Resolution-PC 89-97•~'... ....., .,: . .~ .,-.. .~ ,/ ~~i., . ~~.. y.. .l...r~ r~'.Ri: '. 1" 1 . . . ... ,;. . . . - . - ~ _ ~,; 1' . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~.E~9_t~~ I 4.~~IS2.~'_c: $.4.~1_ , t -1 1 .''+ % A 2'ESOLUTIQN OF' T.HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG CAMMISSIqN THAT PETITTON FOR Cf.1NDITIONAL USE PERMTT Nb. 3132 BE GRANTED WHEItEAS, et~e Anaheim City Planning Commission did raceiua a veriF3c~d Fetitxon for Conditional Ilsa Permit from MICHA~L DQUCETTE, P. 0. Bo;; G582, Btiena PaCk, CA 90622, owner of cartaln ro~1 property situatc~d in thE, City of Anaheim, Couuty of Orange, State of California, descri.bed ass L~OT 122 OF TRAC'.: N0. 1~{51 AS PER MAP RECORDEU I~I HOOK 50, PAGES 28-29 MISCELLANGUUS MAPS 0~' SAID COUNTY. WflER~A5, tl:e Ci~y Planning Comrnissi~n did hold a public huarinq at the Civic Center in the City oF Anaheim on M~rch 27, ].9A9 at 1t30 p.m., notice of saia publir_ hearing having been duly given as required by law au8 in accord~nce +rith the pravisi.ons of L•he Ar.ahoim Municipal Co~]o. Chapter 1s3.03, t~ he~r and consider. evicience for and against said pro~osed ~onditional uso parmit anc] to invastiqate and make ~inclings and rQCOmmendati.ons in eonrier,tion. thorewith; and WxIER~AS, 3aid Commission, after due insper,tion, inveatiqation and study made by itself and in its hehalf, and af:ter clue consideration of all evidenca ana reports offerod at ~ai~~i heariiig, doas find ~nd determine the following facts: 1. That the petie.ioner reguosts approval of H Canditi~nat Use Formit under a~~thorfty of Co1ie Secti~n 18.41.050.:130 to permit Che commercial use of a rasidential structure wI.th waivers af the following: ( A ~ ~ E T 0 . _ 1 @., 41 ~ 4~?~.9._1= - ~X ~_ ~~~__~.4_rSL~.~~ ~.~~i~~ • (~r~2.~..~ fP.g~ permitted; ~~f,g~ existing and proposed) ~a) ~~~r34N I_$_L4~_,__~~~~_3.Q - L~13T~~Lrl.Um.~~~~~.~12~~~• (~0 f~~~ roquired; Q~?~ feQC proposod) 2. Th~t the roquested waivers are herebX granted on the basis tha~ thgre aro spacial circumstancQS applict~ble to the property such as siae, shape, tc;pogrs~phy, .locatior anii surroundings which du ndt ~pply to other fdenCically zoned property in the same ~~icinity; and that strict ~pptication of the Zoning Cade deprives t'he propertv of privileges en;joyod by other propgrties in r,ha ident.ical zone and classiffcakion in the vicini~.,y. 3. That the proposed use is horeby granted on the basis that the ucljacent artexi~l highway, State Colleqe Boulevard, is verx heavily traveled and subjac~. prop~rry is no longer suitablc~ for rec.tdential purposes. 0755r -1- PCno •;7 ':.~ r << ~,~ ~ i .' y ~,f.: . 7~!' , _ , i ~.~ ru!(t_i °~7 ~ ~ ~ :. i~ ~.,rdp i i . - . . - , . . . , . ~ ~ ° . . ~ , . ~r;.,f ~ M~:,:4~~; ~?~~ 4. 'rhat the proZ~usecl L19Q will not advarsQly 'land uses and the growth and clevelc~pm~nt ot the area in to be located. I'r~. y Sl'~ f n~ A~ r ~x u~~ ~ , ~'p 4~,. ~ f fV ~11w~.7P1~,Y~+~~}W~ !"~y' ~ ~ , ~~ ~ taffect th~ adjoining wh3r,h it is prop~~ed 5. Tl~at tho siz~ and ski~pe u~ tho giLa propnsed fcr• the use i~ adequat:e to allaw the f.u11 davelopment of t.lie prnposad usd in a me.~nner not de~crimentaa to the ~art.icular are~ nor to the p~ace, health, safe~y and general wel£ara oL the Ci,~iz~ns of th~ City oE Anaheim. 6. That the proposed uae, as grbnL•ed, will not adver.sol;- affect the adjoining land use~ and the gr~wkh aiid dc~veiopment of the area in whfch it .is ~roposed to be located. 7, That tho size a~d shape oL• the siL•e propos~~d for the ~:so, as granted, is acieguate to allow the full developmont of the proposed use in d manner not detrimen~~1 to the particular acoa nor to the peace, liealth, sataty and goneral wglfare of the Citizens of the Cit.y of. Anaheim. 5. That the granting of the Cond3tion~sl Use Pezmit under the conditiuns 8imposed, if any, wi].1 not bc detrimental to the peacP, h~salth, safeGy and general welfare of t.hQ Citizens of Chs City oE Anaheim. 