Resolution-PC 89-61~ x~ r, ~I N N ,~_~~ ~ ~ ,. ~ ;,.I ~,F ~ `~~~„t~~,~~ ~ ~'4 , ~ ~)i } }, ~,! '~ A RESOLU'.C:[ON OF THE I~NAHEIM CI'.C'Y PLANNTNG COMMISSION RECOMMENATNG 1'IIAT TH~ ~ITY' COUNCIL ADOPT TH~ AMENA~D AND RESTATED D~VELpPMENT ~IGR~FM'ENT N0. 88-01 (AMENDME2JT N0. 1) WH~R~AS, pursu~ant to authority seL Porth in California Govornmen.t Code Section 65864, City of Anaheim Ordinance No. 4377 and Rosoxiiti.on No. 82R-565 (Procedures Reso:lutiori), the City has received an applicaL-ion from Woodcrest Development ~c~guesting adopL•ion af an am~nded and restrxted Uevelopment Agreernent No. ti8-O1 in connection wi~h the 328.9-acre Syaamore Canyon Specific P].an SP88-1 (Amenr.lmen~ No. 1) project area genorally located sou~herly of Th.e East Hil1s Planned Community, easterly of The Highlands of Anaheim Fiills, aiid northErl.y ~f The Summi~ of Anaheim Hi11s developments; and WHEREAS, on April 19, 1988, the City Council adopted Ordinanae No. 4922 authorizing the oxecuLian oE DevalopmQn~ Agre~ment No. $8-01 in connecti~n with General Plan Amendmant *To. 2~19 to redesignate tk-e 19-acxe Sycamore Carzyon schoc~l site to a Hillside Low Density residential. land use and .Amendment Na. 1 i:o the Sycamore Canynn SpQCifi.c Plan (~PEiB-1) inr,luding 2oning and Develepment Standards anc3 tho ~ublic Facilities Plan Section tp cre~te a new Development AY•ea 10 to ~~ravide for the devalo~mmnt o£ 61 additional sinqle~••Eamily unzts th~reby increasi.ng tihe tat11 number of d~relling units wittiin Sycamore Canyon Crom '1,119 to 1,180; and WFIEREI,S, through the amenc3ed and restated Development Agroement, the Developer is seekinq ~ssurance that tha City wi17. permit dQVelopment of the pr~ject in accordanee with the terms and cunditions set forth in the prop~sed Agraemer,t and in the development approva7.; and WFiEREAS, thQ Agreement reflects the Specif.ic Plan Amondment No. 1 devel~pmeY~t proposa7. ~tnd is otherwisa identical to tha Initial L~evelopment AqrQement ~to. 88•-O1 adopted on April 19, 1988~ by the City Council; ancl WI3EREAS, the City Planning Corrunission did hold a public hearing at the Civic ContE~r in thQ City oE Anaheim on. February 27, 1989, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public heariny liaving been duly qiven as required by lr~w and in accordanco with the provisions of the Anatieim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,Q3, ta hear and consider evidence for and against said propos~d amen~9ed and restated Development Agreemont:; anc3 WHCRGAS, pur5uant Ca the Procedures Resolution, the 17eve1oper has demonstrated eligib,iZity to enter into this agreement by showfnq the following: ~• That l•he pro~ect sha11 occupy at least 50 acres (site encompasses anprox.im~r_ely 328.9 acr~s) upou compZotion; b• That the project wi11 result in the constructi~n of at least 250 dwellinr~ units (1.1fi0 uniC~ proposed Eor t;he entire Sycamore Canyon project area); ~0714r PC89-61 ~, ~ ::~ - ' . ., ~ ~~'.1'. ~ ~~x~v ~h"~r! 