Resolution-PC 89-6A ~l.~ / , ~9~3L"ri x x ~~.89-Q6 A. RE~GLUTION OF THE ANAH~TM CITY PJ,ANNYNG COMMI$SION '.l'HAT ~^ETITION FOR VARIANCF NU. 3867 ' GRANTEA, IN PART e.. ion or Varxance from DURFRE GARDENS, PARTNERSHIP, 1740 Raintree Road, Eullerton~ Ca 92635, ownc~r, and Dr. Rana'ld Crowley, 1700 Raintree Road, Fu1].erton, C?, 97.635, agent, of certain re~l prope•rty situated in ~he Cirx ut Anaheim, County of Orange, StaL•a af Califc!c-iia described as: WHEREAS, the AnahQim ~ity Planning Cummission did receiv~ a v~rifi~ti F t~ t' f B~GINNZNC AT A POI1~'x $Q FEET S01J'iHER'LY FRUM THE NORTFIEAST CORNER OF VTNEYAI2L~ LOT .A-1, CITY OF Ai1~IiEIM AS PER MAP RECORDEI') JN BOOK 4, PAGE 629, LOS ANGELES COUN'PY, RIINxIING TiiENCE WESTERLY PARALLEL WIT~ TFiE NORTFiERLY LINE UF SA.ID LOT I6~4 FEET, THE2vCE SOTJTHERLY' PA,RALLEL WI:iH THE .EAST~RLY I,INE 0~' SAIT) LOT_, 75 FEF'~, THENCE ~ASTFRLY PARALLEi., WITH TFiE NOi27:FIERLX LTNF 0'r' SA'!D I~QT, 16~ feet, THENCE NORTHERLY TO THE POINT OF aEGI~'NING. WHEREAS, L•he Czty Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Conter in the C.ity of An~heim ax~ ~7avernber 21, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having beon duly given as required by 1aw and i.n accor.dance with rhe provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Ck~apter 18.03, to hear and consider ovidexice f~r and against ~aid progosed varianeR and to investigate ~nd malce findings and recommhndatioiis in ~~oniiection therewith; and saad public hearing wa~ continv.ed to the mestings of December 5, 1988 nnd January 4, 19IIy; ana WHB'RFAS, said Ccmmission, after due inopec~ion, inves~igation and study made by iL•self and in its bQhalf:, anc~ after due considerstion of r~].l ~vidRnce and re,~arts ofEered at eaid hearing, does find and d~L-~zmine the followi.nn Facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes waivers of the followiny to canstruc;t a]. and 2 story, 20-r:zit "affordable" c~ndominium comp~ox ur~der authority of Ca.lifnrnia Governmen~~ Code Sec.tion 65915: (A) ~E~TIf1NS~ ia•~,L~~~12 - Mznirnum buildi~•g„~i~_~r~ ver dwgllina uni~. 1~ (~000 sq. f~. re~ui red, 2.792 sc~, f~ propc,sed) (B) E TIC1N 18.~I.062.012 -- Maximum ~tr.1x~ ural heig~it. ;,;~ (1-,~~4.~'y permitted within 50 feet oP RS-7200 zoninq; ?. sr4ricL proposed at 20 .feot) (C) SE~TIQN _1 .31 63.Ui1 - Min~mucn Eront yurd se~ba~k. ~~) SF TIU'r+ 2~~~?,nf3.Q2q - Minimum roar yar~~etback. ~~) SE..~Tr~N 18.31.06~.:Q~~ - M~nimum reCreationaliitrioura ~rp~. . '`:~ ;, ':':', 06~8 -1- PC89•-06 ~~r :'>r:'~ ,. , I:,+, y;,!~ . ','. ' ~~ ; r .::,, , .~~,,,~: ,..... _., . ,. , . .. : : , _ _.. ,~~~ a.~~. .., ~~ , ...i„ .... ... .,.. .. . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . ' r~ h}~ ~ A iVYR~ r rfsi^~`!