9, T.hat the traffic generatad by the ~roposed use will not .impo~e an unduFr burden upon the streets and highwaps dosignec~ and improved to carry the tr.aff3c in the area. 10. ThaL• fiv~e (5) people indicated r.heir prRSC~nce at said ~ub~ic hearing in ppposition; aiid tliat no correspondonCe was recoiv~d in ogpo~ition to tho subject potition. CAI,iFQ~NIA ENVt~N~~I~~.I~.._QS1.~.I, TY A ~ •.~ _.FINnIi?~s '.~ha~ thc~ Anaheim City Planning Corr.missi.on has reviowed thc: proposal to rec;lassify subjecL- property from the RS-7200 (Res:iden~ial, 5inqle F'~mily) 2ox~e to the CL (Commercial, Limitea) Zone an@ to permit the commercial u~e of a rosida»tial structuro with waiver~ of maxirt;um structural heiyht and minimum structural se~back on an irrequtarly-shaped parcol ~f land ~consisting of approximately 0.2 acre located on the southwr~st corner o~ R9ciwond Avenue and Stato Co13~ege ~ioulevard, having approsimate fronta~;es ot G2 Feek on the south sitlo o£ Redw~~d AvQnue an3 144 feet on the wost sids of State Co]leqe Boulovard and fu:ther describc~d as 1944 East Rodwood .~venue; anc~ dop;, 2ieraby appr~ve the Nagative Dec::.araric•n upon f.inCiinq that it hsa considere8 thg Negative Aeclaration togethar wiL•h zny commenCs zec;eived durin7 the publlc review procoats and further finding on the basi~ c-f k.he 3nitfal study and any c~mmen~s receivtsd thak there is no substa~-tfal Qvidence tha~ the project aill h~ve a sigaiffrant effecC on L•he c;nvironment. NOW, THEREFORE, SE JT R~SOLVE:D that the Anaheim Cii:y P.lsnning Commi~Yion does hor~aby grant subject Petitfon for Conditional U~e Permit, upon the followi.nq conditions ~.~hich arR horRby found L•o be a necessary Prerequ.iaite to the pr.oposed usa o~ the subj~act property in order ~o precequisite tq the proposed use of the subject property in order to preaerve khe safety and yenRral wolfaro ot the Cftizons of the Gity o:E Anaheimi -Z- PC89-97 ~,: ~~ ; ;-~~ ~~~"~'1 ~~ , ~ :~, ~~~ . ..;~~_.~'~ 1. Tha~ prior to isauance of a hui7.ding permi~, a tra~fi.c aignal assosament EQe 3qualinq the difference b~tween the resid~utie-1 and commerc3~1 assos9ment ~ees sha~.l be paicY to the City oE An~h~im in an amounk as ostablished by City Counci]. rnsoluL?an. 2. That the dr3.veway shall be remov~cl ~nd/or recoiistructed a.long Stata Ca'11age Boulevard as roquirad by tha City Enginoer rand in aac:ordance with standard plans azxd spocifications ~n fi:~e in the 'JEfico of the City Engineer. 3. That drainage of subject propQrty shall be da.sposeQ of in a mannor satisFnatory to the Ci.ty Engiiieer•. A. That sidewalks shaX1 be installad aJ.ong State Colleqo Aoulevard tn the newly dedieafced uJ.timare .righti-o£-way, as required by the City Engineer and i.n accordance ~with ;sl•andard plans and specifications on fi..Le in the d.fico of tlxe C.ity Enqine~r. 5. Tt.a~ subjc~ct property shall k~o strvec3 by underground urilit.ies. 6. That the relocated garttgo shall .,n~,~ be locaCeu in the five (5) foot wido public uti.lity easement adjacent to the south property line. 7. 'Chat tras2x 5torage are~s ~hall be provid~d and maintaina~i in a location ac.cepta~le to the Street Mainterianc~ and Sanitation Divici~n an~d in accordan~~e wi.th ap,proved plans ou fi:le with said Division. 8. Tkxat a].1 air conditioning facil..ities and ott~er roof and qroun~. mnunted equipmezit shall he properly ,hielded frc-m view, and the R;,und bu£fered from adjacent raaidential properties. 9. Thmt clua to thQ chango iri use and/or uccupanc,y of tho builc~ing, plans shall be +~ubmitt .d to thQ ~w~iding Diviei~n showinq compliance wiL•h t:he minimum ~tandarrlp• o~ ctie C:ity of I~naheim, including the UniEorm Builciinq, P1»m!~,~.y, E1ecL•rical, M~cnanir.al aiid F.ire Codos as aCiopted by t~~a CiCy of Anaheim. The appropriate permits shall be obtainod for any nec~asarx work. 10. That tho proposal sball comply with a11 signing requirertients ~f the CG "Cummorcic~l, Uffice/Professional" Zune, unless a variance allawing sign waivers i.s r~pprov~3d by the City Council, Planntng Commission or 'LQning A9ministratar. 