Resolution-PC 89-60id~'~1 RESOLl1r~( ~~:43e v ~~ ~ ~ RESOLUTION QF TFIE A,NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMTuS.iON RGGOh4lENDYNC AN 1+MENpMEN"1.' TO THE SYCAMORE CANYON S~PECIFIC ~LAI3 DEVBLOYMENT AFtF`, 10 ZONING AND DE~~LLppM~NT STAriDARUS WHEREAS, ~he Cit~ Council ~+~proved che Sycamore Canyon Specific Plan (SF~8a.1) on ~@bruary 9, l9ag, and subsequently adopted Ordinance No. 4909 on M~rch 1, 1988 to implemont Zoning and Dev~lopment Standar~ts and Qrc~inaace No• 4910 on rTarch 8, ).9gg (ro 3mplQment thc~ ~pocific Plan SP88-1 Zone) on prC.perty corisi.st3ng of approximately 328 acres locatsd suut}ieast of the ~outherly terminus of Wair Caiiyon Rottd and southwest of Santa Ana Canyon Road, and bourided on the northwest by the EasL• tiills Planned Commun3.ty, on the soutr~east by Th~s Sw-nmiL- oE Ar.ahe3m Hi:lls Specific Plan developm~xit, and on the southwest by The :;ighlandG at AnahQ.~im Hi).1s Sgecific Plan developmerit; and WfiEREAS, the Specifi;; Plan, which includes a Yublic F'acilft.ies Plan, ia intended to provido for the development of a tota,l ot 326.g acres to inc;uae up Cp 1,7.19 residQntial unit~, 20 acres of cammercial uses, a 19--acre Junioc High School site, and approximatRly 1;~ ~cres ~f open space (includ3ng twa public parks); uncl WHEREAS, the pQtitior.~r proposos adoption of Zoning and De~velopmont Standards for pr~ppsed Devalopme:it Arc~a 10 to set £or~h minimum standards for the developmant of 61 single-f~nily resiclential uni~s, and ~ollowing is a comparison baicwe~n khe proposed Development Area lU Zoninq and Development Stbndards and the current standard~ ns set f~rth ixi xitle 1$ Ior tho ~~/"JVVV\Jl,) ~one lc;t~aph.er 18.27): ~'AND $p PROPOSED ~XISTING RS-5000(SC) a• M3nimum buildin ~~t^~--~~~A~A~~ --~~~_~A D D~ 9 Minimum 5,000 sq, ft. lot Minimum 5,000 sq. fr~ sita and building :~rc~a and 4,000 sq. ft. pad build.ing pad and lot pad area area requirod. arQa requlred. b. Minimum lot width Miiian~tun 45-€t. wide loks required. C. !~imimum ].ot width Td.inimum 4p_fC, wide lats, foc• cul-de-sac as measurod at the builQ.ing and knu~kle Iots setback, rec~uirod, d. Minimun~ lot frontage width of tlaq lots Minimum Zq_it. of fi~nCaga rat :ight;-of.-way requirnd. e. Coverage and apen Space x~oquirements 0712r Maximum coverdgo bf ail rosfdQntial and accessory buildings shall bo 909~. Minimum 50-ft. wide lots xequirecl. Minimum 45-~t~ Wide lots, as met-swrod at Che buildinq setback, roquired. No provfsion in the RS-5000(SC) Code. Maximum 359~ lot coveraqe permitted. ~,~:~r~ ! iA ~:, i~ , ~.'I~,.~. Page ~ ~~ .. A,~~"y' '~; , , ~ ~ , ~ , ~i,~,, ~ ,,~~d~i ~ ~,~h~. ;, , ~ ,,i , ~;;~ ~, '`~, '~^,: ~ ,~T„~~I~R~ ~ " ' ~ n~ 'i~ N ~~~ ~ EXIS~ING RS-500f3 ( SC ) . . E ront••on" Garago~ ;, M ~ fro mum ZOr F ` '' ZQI~ING ~TANDARnS _ setback with a roll-up Minimum 2p_Et, ~~o~t t 5araga door ~r 25-ft. with sa b~sc;: w,;th a roll-up ~ra d a standard doa:~ measured g ge aor or ~5-f~. with ~rom tho qarage door. to a standard dnor the back of• tho ~i.dowalk. measured from the grarage door ta the proper~y 1ine. 9. Minimum dimens~.or~s f Minimum 16-ft, wide by ~ o parking sFaces 2U-•ft. ~ang for open spaces by 25 ~ft~6lon fod~ ojl ~ driv~way required q open spar.es on a m~a;~uxQa ~rom t'he garac~e do driveway requirec~ or ta the back of th~ sidew~lk. measured, from the garage door to the propRr~y 1ine. h. Req;iired ;,ite Provision for ooon screening decor~tive ~ ype wall ~o Na provision in the all~w and preserve view RS-5000(SC) Code. opportunities where a grade soparation botwe~n any arterir~l highway, or pro~erty line uccurs aC a minimum 6-ft . ~nd a mxnimum setback