Resolution-PC 89-72~ ~,~:r/ R~;SOL '~i~IQN NO PG 8~2 A~tESOLUTION OF' THE J~NAHEItd CITY PLANNING CO`fMISSION R~;COMMF.NDIl7G THAT THE ~IZ'X COUNCTL YNTRODUCE ANll AAOpT AN ORDYNANCE 'PO nPPRQVE DEV'EI.,O~MENT AGREEMENT Np. 88-05 (IllM HUSINESS CGNTER) :~~ ; WFiEREAS, pursuant ~o tha autlioxi~y sot forth in Cal3fornia Governman~ ' Code Section 65864, City of Anatieim Ordinance No. 4;i77 aiid Rnsolution No. t'2R-565 (Pr~~r,oauras R~solu~ion), tho City af Anaheim has received r,n ap~l:ica~ion trom thH dov~,loper to approve nevelopmen.t Agreemeah No. 88-05 in tennectfon with th~ IDM Busir~ess CenCor developmenL• ar enco~r~pa3~ing appronimately 6,7 acros having Prontage of apprnximately 360 feet on, the ~asti side of State College HuulRVard, ~pgroximately 970 feet south of t;he inL•ersection of Orangewood Avanue nnd SCace College Bo~ilevard; antl WHCREAS, pursuant to Lhe Califarniz Envirnmental QuaJ.ity Ac~, Envirc~nmeii?~a.l Impact R~port No. 283 was ~+repared and submatteci :n conjunctian with tho ReclassfEication No. 88-a9-27, r_~l~di~ioz~~.i U~~ Permit No. 3106 and serves aa environmental documontation L•or DevelogmenL- Agr.eemant Na. 80~q5; and WFiEREAS, pursuunt to SQ~tions 2.1 and 2.2 of the Procedures Resolutfon, the ~4na2ieim CiLy Planning Commission did hold a public hearxng at 'the Anaheim Civic Centor, Council C~amber, lpp South AnahQim Boulevard, in the ~ity of Anaheim on March 13, 1989, at 1:30 p.m., rio~ice of said publ3c hearinq having been duly given ~y :equirea by law and in accordat,ce with the pro:•iAions of the Anahoim Mun.icipal Cade, Chaptor ~8.03. to hQar and consider evidence for and agairist said devel.opm~>nt agraement and to investigate and mak9 findings and recommc~ndati~n~s in cannection therc~w.ithp and said publir heqrinq was originally published for hearinq on January 4, 1989; and WNEREAS, p~arsunnr ~u tt:o Pror,edurQS Resolutxon, tho Developer has demc~nstratQd eligibility to enter into r.hi,s agreement by showing the following; ~. That the projc~ct wil; result in the c~nstruction of at laast 250,000 squaro feeL• of commercial/olfice space; and h. That the project will be const~•ucled in phases over ~n anticigated period of not less t}::,n [ivQ (5) y~~rs, WHF'RF.'AS, said Cormnission, aiter due investiqati~n ~nd study made by itself, an~3 aftar~ due gc;onsideralf n ot iall ev•idence and reports offex•od at s~id hearing, DOES HEREBY FIt1D: 1. That thc~ project; is consistent with ~he General i'lan of the City nE Anaheirn; M040ib PC FJ9-72 i~" ',1' .. ~ `y t~1~ ; ' <`~ .~~' ~~i s 7~'~~ ~ 2, xhat Y.he projc~ct ia comNatible with tho uses author,ized 4n ancl the regulation4 prescribed fUr in the a~,~pl3cablo z~ning distri.ctif 3. '~hat tho projact is cumpa~iblo with the orderly clt~v~lopment ~f property in the surrouadang Are~; an~J 4. That the nroj~ect is not otherwise ~iotrimental to the healtY,, safeh.y c~ncl genert~l tivelEare nf the citizeris of AnahAim. NOW, THER~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thaG the Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion does her~by find that Environme:ital Impact Report No. 288 is adeq~~ato to serve as the reguired enviranmenl:al doc~zmentation for this Dovelopment Agreement. BE IT FLiRTHF.R RIsSOLVED, tha~ pursuant to ti~e above findings, the Auaheim Cic.y P:lanning Commission daes hereby detArmine th~t the dovelope~ has demonsL•rated gligibility to er.ter into 17evelopment Agreement 2To. 88-05, and does hereby racommond Chat ~he ~City Council a3opt an ordinancs approving the Deve.lopment Agreement No. 88-05 an.:. antar into D~velopmpnt AqrQement No. 88-05 for the IDM Business Center. THF. FOREGOING RE~OLUTION is signed and approvad b~~ mo this 13th day of March, 1989. ,; ~; = f. .•~ ~! ~,'~ .l',, t ri ~- -'fp~NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI~SIGN CI~AI RWUMAN,, v'~ ATxE5T: /~ a ~ Jl,i ~~ • r _ .._.~J ,'. SF;CRETARY, ANI-HEIM CT'PY PLI-N'NING COT4~IIS57UN STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNZ'X OE' ORANC.E ) ss • CI'lY OF AI3AHEIM ) I, Eclith L. Harri~, Secretary of the Ananeim City Planninq Commission. do herc~yy corti~y that• the Eoregoing resolution was pasued and ac~opted at a meeting ot tho AnahQim City Planninq Commission held on March 13, 1989, by the :Eol'lowing vote af th~ members thareoi: AYRS: GOMMtSSIONERS: aOUAS, HOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, F1CT~DHAUS, MESSE NOES: COPRiISSIc)NERSt NONE VACA2IT: TWO SEAT5 IN WITNESS WKEREOF, I have h9reunto set ir.y hand this 13th day of March, 1989. ~ ~,l~ SECRL'TdRY, ANAIiEItrf CYTY PLJ-NT'ING COMMISSION k'. . l4. t¢f. Aw J~• -2- YC 89•-72 '~;y1 .- ..;_.~JI /s.NJS~ ~i..~