11. That a six (6) f~ot high maso~.~ry block wa~l shall be conatructod and maintained alonq the west p:oporty lina excepting the front sotback where the wall hei.ght :~.ia!.1 not e:ccoed three (3! feek. 1'l. That. any }~ro~osec~ parkina area lightfng fixturag adjacgnt to any roaiclenr.ial groperty shall be down-lighted with a maximum height of twelve (12) ~eet. Snid lighting £ixtures ahall be directecl ~wax .Ero~n adjacont reci~iential properr.y l.inEO to protect, the resfclantial Integri~y O~ tit1Q Ai'B8. ,' -3~ PC89-97 ,. .':. ~ ~ :"~: ~~~ ~1>_~... . ~~~ , , 13. That the on-site 'yan~9~caping ahall be mairitained in camplianr.e ~ith City s~andards. 14. That this Conditional Use Permit is grant~d eubject to t;h~ ado~tion of the 'Loning Ordinance in conneetioi~, with Tteclas3ifiaation No. 88-89-46, now pPnding. 15. Tha~ subjecc property shall be dRVeloped substnntially in accordan~e with plans az~d specific~tions on f•ile with tho Ga.L,y oE AnaYeeim marked Exhibit Nos • 1 an~i 2 . 16. ThaC prior to commencemenr_ of tYie activity suthorize~' b~~ this rosolution, or prior to issuance of a builcling permit, or withi.n :.- peri~d of or~e (1) year from the date of tYiis rosolu~ion, whichover r~ccurs ~~icst, Co~.dition Nos. 1, 9 and ~4, above-mentioneci, shall be complied wit:h. Extensions f.or fv.rther timQ ~o comp].c~tc~ saici conditions may be gr.antNd in accordance with Section 18.03.090 oP the Anaheim Municipal Codc~. '17. That prior to L•he c~mmencement oi thc~ activaty authnriaed by this resalution, or f.inal bv.zldiiig and zonir.g ~.nspections wk~ichever. occura flrst, Condition Nos. 2 through 8, 11, 12 and 15, above-~mentioned, sh~ll be coinptied with. 18. That appruvnl oF this appli~ntion consti.tutes appr~val of the praposed reque~t only to the extent that iL- compliea with tha Anaheim Municipal Zoni.ng Co~e and any c~ttier applicable City regiilations. Approval doos not include aiiy acCion or L•indings as to compliance or approval of the requesL• xegardinq any other applicable ord:inance, regulation or requiremen't. ~~ ~ , ,~~ ~ ~; z~ ~~;; ~~~ BE IT ~URTHGR RESOLVED that the Anaheim City I'lannin~g C~mmis~zon does hereby iind and determino Chat adoprion o£ thi,~ Resolution is expressly predicgt9d upori applicunt's compliance with each and al1 af the condi.tians hereinabove set farth. Should any auch condi.tion, or any part thereof, be declared xr~valid or ~xnenforceable by the final ~udgment of any court o£ competent jurisdictior., then this Resolution, and any apprnvals herein containe~, shall be deemed nu11 and voia. _~_ PC89-97 '."sl ;~, ;~ ,r ;; -...._:; .~d ~'~T ,, r, v,;:,,~~.~ ~ ~ ~~~t~~ . ~ ~R ~ ~ ~t,, ~,'E.~. ; ~;; . . . . . .~. . ''~1~ ;~~ ~1'?ri . '_'''.1~~ f.~ ~v THE FQKEGOING RP;SULUTTON is aignecl and appzoved by me ~his 27icki 1~ day of March, i9gg. ~; `..~' i' ''~ , . ~ ~ ' :_.,i ~ ~ .! r , - , :' ~i'i .t_y1_~. ,~. ~ CFiATHW6h1AN;~ ANAHEdM CITY PC,AI~INING CC~MMxSSION '~ ATTEST. S /~J r ~ ~%~/ I l_..J ~ ---_._,~.. T SECRFTAIty',` ANAHEIM CI'f~ NING COMM , `' ISSION , STAxE OF CALIFORNIA ) CGUNTY OF ORF.NGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAFI~TM ) 1. Edith I.. Harris, Secretary of tlie Ant~heim City Planning Commissxon, do k~.srdby aertify th•~t th~ foregozng xesolut.ion was passed t~nd adopt~d at a meeting of thr~ Anahelm City Planning Commissior, held on March 27, 1989, by thQ followinq vote of t~e rnemb~~rs thereof: AXES: COMMISST4NERS; HOUAS, BOYASTUN, CAkUSIL'L,O, FELUFiAUS, HEKE'sSx, NOES: COMMISSIONFRS: NOI3EURNEY, MESSE ~ ASSEN~: C~~lMIS~TONERS: NONE `~ 1 IN WITNESS WHFREOr, I have hereunto sc~t my b.and this 27th day oE Marr.h, 1989, G~~ ~ ~ SECRETARY, ~.NAHEII~ CITY PLANNING CQhA4 S$ p~ -5- ~; ! t r PC89-97 , ;~~ . ~~ ,{~._:~ ~r'~~~,%i