of 12-f t. exists betwean the sing].Q _ family devolo~ment and an opQn Space aY•ea abutting ~ri arterial highway, i• Lata Adjecent to Lots adjacenC to arteri.ai Al1 lo~g Adjacent tu Arteri.al Highways highways, with ~he excepriun arterial hiyhways of open sp;~ca 1Gr3, shall shall have a min;mum havo a miuimum deptii of not depth of. not 19~s less thxn 120 Et. than 12U ft. 7. Minimum oP~an space Adja~enk to arterial area adjacent ~o liiqhway~, there shall be ~o provisi.on for arterial tiighways a minimum 19-.Er,~ ~id~ minimum open space lnnclscaped open s ace lot lot din~ensions .ir. P L'ha RS-5000(SC) and/or ldI1C~3CFlp@ easemsnt. Code. WHGRGAS, the Citf Flanning Commission did huld a publ.ic heari:-g at the Civic Centex in the City of Anaheim on ~ebruary 27, Ig89, at 1c30 p.m., ri~tice of said public 2:o,lring having be~en duly givea as reqvired by 1aw and fa accordance with the provisious of the Anaheim Mu::ir_ipal Code, Chapter 18.03, r~ hoar and consider evidence :Eor and mgn{nsC said proposed amsndment to Spac.ific Plan Developmonk Area 10 2oning and Deve:lopment Stmnd~rda and t~ inve~stigate and make findfngs and recommane3ations fn connectfon therewitht aad WHP,REAS, ~aid Commi~sinn, after due 3.nspecr_~an, inveatigatiQn and atudy m~~e by itsself and ~.n its behalf, ai~d ~~'ter due consideration of all evidRnce and reportR offered et said hearing, does find and determine the follow3nq facts; -2- PC89-GO ;. ~ ~' „zr. ~: ~ ~ ~ , ~ 'r'~~{,~ ~1 a~~, ;~~R ~ ~ . ~ ~;:~,_';5~ r~. ~• That the propert~ `i; characteristicn ~ l~ropos~d Eor tha spQCific plan has unique gi~e f EUCl1 as tonagraPhY, location ~r surraundings which are ~nhanced by spacial land use and dovelopment standard3. •~ ~ 2• xhat the apec.itir: plan r.asults in devolopmont of desirable , which will be compatible with exist3ng ~nd pr~pa~ed ~eVqlo ment 3n ; surrounding neighborhood. charact~er ; ~, P ~he << ~ , 3• That the specif.ic plan is cpnsistent with the the Gc~neral Plan uad wi~h the purposes, staaciards, ~n,~~l~g ~nd polinie,^, af containad therei~, and use guide1ines 4• That the specific plan con~ributes to a balance nf land uses. , 5• 'That the s,pQCific plan respects anvircnmQntal and aesthetic resources _ ; consis~ent +with economia realities. ~A~FQR___ NIA EIJVIRONMEN~~AT~~.Q~LITY ~ ___`_p --_S'z~ 7ha~ the Anaheim City F~Attning Cammigsion does hereby find that ~n zro me tal Impact Report No. Z83 previously certiEied in r,onnection with Specafic Pl~n No. 88-1, is adequa~e ro serve a~ onviromne.ntal documentation in connectior~ wif.h the px~pd5ed ~naxi~Qnt to the Sycam~re Canyon Specific Plan (SPag_1) pQ~Q~opmt+nC Axea 1Q Zonin D~velopment Stanclards. g and NOW, THIR~FORE, HE TT RESOLVE;D Comm.iss.ion don;~ horeby recommend that thc~~ Cit tCoun i2 he1m City Planr~ing Canyon Specific Plan (SP8a_1) Development Area 1(; 2oni ~end the Sycamore Standards in their entirc~ty as follows: 9 and De~~elopment ~~~ I~.Li~i1n Build~ "_'_----~.a ~~~.s'~nd Buil~-~a F~ A shall be five thousand (,ri,000) square Pe~and tho minim m bbuildin sit4 area fo4r thousand (4,pqp) square feeL•. 9 ~ad (b) . i m Lu Wi ~h ~nd-"-~-n~~ - All lots shal'1 havo a minimum width of not less than fortp-fivc~ (45) Peot. fc) M3nimun' LIIC W~ ti f__.Qr_~..~5~~~ for rui_,~~_sa~ 8ri~ knuck].e lpts~ h~a1_1t1bekfUxf c' The minimtun lot rridth bu3lding setbac:k. Y(40) feet measured at the (d) M:In:imL•~.L~~.~ron •a at ri ht- ~~~~~~~--F~~~ - The minimum lot trontage wiclth 9 of-way shall be rwentY ~Zp~ pe~t~ (e) SR.4.Y..s~..~!gg__~nd Onen___$.Bs?S~ R~auirem~~?.~. residential ~nd accessocy bufldings shaJl (f j ~~~-~-~=Q '~---~~~+~.R.