$,~ 1,4 ~ ~ i i t ~ ~ 1 ~ ~; ~.r ~ ~ 2. Tl~at the above-meiitioned waivers (A) and (H) are herebp grantad pursuan~ to Gmlifornin Government Cacle Section 65915 and ~n the bttsis that ther~ are spacfaY circumstances ap~licable to the pxuperty suoh as sxxe, shape, topoyraphy, loca~ion and surroun3ings wtiich da not apply to other ; ' identically xanad pa•operty in the ~ame vicinity; and t~at strict applicatian ~ of the Zoninc~ Cude deprives the property oF ~rivileges enjoyed by other ' propert3es in the icientical zone and classification xn ~he vici.nity. 3. That the requested waivers (C), (A) and (E) are heseby daniod ax~ the basis that. they were deleted in cannection with rovised ~,J.uns and are no longer nec~ssa;ry. 4. T'hat the prnposed variancQ is hereby grantec7 subje~t to the ` petitioner's sc,ipulation at the public hea:zng ko ~esignate three (3) units as : "afforc~able" lo £amilies of low income and that thQ agreement for said ~ ~ aEfordable housing shall be £or a period of thirty (30) years. ~. 5. Tkaat th~re Kre exceptional or extraordinary r_ir~umstances or '; condi~ions applicable to rk~e property involved. or t_o the intsnd3d use of t2ie ~'' ~ property that do not a~~,~ly g~nerally to the property or clnss of use in the same vicini.t,y and 2one. 6, That the requested variance, as yranted, is nec~ssary f~r the preservation snd eiijnymc~n~ of a substantial ~~rop~rty r:.ght po~s~ssod by otY~Qr pr~perty in tYie same vicinity and zone, and denied to the pz•oper~y in quesL•ion. 7. That the reqriested variance, ss granted, will no t b~ materially cleh.rimental to the pub~ic welfare or injurious t~ the prope.rt,y o. improvements in such vicinzty and zone i» which ~hQ property is l~cated. a. That eleven (Zi) psople indicat~d their presencA in opposition at thE• Uecember 5, 1988, X~ublic hc:~aring; and that no corr.esponaence was received in opposition tu subject petition. CALIFURNIA cNVIRO~IMENT~L_Qij13LTTY' ~1~,7~ rINllIN~: That the lluaheim CiCy Planninc~ Commis~ion has rev.i~wed the proposal ta construct a 1 ancl 2 story, 20-unit "a££ordable" condominium comple;~ under auLhoxity ot Calif~rnia p~. Government Code Section 65915 with waivers of minimum bui].ding site area per ' ~' dwe].7.inc~ unit, maximum ~tructural heigh~~, minimum ~ront yard setback (deleted), minimum rear yard sotback (delete•d) and minimum recroational/leisurR area (deloted) on an irregular.ly-st~ap~:cl parcol of land ~~ ! " ~ coz~sisti,zg of approximat~ly ]..28 aexes, located southwest of the southwest ~1 cornor of North anc~ ~a~t S~_rPets, having anproximate trnntages of 145 feet on the west side ~f East Stree~ and 142 teet on the south side nf North Street. and fuxthQr deacribed as 747-755 North East Street; and ~]oe~ kiereby approve the Negativ~e Declarat.ian upoii i•ii:iting that it has consiQered tha Negative Declaration togethex with any ccmment3 r~ceived during thc public revi.e~w Nrocess and further finding on the basia of t'~e initi~l s tudy nnd any comments receivoc~ that there is rio substanY.ial evidence that the proje~r~t wi11 ' have a signi~icant effect oi~ the environment;. `~t r, ~:; -2- PC 8B-OS _. ~ 's; ' :; ; . t ~ ~ ~: ~ ~~ ' ~ ri~ „i ~~~~ • . ~ ~ ,th~flfa , r r i~1R ~~u~ ~ r '~?z'~a ~ ~ ~ 1:3 a 'r j . !