.gation syatem in alt planter Ar4ASt ancl Eurther rh~t a 5~foot hiyti conc:•ato block wall wir.h a.:-foat high planter box on top shall be provided on all paC`os on r_he nurth sfde of the projectt an8 that the wall on the norih proporty lir.e uhall bQ a total of six (G) foot higts on thu adjncent neiqhbora' xic]e oE the rrall witb the grade level of subject prope:ty beinq lowerecl two (2) ~eet with a new reta~i~ir.~g xall ar~ 8-fook hiyh wall on the subject propurty aicie of tho wall. ~.~~ ,~r;~i ~ ," ~ f (. t~;` i _. ~ 4695r -1- PC89-sE Y ~~ f~ '} r' N~ ~ ~~.~ ~ ",. h. T2iat thore ~re dxcepti.uz~a1 or oxtraordinary circums~ances or condiL•.i.ons Applicable tu the prope.rty invalved or to t:he intanded uHe of the propacr.y that do no~ apply gonerally to tho pruper~y or class af use in tho 3ame vic:~.nil.y and zono. 5. That tho rc~questod var3anct~ is neces~ary fcr the proservaCion und enjo~ment of a substantial p:opartX right poasessed by oY.her property in the samo vicinity and z~ne, arid deniod to the proper~y in questi~x-. 6. That tha roquested variance, as q:anted, will not be materiall~l dQtx•ime~ital to the public wal.Eare or in}urious to the pf~opPrty or improveme~~ts i.n such vicinity and zone in which the praperty is located. 7. Thac six (6) peuple indicahad their prosonce at January 30, 1989, public haaring anci two (2) poople ind3cat~d there presence at the I'obruary 27, 1999 publa~~ hearing in opposition; and that no corrospondar~ce was receiv~c: in opposition t~~ subjoct pot:tion. _ AL~'~tN~~F~NVTRQNMENx~~_QiLL1xY ACT FINpIkIGs That ~he Anaheim City Planning Commist~ion has reviewe~d the proposal tu reclassify subjoct propc~rty from the RS-A-43,000 (Res.identic~l/Agriciilt•nt~al) Zone te the RM-12f30 (ResidenC.:a1, Mulitple-Fa,mily) Zone an~l to construcr a 3-story, 20-•ux~it apartment complox w3th waivor of rnaxim-un structura]. height oa ~i roctangulnrly-shaped parcel of larid cor~sisting of approximate]y U.73 ac:re, hnvin~ a frontage of ap~+roximately 'l18 EQet an; the oi.•t side of Webster Avenue, h~ving a maximum darL•h of approxtmately 270 fes;., being lqcated approximatQly 183 feg~ sou~h of the cen~erline oi C1~AZbraok Lane and furthor described as 6n4 South WebstiQ= Avenus; and ~ioeA hereby approve thA Neq~tive L~clarotion upon finding that it has considQred the Negative Daclaration toge~her with any comme:~ts roccs3ved during the r~ublic review process and fur~hec finding on rhe hcsi~ of th~ initial stucly and any comment.s receivod that therc is no substa~i~ia1 eviclc~nco that tho projoct will have a signific.~nC offect on the 4nvironm~nt. NOW, THEREFQRE, D~ IT RESOLVBD r.hae the Anf+heim Cfty Planning Commission doos hereby grant silbject Potition for Vaxiance, u~on the followinr~ cundltions uhich :~re hereby found to be a necessary pxer4quieit~ ~r the proposed uae oE the subjQCt prope: ty 3n o:cior to preserve t,'~o ~afety ancl qenor~l welEare ot the Citizons ot t!-o :ity of Anaheim: 1. That priar tu issuanco oE a building p~rmit, the ~ppropriste traffi~ sigual a~sossmenc :ee 3ha21 be paid to the City uf Anaheim in an amo+ant as astab:lished b~r Ci.r.y Gouncil rQSOlutfon. 