Resolution-PC 89-90~ RE$ LUTI I1 NQ~ PC~~Q `' i u ~ td }~~f{~ . . 1 l~~ ~1~h~Y.~ ~ ,~ d '' ~~~ ,,, ~ :a~ f~;~ :r A R~SOLUTION OF THE AN,AF3~IM CITY P]'~ANNING COMMISSION .T,HAT PETZ.iION FOR f;OND~TTON.AL USE PERMIT N0, 312"a BE GRANTED WFT~REAS, thc~ Anaheim City Ylanning Commissiori did rec~ive a ve~ified Peti~.ion f~r Canditional L1so Permit from FERTDpQN HAKIMIJQU 1~ND Hpt„iT~ FiAKIMIJ!1~, ~900 ~ La Pa1ma ~venue, Anaheim, CA 92805, owner.s o£ cPrtain raal property situated in ~he City of Anaheim, County oF Oranga, State af California, de~r.ribed as: THA'P PORTION OF LOT '13 OF FI~L' EN A'ND l',YNC'I~' S SUBDIV~SIf~N OF THE WLST HALF OF SECTION 16, TOWNSFiIP 4 SOUTH, kANGE 10 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, TN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, SFipWN AS PARCBL 2 OF PARC~L M]~.F RECOP.DED IN BOOK 30, PAGE 26, OF PARC~,L MAP RECOPDS OF SAID ORADTGE COUNTY. WF~EREAS, the City Planni.ng Commissi~n did hold a publie hQaring at the Civic Canher in tho City of Anaheim on MarcY: ~7, ].9gg at 1:30 p.m., notice of said puhlic ~~earing having been duly given as required by law and in accorrlance with the proviszons of the Anaheim Municipal Cocl~, Ch~pter 18.03, to hear and consider evzden;.~Q for and against said proposed conclitior_al use permit and to invesrigaCe ar~d make findings and r~commendations in connectton therewitli; and WHF.REAS, said Commission, afker due inspection, investigata.on and study made by itself and ir its bQhalf, and after due consideral:a.on caf all eviac~nce and reports offerod at s~id hearing, does find and det~srmina the following f.act~: 1. That the petitioner requests approval of a cuiiditional use permiL under autharity c;F Coc~e Secti~n ta per.mir a 2,205 sq~ft. convenience market witn fast Eood service wzthin az~ existing c;omrr,ercial retail center, anc] with waiver. of the following; SECTIOI~S 18.06.05Q~Q22 _ Minimum riumber of parkin a 1£~ . Q~Q~4..:4? 2 5 1~P.~~s . (SQ required~ ~ existing) 1t3.OC .~~5 02. 1 ?~9~,~ o an 1 , 4~~O~~~y~ Z. That the requested waiver is hereby granted on the b~sis that the parking wetivRr will not cause an increase in traffic cangeskion in the YITIlllQ~11~@ viciniL•y nor ad~,•ersoly affect any adjoining lan.i uses anrl grantiri~ of the p3rking waiver un:der the ronditions imposed, i~' any, will not be detrimental to ~he peace, hQdlth, safety and general weafare of the citizens uf the City of Anaheim. I1G747r PC 89-90 ~ :. ~;~ ~xk!i; 'r ;~1j . . ~ ,'~~.i~:i .~~"r r,x ~ u,+.:~~~."'~.~+ ~ 3. land usQS and to ~e located. - -- ; -.~,. ~ ~t ~~yi1~`i~,~'aW~ytit~~+k°f ~ I q ` ~~~,/~~~~~'j~ :,l I~j t'Zn~$1~ \ ( ~~ A }y~ ~ ~~. .j',~ ThaL• the proposed use wi11 not adversel~~ k~ `` thQ growth and devF:lopment of the ax~ea in whictxt itY~is agrorosed .y' ',;i. ;~. 4• That ~he proposed use is hereby granted subject to the restriction thZt any more fast foad and restauranL- uses beyond the square faotage speci.fically shown on the approved exhibits shall be prohibited. 5. Thak the size and sliape of the site propased for ~:ho use is +~ adequate to allow the ful). development of L-he proposed usQ, ,as gxanted, in a , manner not detrimental to the partxcvlaz• ~rea nor to *he ~' , and genPral rre:lFare ot t,he Citizens of the City of Ariaheim.