~` NOW, THE~EFORE, HE TT RESOLVED that the Ari~heim City Pl~nning Commission cioes horeb y grant subject P i ' ' ` ` eC tian ~ or Varianr,e, 9,n part, upon the fo7.lowing c.onditions whi.ch are hereby :Eound t b o e a necessary prerequi~tite to the pro~~sad use of the ~ubject propE-rty in orde= to greserve the safety and qaneral wel.#are uf the Citi.zens nf the Ci~y oF Anahc~im: ; ~, ~ 1. xhat this Variance is grantea sub ject to t:~~ adoptian oL• tlze Zoninc~ Oxdinance i,n aonnection with Reclassification N o. 88-gg_22, now ~anding. 2. That prior to ~ssi~ance c~t a bui~.ding permit, th~ appropriatp ~raftic signal a~sessmen; fae ~hall b ' e paid to th~ City of AnahAim in an amount as est~b7.ished by City Council resolutian. 3. Tha~ sidewalks sn;~ll be installPd along North St:ee~ as required by thc~ Ci'cy Engineer and i 7x accordance wit;, s~andard plans an3 s~eciEica~ions ~n file in the Ofkice of rhe Citx ~:ngineer. 4. lhat all ~~isting driveways on East Street ai~.d 23ort2i Strc~et sha11 be removed and rep2aced with standaz~ curb, gu.tter, sidewalk and 'landscaping. 5. That the driveway shall be constructed witlx ten ~ 10 ) fook r~di~;s curb returns as reqtiired b L}~ i ' y e C .t Eil y gineer. Existiizg broken or crackod dri.veway3 snall be removec~ and replaeed a i ~ s requ recl by rhR City Engineer~ ~i. Tk~at a t.ruct map to record the division of sub'ect submitL-ed Lo and ~ r~ '? approved b;y the City of Anaheim and thHn be ecordod in the Of_~fiGe af the Orange CounLy Recordar. ~! ~ ~ 7. That a parking plan indicating compl.iance wi~h Cit.j of Ana'~eim parking design standards sh 11 ;:~ ~ a be su}~mitted to and appro~ed 'by th~; Ci~y. Trafiic ~ttgineer. ;:4 8. That a ~hrec~ (3) f~ot wido "erncrg~ncy only" ga~e eq4ipped ~~itli a 'knox-box' sha].l be in;talled a:ong North Street to ~he satisfaction of the C3ty lice DeparCment. 9. That pria~c tn coNanencemeut of strucL-ural framing, on-sit2 fire hydzants shail be ii;stalled and charged as requfred and approved by the Ciky Fire DQpartmenr. 10. Th,at subject property sha11 be serv~d by underground utilzt;its. 11. That street lighting fri.cili~:ie~ alon~~ ~ast Stroet shall be installed as requirs:d by the rJtilitie;; General Manager in eccordance wit'h sp~ciEications on file in the Office of U~ilities General Man3ger; or that se~urity ia the f.or~r, oE a ba~a, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, ar aash, in ar~ amount and form watisfactory to the City of Anaheim, sha11 be posted with the City to quarantee the satisfactory completion of the above-men~ioned improvc~men_s. Sai.d security shall be ~osted with the City of Anah~im ~rior to issuance oP ~ building pe•rmit. ThQ above-required improvements shall be installed prior ~o occuparaG~+•. _ ~ _: -3- PC 89-OG :,` `, ~. ~,a>~~.,.._.,.,.. ~..,...._. - ~ t~ . _ _ . . ~ il ~ ~~ 3 '~ ~ ~ - . .._ •~<u ~[trv ~ . ~ ~r~'r3 >; , ~ ;: r M~ 1.2. That prior to any occupMnr.y, temporary str~et name aigns stiall be 3nstaJ.led 3f perm~nen~ street name signs havp not been instal.