Resolution-PC 89-58~,SNAaSrV,ySM;ZFniRfe;+ vT467,';;~~~'a3YY!?tPt'!y ,ry F• ;i'!y ~ ..t1' , !.~~4v ~ ~y' r,ji ' . .1 • . i...,. r:~:l, aa .t;?'+"~i° lti~,,,l~ii{'f~`(~~',+~$'C . . , ,,.t~ ~.~'~~'~ ~~a +~~ ~ :i ~j~~!~j ~ ~`; ';;~ RE,50L 1'I N Ivf~ PC~9-5A A RESOLUTION OF T.EiE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG C02~1ISSION R~COMMENDING TO THE CITY COUN(.'IL ADOPTION OF GENCRAL FL.?~N AMENbMF,NT N0. 2•49 - LAND USE ELEMENT W:•iGRFA5, the City Council oI ttie City of Anahoim did acaopt tkae Ar~ak~eim General Plan by kesoluLion No. 69R-649, showing i:he gensral clescription and exten~ af possible Euture development witliin the City; and WHCREAS, the Gener~l Plan. prnvi.des an official guicie ~or fufi.ure devQlopment o£ the city and is intQadod to promote an arrangement oi land usea, highways and public s~rvices wh9.ch proyide sequenePc! developcnent ianci adaquate pz•~visions f.or public improvemQnts; ancl proposes the general usago of land and specifies a range of dovelopment intonsity an8 densi~y; and hFiCREA5, r.,ursuan~ to a rwquest fx~om thQ property-ownex• fur a ~ Gen~ral Plan st~.i~y to zedesignate the junior high schoo], site locat.ed a.long 1ti; th~ souLh central bourzdary of the Sy~camore Canyon development to Hillside Lo~v ~, Densi~y RPSidential ancl to reloca~t tha park site designaL•ion easterly, adjacent to Weir Canyon Road, staff rrepared a General P].an Amendment for the ~28.9-acre 5ycam~re Canyon Specific Pl.a:~ (SP8k~-7.) dhvelo~~nent area locatod southeast,: of the southerly terminus of Weir Canyon Road, bounded An the nor~hwest by the East Hllls Plannod Community, on the southoast by The 5ummi~ of Anaheim Fiil~.s Spec:ific Plan devolopmont, and an thw ~outhwes~ by The Highl~nds at Anak~eim ~iil`.s Specific Plan devQlapmen~; aild WHEPEAS, to the provisior~s ~nvi roi~nental Impac t on February 9, 198E3, Paan (SP08-1) is documontatzon; and tiie Planniny Departrnent deemed it appropriate, ~uxsuant o:C the California Environmental Quality AcC, that Repor* Pto. 283, previously certified by the City Council in conr.ection with appr~val of Sycamorc~ Can.yon SpQaific aclequate ta s~rve as the requirQd environmental ~ i^T'H~&GAS, the Anah~im City P'lanning Commission did hold ~ public hearing at the Civic ~enter in the City oY AnahQim an Febr~aary 27, 1989, at ~', 7.:30 p.m., noti~~ of s~sid u~lic, hoarin havin been dul P g y y givc~n as re~uirerl by ,f' 1aw and in uccordance with the provis~ons of zhe AnahQim Municipal Cc~e, i Chapter lEi.03, to hear and considar ~~ridance for ana against said pro~osod ,`i General Plan Ar,iendment and to investigate ~nd make findings and ;ti r~commP.Zdatioixs in coiin~ction therewith; ~snd W.HEREAS, said Commission, atter due inspoction, investigati~n anci study made hy itself a:~d ~• its behalf, and atter iiue consideratian of all eviderice and reports off~red al-. said hearing, does find and determine the Pollowing f.~cts: 1107U4r PC 89-58 , ~: ~,. .~ _ ,: ,., , - ~ : ., . ; .: .1~~-1~~`~~I~~mlm-a^~~i~o~s .~w ,+' ~~~,r~ rr: ,,t.,,~i~. r ,~~..,~~...: ~ ...., ,. f;!~ ;1 ,~~ ~~ I, 1. That the existinr~ Ggnera.l P1aii ~~e3rmite; up to 1~119 dwelling ,;,I u n i. t s f o r t h e S y c a m n r e Can yon devela pm«nt as sta~ecl in General P1an Amendrnent No. 187. 2. T:-~L• the resadent~ u.l land u~e ~7en:~ities proposea i~n subject ,; Ge:lera7. Pl~n Amendment rQquest ar:e g~enarall~~ com~~~~tible with L-he land usQ dgn~ities approved wit,hin L•he Syc~~mox•a~ Canyon dovolopmen4:, as well as those with:tn :Che Summit of Anaheim Hz11s ~:'.eve.lopment t:o the souCh. 