~aca, health, safety + 6• That the granting o£ the Conditiona]. Use Pormit undsr ti~e , conditions imposed, if any, will not be dc~trimental to zhe peace, health, c safetX ar,d gerieral welfare of ~he Citizezis of the City of Anaheim. i! 7. That ~he traEfic qenerated by L-h~ proPosed use, ac, granted, ,; wil7, not impose an und~ae burden upori the stree~s and hi~hways des.igned and ~ im~roved to car:y thF trafEic izi the area. ~ ; 8• That no one indicatad their presence at said public hParinc~ itl f apposa.tion; and that no corrospaudence was rer,~ived in opposition to the ~ subj~ct petition. ~LI_. F'Qk131A ENVIF NMENTAI, OUALITX ~L~T FINbIN .; City planning Commission has r.eviewed the prc,Posal to p rmith a 2r 205 Asquare foot conveniex~ce market with fasC food ~erv~ice within an e~cisting commorcial retail cen~er with waiv~r ot.' mi.nimum r~~,uriber o£ parkir_y spaces on a I' rectangularly-;,nap~d parcel of land coiisisting ot' approximate.ly 0.75 3ore, h.aving a fz•ont~ge o£ approx.imately 184 feel: pn the eas~ side of Euclid . Street, having a ma:~imum de~th of approximately 181 feet, being l.ocated `%I approximately 162 f.eet south oE the ewnterlxne af Tedmar Avenue and furthor described as 5l?U South Euclid Street, Sui~e~ "•~~ , approve the Negative Dec].aration uporx finding (thatni t'~has aconsidex de~the ', Negative Doclarati~n together with any commen~s received duriny the publie review process t~nd furt;her findine~ on ~Pie basis of ~he initial study and anY ',1 commen4:s rAcoived that ~here is no substantial e~ ' " have a ~igni~icant effecr on the enviroiunent, ~~dence that the pr~ject wi11 ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEA t~lat the Anahoim City Planning Commission does hez•Qby grant subjQr.t ~etition f~r Conditionul Use P~srmi~, upon the ~ollowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necossary prarequisite to the pzoposed use of the sub'ect ' the safoty and gencral welfare of the Citizens ofpthegCity1of~Anaheim;pr~sc~rv~ ~~ -Z- PC89-90 ~ , ,:~;' ~~.; _ ! ,:,, . ~y~,~~ ~r~~. ;pw ~ . . ~' ~ ,:.v:.i.~.~ .iv1.,~.7 ,.rvfu.~~A...~e.ft'w..~~1.4..::fX,~~+7lAA. t t ;~'~?:t~ . 6~'-"z~~ r~~ '?,a" yt!"F~e'r". ; '~ : !r~ •.,s r, - 1` ~ ~' =~t~~~ ~n ~~~~.39~2~ trash sl:: ruge ar~a sha11 be provided and maintainad in t~ loc~tion accopt~ble C~~ t'r.~~ Stroot Mair.L•enance e-ntl Sar.i~ation ~Svision and in ar.c~rdance with appr~~vocl plflns on filg wi,th saicl Division. 2. Tl~at the vehicular access righr.~ to A1vy Streol shzsll be dodicated to the C3ty oE Anah~rim. 3. ThaL• parking area lighting fir.tures shall bQ provided to the sati.s£ssct3on nf the C.ity Tr~ffic Engineer Lor tlie parY.ing area oast of the building. Saicl light~tig shzsll be dowr~-lightod with a ~naxi.mum height uf t~eive (12) fe~!•, and shall be directed away from adjacent residential property lines to prci:ect the r.esidential in~egrity c~t' the area. ~. That plans shall be submitted to tho Buil~3iny Divisiun showing complianca with the min~.mum standarc?s of l•.ha City of Ana.heim, including the liniform F3uilding, Plumbing, Electri.cal, Mechanical ana Fire Coiies as adopte~3 by , th~a Cir.y of. A,iakioim. The appropriate permits sti~ll be obtained for R:iy nQCOS~ary work. , 5. Tliat thQ proposa7. shall comply with all sigr.ing rec~uirements of the t;L "Commorcial, LimiLC~d" 2~ne, unless a variance allowinq si.qn waivors is approved by the Ci*y Council, Flanning Commission or Zoning Administrator. 