~ed. 13. '1'hat gntos shall not be installed across ~ho private sCreet in K manuer which m~y adversoly affdcC vehiculnr traffic in the adjacent public strr~et. Install~t;ion oE Any g~tes shall cu~a£orrn to the k;nginoering Division's Standard P1an No. 9d2 and shal.l bo aub3ect to the- review and approval of ~h~ Cfty Traffic EngiuAC~r. 19. That dra.inage of oubjact property sha11 be disposed o£ in e, mrsnner satisfactory to the City Engin~er. 15. Zhat trash storage nr.aas shall bct providad and mointained in a 1oca~ion accoptable to the Street Ma3nL•enanc3 ~nd Sanita~ion Division and in accordance w.ith apProved plans on F:~le~ ~ith Raid Diviaion. 16. That, prior tu £inal building and zoning insgactions, "no parking for stre~t sweeging" signs sY~al] be iustalled as required by tho Street MaintQnancQ and Sanatation Division and in accordanco with specifications on ~i19 with said di.vision. 17. T1iat the purchaser of each re~idential dwelling unit shall be provided wfth written information concorning Auaheim Municipal Code Sectton 14.;2.5U0 pert+~`-iing to "parki.ng restr.icte~d to facilitaCe street sweeping". Such writton information shail clQarly iridicate when on-streot p~rking is proh.i.bitad and the penalty for vi~latinn. 18. That all air cond9tioning facilit~es nnd ~ther ruof and qround mou~ited equipment ahall be pzoperly ahieldeQ from view, and the a~und buffered from adjacent residential properticss. 19. T;iat prior to issuance of. a building permit, evidence shall be pcesonted satisf•actury t~ tho Building Divisiou that the propoes8 ~,roject is in canf.ormance with Council Policy Number 542 "Sound AttenuaGion in Resicler,tial Pro jec~s" and with Noise Iri3ulEtt~A:l Sr.andard3 sYQCified in. the Cilifornia Admiiii.strativtt Code, Title 25. 20. That prior tA fi.nal occupancy permik~, a sis (G~ foot liigh mabonry block wall shall be consr.i•uctocl gnd maintained a:.ong L•h 3outh end wot~t; ~roperty lines eacepting the front setback whera thc~ wall hoi.ght ehall not oxceed khrea (3) feeti pruvlded, h~aever, th~-k during the construction phase of thc~ project, a chainlink fence shall be provi•3ed along those propert~- lines where thore i4 r.uri~en~ly no bloc.k wnl? exists. 21. xhat buildinq plans tha;l uhow +~hat nny proposeli parkinq a:r.a liqhting fixtures adjacent to any residential prop~rty shall he d~:-n-'inhk~d vith a maximum heiqnt of twelve (12) teet. Said light=yiq fixt.• 3 snell be c3irected aaay from adjacent residentit-1 prnper~y lines t. -rotect the rQSid~ntfal integrity of the area. ' '4' PC 89-OS , . . _ . , . n . .~~1~ ,---_.~ ~ ' i..it~, ~ ` ~ 22. Tht~C pr3.~r. tu issuance of a building perml~, st,all enter into a r~cord~d figraemonC with tlie Gity~ of1A aheim~purauantYlto Cc~lifornia GavernmenL• Code SACtion 65915 to provide ~h~L• ~hreo (3) of tihe permit~ced number ~f rosidential units sht~11 be aold as 1o~r or moclerate income housing aA dd~in~d in C.overnmont CoAQ S~cti.cn fi5y15 and with appropriate r~salo controls As appraved by thc~ Cit:y of Anaheim fpr A period oE n~t 7.ess than thir~y (30) years Prom tt~o d.~ts of issuance ~F occupancy permit3. 23. That plans subject property sh~ll and speci.fications be deva],opoci subsCnn,tially irx accordance with No. 1 on file with ~he Ci~y of Exhibit Nos. 7. throug?