'c1~.y~~ ~. •.F ~ .,,~_.;.,-~ ~ c. That the project wi].I be construcL•ed in phases over an ant;icipatec period of not less than £ive (5} y~ax~ (10 yeazs propased), WHER~;AS, s~,id Commission, after due inspectipn, invea~igation and study made by itself and in its he}xalt, ~nd af.•~er dae consideraLion n;E all eviden~~e anct reports offere~i at said hearing, d~es find and d~termine the following fac:ts: 7.. That tho p•roposed project is aonsistent with the G~_neral P1an of th~ C".ity of Anaheim. 2. That the projoct is compatible with tho uses authorized in and the regulatians prescribed f.or in the app],icable zoning district;. 3. That the pr~jQC4 is compatibls with the orderly develppment of property in the surrounding area. 4• That the project is not otherwise dstrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of tha citizens uf the Ci.i;y of Anaheim. ALTL'dRNIA ETIVIRQNMEN_TAL p~tA~,ITy AC7" I'rNDING: That ~nvironmental Tmpact Re,porC No. 233 previnusly ~ertifzed in connc~ction with approval of The Sycamoro Canyon Specifir_ Plan (SP88-1} is aaequate to aerve ~s the require3 environmental clocumentation for 'chis raquest a~ no additional impaets would resul~ fram the approval or exec~.~tion of the amanded and restated Devslnpmer:t Agregment. NUW, TIiEREFORG, BE IT. RESOLVED that the Anaheim Caty P7.anning Commission doas heroby determxne tkxat W~cdcres~ Developrnent (thQ S~camore Canyon properi:y owmcr/developer) haa demonstratQd eligibility to en~er into the amended ancl reszated Development Agreemerit No. 88 -O1, Amendment N'o. 1, and does hereby rQCOmmend that tho Cit~• Council approv~ and enter into ari Amanded and Restated Development agreement No. 88-i91 (1-msndm~szit No. 1) with Woodcre~t DevelnpmenC. _~. PC89-ul ;"y,~~i~ ,~. ,':~;;~ ,,,, :~:~.; ~ ...~':'~tYl ~,1r . . ~I~',~~:~~ , ~i ;.~ . ,~'~ ;.'F~ '~ 7 .1 { ~{ '1 '~ ; ~,t ~ '.~ r` >: ~ a~ta ~ rn'-ta ~ r ~. ;:. „~~ ,;~~:~~~~~~~~r~e ~ ~r~MF~ t x l(~ ~~ r,r ti ~ I:, f, ,t~,i ( ~%:'i : ;i..i. ;;.Sc THE FORF.GOING RESOLUTION is sig2xQd and a ~'~~~~' of February, 1~8g~ PPxoved b~ .me this 27th day y ~%~~ i ~ f'=1'~`` 7.'`%-=;;~~ ~~~;c<.~.:+..,, CHAIRWOMAN,~ ANX~H~YM (,rxy Pi,?;;YivING COMDSTSSION ATTRST: ~ . l.i ....- --~ ~..~..___ SECR~TAR , ANAF~EIM CYTY ~NI ^ NG COMMISSION STATE OF CAL,:IFOR~I:CA ) COi7NTY OF ORI~.iTGE ) s s. CITY OF' ANAHEIM } I~ Ec9ith L. Harris, Secra~ary ot the Anaheim City Planning Commission,. dd .hereby certif~. ~hat th~ foregoing resolution was passed and, adopted a't a m~eting of. t.he Anahoxm Ci~y F~lanning Commis~ion hela on February ; Z~~ Y9B9. by the following vote of the members thereof, ~ ; AYES: COMMTSSIONEfiS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELDHAi1S, MESSE Z10ES: COI~IIrITSSIUNERS: NUNE; ~~ACANT COMbfISSIONERS: TWO SEATS TN WITNESS 47HER~OF, I have hereuntp sel my hand Lhis ?7th day of a Februar~r, ~9ag~ i r ~~-' F ' t SECRETARY, APT-~ - ~„ , CIT1 PLANNING CObfMISSION -3- ~ ; ~~~,- . , . PC89-61 ~,''~~k ;tc ~~ i~;ti ' ','~j : ;;;y ` tV ,,,. 's~ ::''~ !1 ;, ''~ ,,,~