~ - 1'he m.inir~um sotb~ck be not less than ~rrentY (20) feat with d or twenty-five (25) f~tQt with a,tandard dao: to the back of thc~ sidewa].k. -3- ~,; , ~ ; ~,~ . .. - rhe maximurn coverage~ ~~, ~Y~ be for~y percent (40b). ~~ ~nY "front-on" aAraqe shall n automati.c ro17,_up garage door, door, measurad from the garage PC89-60 =:;',~<',~;'~;;? `~ ~ ~ (g) ~inim D mans~n~„ of Pa.r ik na Sp~ces - Requf red ope~n p~rking spacea sha11 be permitted in a driveway having minimum dimensio~ns of sixteen (16) feeC wide and twenty ( 20 ) Eoet lonq mQasurad from the gar~age clooz to the back o£ tha sidewalk. (h) Requixac~..ite Sc~re ninq - Except ras o~hor~~rise pravided herein, a solid deaoral:ive typg maaanry wall, landscaped earthen berm, ox any combinat3on tY~ereof, totalinq not tess Chan six (61 feet in height, shall be provided alang and immedi~-tely acljacent to ~ho site boundaxy lino of any sing~e family development abutting any open space area topen space 1ot or open space easement) abuttir-g any ~rter.ial highw~y. The heic~ht o£ any such ivall and/or barm shall be me~surecl £rom ~hr~ highest fi.nzshed grade level of the building pad af Lhe dwQlling units locatad ;,rest any such abutt.ing boundary. The Planning Director shall review apprr,ve plans tor s~lid fences aQjacent to any public street in cases ~~ ,re v3.ows could be obstructed. The Planning Director shall h~ve tha discretion of reEerring said plans to the Planni.ng Commission for review and approval. An;~ decision of the Planning Aireator or Planning Commission sna11 be su:bject to appeaJ. ta Lhe Cit,y C~uncil withi.n 10 days fo~lowing the ciatQ ot suclt decision. HowevQr, in cnnditions wt~are a grado separation between ~ny arterial highway and propert~ liaie occurs at a minimum of six (6~ feet and a mi.nimum setback o£ twel•v~s (12 ) £QPr e~:ists beCwQen the ~ingle family de~v~lopment conditions st,a¢e~d above, an opez~ decorative type wall ia p~rmitted in order ho r~llc~w and pres~tve view oppartunities. (i) L<:ts Adi~~Il~ t,~ F~rt,~ri~l, Fi.~2~w~y~ - LoL•5 adjacent to artorial ha.qhways, w:~th the exception of Ope:i Space lnts, sha11 have a minimum de~th ot not lczsa than one hunflred t*~°enty (120 ) foet. ( j) j~,~.nimurn Open Spa.~e Ar@~~ii~c n to Ar~gx-~l Hi_gliwavs - adjacent to Ar•te.~rial Higi:~rnys, th~ere shall be a minimum nineteen (3.9) toot aide :Ee~nd~capr~d ap~~n space 1ot ancl/or 'landscape easement. y , ~~~ , -~ ~ PC89-60 ~~~ ~~~~:t~r~~,,~~~k ~~r :i ~~'~ ,sY ~~ Y x> s~ ',~ - ,r h u ~ ~,~r~, ~ r ' frtA', ~ {~ ',hA,' 'r~, . , ' '. ~~~'~`i1 I~ TIiE FOREGOING RGSOL[TTT~JN is signacl and approvec~ by mo thla 27th day of Febr.~xary, 1969, _ L.~,;•~.~.'.~ ~~ r ~'~ ~' <_rr_.ti!,_~ .~ CFiAIRWOMA:l~, ANAHEIM CI'1'X PJ~7~iNtNG CUMMTSSION ATTEST: ~~' _-=~''c°v - SECRETARY., A~7AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OE' r.~LIFORNiA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OI' ANAHETM ) I ~ r.dith L. Fiarris, S~cx~etary oP the Ai~aheim City Pxanning Comma,ssion, do hereby certify that the foregp5.ng resolutian was pa3sod anQ adoptgd aC a mQeting of the Anghe~m City P~anni.:zg Cornmission held on Fe~ruary 27, 1~89, by the following •aote c~~ the members thereof: A~CFSi CON4dISSIONF.E2S: BOUASr ~D~STUN~ CARUSILIiU~ FELAHAUS~ MESSE NOFS: COMMIS6IONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISS=ONERS: NON~ VACANT: COt~tI5STONER5: TI40 SEA,TS VACANT IN WTTI~'ESS WIiEREOF, I have hQreunL•o set my hand this 27kh day of February, 1989. --.- ~.~J~~!tx'y~„~ ~~~~!1.~.t/ _ SBCRETARY, ANAHEIM CZ~Y.' PLAt1NZNG COMMISSION `~:1 , .;, ;. cj ~~ ~ ; ;~ ?;~ '; i~ ~r ~a ~' :;~ ~ -5~- PC89-60 ~;;;~ , N~ S f ~~f ,.: ,:..~..~I.~~i;