Resolution-PC 89-93~ ,~ ~ . ~ ,., ~ ~~ RE,,S LTLTT.Q~~~~.~~r89-•93 A RGSOLUTION OF THE ANaHEIM CT~Y PLA~IN:CNG CQMt~SISSION THA~ PETTTION FOR CONDITTONAL USE PERMIT Na. 31.31 BE G12ANTLD WI-IEREAS, tt:e Anaheim City Planni.ng Commission did r~ceive a verified Pe~ition for Conditional I7se PermiC rrom DOMINIC C. E'.CCHAi~DY AND BETTY ~T. ETCHaNDY, 57U N. Dwyer, Anaheim, CA 92~3L'1, owners and RUN~.' JAC03S, 1981 "B" Miralom~-, Placentia, CA 9?.670, aq~nt for certain re~~l property si~uated in the City of. Aiiaheim, County of Orange, State oE Califoriiia~ cIescr:ibed as: PARCEL ]., IN THF CITY OF ANAHFIM, COUNTY OF OR~NGG, STATE OF CALIFORNlA, AS SKOWt3 ON A MA~ FT'LED IN BOOK 146, PAGES 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN TE3E OFFICE pk' THE COUNTY RLCC1hDER OF SAIll ~RANGE CQUN~Y, CAT..IFORNIA. WHEREAS, i:he i.ity Plarining C~mmissian di.u hold a~ublic hearing at t.he i:ivic Center in ~ho City oL• Anaheim an March 27, i989 at 1:30 p,m., not,iae of said public hearinq ha~ang been duly given as r.equired by law and in accordance with th:e provi;ions o:E the Anaheirn Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, ta hear and consir.~~r evidence for ancl against said proposed conditional use permit and to investi~ate and m~ke finciings and recor~mend~tions in connec~ion therewi.th; and WHER~:~1S, said ~ommiss~on, a.fiter clue insr~ection, inves~igatiqn and stuciy made by it•self ar.d in its behal.t•, and atter due considaration of all evidence and reports otfcred at s~-id hearin~~, does L-ind and deL•ermi.ne th~s following facts: 1. '"tiat rhe petitioner requ~sts approval of a Conditiqnal UsQ ~ermir under authnrity of Code Sectioxi 18.61.050.GZ1 t~ retain a sandwich sho~ in th~ ML zone witli waiver of the follc~wing under auth~rity of Code Section 18.06.08Q: ~F T:IQN,S 18.06,~~~,4..z~1? - Mznirnum num}~~r_~P~~',.kz.ng~~L.ac~~• :1~_G.fj.050L023~ (31Q reZuired; 3_.l~ axistin.~) 1fi.06.050.031 an~_1~61LQ66 ~50 2. That rhe rec{uested waiver is hereby grantecl on th~ basis ttiat the ragu~st is mi.nimal and that the parking w;~.iver wi,11 not cause an increase in t•raffic congestion .in the immediate vicir,~ t;y nor aclver~ely af£ect 3ny adjoining land uses and gran~zng of the parking waiver ur.der the condih:ions imposed, if any, ~ri17. not be det.rimental to the peace, heallli, safety and gezieral wolf are ~~f the citizens of the City oE Anah~im. 3, That thQ prnpose~ use is bereb}~ granted subjecL• to the restrictiori tlzat ther.a sha11 no sale ~f b~er or wine or alcahoZic beverra3es of any kind. 4. That the proposed use wi11 not adversely aff.ect the adjoining land uses and the c~rowth and developrnent o~ the area :n which it is proposed to be 1oc~ted. 0751r -Y- PCaJ-93 ~''.. ~;1 '~"~ 5. That the sizo ~nd sYlapa oL- tho sitca ~ropased ~Por tlie use is ~dea,uate :~ to allow khe full develol~ment ot thQ proposed use in a mannQ~: not dQi:r:mQr~tal '~ to the particular area .rior to tho peace, healt h, sa~'ety and genera'1 welfare of ~ the Cit-izens oL- the City of Anahaim. ;;,} ~ 6. That the granting of t?~~ Cnnclitional Use Permit under tho conditions i : ii imposed, if any, wi11 not be datrimenta7. to tlze peace, heal~h, saEety and ' general welfare of rha Citiz ens of the City oi Anaheim. `i~ 7. That the traffic generat;ecl hy the I~roposed use wa.ll noi: ir.ipose an un~tuc b~irden upon the streets and hi~hways desigiied and im~rovod to carry the traff.ic in the area. D~ That no one 121C~1Cc'ZL"@CZ their presence at said public hearinr~ i.n appasi~ion; and th~t no corresponrlence was received in oppositian ta the subject peL-itipn. ~ALIFORNiA LtiVIRONMEI3_TA~,~TAL'~IT`l ACT FINDING: Tha~ tkz~^ Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to retain a san:3wich shop in the ML zone with waiv~r ot minimum number oE parking spaces on a.n irreyularly-shaped parcol oi land consis~ing of approximately ti.27 acres locaL-ed at the southwest corner of Miraloma Avenue and Lakeview Avenue, hav3.ng appraximate frontages ~:E 515 feet un ~he south side of Miraloma Avenue and 460 f:eet on the west side o! Lakeview Avanue, and Eurther dQSCribed as 12~i1 North Lakc~view Avenue, Suite "G" (J.J.'s C~fe); and does hereby apprave the Pdeg~tiv~ Decl~,rati.on upon finding that it has considerel the Negative Decl~ral:ion togatY~er with any comments received :3urxng ~:IlP public review process and further finding on the b~sis of Zhe initial stuc~y and any commenL•s rPCeiv~d that there is no substantial evi~ence kYxat the project will Yiive a significant etfect on the environmen~. 