6. That the on-site landscaping sha21 be maintainoci In compliaricQ w~ith City standa:ds. ~y~ 7. That subject property shal:t be dcvelope~ substantially in accorcla~ace w3th plans and ~p~cif ic ti , . ~ ons on Eile with the Ciky ~f Anaheim marked E:chibit Nos. 1 through 3. f a. Th~t prior to commencement of the ae:Civity authorized by th.i~ resolution prior to iss , uance of a building p~-rmit or within a period of. ono 1 from the dato of thi a reso]ution, whichever occurs f~.rst, Condition Nosr 'l anci 4, above-mentioiiQd shal; , be compliod wfth. Exto:-sion:~ for further tima to complere said conditio ~. ns may be granted in ac:cordance with Section X11.03.09a of Che An~heim t,unicipal Code. ~ 9. That prior to the commQnaemQnt~ o~ tl~e activity ~luthorix~d by thiet resolut.ion or rior t fi p o nal buil~iing and zoning inspections, whichever oc.:urs first, Condition i1 ~; os. 1, 3 and 7, a~ove-montionQd, shall. be compliAC1 ~rich. 10. That fast food and r~staurant u3as shall bQ prohib3.ted. lI. That no adL'fttonal ~ast food or rQSks~~irant usQS srall b~ permiktod in tltia com.merci4l retail center Q;;cQpt for the square fec~agQ specifically snpr~vQd horei:~ and :~huwn h on C e+ approveei exhfbitn. S -3- PC89-90 _~ "~,~ ~,.{' ~:µ~~~ . ri:??_l ,i~M:.,4i~~" , ,.~..~.~ 5.... _ ~ ..,._-.. .,. .... . . ~ . ~ . . ~'~",;t~+.~l'F~ if ,`~,"~i, ~ . . . . :~i 12. Tk-ati appxoval of this application constitutos Apprav~l of tYie propaaed roquest orly to the es.tenL- that i~ complies with the Anaheim Mun3cipa~. Zoning Code and any o`.hor applicabla C3ty rc~gulations. Approval d~es n~t iriclucle any act3on or f.in~iings t~s to comp~.ianee ur approval of. tho requr~st rogarding any ozhsr appl.ir.~bla orciinance, regulatian or roquiroment. ATTEST. s _ ~ ~ ~' ~-~, --_.r S~CRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CObCdI~SION BF IT FURTHEl2 RESOLVED that the An~aheim City C'lannin~ Commission does hereby find ancl cletoimzne that adoption oE this Res~lution is exprHS~ly prodicated upon applicant's compliar-ce with ~ach an6 all of thA conditiox~s horeinabove set Forth. Should any sucli cond~tions, ar any rn:~ th~reoE, be declared invalid or unenforc~abl~s by th~ final judgment of any courr of Ll-~u lt~l:, ::as~3,~,L1o::, a~ri any arrr~~~~q herain compa~ar.t juriacictloii, cohtainad, ~hull bo depmc3 null and v<~id. THE FOREGOINu RESOLUTION i.:; signed and approved by mg this x7th day o£ Mar.•cn. 1989. ~, ,~ i" , /. '; ., , ~,,.. <. ,,/. f.Jc -~~: . ~~.~ ~ , _J ~..L_.-~__ _ CEiAIRWOM~N, A,lfAHEIM CITY PLANNING COb:.'dISSTON .' STATE OF CAL,IFORNXA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AtIAHF.IM ) I, Edith L. Fiarris, Secretary of ~h~ Anaheim City Planning Commissian, do hereby certify that the toreqoinq resolution waa passed and adopted at a maeting ~f the Anaheim City P14nnir.g Commission held on March 27, 19G9, by ~:ho fallowing v~L•e of r.he membera therooE: I~YCS: COt/.~15SIONERS: $OUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSTLLO, ~EI,DIiAUS, HERnST, MC BURNEY, MESS~; NdE5: COh41I5.r,InNFRS: NONE ABSENr: C0~31SSIONER5: NONC IN W'LZNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sF3t my Y.and Y,his Z7th day of March, 198y. ~.~~ ~~' __-4-___ 5FCRETARX, AtiAFIF;IM CITY PL NTNG CUMMISSION -4- PCr,9-90 ,~ ~ i ,'~ r "~~':~ _ _ -- --- - -,.,,~~.~.