3. That Exhik~it A i.s ~xppzopriate a`.or the~ 3t~id.y area, su~~jQG~~ ~~ ~:hQ f~~llawi:ng conditions: ~Yia-:. the agproval a o£ thc su;bjec~ amendment does not guarz-ntee the ) i 3 . developmant of 61 dvrelli:ig l~nits e , ~ (a t~~tal c,~F 1,190 projeat-~a ject sc~ b th buti provides for a range ~~f 0- . ; e 95 dwelli~.ng units for determinEtd in l x study area. `The actua.l number iderat; ~e of units slzal ion o~E ~he Specific P1an and connection with the c~ns subdivision approvals. b. T'hat the applicant shall e.sta.blish a meclxan.isn~ to px'ovide on-going mani~c~ring and transmit1:31 of' informatian k.o the Citiy c:anc~2rning rhe fiscal impa~:t of iui:ure developmertts vrithin the subj9ct ame~,~dment area. ~, That fut~.ir~s dev~lopment wit:tiin thb subject amsn~~mQZ~.t arc~a ~~ill cc+iiform wzth a~l requiraments of SpQCific Ylan 08-1, Amenciment No. ]., as adoptod. ,CALI'F~RNTA ENV:(RQN~~NTAL ~UALITx,. ~~r i'I2JD~: That Environmental Impact Repart tv~. 283, prsviously certifi.ed uy the C.ity Council in conjunction with the Sycamore Canyon 5pecific P.lan. (5~88-~) is adequate ~a serve as the requirr~d environmental docurnent~tion For i3~sneral Plarl AmencLnent No. 249 as no aclditio~~al ;.mpacts would resu].~ from th~ al~~roval. .NOW, TAEREE'ORE, F3E I~ RESOLV6'D,, that pursuant to the forpgoing findings, tln~s Anaheim Czty Plan;,ing Cc;r.~r.3ssi.on. does hc~reby adopt an3 zecommend to the City Council of the Ci~y of ~.nah~ir~i, adoption o~ General Plan Amendme:it No. 249 - Land iTse Element, Exhibit 1~, subjE~ct L-o thF fol:lowing conditions: 1. Th~t tho a~~proval of the subject amenclmQnt does not guarantee the de~velopment af 61 dwelling un.its (a total of 1,180 project-wide}, but provides Eor a range uf. 0-?5 dwelling units for the subject st~~xcly area. T.he actual number of units sh~17. be determined in coiinection witti the consideratioxi of tno Specific P1an and ^aubdivi.SiU~~ ap~~rovals. ~ ; ~ 2. That the appli~ant aha11 establish a mecl~anism to provide on-going monitoring and transmittal oL- .inEoimation to ~:he ~ity c~ncerning the fiscal impact oP future devel~pments within the subjoct amenclment area. 3. 'lhat future devel~pment wxthin the subject amendment azea will ronform with all re,{uiremsnts oE SpeciFic Plan 88-1, Amar~dment Ko. .l, as adopted. _2_ PC 89-58 ~ ~' . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ , ~ , ~i ~~~r~~~~~~ ' . ?ij ~~ , ~ , ~ {l~,~ '~ ~ ~! , , ~ , ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~t~k ~ ... .~~,. i;~.; I~l BE IT FL'RTHGR ~2ESOLVEA thaG the An~heim City Planning Commission ,~'`,? does hereby find and de~~rmine that adogtion of tr,is Resolu~ion is expres~ly ;='`4- <<, n precii~ated upon appliCant's compliance with o2-cY~ and a11 af the conditions ;;.'r~ hQrei~na~ove set forth. Should any such condi~.ions, or any part thereof, be ,'~t~ declareG irivalid or unenforceablo by the tinal judcJment oE any court of :~'~~ competent jurisdiction, then this ResoluCion, and any approval~ haxeir~ ~-~:!~',+~ con~.ained, shall be doemed null an~ void. '"'`~` <;,~~ ,,`:~ _'.: x THE FOREGOING RESOLiJTION is signed and approvQC~ by ine this 27~h ',.r day of February, ly{i9. ,,;.g ,., ~' ,~~? ;~i ' <j`""`'~=i1~C.!-~e!~' ,{ CHAIRIaOMAI~; ANAHEIM C'ITY E'L~1~NNING COMtdISSICN r;~:s ATTE S'P : v ?; `.;;' ~ ~/J ~ ' i 6LR-.C=tvc, ~-~~;i~t- -~,,~ ~ i '; i SEGRETAR~', ANAHEIM CtTY PLANPIIN~ COMMISSION ''~" 4 STATE QF CAI~IFARNIA ) 5~ COLiNTY OI' ORANGE ) :zs . `.J' CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ;';,~ i, Edith L. Ha:ris, Secretary ~£ the Anahei.m City Planning '~' Comrnission, do hersby cer;ify tha~t the f.oregozng resolution was passed and adopted ~t a mepting of the Anaheim City Pla.nnirig Commissiozz held on Ft~b~-uary ;;,;,; 2'/, 1~189, by Che £~llowing vote of the memhars therFO.f: ';i ;'~ ,,,i AY~:S: CO'1~(ISSTONERS: BOUAS~ BO7~.~DSTUNr CARUSZLL(a~ FELDHAUS~ ~~SSE '' i~ors: cor~rizssiar,FRS: rrorr~,: VACANT COA~'~i~SSI0NER5: T'WO S~;ATS ';~~ 'i~ IN WIl'NESS WH~REoF, T have here~xnro ,et my h~nd this 27th day of ;~~ February. 1989. ;j';'~ '?i ~~~ ' `r`~ ' ~~..~ /'/ ~ ~~-~l,'r', -~ ~ 1...'.._'J~~-1/l_~~L!_.,. SECRETAa2Y, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTQN ~,>.. -~- ~C EI9-58 ~J; Sl "(` ~~ _ _ . ;j,'. ~i :V ~ ~~ .. ~ ~5~~