1dOW, THFREFORE, BG IT RESOi.V~,D ~ha~ li:e Anaheim City Plai~ning ~nm;~ission does hereby gr~nt subj~ct Petition f.or Con~iGional Use Permit, upon thc L•ollowznq c~nditions wtiich ~xre hereby found to be a nec~asary preregui,it-e to the ~~rop~sed use of the subject property in ~rder to ,preserve the satety ana gener.a]. welfare ot the Ci.~izens oE l:~ie Ci.*.y of Anaheim: 1. That the 'legal owner of subject pr~perty shall irrevocablx oFfr:r to dRCiicatp to the CiL}• of Anahe~m an ac'iclitianal strip of land along I,akeview Avenue, meusurnd northerly from ~he u1L-imate right-of-way 'linQ at ~he corner of the int~rsecCion of La Palma Avc~nue ~nc:i La}:avxew Avenue, ancl vary.ing ir. width trc-a~ l;welve (12) foet tor the first threa huridred (~~Q) feet and then transiL•ioning from twelve (12) feet to 0 feat for tha next thrPe hundrecl (300j reeL•. 2. Tk~a~ prior to issuance oP a building per.mit, a traPfi.c signal assesament Eee oqualing the fiifLerence betwecn the industri~l and commer•cial assessmenL• foes shall bE paid ~.a the Czty ot' Anakieim in an amount as establ:ished by City Council re; olution. 3. Thal- there sYiall be no .;a1e o£ bee:, wine or othor alcoholic beverages nf. a:~y kir.d an the ~rerr~ise~. -2- PC89-93 .; I'~ -;;: 'r: ~: ,, ':'.`,;;i .'.i;:r~~~;l . . ..-r~r;;'rk!~~ :.4~`... ~,~fT~ y 4. '~t~,tit tras}i s~oxaqc~ ~raas 3ha11 be pr~~viilc~d Rnd maintained in a Yocation acre~~l~bla to thn Streot Maintenance and ;,anitation Divisian and in accurdance wik.h apprnvea plans on tile with said Division. 5. That all air c~nditi~niiig facilitios an1 other rooE and gr4und mounted er~ui.Pmen~ ~hall be pYO~~~rly shielded from viQw. G. That thn proposal 3ha1I comply wiCh all signing requirements of the MY~ "Inaustrial, L,imitrcl" 'Lone, ur,l~ss ~ vari~nr.e allowiny sign waiveCa is tappravecl by the City Council, Planniiig Commission ur 7oning Administrator. 7. 7'hat subjoct property shall ba developed substantially in accordance with plans ~~nd spQCificatiuns on fila with the CiL•~! oi AziahQim rnarkecl Exhibit 1:Ios. 1 and 2. 8, ThaL• Condit•ion C1os. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7, above-mentianed, s~i~ll bo completed wi.*.hin a pariod of sixty (F,Q) da.ys from th~ clat~ of this rosolution. U. That approval. of tl request only to C.he Zoni.ng Code an~9 any lnclude any ~~c:ti~n requQSt r~gard;ng rc~quirc~ment. iin application cons~itute~: aparoval of the proposed extenr_ that it complies ~ai~'r. th3 Anatioim Muni.cipal otiier appJic.lUla City rQgulaCions. Approval does not or fi.ndings as to ..,ompliance or approval of the ».~y or_her arplicsble or~linance, regulgticn or BE ;T FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planninq Gommission does hereby fi,id ar~d d~termin~~ that adogtion ot this Reso7.ution is ~rxpr~ssly predicated upun aP~licant's compliance wiCh each and a11 af the ~onditiong hereinal~ove set fort;h. Should an} such conditions, c~r any part rhereof, btt dcclared invalicl or unenf.orcea~2~ by ~hc Linal judgment oF any court of coinpetent jurisdiction, ~hen this Resolution, ancl any approvals herein contained, shzll b~ d.eemed null and voi~3. THE FOtt~GOING RESOLUTION is siqned aad approved by m~ t:~is 27th day oE 1dSCC!?r 19l3S. , ~ ~ . . ,i~~~ •:~ . ~ ;! 'r`l .t~.±_. CHI~IRWOMAN, ANAf1EIM CITY PI~A27NING COb4dIS5I0N ATTEST: ` ~~~ . ~~~_.___ SECRETIIRY, I~t7AHEIM CITY PLA2Jt1ING COhIIySISSIOCJ -3- PC89-93 . . ..f,~',. ,41 ~~~ -a~ ~~ ti . STA'.CF~ OF CALTFORNIA ;~ COUNTY OF' O~ANGE 1: s. CITY OF ANAEIEIM ) ' I, Edith G. fI~rris, Sc~crFtary ot Lhe Anaheim City Planninq l'ommission, Uo lzoreby certify thut the foregoi,i-g resolv.tion wa~; passod ~nd ~dopted at a me~t:ing of the Anahei-n City Plan:iing Commission held on bf~rch 27, ` 1989, by th~ fol.lowing vote oE the mamb~rs t•.hereof: , ~; hYES: COMMI~:iIONER.~i: BUUAS, 130YDS'TUN~ CA~2USILLO, FELDHAUS~ HERB5T~ MC AURNEY, MSSSL NOES: COMMISSIC~NERS: NONR ABSENT: COh4~t:[SSlONERS: NUNE IN WITNESS WHER~OF', I have heraanko set my hancl this ?7th d~sy of M~rch, 1989. .~~ ~ r ~ ~~' 1.72.-~,- ~!~~r,c_,!~_ -s ~~~~ SECI2E;lAR'Y, ANAHEIM CI:CY PGANNING COMMYSSION ._a_ Pca9~-93