2. That gates :sha:l not be in~called acroos the driveway or in a maaner ahich m~y o,dvQrsely affecr, vahir.alar trt+ffic in the a~jacent public gtreKt. T.r,stalla+:fon of any gateo shall confarm ta tha R:.:3ineerinq Division'e St4nd.ard Pl~,n No. 402 anQ shall be subject to tho reviEw anfl approval of tha City Traffic Enqine~x. 3. That drUinage of snbject property shall bv dispo3ed oE in ~ manno= .';I sati~fuctory to the City Engineer. ~2- FC89-56 ,~~~ a ••~ ~ ~ + 7. I ~ ~\~y~~~pj,~ ~ ~~i~ ~.i~ "it A. Tk-at subjc~ct property y2itil'1 bE servod by un~ergr~und utilities. 5. That this Variance is gr-antad subject to ~he adoption of ~he Zoning Ordiriance iri connQCtion wi.th Rocl~s~ification Nr~. 88-89-35, now penfl3ng. 6. That prlor L•o issuanca of a buildinq permit, appropriate park and rRCrea~ion in-lieu tees s1~a11 be p~,id to thr~ City of Anahdim in an amount as determined by tho City Cuunr;il. 7. ~l:at prior tu iss+~auce of a builciing perm.it appropriate £ee~ due for pri.mery mains, sha11 be paic~ ta the WaCer Utili~y Division in accordance with Hu16s 15A ancl 2U of th~ Wator Utility Ratos, Rules and ~2egulatipns. 8. That tha antir~ prujQCt, 3.ncluding parkirig g~irag~s, shall b~ fire sprinklaroc~, as raquireu by the City Fire Departmant. 9. Tl.at prior t_o commc~ncement of structural framing, fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and apgrovad by tho City Ffre Department. 10. T2iat all lockabl~a pedestrian and vehicular access gat~es shall b. eguippad with a"kr.ox box" device, if required by ~tie City Fire and/or Police Departments. 11. Tliat trash storage area~ sh~ll be rQloc~ted away From he resiQential area and providod ancl mainkain~d in a locati.ou ac~Qp~a:b23 to ~IlR SGroe~. Mazntenance and Sanitati~n Aiv:isi4n and in ~ccordance ~+rith approved plans on file with said Division. 12. That all air conditioning facilities and o~her roof tind ground mounted equipment shall be properly shiQlded fr.om view, and t,~'~e sound buf~ered £rom a~ljacent residentffll prn~ertios. 13. :hat a~ix (6)-foot high masonry block wall shall be constr.ucted and mnintainod along the north, east and south propQrty lines exceptxng ~he front setback whsre the wall heigh~ shall not exceed thz•ee (3) feet; sY~d furthor, that th~ wall on the nocth properLy liue ~sha:~ bo six (6) foet high as moasured on rhe actjacent neighbors' side and eiglzt (8) ~oet high as measur~cl on the subject propE:ty side because th9 grade level of subjecC property shall be coverQd two (?.) feot and a 2-fuot: hsgh retaining w~ill constructed. 14. '~hat buflding plans shal~ show thati an} proposed parking t~rea lfghting :Eixtur~s adjacenk L-c ~ny r.esidenrial propert;~ shall be down-ligY.ted Nith a maximum heiqhC of tuelve (12) fc~et. Said liqhtinq fixtures shall ba directad awa,y from adjacent residontial proFerty 13nes to proCect the residentinl fute~~rity of th~ area. 15. Tht~t !3lib~OCt pr~pQrty~ sha11 be cleveloped ~ubstai-tially in accoi~dance with plans ~r,d speciEicrations on file with the City of Anaheim marked &eviafon No t. of Exhibit Nos. ::, 10 and 1?., ard Exhibit Nos. 2 through 9 and 1].; ~~.i.c'ed, h~wovcr, that all ba].conies on tho north side of the project ~r~alJ. be encloaed k•ith five (5) foot hlgr, masonry block wa'lls, with one (1)-footi hiqh plaiiters boz on top; And futthor thak tho north walt on the norCh proporty liue shall ba conacructo8 as snectfied by condition No. 13 herein. -3- PC89-56 ~ f . . . ~~ ;': , ~,~~ i :' ,t , ;+1 ~ ~,vl, ', :,?'