~ 4; of Anr~heim marlr~d R~vision .Eence sliall be ps~rmitted on provided, thc~ howevar, that a chainlinlc ~anc~ properCy 1:inas priar ta issunnce o.f a bui].dng p~i•mi~ d where thero is no existing high bein~ ~1ock wall shall be is~ d an thr~~ tho permanent 6-foot caii~tructod p~ior ru final oc . ue . cupancy permiks 24. That prior to issuance oE ti building pQxmir, or withtn a period of rne year from the datr~ of thfs resolut.ior., w:lichev~r ocr_urs first, Candition Nos. 1, 2, 6, 'l, 11, 13, ~,9, 2~, 21 and ~2, above-meationod, shall be c~mpliod with, F.xcensi~ns far furtlier tima to comple~e sai8 con~iitions m~Y be qr.antod in accar~3anc~ with S~cLion Z$.p3,Q90 ~~ the Anaheim Munir_xp~1 ('odtr~ ?5. That prior to fir,al bieildi~g ane; zoning inspectinns, Condition Nos. 3, ~}, 5. 8. 10, 7.1, 12, I4, 15, 16, lA, 2~ and 23, above-mentioned, shall bo compliod wi.Lh. 26. That apgr~val of this applicatioT~ constitutes approval of the propn~Qd reQueHt only to tha extsnt that it comp7,iss with the Anaheim Mun3cipal Zc,ning Cod~ and anp other applic.:ible City regulatfor.s. Approval doe~s not .include any action or findinr.~s as ~o compliance or approva1 oF the request reqarding any othesr ~pplicable ~rdint~nca, regulation or roquirement. $E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the AnahQim City Planning Commission does hereby find and de~c~rrnine thAt adnpCion of this Resolution fs exprossly predir.ated upon applic~-nt'9 compliance with o~ch at-d all of the conditionu hereinab~ve scst for~h. Should any such conditions, Qi any part thezecf, b~ declared invalad or unenfor.ceablo by the finul judqmont of any court oE competent jurfs~liction, then thS.s Re3olution, and any ttpproval~ herein cuntained, shalZ bo deemQd nul.l and void. TIiE FORF.GOING RESOGUTION i3 niqned ~nd appx~yad by rne this 4t~ dny of January, 198y, • ;~ , : / , / , . ,(.! i ~~ ;"l .+'. t._ - CIiAxFtWOMAN, ]-NI~KgIM 'CITX PLANNING COMM7SSI0l~ ATTEST: ....~~.~ I~.'~~. ~ SECFtBTARY, I~iAi~giM ~t'TX p~_~ -----._._._ JN(~ COMMISSYON 7,Y:%....'~ ..t~9r~r.r'.;.aJll{{if:.il~im!ir! ~ti;ry~,i.:wi, ,~it~(.~LI.N.,41r~•AT~, l~Ir~1'Y ITa' ~Y\rtR~N~i~`'~~. ~ ~... ~+~T!'l;f~(i''.YT n~ `lhh'P !. >.~'~. ~ ~~~~r ~ .;~ , ~~v;r~ ~ F ,.•~;~'. ~. ~ , ~~ 5'rATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COU27TX OF 0121.NGF. ) s s. GI1'Y OF ANAIiETM ) I. Ed3Gh L. Harr3s, Socretary of the Anatieim City p.lanning '. Commission, da horoby ao.rtify that the foregoi:~g resolut'_nr~ was pasaad and adopted at a meekinq of ~he Anahoim City Planning Co~nmissi~~r. hald on January ~i, 1989; by the tollowing voto of tk~ca mernbers thereof: AXES: COMMISSIONERS: HOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CA1tU5ILL0, FELDHAUS, IiER$ST, MC AURNEY, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERu: NONE ABSENT: .r,p~rSSIONERS: NONE Itv' WI'.fNESS WHEltFUF, I have hereunto ae~ my h~ud this 4th dfly of January, 1989. ,~ ~ . 1 ~~____..~ .~y `.! S~CRETAItY, ~'~NAIiEIM CI1'Y PLI~NNING COt~IIr(ZSSION A ~ ~ s ~ -6- PC 89-d6