•:t ;~r 16. 'rhat prior to issuance oE a buzlrling ~ermih, or w3th3n a poriad of one (1) yeax Erom the date of thfs reaolution, whiche~ver occurs £ir~t, Condition Nos. 1, 5, 6, 7, 13 and 14, above-mention~d, shall be complied witn. Extensi.ons for fur~her time to cornplete said conditions may bo granti.ed in aacordance with 5ection ].8.03.090 a~ the A.naneim Municipal Code. 17. That Z..ior. to final buildi.ng and zoninc~ inspections, C~ndiLion rTos. 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 15 and 18, herein, shall be complied with. 18. That a drip :trrigation system sha?~ be installed and percnanently maint~ixied in all pi.anter arQas. 19. That approval of this application consL:itutoa mpproval of the propose8 r•equest on'!y to ~he extQnt that it compl.ies with tho Anaheim Municipal Z~ning Code ~ncl t~ny other applicable rity reyulation~. Np~rpval does not include anj ~.:tion or tinding5 as~ to compliance or apriroval of tho reqt-esL regarding any other 3pplicable ordinance, regulat.ian cr requixement. BE iT FURTHFR RESOY.~JED *txat t;hP Anaheim City Planriing Commission does hereby Eind and d~termine that adoption r~f this Rasolution is express~y predicated up~n applicanc's compliance with each. and a11 of, the conc~itions hereinabove sat farth. 6Yiould any such conditions, or any part tr.ez~eof, b~ declarecl invalid or unenforcc~able by the~ final judgment. of. any cour~ of compe~ont jurisdiction, thon this ResoliiL•ion, ancl any ~,~~provals herein containAd, shall be deom~d null and vaid. THE FOR~GUING R~SOLUTION is signed anti approved by me thas 27th day oF ~'~br~~ary, 1989. _ r~ ~ ~;~..~... ~__..G.~/ <: .Y_`.,•~~1. CEiAJRWOMAN, ANAHEIM CtTY PLANNTNG COMbiJSSION .~.TTEST: , ~- . ~~ ~ ..~'~-L-`_-~- --_ SECRETAR , ANAFCF:[M CITY PLANNTNG COt~4dTSSION STAT£ OF CAT.IFORNIA ) COUNTY UF QRANGE ) ss. CITX OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L'. Iiarris, Secro~ary of the Anahoim City Planning Commission, do hereby certit'y that the foregoinq rosolution was passed and adopte8 t~t a meetiny of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Februat•y 27. 1989, by the fo].l.owing vote of the members thar~of: AY~S: COhIIdISSY9NER5: BOUA~, BOYDSTUN, CARUSTLLO, FELDHAUS, MESSE NOF;S: CUbII•fICSIOtrRRS: 1~IONE VACAN'P: COhASISSIONERS: T'AO SEATS IN WI'rNESS WH~:REOC, I have hare~anto set my iiund this 27th day cf Febru~ry. 1989. ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ _ _ ~ ~.,,~,~ __. ;r~ SCCRETARY, ANAHEIM CI~'Y PLANNING CQMMYSSTON :+ -4- l'C89-56 :, { .I ." i . _~ `Y ~~ ~~ ,. . . . ~r. .. . ~ :.:.; 3 ... _... . ~.., ~ ., . . . ... ~~ .'. ~:~ a.:; ~.- . ~., . ~ h r „~ia, k.r.:~ ., i ~... . . , . . . . . .. . . . ~ ~r ~ tv ~~,~~1 ~ ~y ~ ;; ~ F 1\y!~,